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    Vishay Intertechnologies QNETCSOT112-028Q

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    SOT112 Datasheets (14)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SOT1120A NXP Semiconductors Flanged LDMOST ceramic package; 2 mounting holes; 6 leads Original PDF
    SOT1120B NXP Semiconductors earless flanged LDMOST ceramic package; 6 leads Original PDF
    SOT1121A NXP Semiconductors Flanged LDMOST ceramic package; 2 mounting holes; 4 leads Original PDF
    SOT1121B NXP Semiconductors earless flanged ceramic package; 4 leads Original PDF
    SOT1121C NXP Semiconductors earless flanged ceramic package; 4 leads Original PDF
    SOT1122 NXP Semiconductors Footprint for reflow soldering SOT1122 Original PDF
    SOT1122 NXP Semiconductors Plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 3 terminals Original PDF
    SOT1122-1 NXP Semiconductors Plastic, extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 3 terminals; body 1.0 x 1.45 x 0.5 mm Original PDF
    SOT1123-1 NXP Semiconductors Plastic thermal enhanced ball grid array package; 324 balls; heatsink Original PDF
    SOT1123-2 NXP Semiconductors Plastic thermal enhanced ball grid array package; 324 balls; heatsink Original PDF
    SOT1128-1 NXP Semiconductors Plastic thermal enhanced low profile quad flat package; 256 leads; body 28 x 28 x 1.4 mm; heatsink Original PDF
    SOT1128-1 NXP Semiconductors Footprint for reflow soldering SOT1128-1 Original PDF
    SOT1129-1 NXP Semiconductors Plastic ball grid array package; 324 balls; body 23 x 23 x 1.78 mm Original PDF
    SOT1129-2 NXP Semiconductors Plastic ball grid array package; 324 balls Original PDF

    SOT112 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline BGA324: plastic ball grid array package; 324 balls SOT1129-2 B D D1 A ball A1 index area E1 E A2 A A1 detail X e1 e 1/2 e ∅v ∅w b AB AA Y W V U T R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A C C A B C y y1 C e e2 1/2 e 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 shape

    BGA324: OT1129-2 sot1129-2 MS-034 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline Flanged LDMOST ceramic package; 2 mounting holes; 4 leads SOT1121A D A F D1 U1 B q C H1 c 2 1 p U2 H E1 E 5 A w1 3 A B 4 b w2 C Q e 5 Dimensions Unit 1 mm 10 mm scale A max 4.75 nom min 3.45 b 3.94 c D D1 e 0.18 20.02 19.96 E E1 F H H1 p 9.53 9.53 1.14 19.94 12.83 3.38

    OT1121A sot1121a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline BGA324: plastic ball grid array package; 324 balls; body 23 x 23 x 1.78 mm SOT1129-1 B D D1 A ball A1 index area E1 E A A2 A1 detail X e1 e 1/2 e ∅v ∅w b AB AA Y W V U T R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A e2 1/2 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21

    BGA324: OT1129-1 sot1129-1 MS-034 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline XSON3: plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 3 terminals; body 1 x 1.45 x 0.5 mm b SOT1122 b1 1 4x 2 L1 3 L e 2 e1 e1 4× A (2) A1 D type code E terminal 1 index area pin 1 indication 1 Dimensions Unit mm 2 mm scale A(1)

    OT1122 sot1122 MO-252 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline Earless flanged LDMOST ceramic package; 6 leads SOT1120B D A F 3 D1 L D c U1 1 4 5 y α H Z2 U2 Z1 Z 6 E1 E 7 2 b1 b w2 5 A max 4.75 nom min 3.45 mm 10 mm scale Dimensions Unit 1 Q D b1 1.83 12.83 0.18 20.02 19.96 9.53 9.53 1.14 19.94 3.56

    OT1120B OT1120B sot1120b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline Earless flanged LDMOST ceramic package; 6 leads SOT1120B D A F 3 D1 L D c U1 1 4 5 y α H Z2 U2 Z1 Z 6 E1 E 7 2 b1 b w2 5 A max 4.75 nom min 3.45 mm 10 mm scale Dimensions Unit 1 Q D b1 1.83 12.83 0.18 20.02 19.96 9.53 9.53 1.14 19.94 3.56

    OT1120B sot1120b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline Flanged LDMOST ceramic package; 2 mounting holes; 6 leads SOT1120A D A F D1 L U1 B q 4 5 p U2 H c C 1 E1 E 3 A w1 6 2 b1 b A B 7 w2 5 C Q 10 mm scale Dimensions Unit 1 mm A max 4.75 nom min 3.45 b b1 1.14 12.83 c D D1 E E1 F H L 0.18 20.02 19.96 9.53 9.53 1.14 19.94 2.87

    OT1120A 33ion sot1120a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Reflow soldering footprint 1.25 0.65 0.55 0.65 0.55 0.45 1.75 0.475 0.7 2x 0.6 (2×) solder resist solder paste = solderland occupied area Dimensions in mm 0.55 0.4 (2×) 0.3 (2×) 2010 NXP B.V. sot1122_fr All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without prior consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not

    sot1122 rig65 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline HBGA324: plastic thermal enhanced ball grid array package; 324 balls; heatsink SOT1123-2 B D D1 A ball A1 index area E1 j E A A2 A1 detail X e1 e 1/2 e ∅v ∅w b AB AA Y W V U T R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A C C A B C y y1 C e heatsink e2

    HBGA324: OT1123-2 sot1123-2 MS-034 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline HLQFP256: plastic thermal enhanced low profile quad flat package; 256 leads; body 28 x 28 x 1.4 mm; exposed die pad SOT1128-1 c exposed die pad y X Dh 192 ZE 129 193 A 128 e bp Eh D w HE A A2 A3 A1 θ Lp detail X L pin 1 index 256 65 1 64 e

    HLQFP256: OT1128-1 MS-026 sot1128-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline Earless flanged ceramic package; 4 leads SOT1121C 0.3 mm gauge plane D Lp A F 5 D1 y Q detail X U1 v B c H1 A 1 H E1 U2 3 A E 4 w2 b B θ e 5 10 mm scale Dimensions Unit 1 X 2 A b c D D1 e E E1 F H H1 Lp Q U1 U2 v w2 y max 4.75 3.94 0.18 20.02 19.96

    OT1121C sot1121c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Reflow soldering footprint Footprint information for reflow soldering of HLQFP256 package SOT1128-1 Hx Gx P2 0.125 P1 SPx nSPx Hy SLy Gy SPy tot SPy By Ay nSPy SPx tot SLx C D2 (8x) D1 Bx Ax Generic footprint pattern Refer to the package outline drawing for actual layout

    HLQFP256 OT1128-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline XSON3: plastic, extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 3 terminals; body 1.0 x 1.45 x 0.5 mm SOT1122-1 X A A1 B D A detail X E terminal 1 index area e1 v w C A B C b C terminal 1 index area b1 y1 C y 1 L 3 e L1 2 L3 L2 2 mm scale Dimensions mm are the original dimensions

    OT1122-1 sot1122-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline HBGA324: plastic thermal enhanced ball grid array package; 324 balls; heatsink SOT1123-1 B D D1 A ball A1 index area E1 j E A A2 A1 detail X e1 e 1/2 e ∅v ∅w b AB AA Y W V U T R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A C C A B C y y1 C e heatsink e2

    HBGA324: OT1123-1 sot1123-1 MS-034 PDF

    rf power transistors

    Abstract: SOT539A SOT113 SOT1130A SOT1121A SOT922-1 SOT1135A sot1244c SOT1110B
    Text: Ceramic packages for RF Power Transistors 1 SOT467B SOT467C SOT1135B SOT1135C SOT1130A SOT1130B SOT1135A SOT1135D SOT1120A SOT1120B SOT1121A SOT1121B SOT1121C SOT1121D SOT1112A SOT1112B Ceramic packages for RF Power Transistors (2) SOT1110A SOT1110B SOT1117A

    OT467B OT467C OT1135B OT1135C OT1130A OT1130B OT1135A OT1135D OT1120A OT1120B rf power transistors SOT539A SOT113 SOT1130A SOT1121A SOT922-1 SOT1135A sot1244c SOT1110B PDF


    Abstract: BLF6G13L-250P 200B 4350B 800B UT-141C-35-TP 250WF
    Text: BLF6G13L-250P; BLF6G13LS-250P Power LDMOS transistor Rev. 2 — 21 March 2011 Objective data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description 250 W LDMOS power transistor intended for CW applications at a frequency of 1.3 GHz. Table 1. Test information Typical RF performance at Tcase = 25 C; IDq = 100 mA; in a class-AB production test circuit.

    BLF6G13L-250P; BLF6G13LS-250P BLF6G13L-250P 6G13LS-250P UT-141C-25-TP 200B 4350B 800B UT-141C-35-TP 250WF PDF


    Abstract: 1800 ldmos BLF7G20LS-90P RF35 PLW70
    Text: BLF7G20L-90P; BLF7G20LS-90P Power LDMOS transistor Rev. 01 — 28 April 2010 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description 90 W LDMOS power transistor for base station applications at frequencies from 1800 MHz to 2000 MHz. Table 1. Typical performance

    BLF7G20L-90P; BLF7G20LS-90P ACPR400k ACPR600k BLF7G20L-90P 7G20LS-90P 1800 ldmos BLF7G20LS-90P RF35 PLW70 PDF


    Abstract: 850 SMD Rework Station RF35
    Text: BLF7G20LS-140P Power LDMOS transistor Rev. 2 — 17 August 2010 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description 140 W LDMOS power transistor for base station applications at frequencies from 1800 MHz to 2000 MHz. Table 1. Typical performance

    BLF7G20LS-140P ACPR400k ACPR600k BLF7G20LS-140P 850 SMD Rework Station RF35 PDF


    Abstract: gk105 1SS216 GK104 SMD Transistors w06 D20SB80 SMD marking 5As D25SB80 LRB706F-40T1G 2x062
    Text: Leshan Radio Company, Ltd. 2008 PRODUCTS CATALOGUE 目 录 CONTENT 开关二极管 SWITCHING DIODES. 1 1. SOD–923 Surface Mount Switching Diodes. 1

    ZMM22 ZMM24 ZMM27 ZMM43 ZMM47 2x062h gk105 1SS216 GK104 SMD Transistors w06 D20SB80 SMD marking 5As D25SB80 LRB706F-40T1G 2x062 PDF

    HITAG 2 algorithm timing

    Abstract: HTSH4801ETK HITAG 2 protocol HITAG PROTOCOL AN10214 HITAG s HITAG 2 coding algorithm hitag Transponder ID 48 uv-tape
    Text: HITAG µ ISO 18000 transponder IC Rev. 3.0 — 18 March 2010 184430 Product data sheet PUBLIC 1. General description The HITAG product line is well known and established in the contactless identification market. Due to the open marketing strategy of NXP Semiconductors there are various


    uhf pcb antenna

    Abstract: UHF rfid antenna RFID loop antenna design nxp proximity antenna design NXP UCODE G2XM Types of Radar Antenna UHF RFID pcb antenna chip antenna rfid UHF FR4 substrate with dielectric constant 4.4 nxp rfid uhf transponder
    Text: AN 1715 UHF RFID PCB antenna design Rev. 3.0 – January 21 2010 Application note Document information Info Content Keywords UCODE EPC G2, G2XM, G2XL, Reference Design, Antenna Design, PCB Abstract This application note provides basic antenna knowledge, which is



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Enabling the Mobile Experience High Performance RF for wireless infrastructure Unleash the performance of your RF and microwave designs Enabling the Mobile Experience The future is mobile. And mobility means the freedom to innovate, communicate, connect and win.



    Abstract: 130005 power transistor
    Text: BLF647P; BLF647PS Broadband power LDMOS transistor Rev. 1 — 3 August 2012 Objective data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description A 200 W LDMOS RF power transistor for broadcast transmitter and industrial applications. The transistor is suitable for the frequency range HF to 1500 MHz. The

    BLF647P; BLF647PS BLF647P 130005 power transistor PDF


    Abstract: J226 SMD
    Text: BLF7G21L-160P; BLF7G21LS-160P Power LDMOS transistor Rev. 2 — 13 October 2011 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description 160 W LDMOS power transistor for base station applications at frequencies from 1800 MHz to 2050 MHz. Table 1. Typical performance

    BLF7G21L-160P; BLF7G21LS-160P BLF7G21L-160P 7G21LS-160P sot1121a J226 SMD PDF