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    2N6753 Datasheets (10)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N6753 Semelab Bipolar NPN Device in a Hermetically Sealed TO3 Metal Package - Pol=NPN / Pkg=TO3 / Vceo=500 / Ic=10 / Hfe=8min / fT(Hz)=15M / Pwr(W)=75 Original PDF
    2N6753 Ferranti Semiconductors Quick Reference Guide 1985 Scan PDF
    2N6753 General Electric 5 A SwitchMax power transistor. High voltage N-P-N type. - Pol=NPN / Pkg=TO3 / Vceo=500 / Ic=10 / Hfe=8min / fT(Hz)=15M / Pwr(W)=75 Scan PDF
    2N6753 General Electric High Voltage Bipolar Power Transistors Scan PDF
    2N6753 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N6753 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N6753 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N6753 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N6753 Semelab Bipolar Transistors (CECC and High Rel) & High Energy Scan PDF
    2N6753 Semiconductor Technology NPN & PNP High Voltage Silicon High Power Transistors Scan PDF

    2N6753 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N6753 Dimensions in mm inches . 25.15 (0.99) 26.67 (1.05) 6.35 (0.25) 9.15 (0.36) 1.52 (0.06) 3.43 (0.135) 2 22.23 (0.875) max. 0.97 (0.060) 1.10 (0.043) 16.64 (0.655) 17.15 (0.675) 29.9 (1.177) 30.4 (1.197) 38.61 (1.52) 39.12 (1.54) 10.67 (0.42) 11.18 (0.44)

    2N6753 O204AA) 31-Jul-02 2N6753 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 2N6753 Silicon NPN Power Transistor DESCRIPTION • Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage: VCEO(sus)= 500(Min.) • High Switching Speed • Low Collector Saturation Voltage

    2N6753 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N6753 Dimensions in mm inches . 25.15 (0.99) 26.67 (1.05) 6.35 (0.25) 9.15 (0.36) 1.52 (0.06) 3.43 (0.135) 2 22.23 (0.875) max. 0.97 (0.060) 1.10 (0.043) 16.64 (0.655) 17.15 (0.675) 29.9 (1.177) 30.4 (1.197) 38.61 (1.52) 39.12 (1.54) 10.67 (0.42) 11.18 (0.44)

    2N6753 O204AA) 18-Jun-02 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6753
    Text: SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification 2N6753 2N6754 Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION •With TO-3 package ·High breakdown voltage ·Low saturation voltage ·Fast switching speed APPLICATIONS ·Off-line power supplies ·High-voltage inverters

    2N6753 2N6754 2N6753 2N6754 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6753
    Text: Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification 2N6753 2N6754 Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION •With TO-3 package ·High breakdown voltage ·Low saturation voltage ·Fast switching speed APPLICATIONS ·Off-line power supplies ·High-voltage inverters

    2N6753 2N6754 2N6753 2N6754 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N6753 Dimensions in mm inches . 25.15 (0.99) 26.67 (1.05) 6.35 (0.25) 9.15 (0.36) 1.52 (0.06) 3.43 (0.135) 2 22.23 (0.875) max. 0.97 (0.060) 1.10 (0.043) 16.64 (0.655) 17.15 (0.675) 29.9 (1.177) 30.4 (1.197) 38.61 (1.52) 39.12 (1.54) 10.67 (0.42) 11.18 (0.44)

    2N6753 O204AA) 16-Jul-02 PDF


    Abstract: ytf830 2N7057 2N769 YTF840 2n1565 VNP006A VNM005A 2SA1091 2N7066
    Text: STI Type: VNL005A Notes: Breakdown Voltage: 350 Continuous Current: 25 RDS on Ohm: .20 Trans Conductance Mhos: 10 Trans Conductance A: 10 Gate Threshold min: 2.0 Gate Threshold max: 5.0 Resistance Switching ton: 60 Resistance Switching toff: 180 Resistance Switching ID: 20

    VNL005A O-204AA/TO-3 VNM006A VNM005A 2N1717 2N1890 O-205AD/TO-39 2N7058 ytf830 2N7057 2N769 YTF840 2n1565 VNP006A VNM005A 2SA1091 2N7066 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6456 2N6803 20C36 2NJ771 RCA 2n6674 20C84 2N6617 2NJ771A 2N6525
    Text: POWER SILICON PNP Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 15 20 >= 30 Rohm Co Ltd Rohm Corp Rohm Corp Rohm Co Ltd Sanyo Elect Semelab Semelab Semelab Semelab Semelab ~MLt;9t;U1 ~melaD SML3501 SML3505 SML3509 SML3513 2N3205 2N3208 SOT3552 SOT3552 SOT3552 Semelab

    2S81188 2S8891 2S8632K SML3552 SML3575 SML3578 SML69501 SML69509 2N6805 2N6456 2N6803 20C36 2NJ771 RCA 2n6674 20C84 2N6617 2NJ771A 2N6525 PDF


    Abstract: LT042 LT041 SDT13305 sgsf465 BUT56A BUT56 ET403 NPN sdt13304 ks03
    Text: POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS Item Number •c Part Number Manufacturer Type Max A V (BR)CEO on PD Max hFE fT ON) Min (HZ) r ICBO Max (A) Max (s) (CE)sat Toper Max (Ohms) Max (°C) Package Style Devices 20 Watts or More, (Cont'd) . . . .5 . . .10 . . .15 . .

    BUT12A 2N6581 2N6584 2N6587 2N6590 BUW26 TIPL765A 2N6752 SDT13204 LT049 LT042 LT041 SDT13305 sgsf465 BUT56A BUT56 ET403 NPN sdt13304 ks03 PDF

    THINKI transistor catalog

    Abstract: audio amplifier ic bd249c catalog AUDIO HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER 3DD301 2sc3229 2SA747
    Text: THINKI TRANSISTOR CATALOG Power Transistors For Audio Power Amplifier PC IC Vceo W (A) (V) Model Vcbo Vebo (V) (V) Vce(sat) hFE fT (V) VCE(V) IC(A) max IC(A) (MHz) Package Function TYP IB(A) 1 -0.05 -150 2SA914 -150 -5 90-450 -5 -0.01 -1 -0.03 -0.003

    2SA914 O-126 2SA900 2SC2556 2SC2556A LM317K O-220 LM317T THINKI transistor catalog audio amplifier ic bd249c catalog AUDIO HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER 3DD301 2sc3229 2SA747 PDF


    Abstract: STR5412 2N3055 TO-220 S2000A3 STRS6309 S2000a2 BDW36 2SC3883 strs6308 STR6020
    Text: 2N3054 TO-66 2N32741 TO-66 2N4240 TO-66 2N4908 TO-3 2N3054A TO-66 2N3766 TO-66 2N4273 TO-66 2N4909 TO-3 2N3055 TO-3 2N3767 TO-66 2N4298 TO-66 2N4910 TO-66 2N3171 TO-3 2N3771 TO-3 2N4347 TO-3 2N4911 TO-66 2N3172 TO-3 2N3772 TO-3 2N4348 TO-3 2N4912 TO-66 2N3173

    2N3054 2N32741 2N4240 2N4908 2N3054A 2N3766 2N4273 2N4909 2N3055 2N3767 STRS6307 STR5412 2N3055 TO-220 S2000A3 STRS6309 S2000a2 BDW36 2SC3883 strs6308 STR6020 PDF


    Abstract: D1N3940 Q2N2907A D1N1190 Q2SC1815 Q2N3055 Q2N1132 D1N750 D02CZ10 D1N751
    Text: Analog Parts Index Digital Mixed-Signal Device Type Index Click on a device type to jump to its page Actuator Fluid Level Detector Operational Amplifier Small-Signal Mosfet Amplifier/Equilizer Ground Fault Interrupter Opto-Isolator Switch Mulitplier Analog

    RD91EB Q2N4401 D1N3940 Q2N2907A D1N1190 Q2SC1815 Q2N3055 Q2N1132 D1N750 D02CZ10 D1N751 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N6751, 2N6752, 2N6753, 2N6754 HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR File N u m be r SbE 1244 4302271 0040b44 71fi H H A S 5-A S w itc h M a ji Power Transistors • 7 = 3 5 -/? TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS High-Voltage N-P-N Types for 240 V Off-Line Power Supplies and Other High-Voltage

    OCR Scan
    2N6751, 2N6752, 2N6753, 2N6754 0040b44 O-204AA 2N6752 2N6754 PDF


    Abstract: RCA-2N6751 TL 7533 2N6751 2N6752 2N6753 2N6754 wv1 transistor xl901
    Text: 3875081 G E SOLID STATE □ 1 DE | 3 A 7 5 0 ai 0 0 1 7 0 4 D S Swfh eh Mu i Pow er Transistore_ 2N6751, 2N6752, 2N6753, 2N6754 5-A S w I t c h M a Power Transistors File N u m b e r 1244 f TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS High-Voltage N-P-N Types for 240 V Off-Line

    OCR Scan
    3fl750fll 0D1704D 2N6751, 2N6752, 2N6753, 2N6754 TQ-204AA O-204AA RCA-2N6751, TA9153 RCA-2N6751 TL 7533 2N6751 2N6752 2N6753 2N6754 wv1 transistor xl901 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N6751, 2N6752, 2N6753, 2N6754 File Number 1244 5-A S w itc h M a jf Power Transistors TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS High-Voltage N -P -N Types for 240 V O ff-Line Power Supplies and O ther H igh-Voltage Sw itching Applications Features: • High-temperature parameters guaranteed

    OCR Scan
    2N6751, 2N6752, 2N6753, 2N6754 O-204AA ZN6751 2N6752 2N6754SwitchMax PDF


    Abstract: BUW41 2N6771 2N6686 2N6675 BUX31B npn 1000V 100a 2N6671 2N6674 2N6676
    Text: MAXIVOLT SERIES H IGH V O L T A G E /H IG H C U R R E N T S W IT C H IN G T R A N S IS T O R S M AXIVO LT - A series of power transistors fully designed for high voltage switching application. M A X IV O L T S E LE C T O R C H A R T 1A 5A 5A 10A 15A 20A 25A

    OCR Scan
    2N6686 2N6687 2N6688 2N6771* 2N6671 2N6674 2N6676 BUW40* 2N6738* BUW41* BUW41B BUW41 2N6771 2N6686 2N6675 BUX31B npn 1000V 100a 2N6671 2N6676 PDF


    Abstract: T053 BC109C NPN BC108A BC107A bc108 IC hr 2N6589 2N6590 2N6609 2N6653
    Text: MAE D • 0133187 0 0 0 D M4 5 SEM ELABE G31 I S ML B SEMELAB LTD BI-POLAR TRANSISTO RS CECC AND HIGH REL & HIGH ENERGY Rel Code 2N6589 2N6590 2N6594 2N6609 2N6653 2N6654 2N6655 2N6671 2N6672 2N6673 2N6674 2N6675 2N6676 2N6677 2N6678 2N6686 2N6687 2N6688

    OCR Scan
    ai331fl7 0000MH5 2N6589 2N6590 2N6594 2N6609 2N6653 10min 2N6654 BC140-16 T053 BC109C NPN BC108A BC107A bc108 IC hr PDF


    Abstract: A5 GNE mosfet Hall sensor 44e 402 2N8491 FTG 1087 S TRIAC BCR 10km FEB3T smd transistor marking 352a sharp EIA 577 sharp color tv schematic diagram MP-130 M mh-ce 10268
    Text: Table of Contents N E W A R K E L E C T R O N IC S “Where serving you begins even before you call” Newark Electronics is a UNIQUE broadline distributor of electronic components, dedicated to provid­ ing complete service, fast delivery and in-depth inventory. Our main

    OCR Scan

    tic 1260 scr texas

    Abstract: TA7265 2N6874 ta7719 2N6058 RCA 40408 transistor 2N2405 bd643 BD647 equivalent 2N3228
    Text: RCA Bipolar Power Devices Table of Contents This DATABOOK contains detailed technical information on the full line of more than 750 RCA bipolar power devices consisting of: power transistors, SURGECTORs, ultra-fast-recovery rectifiers, power hybrid circuits, SCRs, and triacs.

    OCR Scan

    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF


    Abstract: 40362 40315 40327 40349 40080 40239 40250 40323 40361
    Text: 175 175 175 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 125 150 175 .500 2.00 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .180 .180 .180 .180 .180 .180 .180 .180 .180 .180 .180 29.0 117 7.00 1.00 29.0 1.00 29.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 29.0 117 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00

    OCR Scan
    2N6676 2N6677 2N6678 2N6738 T0220 2N6739 2N6740 2N6751 2N6752 T0220 40363 40362 40315 40327 40349 40080 40239 40250 40323 40361 PDF

    TLP 527

    Abstract: IR5065 transistor TIP 350 TLP-531 ST555 2N6676 IR5061 IR5066 ST-550 TLP 535
    Text: kn| I SEnlCONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY OSE D | fll3bM5fl □ D□ □ B5 *4 M [ 1 ^ * T - 5 S .- 0 / NPN & PNP HIGH VOLTAGE SILICON HIGH POWER TRANSISTORS Industry Type Power Dissipation @25 "C watts VCEV (volts) 2N6672 2N6673 2N6674 2N6675 2N6676 2N6672 2N6673

    OCR Scan
    T-53--0/ 2N6672 2N6673 2N6674 2N6675 2N6676 TLP 527 IR5065 transistor TIP 350 TLP-531 ST555 IR5061 IR5066 ST-550 TLP 535 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TS PLESSEY SEMICOND/DISCRETE dF | 7SE0S33 DDG4TSb 95D 04956 7220533 PL ES SE Y SEMICOND/DISCRETE 3 3 '0/ MAXIVOLT SERIES TABLE 8-N P N M U LTI-EPITAXIAL DOUBLE DIFFUSED POWER SWITCHING TRANSISTORS The devices shown in this table are specially designed for off-line switching power supplies, converters

    OCR Scan
    7SE0S33 T0-220 O-220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I SEMELAB pic - SELECTOR GUIDE DISCRETE BI-POLAR DEVICES TypeNo 2N6423 2N6424 2N6425 2N6425A 2N6436 2N6437 2N6438 2N6448 2N6461 2N6462 2N6463 2N6464 2N6465 2N6466 2N6467 2N6468 2N6469 2N6496 2N6500 2N6511 2N6512 2N6513 2N6514 2N6534 2N6535 2N6536 2N6537 2N6542

    OCR Scan
    2N6423 2N6424 2N6425 2N6425A 2N6436 2N6437 2N6438 2N6448 2N6461 2N6462 PDF