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    ST PNP TRANSISTOR Search Results

    ST PNP TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1213 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-2 A / hFE=70~240 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1943 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-230 V / IC=-15 A / hFE=55~160 / VCE(sat)=-3.0 V / TO-3P(L) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA012 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-80 V / IC=-4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=-0.22 V / tf=35 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA004B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-160 V / IC=-1.5 A / hFE=140~280 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / TO-126N Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    ST PNP TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    transistor BD912

    Abstract: bd912 BD910
    Text: ST BD910 / ST BD912 PNP Complementary Silicon Power Transistors TO-220 Plastic Package Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 OC Parameter Symbol Value ST BD910 ST BD912 Unit Collector Base Voltage -VCBO 80 100 V Collector Emitter Voltage -VCEO 80 100 V Emitter Base Voltage

    BD910 BD912 O-220 BD910 transistor BD912 bd912 PDF

    transistor BD912

    Abstract: bd912 BD910
    Text: ST BD910 / ST BD912 PNP Complementary Silicon Power Transistors TO-220 Plastic Package Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 OC Parameter Symbol Value ST BD910 ST BD912 Unit Collector Base Voltage -VCBO 80 100 V Collector Emitter Voltage -VCEO 80 100 V Emitter Base Voltage

    BD910 BD912 O-220 BD910 transistor BD912 bd912 PDF


    Abstract: transistor ST 2N3904 ST 2n3904 TRANSISTOR PNP h 2n3904 2N3903 ST 2n3904 transistor 2n3903 2N3903 transistor 2N3904 plastic 2N3904 equivalent
    Text: ST 2N3903 / 2N3904 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and amplifier applications. As complementary types the PNP transistors ST 2N3905 and ST 2N3906 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 100mA 2N3904 transistor ST 2N3904 ST 2n3904 TRANSISTOR PNP h 2n3904 ST 2n3904 transistor 2n3903 2N3903 transistor 2N3904 plastic 2N3904 equivalent PDF

    transistor ST 2N3904

    Abstract: ST 2n3904 TRANSISTOR PNP 2N3904 ST 2n3904 h 2n3904 2N3903 transistor 2n3903 2N3904 plastic ST 12 55C 2n3904 TRANSISTOR PNP
    Text: ST 2N3903 / 2N3904 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and amplifier applications. As complementary types the PNP transistors ST 2N3905 and ST 2N3906 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 100mA transistor ST 2N3904 ST 2n3904 TRANSISTOR PNP 2N3904 ST 2n3904 h 2n3904 transistor 2n3903 2N3904 plastic ST 12 55C 2n3904 TRANSISTOR PNP PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2N3905 2n3906 equivalent transistor ST 2n3904 2N3906 plastic 2n3906 hie 2n3906 equivalent 2N3903 2N3904 2N3905
    Text: ST 2N3905 / 2N3906 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and amplifier applications. As complementary types the NPN transistors ST 2N3903 and ST 2N3904 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N3905 2N3906 2N3903 2N3904 100mA 2N3906 transistor 2N3905 2n3906 equivalent transistor ST 2n3904 2N3906 plastic 2n3906 hie 2n3906 equivalent PDF

    2N3906 hie

    Abstract: 2n3906 2n3906 equivalent transistor 2N3905 transistor ST 2N3904 ST 2n3904 2N3906 plastic transistor 2N3905 st2n3906 pin configuration NPN transistor 2n3906
    Text: ST 2N3905 / 2N3906 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and amplifier applications. As complementary types the NPN transistors ST 2N3903 and ST 2N3904 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N3905 2N3906 2N3903 2N3904 100mA 2N3906 hie 2n3906 2n3906 equivalent transistor transistor ST 2N3904 ST 2n3904 2N3906 plastic transistor 2N3905 st2n3906 pin configuration NPN transistor 2n3906 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3905 transistor 2N3905 st2n3906 2N3906 hie 2N3906 plastic data sheet transistor 2n3906 ST 2n3904 transistor 2N3906 datasheet 2N3903
    Text: ST 2N3905 / 2N3906 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and amplifier applications. As complementary types the NPN transistors ST 2N3903 and ST 2N3904 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N3905 2N3906 2N3903 2N3904 100mA 2n3906 transistor 2N3905 st2n3906 2N3906 hie 2N3906 plastic data sheet transistor 2n3906 ST 2n3904 transistor 2N3906 datasheet PDF


    Abstract: transistor ST 2N3904 ST 2n3904 TRANSISTOR PNP ST 2n3904 2N3903 h 2n3904 2N3904 plastic ST 12 55C transistor 2n3903 2N3903 transistor
    Text: ST 2N3903 / 2N3904 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and amplifier applications. As complementary types the PNP transistors ST 2N3905 and ST 2N3906 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 100mA 2N3904 transistor ST 2N3904 ST 2n3904 TRANSISTOR PNP ST 2n3904 h 2n3904 2N3904 plastic ST 12 55C transistor 2n3903 2N3903 transistor PDF

    transistor 2N3905

    Abstract: 2N3906 hie 2n3906 ST 2n3904 transistor 2N3906 datasheet 2N3906 plastic 2n3906 equivalent transistor 2n3906 npn pin configuration NPN transistor 2n3906 transistor 2N3906
    Text: ST 2N3905 / 2N3906 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and amplifier applications. As complementary types the NPN transistors ST 2N3903 and ST 2N3904 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N3905 2N3906 2N3903 2N3904 100mA transistor 2N3905 2N3906 hie 2n3906 ST 2n3904 transistor 2N3906 datasheet 2N3906 plastic 2n3906 equivalent transistor 2n3906 npn pin configuration NPN transistor 2n3906 transistor 2N3906 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5550 transistor equivalent 2n5551 st 2n5551 OF 2n5550 2N5551 TO92 transistor 2n5550 2N5400 2N5401 hz15
    Text: ST 2N5550 / 2N5551 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for general purpose, high voltage amplifier applications. As complementary types the PNP transistors ST 2N5400 and ST 2N5401 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N5550 2N5551 2N5400 2N5401 2N5550 2N5551 transistor equivalent 2n5551 st 2n5551 OF 2n5550 2N5551 TO92 transistor 2n5550 hz15 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5550 2N5400 2N5401
    Text: ST 2N5550 / 2N5551 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for general purpose, high voltage amplifier applications. As complementary types the PNP transistors ST 2N5400 and ST 2N5401 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N5550 2N5551 2N5400 2N5401 2N5550 15kHZ 2N5551 PDF


    Abstract: 2907A 2907a TRANSISTOR PNP transistor 2222a st 2222A npn 2907A 2N2907 PNP Transistor to 92 transistor 2907 2907 ST 2222
    Text: ST 2N2907 / 2N2907A PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into one group according to its DC current gain. As complementary type the NPN transistor ST 2222 and ST 2222A are recommended.

    2N2907 2N2907A 150mA, 500mA, 100MHz 2907 TRANSISTOR PNP 2907A 2907a TRANSISTOR PNP transistor 2222a st 2222A npn 2907A 2N2907 PNP Transistor to 92 transistor 2907 2907 ST 2222 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2222A plastic package 2N2222A plastic 2N2222 hfe 2n2907 to92 2N2222A TO-92 OF transistor 2N2222 to-92 2n2222 to92 2N2222 NPN Transistor to 92 "PNP Transistor" 2n2222
    Text: ST 2N2222 / 2N2222A NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into one group according to its DC current gain. As complementary type the PNP transistor ST 2N2907 and ST 2N2907A are recommended.

    2N2222 2N2222A 2N2907 2N2907A 2N2222A plastic package 2N2222A plastic 2N2222 hfe 2n2907 to92 2N2222A TO-92 OF transistor 2N2222 to-92 2n2222 to92 2N2222 NPN Transistor to 92 "PNP Transistor" 2n2222 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2N5401 2N5400 2N5550 2N5551 st2n5401
    Text: ST 2N5400 / 2N5401 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for general purpose, high voltage amplifier applications. As complementary types the NPN transistors ST 2N5550 and ST 2N5551 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N5400 2N5401 2N5550 2N5551 2N5400 2N5401 transistor 2N5401 st2n5401 PDF

    2N2907 PNP Transistor to 92

    Abstract: 2N2907 plastic 2N2907 2N2907A 2N2907 NPN Transistor 2N2907A plastic 2N2907 plastic package ST TRANSISTOR 2N2907 2N2907 TRANSISTOR 2n2907 to92
    Text: ST 2N2907 / 2N2907A PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into one group according to its DC current gain. As complementary type the NPN transistor ST 2N2222 and ST 2N2222A are recommended.

    2N2907 2N2907A 2N2222 2N2222A 150at 2N2907 PNP Transistor to 92 2N2907 plastic 2N2907A 2N2907 NPN Transistor 2N2907A plastic 2N2907 plastic package ST TRANSISTOR 2N2907 2N2907 TRANSISTOR 2n2907 to92 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2N5086 2N5087 equivalent 2N5086 2n5088 transistor 2N5088 2N5089
    Text: ST 2N5086 / 2N5087 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into one group according to it DC current gain. As complementary type the NPN transistor ST 2N5088 and ST 2N5089 are recommended.

    2N5086 2N5087 2N5088 2N5089 2N5087 transistor 2N5086 2N5087 equivalent 2n5088 transistor PDF

    2N5088 equivalent

    Abstract: ST transistor 2n5088 transistor 2N5086 2N5087 2N5088 2N5089 hfe 300
    Text: ST 2N5088 / 2N5089 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into one group according to it DC current gain. As complementary type the PNP transistor ST 2N5086 and ST 2N5087 are recommended.

    2N5088 2N5089 2N5086 2N5087 100Hz, 2N5088 equivalent ST transistor 2n5088 transistor 2N5087 2N5089 hfe 300 PDF


    Abstract: st2n5401 diode 2N5401 transistor 2N5401 2N5400 2N5550 2N5551
    Text: ST 2N5400 / 2N5401 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for general purpose, high voltage amplifier applications. As complementary types the NPN transistors ST 2N5550 and ST 2N5551 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N5400 2N5401 2N5550 2N5551 2N5400 2N5401 st2n5401 diode 2N5401 transistor 2N5401 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5550 transistor equivalent 2n5551 st 2n5551 st2n5551 transistor 2n5550 2n5551 datasheet equivalent 2n5551 transistor 2n5551 2N5400
    Text: ST 2N5550 / 2N5551 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for general purpose, high voltage amplifier applications. As complementary types the PNP transistors ST 2N5400 and ST 2N5401 are recommended. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2N5550 2N5551 2N5400 2N5401 2N5550 2N5551 transistor equivalent 2n5551 st 2n5551 st2n5551 transistor 2n5550 2n5551 datasheet equivalent 2n5551 transistor 2n5551 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2222A plastic package 2N2222A plastic 2N2222A 2N2222A TO-92 ST 2n2222 datasheet st 2n2222a ST 2n2222 2n2222 TRANSISTOR Transistor 2N2222 Datasheet
    Text: ST 2N2222 / 2N2222A NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into one group according to its DC current gain. As complementary type the PNP transistor ST 2N2907 and ST 2N2907A are recommended.

    2N2222 2N2222A 2N2907 2N2907A 2N2222A plastic package 2N2222A plastic 2N2222A 2N2222A TO-92 ST 2n2222 datasheet st 2n2222a ST 2n2222 2n2222 TRANSISTOR Transistor 2N2222 Datasheet PDF

    2N5089 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N5088 equivalent ST transistor 2N5087 2N5089 2n5088 transistor transistor 2N5088 2N5086 2N5088
    Text: ST 2N5088 / 2N5089 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into one group according to it DC current gain. As complementary type the PNP transistor ST 2N5086 and ST 2N5087 are recommended.

    2N5088 2N5089 2N5086 2N5087 100Hz, 2N5089 equivalent 2N5088 equivalent ST transistor 2N5087 2N5089 2n5088 transistor transistor 2N5088 PDF

    2N2222A TO-92

    Abstract: 2N2222A plastic 2N2222A plastic package 2n2222 st 2n2222a 2N2222A ST 2n2222 datasheet ST 2n2222 Transistor 2N2222A 2N2222A st
    Text: ST 2N2222 / 2N2222A NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into one group according to its DC current gain. As complementary type the PNP transistor ST 2N2907 and ST 2N2907A are recommended.

    2N2222 2N2222A 2N2907 2N2907A 2N2222A TO-92 2N2222A plastic 2N2222A plastic package st 2n2222a 2N2222A ST 2n2222 datasheet ST 2n2222 Transistor 2N2222A 2N2222A st PDF

    hFE-200 to-92 npn

    Abstract: 2N5087 2N5086 2n5088 transistor hFE-200 transistor PNP 2N5088 2N5089 hFE-200
    Text: ST 2N5086 / 2N5087 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into one group according to it DC current gain. As complementary type the NPN transistor ST 2N5088 and ST 2N5089 are recommended.

    2N5086 2N5087 2N5088 2N5089 100Hz, hFE-200 to-92 npn 2N5087 2n5088 transistor hFE-200 transistor PNP 2N5089 hFE-200 PDF


    Abstract: DTS-411 DTS-804 Transistor DTS801 DTS-430 DTS-423 transistor MJ 15024 STI801 DTS-723 transistor st 431
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY OSE D J fll3bM5fl D G 0 0 2 S b NPN & PNP HIGH VOLTAGE SILICON HIGH POWER TRANSISTORS STI Type ST-13071 ST-13080 ST-13081 ST-13090 ST-13091 Industry Type MJ-13071 MJ-13080 MJ-13081 MJ-13090 MJ-13091 Power Dissipation @25 °C watts

    OCR Scan
    DG0022L, ST-13071 ST-13080 ST-13081 ST-13090 ST-13091 MJ-13071 MJ-13080 MJ-13081 MJ-13090 STI-430 DTS-411 DTS-804 Transistor DTS801 DTS-430 DTS-423 transistor MJ 15024 STI801 DTS-723 transistor st 431 PDF