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    7MB4048S30P Renesas Electronics Corporation 512KX8 SRAM FR-4 DIP MOD Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7MB4048S35P Renesas Electronics Corporation 512KX8 SRAM FR-4 DIP MOD Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7MB4048S45P Renesas Electronics Corporation 512KX8 SRAM FR-4 DIP MOD Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7MB4048S25P Renesas Electronics Corporation 512KX8 SRAM FR-4 DIP MOD Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7MB4048S55P Renesas Electronics Corporation 512KX8 SRAM FR-4 DIP MOD Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bq4852Y RTC Module With 512Kx8 NVSRAM Features General Description ➤ Integrated SRAM, real-time clock, CPU supervisor, crystal, power-fail control circuit, and battery The bq4852Y RTC Module is a nonvolatile 4,194,304-bit SRAM organized as 524,288 words by 8 bits with

    bq4852Y 512Kx8 304-bit 10-year PDF


    Abstract: EDI7F33512V
    Text: EDI7F33512V 512Kx32 FLASH DESCRIPTION FIG. 1 The EDI7F33512, EDI7F233512 and EDI7F433512 are organized as 512Kx32 and 2x512Kx32 and 4x512Kx32 respectively. The modules are based on AMD's AM29LV004T - 512Kx8 Flash Device in TSOP packages which are mounted on an FR4 substrate.

    EDI7F33512V 512Kx32 EDI7F33512, EDI7F233512 EDI7F433512 2x512Kx32 4x512Kx32 AM29LV004T 512Kx8 EDI7F33512V PDF


    Abstract: BPL TV soic-8 200mil
    Text: ESMT F25L004A 4Mbit 512Kx8 3V Only Serial Flash Memory FEATURES Single supply voltage 2.7~3.6V Speed - Read max frequency : 33MHz - Fast Read max frequency : 50MHz; 75MHz; 100MHz Auto Address Increment (AAI) WORD Programming - Decrease total chip programming time over

    512Kx8) F25L004A 33MHz 50MHz; 75MHz; 100MHz ELITE FLASH STORAGE TECHNOLOGY INC BPL TV soic-8 200mil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ESMT F25L004A 4Mbit 512Kx8 3V Only Serial Flash Memory „ FEATURES - Block erase time 1sec (typical) - Sector erase time 90ms(typical) y Single supply voltage 2.7~3.6V y Speed - Read max frequency : 33MHz - Fast Read max frequency : 50MHz; 75MHz; 100MHz

    512Kx8) F25L004A 33MHz 50MHz; 75MHz; 100MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WS512K8-XCX 512Kx8 SRAM MODULE, SMD 5962-92078 FEATURES  Access Times 20, 25, 35, 45ns  Standard Microcircuit Drawing, 5962-92078  MIL-STD-883 Compliant Devices Available  JEDEC Standard 32 pin, Hermetic Ceramic DIP Package 300  Commercial, Industrial and Military Temperature Range (-55°C to +125°C)

    WS512K8-XCX 512Kx8 MIL-STD-883 MIL-PRF-38534 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WED8L24513V Asynchronous SRAM, 3.3V, 512Kx24 FEATURES DESCRIPTION 512Kx24 bit CMOS Static The WED8L24513VxxBC is a 3.3V, twelve megabit SRAM constructed with three 512Kx8 die mounted on a multi-layer laminate substrate. With 10 to 15ns access times, x24 width and a 3.3V

    WED8L24513V 512Kx24 512Kx24 WED8L24513VxxBC 512Kx8 WED8L24513V DSP5630x 2106xL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WMS512K8-XXX HI-RELIABILITY PRODUCT 512Kx8 MONOLITHIC SRAM, SMD 5962-95613 FEATURES • 32 pin, Rectangular Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier Package 601 ■ Access Times 15, 17, 20, 25, 35, 45, 55ns ■ MIL-STD-883 Compliant Devices Available ■ Revolutionary, Center Power/Ground Pinout

    WMS512K8-XXX 512Kx8 MIL-STD-883 10HZX 14HZX 05HXX 06HXX 07HXX 08HXX 09HXX WMS512K8-XXX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o bq4850Y U N I T R O D E - RTC Module with 512Kx8 NVSRAM Features General Description >• I n te g r a t e d SRAM, re a l-tim e clock, crystal, power-fail control circuit, and battery The bq4850Y RTC Module is a non­ volatile 4,194,304-bit SRAM organ­

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    bq4850Y 512Kx8 304-bit 32-pin PDF

    TSOP 173 g

    Abstract: KM684000ALG-7 4000 CMOS KM684000ALGI-7L KM684000ALP-7L KM684000ALP-5L KM684000A KM684000AL KM684000ALI KM684000ALI-L
    Text: i, CMOS SRAM KM684000A Family 512Kx8 bit High Speed CMOS Static RAM FEATURE SUMMARY GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Process Technology: 0.4 um CMOS The KM684000A family is fabricated by SAMSUNG'S advanced CMOS process technology. The family • Organization : 512K x8

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    KM684000A 512Kx8 32-DIP, 32-SOP, 32-TSOP 71b4142 DD23bST TSOP 173 g KM684000ALG-7 4000 CMOS KM684000ALGI-7L KM684000ALP-7L KM684000ALP-5L KM684000AL KM684000ALI KM684000ALI-L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HY628400 Series •'H Y U N D A I 512Kx8bit CMOS SRAM DESCRIPTION FEATURES The HY628400 is a high-speed, low power and 4M bits CMOS SRAM organized as 524,288 words by 8 bits. The HY628400 uses Hyundai's high performance twin tub CMOS process technology and was designed for high-speed and

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    HY628400 512Kx8bit HY628400 04/0ct 32pin 525mil PDF


    Abstract: 741 IC data sheet bhrb data sheet IC 741 KM29N04 samsung flash bad block mapping
    Text: KM29N040T ELECTRONICS Flash 512Kx8Bit NAND Flash Memory FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Single 5.0 - volt Power Supply The KM29N040T is a 512Kx8bit NAND Flash memory. • Organization - Memory Cell Array - Data Register Its NAND cell structure provides the most cost-effective

    OCR Scan
    KM29N040T 512Kx8 500us 400mil/0 KM29N040T 512Kx8bit KM29N040 KM29N040T) 7TL4142 741 IC data sheet bhrb data sheet IC 741 KM29N04 samsung flash bad block mapping PDF


    Abstract: KM684000B KM684000BL KM684000BLI KM684000BLI-L KM684000BL-L KM684000BLP-5 KM684000BLP-5L KM684000BLP-7L KM684000BLG-7L
    Text: Prem iìinary CMOS SRAM KM684000B Family 512Kx8 bit Low Power CMOS Static RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION ~ - The KM684000B family is fabricated by SAMSUNG'S advanced CMOS process technology. The family can support various operating temperature ranges and has various package types

    OCR Scan
    KM684000B 512Kx8 512Kx8 32-DIP, 32-SOP, 32-TSOP 003bS17 KM684000BLP-7 KM684000BL KM684000BLI KM684000BLI-L KM684000BL-L KM684000BLP-5 KM684000BLP-5L KM684000BLP-7L KM684000BLG-7L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hiyli P e r f o r m a n c i 1 •■ AS29F400 A S I 2 K x 8 / 2 S6 K X I 6 SV C M O S F l a s h F F P R O M S I 2 K x 8 / 2 5 6 K x l 6 CMOS Flush FFPROM Prelim inary inform ation Features • Organization: 512KX8 or 256KX16 • Sector architecture • L o w p o w e r c o n s u m p tio n

    OCR Scan
    AS29F400 512KX8 256KX16 ip9F400T-1SOTC AS29F400T-ISOU AS29F400B-55SC AS29F400B* AS29F400B-70SI AS29F400B-90SC AS29F400B-90SI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BENCHMARQ_ bq4015/bq4015Y 512Kx8 Nonvolatile SRAM Features General Description >• Data retention in the absence of power >- Automatic write-protection during power-up/power-down cycles >• Industry-standard 32-pin 512K x 8 pinout >- Conventional SRAM operation;

    OCR Scan
    bq4015/bq4015Y 512Kx8 32-pin bq4015 304-bit bq4015 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ EDI7F8512C ^ED I Electronic Designs Inc. High Performance Four Megabit Flash EEPROM 512Kx8 CMOS Flash EEPROM Module Features The EDI7F8512C is a 5V-0nly In-System Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory Module. Organized as 512Kx8 bits, the module contains four 128Kx8 Flash Memo­

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    EDI7F8512C 512Kx8 EDI7F8512C 128Kx8 3E30114 EDI7F8512C120BSC EDI7F8512C150BSC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: benchuarú hicroelec bûE D • 137flfln 0GG1575 015 H B E N bq4115 Advance Information f e j BENCHM ARQ . 512Kx8 NV Pseudo SRAM Features General Description >- Data retention in the absence of power The CMOS bq4115 is a nonvolatile pseudo static RAM organized as

    OCR Scan
    137flfln 0GG1575 bq4115 512Kx8 bq4115 512Kx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bq 4015 /Y U IM IT R O D E 512Kx8 Nonvolatile SRAM Features >• D a t a r e t e n t i o n fo r a t l e a s t 10 y e a rs w ith o u t pow er >• A utom atic w rite-protection d uring power-up/power-down cycles >• C o n v e n tio n a l SR A M o p e ra tio n ,

    OCR Scan
    512Kx8 bq40em bq4013 bq40M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W D ELECTRONIC DESIGNS, INC. EDI8F81025C \ 1Megx8 SRAM Module 1Megx8 Static RAM CMOS, Module Features The EDI8F81025C is an 8 megabit CMOS Static RAM based on two 512Kx8 Static RAMs mounted on a multi­ 1 Meg x 8 bit CMOS Static layered epoxy laminate FR4 substrate.

    OCR Scan
    EDI8F81025C EDI8F81025C 512Kx8 EDI8F81025LP) 100ns EDI8F81025LP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^EDI EDI7C32512C _ ELECTRONIC DESIGNS, INC 512Kx32 Flash 512Kx32 High Speed Flash Module Features The EDI7C32512C is a high speed, high performance, sixteen megabit density Flash module, organized as 512Kx32 bits, containing four 512Kx8 die mounted in a package.

    OCR Scan
    EDI7C32512C 512Kx32 EDI7C32512C 512Kx32 512Kx8 EDI7C32512C70EQ EDI7C32512C90EQ EDI7C32512C120EQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^EDI EDI8F32512C Electronic Designs Inc. High Speed Sixteen Megabit SRAM Module 512Kx32 Static RAM CMOS, High Speed Module Features The EDI8F32512C is a high speed 16 megabit Static RAM module organized as 512K words by 32 bits. This module is constructed from four 512Kx8 Static RAMs in

    OCR Scan
    EDI8F32512C 512Kx32 EDI8F32512C 512Kx8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ bq4115Y 512Kx8 NV Pseudo SRAM Features General Description > D ata retention in the absence of power The CMOS bq4115Y is a nonvolatile pseudo sta tic RAM organized as 512K words by 8 bits. The integral control circuitry and backup battery source provide reliable nonvolatility

    OCR Scan
    bq4115Y 512Kx8 000242b bq4115 512Kx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a WMF512K8-XXX5 WHITE /MICROELECTRONICS 512Kx8 MONOLITHIC FLASH, SM D 5962-96692 FEATURES • A ccess Tim es of 70, 90, 120, 150ns ■ Organized as 512Kx8 ■ Packaging • 32 pin, Herm etic Ceramic, 0.600" DIP Package 300 • 3 2 lead, Herm etic Ceram ic, 0.400" S O J (Package 101)

    OCR Scan
    WMF512K8-XXX5 512Kx8 150ns 512Kx8 64KByte PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a WMS512K8V-XXX WHITE /MICROELECTRONICS 512Kx8 MONOLITHIC SRAM PRELIMINARY* FEATURES • A c c e s s T i m e s 15, 17, 2 0 n s Low Power CMOS ■ M IL - S T D - 8 8 3 C o m p l i a n t D e v ic e s A v a i l a b l e L o w V o l t a g e O p e ra tio n : ■

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    WMS512K8V-XXX 512Kx8 A14U PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T T WS128K32-XXX M/HITE /MICROELECTRONICS • Organized as 128Kx32; User Configurable as 25BKx16 or 512Kx8 ■ Commercial, Industrial and M ilitary Temperature Ranges ■ 5 Volt Power Supply 128Kx32 SRAM MODULE FEATURES ■ Access Time 17 and 20nS ■ MIL-STD-883 Compliant Devices Available

    OCR Scan
    WS128K32-XXX 128Kx32 MIL-STD-883 128Kx32; 25BKx16 512Kx8 00DQb3ñ 09HXX 10HXX PDF