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    1358 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    1358 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22V / tf=120ns Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27V / tf=60ns Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPQR8308QB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 80 V, 350 A, 0.00083 Ω@10V, L-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPQ1R00AQB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 100 V, 300 A, 0.00103 Ω@10V, L-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK190U65Z Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 650 V, 15 A, 0.19 Ohm@10V, TOLL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    1358 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Nippon capacitors
    Text: 19-1358; Rev 0; 4/98 Force-Sense Switches All digital inputs have +0.8V and +2.4V logic thresholds, ensuring both TTL- and CMOS-logic compatibility. Applications Features ♦ 6Ω Force Signal Paths ±15V Supplies 1Ω Force Signal Matching (±15V Supplies)

    MAX4554/MAX4555/MAX4556 MAX4554 MAX4555 MAX4556 MAX4556 COM214 Nippon capacitors PDF

    Femto Ammeter

    Abstract: f 4556 MAX4554 MAX4554CPE MAX4554CSE MAX4554EPE MAX4554ESE MAX4555 MAX4556 QUADRAX
    Text: 19-1358; Rev 0; 4/98 Force-Sense Switches All digital inputs have +0.8V and +2.4V logic thresholds, ensuring both TTL- and CMOS-logic compatibility. Applications Features ♦ 6Ω Force Signal Paths ±15V Supplies 1Ω Force Signal Matching (±15V Supplies)

    MAX4556) 275ns MAX4554CPE MAX4554CSE MAX4554C/D MAX4554EPE MAX4556 Femto Ammeter f 4556 MAX4554 MAX4554CPE MAX4554CSE MAX4554EPE MAX4554ESE MAX4555 MAX4556 QUADRAX PDF


    Abstract: 2N2082 2n441 2N1523 2N443 2N4048 2N174 2N442 2N2076 2N277
    Text: germanium power transistors 153 PNP ALLOY TRANSISTORS Up to 65 Amp RATED BREAKDOWN VOLTAGES TfPE NU~'BERS 2N 173 2N 174 2N 277 2N 278 2N441 2N442 2N443 2N 1099 2N 1100 2N 1358 2N 1412 2N 1970 2N 1980 2N 1981 2N 1982 2N 2075 2N 2076 2N 2077 2N 2078 2N 2079


    k 1358

    Abstract: 1358 TRANSISTOR datasheet 1358 lt1359cn B 1359 MARKING 1358 LT1354 LT1355 LT1356 LT1357
    Text: LT1358/LT1359 Dual and Quad 25MHz, 600V/µs Op Amps U DESCRIPTION FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 25MHz Gain-Bandwidth 600V/µs Slew Rate 2.5mA Maximum Supply Current per Amplifier Unity Gain Stable C-LoadTM Op Amp Drives All Capacitive Loads

    LT1358/LT1359 25MHz, 25MHz 500nA 120nA 115ns 220ns k 1358 1358 TRANSISTOR datasheet 1358 lt1359cn B 1359 MARKING 1358 LT1354 LT1355 LT1356 LT1357 PDF

    K 1358

    Abstract: 130 c g03 LT1354 LT1355 LT1356 LT1357 LT1358 LT1360 LT1365 1358 TRANSISTOR
    Text: LT1358/LT1359 Dual and Quad 25MHz, 600V/µs Op Amps U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO 25MHz Gain Bandwidth 600V/µs Slew Rate 2.5mA Maximum Supply Current per Amplifier Unity-Gain Stable C-LoadTM Op Amp Drives All Capacitive Loads

    LT1358/LT1359 25MHz, 25MHz 500nA 120nA 115ns 220ns LT1357 K 1358 130 c g03 LT1354 LT1355 LT1356 LT1357 LT1358 LT1360 LT1365 1358 TRANSISTOR PDF

    A 3150V

    Abstract: 3150v 972V LMH6555 LMH6555SQ LMH6555SQE ADC081000 ADC081500 TRANSISTORS 132 GD
    Text: LMH6555 Low Distortion 1.2 GHz Differential Driver General Description Features The LMH6555 is an ultra high speed differential line driver with 53 dB SFDR at 750 MHz. The LMH6555 features a fixed gain of 13.7 dB. An input to the device allows the output common mode voltage to be set independent of the input common

    LMH6555 LMH6555 ADC081000/ ADC081500istered A 3150V 3150v 972V LMH6555SQ LMH6555SQE ADC081000 ADC081500 TRANSISTORS 132 GD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMH6555 Low Distortion 1.2 GHz Differential Driver General Description Features The LMH6555 is an ultra high speed differential line driver with 53 dB SFDR at 750 MHz. The LMH6555 features a fixed gain of 13.7 dB. An input to the device allows the output common mode voltage to be set independent of the input common

    LMH6555 LMH6555 ADC081000/ ADC081stered PDF


    Abstract: ADC081500 LMH6555 LMH6555SQ LMH6555SQE
    Text: LMH6555 Low Distortion 1.2 GHz Differential Driver General Description Features The LMH6555 is an ultra high speed differential line driver with 53 dB SFDR at 750 MHz. The LMH6555 features a fixed gain of 13.7 dB. An input to the device allows the output common mode voltage to be set independent of the input common

    LMH6555 LMH6555 ADC081000/ ADC081500ational ADC081000 ADC081500 LMH6555SQ LMH6555SQE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMH6555 Low Distortion 1.2 GHz Differential Driver General Description Features The LMH6555 is an ultra high speed differential line driver with 53 dB SFDR at 750 MHz. The LMH6555 features a fixed gain of 13.7 dB. An input to the device allows the output common mode voltage to be set independent of the input common

    LMH6555 PDF


    Abstract: M32R RTD renesas M32176 s2txb m32r flash 3FD12 11ab 331 M32176F2 32176 Group PWM CODE
    Text: REJ09B0067-0101Z 32176 Group 32 User’s Manual RENESAS 32-BIT RISC SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER M32R FAMILY / M32R/ECU SERIES Before using this material, please visit our website to confirm that this is the most current document available. Rev. 1.01 Revision date: Oct 31, 2003

    REJ09B0067-0101Z 32-BIT M32R/ECU Index-33 Index-34 M32176 M32R RTD renesas M32176 s2txb m32r flash 3FD12 11ab 331 M32176F2 32176 Group PWM CODE PDF


    Abstract: Nippon capacitors
    Text: 19-1358; Rev0; 4/98 ykiyjxivki Force-Sense Switches _F e a t u r e s The MAX4554/MAX4555/MAX4556 are CMOS analog ICs configured as force-sense switches for Kelvin sensing in autom ated test e quipm ent ATE . Each part contains high-current, low-resistance switches for forcing current,

    OCR Scan
    MAX4556) 275ns MAX4554/MAX4555/MAX4556 MAX4555 MAX4556 X4555 Nippon capacitors PDF

    b17 zener diode

    Abstract: B37 zener diode ZENER B37 AN6561 AN6564NS AN6500 ZENER B17 Diode B60 of transistors npn pnp zener Diode B35
    Text: General Purpose Linear ICs • Analog Master Slice # Line-ups Device characteristics N am e of se ries Supply voltage NPN T ransistors ft ,max R em arks PNP Transistors t ,max B V c eo hFE B V ceo h FE AN9DX00 S12V 2.6GHz 14.4V 100 to 250 1.0GHz 14.4V 66 to 200

    OCR Scan
    AN9DX00 AN9CX00 AN9AX00 200MHz 500MHz AN9CA00 AN9CB00 4-P-0300D b17 zener diode B37 zener diode ZENER B37 AN6561 AN6564NS AN6500 ZENER B17 Diode B60 of transistors npn pnp zener Diode B35 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BFG 194 PNP Silicon RF Transistor • For low distortion broadband amplifiers in antenna and telecommunications systems up to 1.5 GHz at collector currents from 20mA to 80mA ESP: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution!

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F1321 BFG194 OT-223 23SbDS 012177b Q1E1777 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR HORIZONTAL NPN Transistor VCEO 1000V 2SC1520 fbt tv NPN Transistor VCEO 30A 1000V C14A triple pulse transformer horizontal transistor
    Text: '> y =3 > / \ ° 7 Silicon P o w e r Transistor 2SC1358 NPN = M ÎÉ iM H t S v U 3 > h 7 > v X ^ ^3 ^ “ i r U fcfTM FUjlÉJiii^ïÆ NPN Silicon Triple Diffused Transistor Horizontal Deflection Output for Color TV 0 2 0 -i y f - 90° # ^ — r ^ O u t l i n e U n i t ! mm

    OCR Scan
    2SC1358 75kHz O2SC1507 02SC1358 Pw-25/ 2SC1520 100mA 2SC1358 TRANSISTOR HORIZONTAL NPN Transistor VCEO 1000V fbt tv NPN Transistor VCEO 30A 1000V C14A triple pulse transformer horizontal transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Dual N-channel enhancement mode MOS transistor FEATURES PHN203 PINNING - SOT96-1 S08 • High-speed switching PIN SYMBOL • No secondary breakdown 1 S1 source 1 • Very low on-state resistance. 2 gì s2 source 2

    OCR Scan
    PHN203 OT96-1 -100A PDF


    Abstract: BSH202 200B PHC20306 PHP45N03LT php18n20e BST100 PHT11N06LT PHN203 PHB50N03LT
    Text: Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS Transistors TYPE NUMBER PAGE Index TYPE NUMBER 2N7000 48 BSP110 2N7002 54 BSP120 PAGE TYPE NUMBER PAGE 203 BST84 358 208 BST86 364 BS107 60 BSP121 213 BUK100-50DL 385 BS107A 66 BSP122 219 BUK100-50GL 393 BS108 70 BSP126 221

    OCR Scan
    2N7000 2N7002 BS107 BS107A BS108 BS170 BS250 BSH101 BSH102 BSH103 PHC2300 BSH202 200B PHC20306 PHP45N03LT php18n20e BST100 PHT11N06LT PHN203 PHB50N03LT PDF


    Abstract: K 1357 S201 S501 t-900MHz c2356
    Text: MRF818 SILICON T h e R F L in e 8.0 W - 9 0 0 MHz R F POWER TRANSISTOR NPN S ILIC O N NPN SILICON RF POWER TRANSISTOR . . . designed fo r 1 3 .6 V o lt U H F large-signal a m p lifie r a p p lic a tio n s in in d u s trial and c o m m erc ia l • FM e q u ip m e n t o p e ra tin g t o 9 6 0 M H z .

    OCR Scan
    T590-65-4A t-900MHz F818 K 1357 S201 S501 c2356 PDF

    CBC 184 transistor

    Abstract: CBC 184 c transistor 2SA753 CBC 184 b transistor K 1357 t11g UPS 1353 10PS 2SA730 2SA731
    Text: 5 - - FOR USE BY ELECTRICIANS OVERSEAS : •M-EiiOSW HE New T ransistor Manual lists all the transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), arranged in a manner easy to look up. We hope that you will m ake full use of the data provided in this manual by referring to the Japanese-English

    OCR Scan
    175MHz, 700MHz, 7c-25 /-700MHz, 2SA83B CBC 184 transistor CBC 184 c transistor 2SA753 CBC 184 b transistor K 1357 t11g UPS 1353 10PS 2SA730 2SA731 PDF

    transistor SMD t34

    Abstract: t34 transistor MCB030 transistor smd Catalogue transistor SMD Z2 BLU56 k 1358 SMD transistor Z2 transistor 6 pin SMD Z2 UHF TRANSISTOR
    Text: Philips Semiconductors ?HÜÔ2b Data sheet status Product specification date of issue January 1991 □□bT3TG 3TT BiPHIN BLU56 UHF power transistor FEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA RF perform ance at Ts < 60 °C in a com m on em itter class-B test circuit see

    OCR Scan
    BLU56 OT223 OT223 MCB027 transistor SMD t34 t34 transistor MCB030 transistor smd Catalogue transistor SMD Z2 BLU56 k 1358 SMD transistor Z2 transistor 6 pin SMD Z2 UHF TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: D2033A D1855A D2037 B1186A 2SC457 2sb1335a d2038 B 1186a B1085A
    Text: 1 rarisiston, ¡ m m • Power Transistors • TQ-220, TO-22QFP, HRT Types Vctc C O LLE CTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE V 60 50 T 100 120 200 160 300 0 1 400 2SC4505 PSD 1562 15 ■ 2S D 1562A 2SB 1085 2S B 1085A 2S D 1763 | 2SD 1763A 2SB 1186 | 2SB 1186A 2SD 2033

    OCR Scan
    TQ-220, O-22QFP, 2SC4505 SDp901' 2SC4354 2SD2061 2SB1496 2SB1334" 2SC457 2SA1634 B1335A D2033A D1855A D2037 B1186A 2sb1335a d2038 B 1186a B1085A PDF


    Abstract: PPR1357 PPR1358 PPR1359 voltage regulators 300v dc max ppc products corp
    Text: P P C PRO] PRODUCTS CORP CHJ bDE D b fis b n i n s qoqotms « ppc High Efficiency, 30A Center-Tap Diodes PPR1356 PPR1357 PPR1358 PPR1359 FEATURES ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS • Very Low Forward Voltage Peak Inverse Voltage, PPR1356 200V • Very Fast Switching Speed

    OCR Scan
    PPR1356 PPR1357 PPR1358 PPR1359 T0-204AA 50/xA voltage regulators 300v dc max ppc products corp PDF


    Abstract: 1826s12 TRW53102 53602 PE 1938 TRW53202
    Text: M OTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F 15E 0 | b3t,72S4 00flfi4GS ü I MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA T R W 53102 Se rie s The RF Line M icrowave Linear Power Transistors . . . d e sig n e d p rim arily fo r w ide b and , large -signal output an d driver am plifier sta g e s in

    OCR Scan
    00flfi4GS TRW53602 1826s12 TRW53102 53602 PE 1938 TRW53202 PDF


    Abstract: transistor D 2395 3SK133 te 2395 TRANSISTOR transistor B 1184 3SK133A TA 9181

    OCR Scan
    3SK133A TRANSISTOR 9642 transistor D 2395 3SK133 te 2395 TRANSISTOR transistor B 1184 3SK133A TA 9181 PDF

    2N7228 JANTX mosfet

    Abstract: 2N7228 JANTX IRFM450 IOR 235 IOR MOSFET 2N7228 JANTX mosfet data sheet 2N7228 JANTXV2N7228 I-362 I-361
    Text: Data Sheet No. PD-9.493E INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER X & R REPETITIVE AVALANCHE RATED AND dv/dt RATED TRANSISTOR IRFM45Q S N 7 C E S N-CHANNEL JANTX2N722B JANTXV2N7228 REF: MIL-S-19500/59S] 500 Volt, 0.415 Ohm HEXFET Product Summary The HEXFET technology is the key to International

    OCR Scan
    IRFM450 JANTX2N722B JANTXV2N7228 MIL-S-1S500/592] IRFM450D IRFM450U O-254 MIL-S-19500 I-364 2N7228 JANTX mosfet 2N7228 JANTX IOR 235 IOR MOSFET 2N7228 JANTX mosfet data sheet 2N7228 JANTXV2N7228 I-362 I-361 PDF