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    Quest Components 2N2757 8
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    LP Technologies 2N2757

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    2N2757 Datasheets (15)

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    2N2757 Westinghouse Silicon Power Transistors 30 Amps, 200 Watts Scan PDF

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    Abstract: SKC25B75 SEMIKRON book ibm ppc 440
    Text: POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 15 20 25 •30 >= 20 A, Semikron Semikron ~~~~~8(p.) ~~nyo ~~ect BUV51 (A) BUW51 (A) BUW1B BUW1B BUW19 2N3771 1561·040B 1561·040B 1061-041U 1561-0410 MJ3771 2N5301 BOX41 2N2757 2N2763 2N2769 2N2775 5250·50

    SKC25B75 SKC25K75 T25M40 GSRU20040 2SC2903 2SC30B5 SKC25KB5 2SC3455 2SC39BB SEMIKRON book ibm ppc 440 PDF


    Abstract: ST29045 2SD319 P1743-0630 BUW18 SDT9701 1561-0810
    Text: POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS Item Number Part Number Manufacturer Type Ic Max A V (BR)CEO on PD Max hFE *T ON) Min (HZ) ICBO t0N r Max Max (A) (s) Max (Ohms) (CE)sat Toper Max (°C) Package Style Devices 20 Watts or More, (Cont'd) . . -5 -10 -15 -20 . . -25

    GSRU20040 2SC2903 SKC25B70 SKC25B75 SKC25K85 2SC3988 2SC3455 2SC3989 BUP38 ST29045 2SD319 P1743-0630 BUW18 SDT9701 1561-0810 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2228 2N2772 2N1016 152-06 2N3431 154-04 TO82 2N3430 2N2229
    Text: A Hi-Reliability Semiconductor Manufacturer Home Distributors Employment Information Military Product Products Quality Quote Request Value Added E-mail home | help | email Alloy Transistors HIGH S.O.A. NPN POWER TRANSISTORS 6-20 AMPERES 2N1015, 2N1016, 2N3429-32

    2N1015, 2N1016, 2N3429-32 2N1015 2N1016 2N1015A 2N1016A 2N3429 MT-52 2N2227 2N2228 2N2772 2N1016 152-06 2N3431 154-04 TO82 2N3430 2N2229 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2836 2n2782 2N2773 2N2869 2n2840 rca 2N2750 2N2768 2N1893 motorola 2N2857 semicoa
    Text: LOW-POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number • 10 MPS5858 BFR50 TIPP31B ST4341 BSW65 BSW65 2N1572 2N738 2N2517 2N755 ~~;:6 15 20 SOR1893 A BSW39-6 BC344 2N2858 2N2852 2N719 2N2509 ESM639 ~~~~ 25 30 2SC696A 2N2890 2N720A BFY80 MPSH04 2N1893 2N2316 BCX31

    MPS5858 BFR50 TIPP31B ST4341 BSW65 2N1572 2N738 2N2517 2N755 2N2875 2N2836 2n2782 2N2773 2N2869 2n2840 rca 2N2750 2N2768 2N1893 motorola 2N2857 semicoa PDF


    Abstract: 2N2819 2N2771
    Text: electronics inc POWER TRANSISTORS TYPE NO. 2N2757 200 MAXIMUM RATINGS Ic B V cbo BVcto BVteo V A V V 50 50 15 30 Ic A Vce V Test Sat Voltages Conditions V be Ic le lEBO V ce A A ma V V 10 4 1.5 a> hFE MIN MAX 10 2.5 10 2 25 2 25 2N2758 200 100 100 15 30 10

    OCR Scan
    2N2757 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2761 2N2763 2N2764 2N2765 2N2766 2N2769 2N2824 2N2819 2N2771 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS TYPE NO. TO-63 PT @ 25°C Watts MAXIMUM RATINGS B V c bo B V ceo B V ebo le V A V V Sat Voltages 3> hFE MIN MAX le A V ce VCE V be V V V Test Conditions le Ib A A lEBO ma 2N2757 200 50 50 15 30 10 10 4 1.5 2.5 10 2 25 2N2758 200 100 100 15

    OCR Scan
    2N2757 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2761 2N2763 2N2825 2N2816 2N3260 O-114 LM3661TL-1.25 PDF


    Abstract: 2n2770
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS Sat Voltages PT TYPE NO. @ 25°C Watts h FE M A X I M U M R A T IN C S Ic B V c b c BV ceq B V e b o V V V A i> M IN M AX Ic A Test Conditions Vet V be Ic Ib lEBO V V V A A ma r VCE 2N2757 200 50 50 15 30 10 10 4 1.5 2.5 10 2 25 2N2758 200

    OCR Scan
    2N2757 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2761 2N2763 2N2764 2N2765 2N2766 2N2769 2N2772 2n2770 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2757 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2761 2N2763 2N2764 2N2765 2N2766
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS TYPE NO. PT @ 25°C Watts MAXIMUM RATINGS B V c bo B V ceo B V ebo Ic V A V V Sat Voltages 3> hFE MIN MAX Test Conditions Ic A V ce VCE V be Ic Ib lEBO V V V A A ma 2N2757 200 50 50 15 30 10 10 4 1.5 2.5 10 2 25 2N2758 200 100 100 15 30 10

    OCR Scan
    2N2757 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2761 2N2763 2N2764 2N2765 2N2766 2N2769 2N2818 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2119 2N2126 16420 2N6062 2N4211 2N2823 2N2763 16-430 2N2117
    Text: BIG IDEAS IN BIG POWER • PowerTech Replacement Parts Are Available For The Following Part Numbers: PART # 2N1936 2N1937 2N2109 2N2110 2N2111 2N2112 2N2113 2N2114 2N2116 2N2117 2N2118 2N2119 2N2123 2N2124 2N2125 2N2126 2N2130 2N2131 2N2132 2N2133 2N2757 2N2758

    OCR Scan
    2N1936 2N1937 2N2109 2N2110 2N2111 2N2112 2N2113 2N2114 2N2116 2N2117 2N2764 2N2119 2N2126 16420 2N6062 2N4211 2N2823 2N2763 16-430 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2772 2N2771 2N1015 2N1016D 2N2227 TO82 2N2228 2N1016B 2N3430
    Text: • 4 ñ b c1 E m 3 D D G D 4 3 ‘ì DbD discrete devices JEmitronicr hot line TOLL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 silicon transistors silicon power transistors HIGH S.O.A. NPN POWER TRANSISTORS 6 - 2 0 Amperes JEDEC/TYPE 151 153 152 154 2N1015, A, B, C, D 2N1016,

    OCR Scan
    DDGD43T 2N1015, 2N1016, 2N3429-32 2N1015 2N1016 2N1015A 2N1016A 2N3429 152-TO-82 2N1016 2N2772 2N2771 2N1016D 2N2227 TO82 2N2228 2N1016B 2N3430 PDF


    Abstract: S1482 JAN2N1480 jantx 2N2771 2N2034 jan2n1482 2N2580M 2n2110
    Text: IN D EX Type No. 2N389 2N389A 2N424 2N424A 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1015E 2N1015F 2N1016 2N1016A 2N1016B 2N1016C 2M 016D 2N1016E 2N1016F 2N1047 2N1047A 2N1047B 2N1048 2N1048A 2N1048B 2N1049 2N1049A 2N1049B 2N1050 2N1050A 2N1050B 2N1067 2N1068

    OCR Scan
    2N389 2N389A 2N424 2N424A 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1015E 2N2753 S1482 JAN2N1480 jantx 2N2771 2N2034 jan2n1482 2N2580M 2n2110 PDF


    Abstract: TO82 2N2232 2N3475 2n2227 2n3471 2n2228 2n1016 2N2226 2N1050C
    Text: discrete devices JEmitronicr hot line TO LL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 silicon transistors silicon power transistors HIGH S.O.A. NPN POWER TRANSISTORS 6 - 2 0 Amperes JE D E C /T Y P E 151 153 152 154 2N1015, A, B, C, D 2N1016, A, B, C, D 2N3429-32 163 164 PEAK CURRENT

    OCR Scan
    2N1015, 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1016, 2N1016 2N1016A 2N3429 2N3429-32 MT-52 MT-33 2N2772 TO82 2N2232 2N3475 2n2227 2n3471 2n2228 2N2226 2N1050C PDF

    Darlington npn stud mount

    Abstract: TO82 2N3429 2N6840 2N1015 2N1016 2N3470-73 TO82 package 40240
    Text: POÜJEREX INC -=11 De J 7Hc14ti51i DGQlflS? 0 | Power Transistors & Darlington Modules T '-3 3 -0 / NPN Power Switching Transistors le Amps y CEO (SUS) (Volts) tf(max) (¡¿sec) Pt(max) Watts Tc (°C) High Safe Operating Area (SOA) 25 40-240 175 1.5 5 25

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    7Hc14ti51i MT-52 MT-33 Darlington npn stud mount TO82 2N3429 2N6840 2N1015 2N1016 2N3470-73 TO82 package 40240 PDF

    RCA H 541

    Abstract: 2T312 2N2654 AS218 transistor gex 74a diode germanium 1n283 K3004 TFK diode ac132 TI-483

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CD4003 2N2505 TF408 1N4465 250PA120 2N3017 pt 3570 trw rf pa189 Semicon volume 1
    Text: 1969 o < 00 x ic e uo <r\ *—4 rO O CM u J 'r < o o o CO r aJ. rfrr.~> y -< z X— < P“ -J Sem iconductor Annual At .0008" Dia. . . . there is no second source phire orifice insert. Tempress also created and supplied the tungsten carbide ultrasonic bonding tool and pioneered

    OCR Scan

    2N2222A mps

    Abstract: 2N512AB 2n2222 mps 1N1096 1N589 1n4007 - 2n4001 2N698 SCR 1N233A 1N20461 2N3304
    Text: ¿S c iscre:e devices ^ ! jemitronicr hot line TOLL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 alpha-numeric index Type 1N34A 1N35 1N36 1N38.A.B 1N40 1N42 1N44/ 1N51 1N52,A 1N54,A 1N55AB 1N56,A 1N57,A 1N58.A 1N60.A 1N61 1N62 1N63,A 1N65 1N66.A 1N67.A 1N68.A 1N69,A 1N70,A 1N71

    OCR Scan
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    transistor c2060

    Abstract: Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor
    Text: Data Book Updating Service I Table of Contents How to Use the Data Book I > INTRODUCTION Complete I N . . . INDEX numerical index o f all ElA-registered device types, with major electrical specifications 2N . . . & 3N . . . INDEX Complete numerical index of all ElA-registered device types,

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    AN-134 transistor c2060 Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor PDF

    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF


    Abstract: TO82 2N2227
    Text: ^ ^ ^ 2 5 4022 CIL ICON T R A N S I S T O R C O RP öö NUMERICAL INDEX TO INDUSTRIAL GRADE POWER TRANSISTORS „ . 6 Ô D 00791 7"j 3 3 V / 3 " DE | ù 25MQSa 00007=11 M J ' ^ T g ^ T p f Polarity leMax Amps VCECHSUS Volts 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C

    OCR Scan
    25MQSa 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1904 2N1936 2N1937 2N2015 TO82 TRANSISTOR TO82 2N2227 PDF

    WESTINGHOUSE transistor

    Abstract: Westinghouse CO 8 westinghouse relay westinghouse transistors westinghouse semiconductor westinghouse power transistor 2N2761 2N2771 2N2770 westinghouse
    Text: Westinghouse Therm al Characteristics Thermal resistance, 0 jc , #C /w a tt, max. .0.5 Power dissipation, P j at T c = 7 5 °C w atts, max. 200 Typical thermal drop, case to heat sink, ° C /w a tt.0.3

    OCR Scan
    2N2757-78+ 30-ampere for2N2760, 2N2766, 2N2772 2N2778. C/2116/DB; C/2117 WESTINGHOUSE transistor Westinghouse CO 8 westinghouse relay westinghouse transistors westinghouse semiconductor westinghouse power transistor 2N2761 2N2771 2N2770 westinghouse PDF


    Abstract: 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2761 2N2763 2N2764 2N2765 2N2766 2N2769
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS TYPE NO. TO-63 MIN MAX le A V ce VCE V be V V V Test Conditions le Ib lEBO A A ma 200 50 50 15 30 10 10 4 1.5 2.5 10 2 25 2N2758 200 100 100 15 30 10 10 4 1.5 2.5 10 2 25 2N2759 200 150 150 15 30 10 10 4 1.5 2.5 10 2 25 2N2760 200 200 200

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    2N2757 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2761 2N2763 2N2764 2N2765 2N2766 2N2769 PDF


    Abstract: npn 2N2383 2N2753 2NXXXX 2N1069 TO53 transistor 2n2383 2n1117 2N1620 2N2227
    Text: ^ ^ ^ 2 5 4022 CIL ICON T R A N S I S T O R C O RP öö NUMERICAL INDEX TO INDUSTRIAL GRADE POWER TRANSISTORS „ . 6 Ô D 00791 7"j 3 3 V / 3 " DE |ù 2 5 M Q S a 0 00 07=11 M J ' ^ T g ^ T p f leMax Amps VCECHSUS Polarity 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C

    OCR Scan
    e6DjP073L. 254D22 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1015E 2N1016 2N1016A TO82 TRANSISTOR npn 2N2383 2N2753 2NXXXX 2N1069 TO53 transistor 2n2383 2n1117 2N1620 2N2227 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2761 2N2757 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2763 2N2764 2N2765 2N2766
    Text: 8365700 SOLID POWER CORP 95C 0 0 1 1 8 SOLID POWER CORP TS D *T'S3-öl » F | fl3bS7D0 □□□□Hfl t POWER TRANSISTORS TYPE NO. TO-63 MAXIMUM RATINGS Ic B V c b o B V ceo B V ebo V A V V (5 hFE MIN MAX Ic A V CE V Sat Voltages V CE V be V V Test Conditions

    OCR Scan
    2N2757 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2761 2N2763 2N2764 2N2765 2N2766 2N2815 2N2824 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2757 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2761 2N2763 2N2764 2N2765 2N2766
    Text: A P I ELECTRONICS INC blE J> I 00M35T2 O O O O ^ b 45T « A M C POWER TRANSISTORS TYPE NO. TO-63 24 PT MAXIMUM RATINGS @ 25°C B V cb o B V ceo B V ebo Ic V A V V Watts Ic A VCE V Sat Test Voltages Conditions V ce V be Ic Ib lEBO V V A A ma hFE < MIN MAX

    OCR Scan
    2N2757 2N2758 2N2759 2N2760 2N2761 2N2763 2N2764 2N2765 2N2766 N2769 2N2772 PDF