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    Abstract: 74F401PC 74F401SC CRC-12 CRC-16 M14A MS-001 N14A CRC 9401
    Text: Revised August 1999 74F401 CRC Generator/Checker General Description Features The 74F401 Cycle Redundancy Check CRC Generator/ Checker provides an advanced tool for implementing the most widely used error detection scheme in serial digital data handling systems. A 3-bit control input selects one-ofeight generator polynomials. The list of polynomials

    74F401 74F401 CRC-16 74F401PC 74F401SC CRC-12 M14A MS-001 N14A CRC 9401 PDF


    Abstract: PLCC 68 intel package dimensions "7 Bit Shift Register" data scrambler reference signal every symbols STEL-5268 2040a convolutional scrambler satellite v.35
    Text: STEL-2040A Data Sheet STEL-2040A Convolutional Encoder Viterbi Decoder R FEATURES • Constraint Length 7 ■ Coding Gain of 5.2 dB @ 10-5 BER, Rate 1/2 ■ Rates 1/3 , 1/2 , 2/3* and 3/4* (*Punctured) ■ Industry Standard Polynomials ■ Built in BER Monitor

    STEL-2040A 68-pin 70301A g3d0 PLCC 68 intel package dimensions "7 Bit Shift Register" data scrambler reference signal every symbols STEL-5268 2040a convolutional scrambler satellite v.35 PDF


    Abstract: atmel 214
    Text: Features • Provides Hardware Acceleration for determining roots of polynomials defined over a finite field • Programmable Finite Field GF 2^13 or GF(2^14) • Finds Roots of Error Locator Polynomial • Programmable Number of Roots 1. Description The PMECC Error Location Controller provides hardware acceleration for determining

    11039AS 22-Feb-10 AT91SAM atmel 214 PDF

    Convolutional Encoder

    Abstract: ispLEVER project Navigator Convolutional encoder verilog coding Convolutional Puncturing Pattern digital clock project Convolutional decoder polynomial Viterbi Decoder ispLEVER project Navigator route place
    Text: Convolutional Encoder User’s Guide April 2003 ipug03_02 Lattice Semiconductor Convolutional Encoder User’s Guide Introduction Lattice’s Convolutional Encoder core is a parameterizable core for convolutional encoding of a continuous input data stream. The core allows variable code rates, constraint lengths and generator polynomials. The core also supports puncturing. Puncturing enables a large range of transmission rates and reduces the bandwidth requirement

    ipug03 1-800-LATTICE Convolutional Encoder ispLEVER project Navigator Convolutional encoder verilog coding Convolutional Puncturing Pattern digital clock project Convolutional decoder polynomial Viterbi Decoder ispLEVER project Navigator route place PDF


    Abstract: c code 4 bit LFSR AN4400 code 4 bit LFSR polynomials code 24 bit LFSR simple LFSR polynomial APP4400 pseudo random numbers using lfsr
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > General engineering topics Microcontrollers Keywords: microcontroller microprocessor LFSR random Jun 30, 2010 APPLICATION NOTE 4400 Pseudo random number generation using linear feedback shift registers By: Conrad Schlundt Abstract: Linear feedback shift registers are introduced along with the polynomials that completely describe them. The application note

    0x1CDDF40E 0xE6EFA07 0x29D1E9EB 0x3D391D1E 0x269FAEAC 0x47762392 0x23BB11C9 0x6B864A07 0xB4BCD35C LFSR c code 4 bit LFSR AN4400 code 4 bit LFSR polynomials code 24 bit LFSR simple LFSR polynomial APP4400 pseudo random numbers using lfsr PDF


    Abstract: 440SP 440S PPC440 amcc 440 POWERPC-440SP
    Text: PRODUCT BRIEF RAID 5/6 with PowerPC440SP/SPe High performance RAID computations with PowerPC 440S series Features • Hardware support for RAID 5 and RAID 6 calculations • PPC 440SPe+ supports polynomials 11d, 14d, and 30 others • PPC 440SP+ supports 14d

    PowerPC440SP/SPe 440SPe+ 440SP+ POWERPC440SP/SPe RAID-5 440SP 440S PPC440 amcc 440 POWERPC-440SP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ITS-90 Thermocouple Direct & Inverse Polynomials Direct Polynomials provide the thermoelectric voltage µV from a known temperature (°C); Inverse Polynomials provide the temperature (°C) from a known thermoelectric voltage (µV). Type J Thermocouples - coefficients, ci, of reference

    ITS-90 PDF


    Abstract: "XOR Gates" 54F402DM 54F402FM 54F402LM 74F402PC CRC-16 F402 J16A N16E
    Text: 74F402 Serial Data Polynomial Generator/Checker General Description Features The ’F402 expandable Serial Data Polynomial generator/ checker is an expandable version of the ’F401. It provides an advanced tool for the implementation of the most widely used error detection scheme in serial digital handling systems. A 4-bit control input selects one-of-six generator polynomials. The list of polynomials includes CRC-16,

    74F402 CRC-16, 74F402 "XOR Gates" 54F402DM 54F402FM 54F402LM 74F402PC CRC-16 F402 J16A N16E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ispLever CORE TM Viterbi Decoder User’s Guide October 2005 ipug04_02.0 Lattice Semiconductor Viterbi Decoder User’s Guide Introduction Lattice’s Viterbi Decoder core is a parameterizable core for decoding different combinations of convolutionally encoded sequences. The decoder core supports various code rates, constraint lengths and generator polynomials.

    ipug04 LFX1200B, FE680, PDF

    scrambler satellite v.35

    Abstract: scrambler v.35 algorithm branch metric g1d1 sm2c convolutional G3N1 IESS-308 sCRAMBLER
    Text: STEL-2050A Data Sheet STEL-2050A Convolutional Encoder Viterbi Decoder R FEATURES • Constraint Length 7 ■ Coding Gain of 5.2 dB @ 10-5 BER, Rate 1/2 ■ Rates 1/3 , 1/2 , 2/3* and 3/4* (*Punctured) ■ Industry Standard Polynomials ■ Built in BER Monitor

    STEL-2050A 28-pin scrambler satellite v.35 scrambler v.35 algorithm branch metric g1d1 sm2c convolutional G3N1 IESS-308 sCRAMBLER PDF

    STEL-5269 512

    Abstract: AN 5269 qpsk transmitter STEL-5269 74HC74 decoder STEL-5268 convolutional convolutional encoder interleaving bpsk modulator STEL-5269+512

    STEL-5269 STEL-5269 512 AN 5269 qpsk transmitter 74HC74 decoder STEL-5268 convolutional convolutional encoder interleaving bpsk modulator STEL-5269+512 PDF

    branch metric

    Abstract: Viterbi Decoder viterbi algorithm branch metric report trellis 5/6 decoder Viterbi Trellis Decoder texas DSP56300 DSP56600 IS-136 Convolutional decoder
    Text: Implementing Viterbi Decoders Using the VSL Instruction on DSP Families DSP56300 and DSP56600 by Dana Taipale This application report describes how to generate, from a set of convolutional code polynomials, the assembly code needed for implementation of a Viterbi decoder.

    DSP56300 DSP56600 APR40/D branch metric Viterbi Decoder viterbi algorithm branch metric report trellis 5/6 decoder Viterbi Trellis Decoder texas DSP56600 IS-136 Convolutional decoder PDF

    Reed-Solomon encoder algorithm

    Abstract: LFX125B-04F256C LFX125B04F256C polynomials OC192 x8 encoder
    Text: Reed-Solomon Encoder April 2003 IP Data Sheet Features General Description • 3- to 12-Bit Symbol Width ■ Configurable Polynomials Reed-Solomon codes are used to perform Forward Error Correction FEC . FEC introduces redundancy in the data before it is transmitted. The redundant data

    12-Bit OC-192) OC192 Reed-Solomon encoder algorithm LFX125B-04F256C LFX125B04F256C polynomials OC192 x8 encoder PDF

    branch metric

    Abstract: Viterbi Decoder Viterbi Trellis Decoder Viterbi Trellis Decoder texas DSP56300 DSP56600 IS-136
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Implementing Viterbi Decoders Using the VSL Instruction on DSP Families DSP56300 and DSP56600 by Dana Taipale This application report describes how to generate, from a set of convolutional code polynomials, the assembly code needed for

    DSP56300 DSP56600 APR40/D branch metric Viterbi Decoder Viterbi Trellis Decoder Viterbi Trellis Decoder texas DSP56600 IS-136 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS320TCI100 FIXEDĆPOINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR SPRS218H − MAY 2003 − REVISED JUNE 2006 D Highest-Performance Fixed-Point Digital D D D D D Signal Processors DSPs − 1.67-, 1.39-ns Instruction Cycle Time − 600-, 720-MHz Clock Rate − Eight 32-Bit Instructions/Cycle

    TMS320TCI100 SPRS218H 39-ns 720-MHz 32-Bit TCI100/C6416 TMS320C64x 32-/40-Bit) 32-Bit, 16-Bit, PDF


    Abstract: 141-003 0x0D00 XMEGA Application Notes
    Text: 8/16-bit Atmel XMEGA B1 Microcontroller ATxmega128B1; ATxmega64B1 Features  High-performance, low-power Atmel AVR® XMEGA® 8/16-bit Microcontroller  Nonvolatile program and data memories          64K - 128KBytes of in-system self-programmable flash

    8/16-bit ATxmega128B1; ATxmega64B1 128KBytes 16-bit atxmega128B 141-003 0x0D00 XMEGA Application Notes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semico n d u August 1995 t o r 74F401 CRC Generator/Checker General Description Features The ’F401 Cycle Redundancy Check CRC Generator/ Checker provides an advanced tool for implementing the most widely used error detection scheme in serial digital data handling systems. A 3-bit control input selects one-ofeight generator polynomials. The list of polynomials in­

    OCR Scan
    74F401 CRC-16 inpu34 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National Semiconductor 54F/74F401 CRC Generator/Checker General Description Features The ’F401 Cycle Redundancy Check CRC Generator/ Checker provides an advanced tool for implementing the most widely used error detection scheme in serial digital data handling systems. A 3-bit control input selects one-ofeight generator polynomials. The list of polynomials in­

    OCR Scan
    54F/74F401 CRC-16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¿/M iö SiBER 673480 Single Burst Error Recovery 1C Features/B enefits Ordering Inform ation • 15 MHz data rate PART NUMBER PACKAGE TEMPERATURE 673480 J C om • Selectable CRC or ECC polynomials • Standard 16-bit CRC-CCITT polynomial delects errors

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 32-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tß Semiconductor National 74F401 CRC Generator/Checker General Description Features The ’F401 Cycle Redundancy Check CRC Generator/ Checker provides an advanced tool for Implementing the most widely used error detection scheme In serial digital data handling systems. A 3-bit control input selects one-ofeight generator polynomials. The list of polynomials in­

    OCR Scan
    74F401 CRC-16 b501122 PDF

    CRC 9401

    Abstract: 311 pin diagram
    Text: 401 54F/74F401 Connection Diagrams CRC Generator/Checker c p fT Z iN c c W | er p t r la Redundancy Check CRC Generator/Checker provides an lementing the most widely used error detection I data handling systems. A 3-bit control input 'g e n g jm j^ polynomials. The list of polynomials in­

    OCR Scan
    54F/74F401 54F/74F CRC 9401 311 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: & National Semiconductor 74F401 CRC Generator/Checker General Description Features The 'F401 Cycle Redundancy Check CRC Generator/ Checker provides an advanced tool for implementing the most widely used error detection scheme in serial digital data handling systems. A 3-bit control input selects one-ofeight generator polynomials. The list of polynomials in­

    OCR Scan
    74F401 CRC-16 PDF

    scrambler satellite v.35

    Abstract: IESS-308 sCRAMBLER BUS13r iess-309 standard BPSK demodulator bpsk modulation and demodulation scrambler v.35 diagram intelsat scrambler IESS309
    Text: PMC r PM7018 RPFEC ERROR CORRECTION CIRCUIT DATA SHEET FEATURES • Constraint length 7 convolutional encoder polynomials 133,171 • Vrterbi decoder with up to 3 bit soft decision inputs and an 80 stage trellis • Two versions for operation at the following information data rates:

    OCR Scan
    PM7018-256 PM7018-2500 861029R5 scrambler satellite v.35 IESS-308 sCRAMBLER BUS13r iess-309 standard BPSK demodulator bpsk modulation and demodulation scrambler v.35 diagram intelsat scrambler IESS309 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SiBER 673480 Single Burst Error Recovery 1C O rdering Inform ation F eatu res/ Benefits • 15 MHz data rate PART NUMBER PACKAGE TEMPERATURE 673480 J Com • Selectable CRC or ECC polynomials • Standard 16-blt CRC-CCITT polynomial detects errors • Computer-generated 32-bit ECC polynomial exceeds the

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 32-bft PDF