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    manual motherboard canada ices 003 class b

    Abstract: motherboard canada ices 003 class b motherboard canada ices 003 intel chipset 845 motherboard repair circuit s3 virge graphic card intel chipset 845 motherboard repair motherboard ices 003 s3 virge graphics SB82371SB manual motherboard canada ices 003 class b user
    Text: AP440FX Motherboard Technical Product Specification Order Number 281830-001 July 1996 The APP440FX motherboard may contain design defects or errors known as errata. Characterized errata that may cause the APP440FX motherboard’s behavior to deviate from published specifications are

    AP440FX APP440FX AP440FX manual motherboard canada ices 003 class b motherboard canada ices 003 class b motherboard canada ices 003 intel chipset 845 motherboard repair circuit s3 virge graphic card intel chipset 845 motherboard repair motherboard ices 003 s3 virge graphics SB82371SB manual motherboard canada ices 003 class b user PDF


    Abstract: 90h-91h MON32
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Optoelectronics Keywords: DS1875, optical, fiber, controller, SFP, APD, photodiode Sep 24, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4464 DS1875 Quick Reference Guide Abstract: The DS1875 burst-mode PON controller with integrated monitoring allows programming to configure

    DS1875, DS1875 DS1875 DS1875: com/an4464 AN4464, APP4464, Appnote4464, ltxp 90h-91h MON32 PDF


    Abstract: AN448 APP448 MAX2320 MAX2323 WCDMA TRANSCEIVER
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Wireless and RF Keywords: REP017: Dual-Band Triple-Mode IC Uses 183MHz for Both CDMA and AMPS IFs Nov 01, 2000 APPLICATION NOTE 448 REP017: Dual-Band Triple-Mode IC Uses 183MHz for Both CDMA and AMPS IFs Rapid Engineering Prototypes are real circuits that Maxim application engineers have built and measured in our labs. They

    REP017: 183MHz MAX2338 MAX2338 com/an448 MAX2338: AN448, APP448, AN448 APP448 MAX2320 MAX2323 WCDMA TRANSCEIVER PDF


    Abstract: MAX4210 AN4470
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Amplifier and Comparator Circuits Power-Supply Circuits Keywords: constant power, control loop, linear voltage regulator, high-side power/current monitor Oct 27, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4470 Constant-Power Source By: Dave Sackett Abstract: This circuit delivers constant power to a varying load. Using a load-monitoring IC MAX4210 , it

    MAX4210) MAX4210: com/an4470 AN4470, APP4470, Appnote4470, APP4470 MAX4210 AN4470 PDF

    mosfet 4413

    Abstract: 4413 4413 converter APP4413 MAX5035 MAX6819 4413 mosfet Power MOSFETs Application Notes
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Circuit Protection Keywords: power-supply sequencers, voltage tracking Aug 27, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4413 Sequencing Circuit Provides Pseudo Voltage Tracker Abstract: This application note presents three approaches to track voltages between the supply rails. The

    MAX6819 MAX5035: MAX6819: com/an4413 AN4413, APP4413, Appnote4413, mosfet 4413 4413 4413 converter APP4413 MAX5035 4413 mosfet Power MOSFETs Application Notes PDF

    high power fet amplifier schematic

    Abstract: schematics for a PA amplifier REP006 TRANSMIT CUSTOM DIODE ucc quasi resonant full bridge AN449 APP449 MAX2269 tdma abstract
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Wireless and RF Keywords: REP, REP006, rapid engineering prototype, J-CDMA, JCDMA, japanese CDMA, PA, linear RF, power amplifier, PAE, efficiency, power added efficiency Nov 01, 2000 APPLICATION NOTE 449 REP006: Linear RF Power Amplifier Matched for High Efficiency at

    REP006, REP006: MAX2269 16dBm MAX2269 com/an449 MAX2269: AN449, APP449, high power fet amplifier schematic schematics for a PA amplifier REP006 TRANSMIT CUSTOM DIODE ucc quasi resonant full bridge AN449 APP449 tdma abstract PDF

    Regulated Power Supply abstract

    Abstract: 4405 AN4405 negative voltage generate circuit for 5v regulated power supply Transistor VN abstract of op amp APP4405 MAX1615 application notes
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Amplifier and Comparator Circuits Power-Supply Circuits Keywords: voltage regulation, op amps, pnp transistors, linear regulators Jun 05, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4405 Spare Op Amp Generates Its Own Regulated Negative Supply By: Gert N. Helles, Ben Wolde

    100mA MAX1615: com/an4405 AN4405, APP4405, Appnote4405, Regulated Power Supply abstract 4405 AN4405 negative voltage generate circuit for 5v regulated power supply Transistor VN abstract of op amp APP4405 MAX1615 application notes PDF


    Abstract: "RF Mixer" abstract AN441 APP441 MAX2320EVKIT MAX2321 MAX2322 MAX2324 MAX2326 MAX2327
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Wireless and RF Keywords: RF mixer, FM, AMPS, CDMA, TDMA, IIP3, low-noise amplifier, LNA, GSM, EDGE Nov 01, 2000 APPLICATION NOTE 441 REP001: AMPS FM mixer trades off IIP3 for gain Abstract: This reference design RD for an RF mixer in the FM (AMPS) signal path custom

    REP001: MAX2324 MAX2320EVKIT MAX2320, MAX2321, MAX2322, MAX2324, MAX2326, MAX2327 MAX2324 MAX2320 "RF Mixer" abstract AN441 APP441 MAX2321 MAX2322 MAX2326 MAX2327 PDF


    Abstract: IS-136 MAX2321 AN442 APP442 IS136
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Wireless and RF Keywords: TDMA, IS-136, IS-136 TDMA, CDMA, cellular band, PCS mixer, PCS bands, IF mixer, IIP3, low-noise amplifier, LNA, GSM, EDGA, WCDMA Nov 01, 2000 APPLICATION NOTE 442 REP002: Dual-band IS-136 TDMA RF front-end needs no special

    IS-136, IS-136 REP002: MAX2321 IS-136 com/an442 AN442, TDMA AN442 APP442 IS136 PDF


    Abstract: MAX8574 MAX8875 positive gnd negative voltage regulator 4499
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Power-supply circuits Keywords: Boost converters, stepup converters, linear regulators Aug 09, 2010 APPLICATION NOTE 4499 Miniature circuit converts negative inputs to positive outputs Abstract: You can obtain a precise, positive output voltage from a negative voltage supply by teaming a boost converter with a

    MAX8574 MAX8875 150mA, com/an4499 AN4499, APP4499, Appnote4499, APP4499 positive gnd negative voltage regulator 4499 PDF

    4416 ic

    Abstract: AN4416 copper wire 1mm APP4416 MAX6610 4416 digital voltmeter abstract of Digital Multimeter multimeter circuit
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Measurement Circuits Temperature Sensors and Thermal Management Keywords: temperature measurement, battery operation, digital voltmeter Aug 28, 2008 APPLICATION NOTE 4416 IC Forms Direct-Readout Temperature Probe By: Bich Pham Abstract: This application note describes a simple circuit that serves as a temperature measurement probe.

    MAX6610 MAX6610: com/an4416 AN4416, APP4416, Appnote4416, 4416 ic AN4416 copper wire 1mm APP4416 4416 digital voltmeter abstract of Digital Multimeter multimeter circuit PDF


    Abstract: MAX6174 MAX5436 MAX5774 MAX6143 MAX6160 MAX6175 MAX6176 MAX6177 MAX6220
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > A/D and D/A conversion/sampling circuits Automatic test equipment ATE Measurement circuits Voltage references Keywords: voltage references, voltage reference, DAC reference, three terminal reference, reference accuracy, DAC, digital to analog converter,

    MAX5774 32-Channel, 14-Bit, MAX6143 com/an4494 AN4494, APP4494, Appnote4494, MAX6173 MAX6174 MAX5436 MAX6160 MAX6175 MAX6176 MAX6177 MAX6220 PDF


    Abstract: c code 4 bit LFSR AN4400 code 4 bit LFSR polynomials code 24 bit LFSR simple LFSR polynomial APP4400 pseudo random numbers using lfsr
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > General engineering topics Microcontrollers Keywords: microcontroller microprocessor LFSR random Jun 30, 2010 APPLICATION NOTE 4400 Pseudo random number generation using linear feedback shift registers By: Conrad Schlundt Abstract: Linear feedback shift registers are introduced along with the polynomials that completely describe them. The application note

    0x1CDDF40E 0xE6EFA07 0x29D1E9EB 0x3D391D1E 0x269FAEAC 0x47762392 0x23BB11C9 0x6B864A07 0xB4BCD35C LFSR c code 4 bit LFSR AN4400 code 4 bit LFSR polynomials code 24 bit LFSR simple LFSR polynomial APP4400 pseudo random numbers using lfsr PDF

    dual latching relay ic

    Abstract: 5V 1A SPDT RELAY APP4486 AN4486 5V SPDT relay MAX5054 SPDT Relay 5V MAX4684 MAX4685 ic 4486
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Analog switches and multiplexers Automatic test equipment ATE Miscellaneous circuits Keywords: single-coil latching relay, relay memory, half bridge, full Aug 09, 2010 APPLICATION NOTE 4486 Single-coil latching relay drivers Abstract: The schematics of Figure 1 illustrate five relay-driving circuits, depending on the input-signal logic levels, their coding,

    MAX4684 MAX4685 MAX5054 com/an4486 AN4486, APP4486, Appnote4486, dual latching relay ic 5V 1A SPDT RELAY APP4486 AN4486 5V SPDT relay SPDT Relay 5V ic 4486 PDF


    Abstract: microphone using amplifier headphone amplifier microphone amplifier bias automatic switch for audio power amplifier circuit automatic volume control of headphones ambient noise cancelling circuit MICROPHONE automatic volume loud control audio noise cancellation
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Audio Circuits Keywords: headphones, audible feedback, noise cancellation Jul 28, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4411 Headphone Attenuator Includes Microphone Monitor By: John Guy, Robert Nicoletti Abstract: This application note presents a circuit that reduces input amplitude and amplifies a microphone input. Designed for

    MAX4411 MAX9812 MAX4411: MAX9812: com/an4411 AN4411, APP4411, Appnote4411, 4411 microphone using amplifier headphone amplifier microphone amplifier bias automatic switch for audio power amplifier circuit automatic volume control of headphones ambient noise cancelling circuit MICROPHONE automatic volume loud control audio noise cancellation PDF


    Abstract: RS232 MAX202 MAX213 AN441 APP4417 MAX200 MAX211 4-417
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Power-Supply Circuits Keywords: RS-232 transceiver, bipolar supply rails, charge pumps, flip-flops Aug 06, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4417 Transceiver IC Generates ±30V By: Nick Allen-Rowlandson Zeeshawn Shameem Abstract: This application note explains how an RS-232 transceiver and a few external components can be

    RS-232 MAX202 MAX202) com/an4417 MAX200: MAX211: MAX213: AN4417, RS232 MAX202 MAX213 AN441 APP4417 MAX200 MAX211 4-417 PDF


    Abstract: APP4415 MAX4373FESA AN44-15
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Amplifier and Comparator Circuits Circuit Protection Keywords: high-side current-sense amplifier, open-drain output, npn transistors, p-channel MOSFETs Aug 27, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4415 High-Side Current Amplifier Forms 28V Circuit Breaker

    MAX4373 MAX4373, 900mA MAX4373: com/an4415 AN4415, APP4415, Appnote4415, APP4415 MAX4373FESA AN44-15 PDF

    smoke alarm abstract

    Abstract: an4403 SIMPLE HOME SECURITY SYSTEM free abstract on smoke detector smoke detector smoke detector abstract battery back up for home alarm system "Smoke Detector" 4403 APP4403
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Signal Generation Circuits Keywords: smoke detectors, remote output, comparators, battery operation Jun 03, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4403 Provide Remote Alarm for Smoke Detector By: Kevin Bilke Abstract: The application note presents a simple circuit that senses a supply-current increase triggered by

    MAX921 com/an4403 MAX921: AN4403, APP4403, Appnote4403, smoke alarm abstract an4403 SIMPLE HOME SECURITY SYSTEM free abstract on smoke detector smoke detector smoke detector abstract battery back up for home alarm system "Smoke Detector" 4403 APP4403 PDF


    Abstract: AN4460 APP4460 MAX9979EVKIT
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Automatic Test Equipment ATE Keywords: calibrating, pin electronics, level setting, DAC, PMU, gain, offset, nonlinearities, internal serial interface, adjustments, linear, gain buffer, DVH error, calibration register, constants, driver

    MAX9979 MAX9979: com/an4460 AN4460, APP4460, Appnote4460, AN4460 APP4460 MAX9979EVKIT PDF


    Abstract: MAX4372 Current-Sense Amplifiers 24V alternator load dump zener z2 APP4438 MAX4080 MAX4173 MAX9937 4438
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Amplifier and Comparator Circuits Automotive Keywords: Load dump, automotive current sense amplifier, zener, spikes, cars, trucks, battery transients Apr 08, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4438 Protect Current-Sense Amplifiers Against Overvoltage Transients

    curre4438 MAX4080: MAX4173: MAX4372: MAX9937: AN4438, APP4438, Appnote4438, load-dump MAX4372 Current-Sense Amplifiers 24V alternator load dump zener z2 APP4438 MAX4080 MAX4173 MAX9937 4438 PDF

    pc controlled car circuit diagram

    Abstract: Cross-Reference for APP4425 MAX6195 car parts AN4425 4425 ic
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > General Engineering Topics Voltage References Keywords: voltage, reference, band, gap, gain, feedback, correction, temperature, curvature, competitive part, multiple output, capacitors, transient response, board space, lower cost Sep 28, 2009

    MAX6195 MAX6195: com/an4425 AN4425, APP4425, Appnote4425, pc controlled car circuit diagram Cross-Reference for APP4425 car parts AN4425 4425 ic PDF


    Abstract: DisplayPort Plug APP4446 MAX4928A computer Transistor digital transistor
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Switches and Multiplexers Keywords: switching the DisplayPort, switching hot plug detect signal Sep 21, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4446 How to Switch the DisplayPort Hot-Plug-Detect Signal with the MAX4928 By: Fred Zlotnick Abstract: The MAX4928A/B are DisplayPort switches normally used to steer signals between PCIe and

    MAX4928 MAX4928A/B MAX4928 MAX4928A: MAX4928B: com/an4446 AN4446, APP4446, Appnote4446, DisplayPort Plug APP4446 MAX4928A computer Transistor digital transistor PDF


    Abstract: Analog Filter design 733 op amp MAX74xx bessel MAX7408 MAX7400 datasheet MAX7410 application MAX7401 MAX7411
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Filter Circuits Analog Keywords: analog filters, bessel, Butterworth and Elliptic filters, switched capacitor analog filters Nov 04, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4422 Integrated Solutions Make Analog Filter Design Easy By: Joseph Shtargot, Strategic Applications Engineer

    MAX74xx MAX7413: MAX7414: MAX7415: com/an4422 AN4422, APP4422, Appnote4422, MAX7409 Analog Filter design 733 op amp bessel MAX7408 MAX7400 datasheet MAX7410 application MAX7401 MAX7411 PDF


    Abstract: APP4434 4434
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Power-Supply Circuits Keywords: USB ports, bipolar power supplies, stepup converter, charge pump, constant-frequency operation Aug 18, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 4434 USB-Powered Bipolar Supply By: Ben Wolde Abstract: This application note shows a simple USB-powered circuit that generates a ±12V supply. The circuit delivers

    MAX1896 500mA) com/an4434 MAX1896: AN4434, APP4434, Appnote4434, APP4434 4434 PDF