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    Microchip Technology Inc 2N1016C

    TRANS NPN 150V 7.5A TO-82
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    Microchip Technology Inc 2N1016D

    TRANS NPN 200V 7.5A TO-82
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    Microchip Technology Inc 2N1016B

    TRANS NPN 100V 7.5A TO-82
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    Microchip Technology Inc JAN2N1016B

    TRANS NPN 100V 7.5A TO-82
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    R&D Fasteners NAS1352N10-16

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    Bisco Industries NAS1352N10-16 51
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    2N1016 Datasheets (116)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N1016 Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N1016 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N1016 Unknown Vintage Transistor Datasheets Scan PDF
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    2N1016 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N1016 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N1016 Unknown GE Transistor Specifications Scan PDF
    2N1016 Pirgo Electronics Power Transistors in TO-82 Scan PDF
    2N1016 Semitronics Silicon Power Transistors Scan PDF
    2N1016 Silicon Transistor JAN / Consumer / Military / Industrial / Automotive / Hi-Rel Scan PDF
    2N1016 Silicon Transistor Industrial Grade NPN Power Transistors Scan PDF
    2N1016 Solid Power POWER TRANSISTORS - TO-82 Scan PDF
    2N1016 Solid Power Power Transistors in TO-82 Package Scan PDF
    2N1016 Westinghouse Silicon Power Transistors 20 Amps, 150 Watts Scan PDF
    2N1016 Westinghouse 7.5 Amps, 150 Watt Silicon Power Transistor Scan PDF
    2N1016A Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N1016A Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
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    2N1016A Unknown Vintage Transistor Datasheets Scan PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N1016B, 2N1016C, 2N1016D Qualified Levels: JAN NPN Silicon High-Power Transistor Available on commercial versions Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/102 DESCRIPTION This family of high-frequency, epitaxial planar transistors feature low saturation voltage. Important: For the latest information, visit our website

    2N1016B, 2N1016C, 2N1016D MIL-PRF-19500/102 2N1016 high-reliabilit32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , Line. <~>'i u-^i 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 NPN POWER TRANSISTROS 2N1015/2N1016 Inches . Mm. iymbo A 08 d 0D 0D, <t>0, e e, H Min. Max. .560 .060 .170 12.70

    2N1015/2N1016 2n1016 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2228 2N2772 2N1016 152-06 2N3431 154-04 TO82 2N3430 2N2229
    Text: A Hi-Reliability Semiconductor Manufacturer Home Distributors Employment Information Military Product Products Quality Quote Request Value Added E-mail home | help | email Alloy Transistors HIGH S.O.A. NPN POWER TRANSISTORS 6-20 AMPERES 2N1015, 2N1016, 2N3429-32

    2N1015, 2N1016, 2N3429-32 2N1015 2N1016 2N1015A 2N1016A 2N3429 MT-52 2N2227 2N2228 2N2772 2N1016 152-06 2N3431 154-04 TO82 2N3430 2N2229 PDF


    Abstract: 2n1016c
    Text: 2N1016B, 2N1016C, 2N1016D Qualified Levels: JAN NPN Silicon High-Power Transistor Available on commercial versions Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/102 DESCRIPTION This family of high-frequency, epitaxial planar transistors feature low saturation voltage. Important: For the latest information, visit our website

    2N1016B, 2N1016C, 2N1016D MIL-PRF-19500/102 2N1016 2n1016c PDF


    Abstract: 2N6193U3 MICROSEMI 1N6761-1 transistor 2N4033 1N1614 Diodes 1N6642UB 2N2222A CDWR 1N1742A m19500/483 transistor 2N3251
    Text: QML-9500-19 REV 2/2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART NUMBER PAGE 1N1124A - 1N3768 2 1N3821A - 1N4562B 3 1N4565A - 1N5819-1 4 1N5822 - 1N6761 5 1N6761-1 - 2N2432 6 2N2481 - 2N3902 7 2N3996 - 2N6193 8 2N9193U3 - M19500/483-02 9 Facility Codes: A1 = Santa Ana, CCYL

    QML-9500-19 1N1124A 1N3768 1N3821A 1N4562B 1N4565A 1N5819-1 1N5822 1N6761 1N6761-1 cczl 2N6193U3 MICROSEMI 1N6761-1 transistor 2N4033 1N1614 Diodes 1N6642UB 2N2222A CDWR 1N1742A m19500/483 transistor 2N3251 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2772 2N2771 2N1015 2N1016D 2N2227 TO82 2N2228 2N1016B 2N3430
    Text: • 4 ñ b c1 E m 3 D D G D 4 3 ‘ì DbD discrete devices JEmitronicr hot line TOLL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 silicon transistors silicon power transistors HIGH S.O.A. NPN POWER TRANSISTORS 6 - 2 0 Amperes JEDEC/TYPE 151 153 152 154 2N1015, A, B, C, D 2N1016,

    OCR Scan
    DDGD43T 2N1015, 2N1016, 2N3429-32 2N1015 2N1016 2N1015A 2N1016A 2N3429 152-TO-82 2N1016 2N2772 2N2771 2N1016D 2N2227 TO82 2N2228 2N1016B 2N3430 PDF


    Abstract: S1482 JAN2N1480 jantx 2N2771 2N2034 jan2n1482 2N2580M 2n2110
    Text: IN D EX Type No. 2N389 2N389A 2N424 2N424A 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1015E 2N1015F 2N1016 2N1016A 2N1016B 2N1016C 2M 016D 2N1016E 2N1016F 2N1047 2N1047A 2N1047B 2N1048 2N1048A 2N1048B 2N1049 2N1049A 2N1049B 2N1050 2N1050A 2N1050B 2N1067 2N1068

    OCR Scan
    2N389 2N389A 2N424 2N424A 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1015E 2N2753 S1482 JAN2N1480 jantx 2N2771 2N2034 jan2n1482 2N2580M 2n2110 PDF


    Abstract: TO82 2N2232 2N3475 2n2227 2n3471 2n2228 2n1016 2N2226 2N1050C
    Text: discrete devices JEmitronicr hot line TO LL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 silicon transistors silicon power transistors HIGH S.O.A. NPN POWER TRANSISTORS 6 - 2 0 Amperes JE D E C /T Y P E 151 153 152 154 2N1015, A, B, C, D 2N1016, A, B, C, D 2N3429-32 163 164 PEAK CURRENT

    OCR Scan
    2N1015, 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1016, 2N1016 2N1016A 2N3429 2N3429-32 MT-52 MT-33 2N2772 TO82 2N2232 2N3475 2n2227 2n3471 2n2228 2N2226 2N1050C PDF

    transistor kc 2026

    Abstract: 2N10160 2N1016C 2N1016B 2N1016D 2n1019
    Text: MIL-S-19500/102A 29 December 1966 ' SUPERSEDING M L -S -19500/102 ÌNAVYÌ 19 July 19 62 See 6.2 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE. TRANSISTORS. NPN. SILICON. HIGH-POWER TYPES 2N1016B, 2N1016C, AND 2N1016D im a specm caaon is mandatory lor use py au L>eparimenta and Agencies of the Deôartment of Defense,

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/102A MIL-S-19500/102 2N1016B, 2N1016C, 2N1016D 2N1016B -I-150 2N1016C 2N1016D MIL-S-19500/102A transistor kc 2026 2N10160 2n1019 PDF


    Abstract: 2N1016D 2N1016C transistor kc 2026 102A MC 3041 2N1016 kc 2026
    Text: MIL SP E C S IC|ODDOiaS OODObTl 4 |~ M IL-S-19500/102A 29 December 1966 ' SUPERSEDING M IL -S-19500/102 NAVY 19 July 1962 (See 6 .2) MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTORS, NPN, SILICON, HIGH-POWER TYPES 2N1016B, 2N1016C, AND 2N1016D This specification is mandatory for u se by a ll Depart­

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/102A MIL-S-19500/102 2N1016B, 2N1016C, 2N1016D 2N1016B 2N1016C 2N1016D MIL-S-19500, transistor kc 2026 102A MC 3041 2N1016 kc 2026 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3768 2N1716 207C 2N1722 180D 2N3868
    Text: 2N TYPE 2N389 2N424 2N1016B 2N1016C 2N1016D 2N1047A 2N1048A 2N1049A 2N1050A 2N1479 2N1480 2N1481 2N1482 2N1483 2N1484 2N1485 2N1486 2N1487 2N1488 2N1489 2N1490 2N1714 2N1715 2N1716 2N1717 2N1722 2N1724 2N2015 2N2016 2N3418 2N3419 2N3420 2N3421 2N3439 2N3440

    OCR Scan
    2N389 2N424 2N1016B 2N1016C 2N1016D 2N1047A 2N1048A 2N1049A 2N1050A 2N1479 393A 2N3768 2N1716 207C 2N1722 180D 2N3868 PDF


    Abstract: U2T305 U2T10 2N5157 JANTX U2T205 2N1016D UPT311 U2T713 2N1050A JAN UNITRODE TRANSISTORS

    OCR Scan
    2N5660-JAN 2N5661-JAN 2N5662-JAN 2N5653-JAN 2N1016B-JAN 2N1016C-JAN 2N1016D-JAN 2N1483-JAN 2N1484-JAN 2N1485-JAN MIL-S-19500 U2T305 U2T10 2N5157 JANTX U2T205 2N1016D UPT311 U2T713 2N1050A JAN UNITRODE TRANSISTORS PDF


    Abstract: 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1015E 2N1015F 2N1016 2N1016A 2N1016B
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS *•* PT TYPE NO. TO-82 m MAXIMUM RATINGS 25*C BVcbo BVctt» BVebo le V V V A Watts hft MIN MÀX le A * Va V _ Sat Test Voltages Conditions le fa I ebo Va V« V A ma V A 2N1015 150 30 30 25 7.5 10 2 4 1.5 2 2 .3 20 2N1015A 150 60 60 25 7.5

    OCR Scan
    2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1015E 2N1015F 2N1016 2N1016A 2N1016B PDF


    Abstract: 1LQ1 2N1015 Westinghouse westinghouse transistors westinghouse semiconductor 2N1016E zru 2 2N1015C 2n1016b
    Text: W e stin g h o u s e Therm al C h a ra cteristics •Thermal resistance, 0jc» ‘ C/w att, max. Derating factor, W a tts / 'C . *Typical thermal drop, case to heat sink, ° C /w a tt. T O 54-661 Page 1 -u I ru \

    OCR Scan
    2W1015, 2IM1016 2N1015 2N1016 2N1015B) 2N1016B) SM40AG02G12 C/2116/DB; 1LQ1 Westinghouse westinghouse transistors westinghouse semiconductor 2N1016E zru 2 2N1015C 2n1016b PDF

    AL102 ATES

    Abstract: 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29
    Text: SECOND BOOK OF TRAISKTIR EQUIVALENTS AIR SPIRTITOTER IT I.I.OMMI BERNARD BABANI publishing LTD The Grampians Shepherds Bush Road London W67NF England. Although every care Is taken with the preparation of this book, the publishers will not be responsible

    OCR Scan
    Trans-611 DT1521 2N2270 BC107-182KS ESC182KAS ESC182KBS ESC1Q8-183KS EiC183KBS 8C183KCS BC109-184KS AL102 ATES 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29 PDF


    Abstract: 2n2739
    Text: POW ER TRANSISTORS PT TYPE NO. MAXIMUM RATINGS le B V cbo B V ceo B V ebo V A V V Watts < 25°C hFE MIN MAX ì> V CE le V A Test Sat Voltages Conditions Ib le V CE V be A A V V Iebo ma 2N1015 150 30 30 25 7.5 10 2 4 1.5 2 2 .3 20 2N1015A 150 60 60 25 7.5

    OCR Scan
    2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1015E 2N1015F 2N1016 2N1016A 2N1016B 2n2739 PDF


    Abstract: 2N1015C STA3265 2N2229 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015D 2N1015E STA9760
    Text: Silicon power transistors NPN TO-61 isolated collector (contad) lc | M A X ) Il FE IC/VCE VcEO(SUS| (Min-Max Tvp e# (Volts) @ A/V) STA9760 10-200 10/4 225 STA9761 300 10-200@ 8/4 10-200@5/4 STA 9762 350 VCE|S*T| @ Ic/Ib (V <a A/A) 2@ 10/1 2 @ 8 /.8

    OCR Scan
    STA9760 STAB760 STA9761 STA3265 STA3285 STA3266 STA8860 2N1016 2N1015C 2N2229 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015D 2N1015E PDF


    Abstract: 2N1136b 2N420 B1151 EQUIVALENT 2SA114 OC59 2T312 2T203 SFT125 2N1152
    Text: INTERNATIONAL TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION GUIDEBOOK by KEATS A. PULLEN. Jr., Eng. D. Member of the Scientific Staff, Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving G rounds Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering, Drexel Institute of Technology Author of: Conductance Design of Active Circuits

    OCR Scan
    2G101* 2G102* 2G103* 2G109 2G220 2G221 2G222 2G223 2G224 2n189 2N1136b 2N420 B1151 EQUIVALENT 2SA114 OC59 2T312 2T203 SFT125 2N1152 PDF


    Abstract: 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1015E 2N1015F 2N1016 2N1016A 2N2753
    Text: 8365700 SOLID POWER CORP SOLID 95C 0 0 1 2 0 POWER CORP TS D ö3hS70G -p-3 3 ^0/ 000D12D POW ER TRANSISTORS PT TYPE NO. W atts TO-82 hFE M A X IM U M R A TIN G S @ Ic 25°C B V cbo B V ceo B V ebo V V , V A @ M IN M AX Ic A V CE V Sat Voltages VCE V be V V

    OCR Scan
    T-33-0/ 03hS70G 000D1ED 2N1015 2N1015A 2N1015B 2N1015C 2N1015D 2N1015E 2N1015F 2N1016 2N1016A 2N2753 PDF

    Darlington npn stud mount

    Abstract: TO82 2N3429 2N6840 2N1015 2N1016 2N3470-73 TO82 package 40240
    Text: POÜJEREX INC -=11 De J 7Hc14ti51i DGQlflS? 0 | Power Transistors & Darlington Modules T '-3 3 -0 / NPN Power Switching Transistors le Amps y CEO (SUS) (Volts) tf(max) (¡¿sec) Pt(max) Watts Tc (°C) High Safe Operating Area (SOA) 25 40-240 175 1.5 5 25

    OCR Scan
    7Hc14ti51i MT-52 MT-33 Darlington npn stud mount TO82 2N3429 2N6840 2N1015 2N1016 2N3470-73 TO82 package 40240 PDF

    Transistors 2n551

    Abstract: Heat Sink to-39 2N1904 2N5068 2N2995 2N3916 2N3599 2N2951 2N3142 2N3444
    Text: INTEX/ SEflITRÔNICS CORP j e m i E T o 27E D • MôblEHb GD0D2Ö? S discrete devices SEMICONDUCTORS n Sem itronics Corp. 7 ^ - * 2 .7 - silicon transistors cont’d - T - 3 3 O - 0 silicon power transistors rn * Polarity Power Dissipation @ 25°C Watts

    OCR Scan
    2N339 2N339A 2N340 2N340A 2N341 2N341A 2N342 2N342A 2N343 2N343A Transistors 2n551 Heat Sink to-39 2N1904 2N5068 2N2995 2N3916 2N3599 2N2951 2N3142 2N3444 PDF

    RCA H 541

    Abstract: 2T312 2N2654 AS218 transistor gex 74a diode germanium 1n283 K3004 TFK diode ac132 TI-483

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: AP239 Transistor 80139 8C547 6C131C IN2222A 2N50B 2N2064 radio AC176 AC126 sft353
    Text: INTERNATIONAL TRANSISTOR EQUIVALENTS GUIDE A LSO BY THE S A M E AUTHOR BP108 International Diode Equivalents Guide BP140 Digital IC Equivalents and Pin Connections BP141 Linear IC Equivalents and Pin Connections ALSO OF INTEREST BP234 Transistor Selector Guide

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan