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    Abstract: D100 FMA-01S
    Text: D100L Series 100 Hz to 100 kHz Low Noise Fixed Frequency 4- and 8- Pole Low-Pass Filters Description: D100L Series filters are low noise and distortion 4- and 8-pole, Butterworth or Bessel fixed frequency low-pass filters. These filters feature near theoretical low noise and distortion

    D100L 20-Bit) D100 FMA-01S PDF

    221- 241

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D78 & DP78 Series 1.0 Hz to 100 kHz Fixed Frequency 32 Pin DIP 8-Pole Filters Description The D78 and DP78 Series of low-power, fixedfrequency, linear active filters are high performance, 8-pole filters in a compact package. These Butterworth and Bessel low-pass and Butterworth

    32-pin 221- 241 PDF


    Abstract: fma 88
    Text: D74 & DP74 Series 1.0 Hz to 100 kHz Fixed Frequency 16 Pin DIP 4-Pole Filters Description The D74 and DP74 Series of low-power, fixedfrequency, linear active filters are high performance, 4-pole filters in a compact package. These Butterworth and Bessel low-pass and Butterworth

    16-pin solut01 DP74L4B fma 88 PDF


    Abstract: FA4720 FA4720-1 FA4720-2 FA4720-3 FA4720-4 FA4720-5 FA4720-6 FA4720-7 FA4720-8
    Text: X LA S ISO 9001 C ER T I FIE I NC . A E RO LE B F D FA4720 SERIES FIBER OPTIC 5 Pole Bessel Absorptive LowPass Filters FE ATU R E S • • • • • • • 5 Pole Bessel polynomial filter characteristic Non-reflective Absorptive thick/thin film technology

    FA4720 FA4720-4 FA4720-5 FA4720-6 FA4720-7 FA4720-8 SCDFA4270 Comstron FA4720-1 FA4720-2 FA4720-3 FA4720-4 FA4720-5 FA4720-6 FA4720-7 FA4720-8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FL02M652-00 - Rev. J - Page 1 of 3 Product Family: Bessel Absorptive Filter—9th Order Part Number Series: FL9 Series Construction: Features: •     High Purity Alumina Substrate Nickel alloy thin-film resistive element Epoxy-resin overcoat

    FL02M652-00 Sn63/Pb37) 25Ghz) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC1164-7 Low Power, Linear Phase 8th Order Lowpass Filter FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ DESCRIPTIO Better Than Bessel Roll-Off fCUTOFF up to 20kHz, Single 5V Supply ISUPPLY = 2.5mA Typ , Single 5V Supply 75dB THD + Noise with Single 5V Supply

    LTC1164-7 20kHz, 14-Lead 16-Lead LTC1164-7 20kHz LTC1264 100kHz) LTC1264-7 200kHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC1164-5 Low Power 8th Order Pin Selectable Butterworth or Bessel Lowpass Filter DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ Pin Selectable Butterworth or Bessel Response 4mA Supply Current with ±5V Supplies fCUTOFF up to 20kHz 100µVRMS Wideband Noise

    LTC1164-5 20kHz 14-Pin 16-Pin LTC1069-1 LTC1069-6 11645fc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC1065 DC Accurate, Clock-Tunable Linear Phase 5th Order Bessel Lowpass Filter U DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Clock-Tunable Cutoff Frequency 1mV DC Offset Typical 80dB CMR (Typical) Internal or External Clock 50µVRMS Clock Feedthrough

    LTC1065 50kHz 16-Pin 12-bit LTC1064-1/2/3/4/7 LTC1164-5/6/7 20KHz LTC1264-7 200KHz, LTC1569-6/7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4th Order Surface Mount Bessel Lowpass Filters RLC Electronics now offers 4th Order Surface Mount Bessel Lowpass Filters with the same excellent frequency response as our existing LB filters in a convenient surface mount package. These filters should be regarded as compromise

    LBS-1500-PB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surface Mount 4th Order Absorptive Bessel Filters RLC Electronics’ Surface Mount 4th Order Absorptive Bessel Filters provide the flat group delay response necessary to avoid distortion of digital signals. Signal distortion due to impedance mismatches is avoided by the

    MIL-E-5400, LBA-500-S PDF

    Lowpass Filters

    Abstract: Frequency Filters
    Text: 4th Order Tubular Bessel Lowpass Filters RLC Electronics’ now offers 4th Order Tubular Bessel Lowpass Filters with 3dB cutoffs of up to 2X cutoff of our LB series. Computer design and tubular construction allow us to maintain excellent delay characteristics with reasonable

    MIL-E-5400, LBT-6900 Lowpass Filters Frequency Filters PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D72 & DP72 Series 1.0 Hz to 100 kHz Fixed Frequency 16 Pin DIP 2-Pole Filters Description The D72 and DP72 Series of low-power, fixedfrequency, linear active filters are high performance, 2-pole filters in a compact package. These Butterworth and Bessel low-pass and Butterworth

    16-pin PDF


    Abstract: bessel OC-768 5th Order Lowpass Filter
    Text: Commercial Products 5-Pole Reflectionless Bessel Low-Pass Filters PN 469582 This high performance Absorptive Low Pass Filter approximates a 5th order Bessel Thompson Filter with linear phase and low return loss extending well beyond the filter 3 dB bandwidth.

    OC-768 5201-084D 084D bessel 5th Order Lowpass Filter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r i r n LTC1164-5 m TECHNOLOGY Low Pow er 8th O rder Pin S e le c ta b le B utterw orth or Bessel Lowpass Filter FCRTURCS DCSCRIPTIOn • Pin Selectable Butterworth or Bessel Response ■ 4mA Supply Current with ±5V Supplies ■ fcu TO FF up to 20kHz ■ 100|iVRMs Wideband Noise

    OCR Scan
    LTC1164-5 20kHz LTC1164-5 LTC1069-1 LTC1069-6 11645a 432-1900-FAX: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Micro Linear ML2110 Universal Dual Filter GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L2110 consists of two independent switched capaci­ tor filters that perform second order filter functions such as lowpass, bandpass, highpass, notch and allpass. All filter configurations including Butterworth, Bessel, Cauer, and

    OCR Scan
    ML2110 L2110 ML2110BCP ML2110CCP ML2110BCS ML2110CCS ML2110BIJ 10CIJ ML2110BMJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /T L in C A B TECHNOLOGY F€RTUR€S _ LTC1164-6 L o w P o w e r 8th O rd e r Pin S e le c t a b le E lliptic or Lin e a r P h a s e L o w p a ss Filter DCSCRIPTIOn • 8th Order Pin Selectable Elliptic or Bessel Filter in a The LTC1164-6 is a monolithic 8th order elliptic lowpass

    OCR Scan
    LTC1164-6 LTC1164-6 14-Pin 30kHz 14-Lead 16-Lead 10ENT, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4526; Rtv2 6/96 /U I/JX I/U I 8th-Order, Lowpass, S w itched-C apacitor Fitters The MAX291 /MAX295 Butterworth filters provide maxi­ mally flat passband response, and the MAX292/MAX296 Bessel fillers provide low overshoot and fast settling. All four filters have fixed responses, so the design task is

    OCR Scan
    MAX291 /MAX295 MAX292/MAX296 16-pin 00132Gfl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4526; Rev 0; 1/92 8th-Order, Lo wpa ss, S w itched-C apacitor Filters _ Features ♦ 8th-Order Lowpass Filters: Butterworth MAX291/MAX295 Bessel (MAX292/MAX296) ♦ Clock-Tunable Corner-Frequency Range: 0.1Hz to 25kHz (MAX291/MAX292)

    OCR Scan
    MAX291/MAX295) MAX292/MAX296) 25kHz MAX291/MAX292) 50kHz MAX295/MAX296) MAX291/MAX295 MAX292/MAX296 MIL-STD-883. MAX29 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4191; Rev. 1 ;7 /9 2 / l/ l/ J X I/ l/ l 4 th - a n d 8 th O rder C ontinuous-Tim e A c tiv e F ilters G eneral D escription _ Features • ♦ Continuous-Time Filter - No Clock, No Clock Noise ♦ Implement Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel and

    OCR Scan
    MAX274 MAX274) MAX275) 150kHz, MAX274 5-100ppm/ 274/M 275/S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / H / J X I / H 4th - and 8th-O rder Continuous-Time A ctive Filters G e n e r a l D e s c rip tio n F e a tu r e s ♦ Continuous-Time Filter - No Clock, No Clock Noise ♦ Implement Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel and

    OCR Scan
    MAX274 MAX274) MAX275) 150kHz, MAX274 5-100ppm/Â MAX274/MAX275/Software/EV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .-sa e r - r u n LTC1164-5 m TECHNOLOGY Low Power 8th Order Pin Selectable Butterworth or Bessel Lowpass Filter FCRTURCS DCSCMPTIOn • Pin Selectable Butterworth or Bessel Response ■ 4mA Supply Current with ±5V Supplies The LTC1164-5 is a monolithic 8th order filter; it approxi­

    OCR Scan
    LTC1164-5 LTC1164-5 20kHz 60jjV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [ P G lIL lM Q lM Ä IiW LTCl 164-5 Low Power 8th Order Butterworth Lowpass Filter N ovem ber 1991 F€ATUR€S DCSCAIPTION • Butterworth or Bessel Response ■ 4mA Supply Current with ±5V Supplies The LTC1164-5 is a monolithic 8th order Butterworth lowpass

    OCR Scan
    LTC1164-5 20kHz 14-pin 45Volt 73Volt 100KQ 80Volt 18Volt PDF

    International Microelectronic Products

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mJUHfo TWWWr COMPUTER & PERIPHERAL PRELIMINARY COMPONENTS_ IMP42C55 Bessel Filter with Phase Equalization General Description • The IMP42C55 is a programmable continuous-time filter operating in the 1.5 to 15 M Hz cut-off range. Its ampli­

    OCR Scan
    IMP42C55 IMP42C55 42C55 432-9100/FAX 434-0335/T International Microelectronic Products PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: u r m TECHNOLOGY _ LTC1Q65 DC Accurate, Clock-Tunable Linear Phase 5th Order Bessel Lowpass Filter K flT U K S DCSCRIPTIOn • Clock-Tunable Cutoff Frequency The LTC1065 is the first monolithic filter providing both ■ 1 mV DC Offset Typical

    OCR Scan
    LTC1Q65 LTC1065 12-bit 16-Lead PDF