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    SPW 078

    Abstract: pst 39 transformer Wabash Transformer spw -136 spw+-079+transformer 4-07-7016 MT12/SPW 078 spw -055 transformer pc-24-450 TRANSFORMER 4-44-5010
    Text: ● Class 2, VDE, UL, CSA Recognized ● Zero Defect, 100 % Tested ● Competitive Prices ● Standard & Custom Designs ● 2 Year Warranty Table of Contents Product Description Class 2 CL UL5085-3 Transformer International Power Transformer

    UL5085-3 SPW 078 pst 39 transformer Wabash Transformer spw -136 spw+-079+transformer 4-07-7016 MT12/SPW 078 spw -055 transformer pc-24-450 TRANSFORMER 4-44-5010 PDF

    wind turbine

    Abstract: VDE110 VDE110 din CHN 848 VMN-PT0279-1203 CNY64ST CNY65 CNY65A CNY66
    Text: V ish ay I nt e rt e chn o l o g y, I nc . AND TEC I INNOVAT O L OGY CNY6x High Voltage Isolation Series N HN OPTOCOUPLER O 19 62-2012 Optocouplers - CAT IV High Voltage Isolation CAT IV High Voltage Isolation The CNY6x series of CAT IV optocouplers protects equipment and people from being damaged or



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DA industrial relays • • • • • Compact, general purpose relay 16A, 20A & 30A Versions Custom versions possible Flat insert connectors—fast-on 1/4” >3mm contacts gaps DPDT by request Contacts Number and type of contacts SPST-NO, SPST-NC, SPST-NO+SPST-NC, DPDT, DPST-NO,

    250VAC 400VAC 7500VA, 5000VA 4000VA 110VDC 230VAC 50/60Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V i s h ay I n t e r t e c h n o l o g y, I n c . OPTOCOUPLER CNY6x High Voltage Isolation Series Optocouplers - CAT IV High Voltage Isolation CAT IV High Voltage Isolation The CNY6x series of CAT IV optocouplers protects equipment and people from being damaged or



    Abstract: MOC3000 scr optoisolator mr5060 SCR GATE DRIVER IEC204AXK VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833
    Text: MOTOROLA • i SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M OC3000 MOC3001 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to rs S C R Output These devices consist of gallium-arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a photo sensitive silicon controlled rectifier SCR . They are designed for applications

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110b, 30A-02 MOC3001 MOC3000 scr optoisolator mr5060 SCR GATE DRIVER IEC204AXK VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 PDF


    Abstract: MR5060 scr bt series 200 A 4N39 IEC204A VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 scr optoisolator
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4N39 4N40 6-Pin D IP O p to iso la to rs SCR Output These devices consist o f a gallium -arsenide infrared em itting diode optically coupled to a photo sensitive silicon controlled rectifier SCR . They are designed fo r applications

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65VDE0860, c0nr6urat10n 30A-02 4N40 MR5060 scr bt series 200 A 4N39 IEC204A VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 scr optoisolator PDF


    Abstract: speed control of dc motor using ujt scr c107m TRANSISTOR equivalent UJT pin diagram 2N2646 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram TY6008 triac ot 239 class d 1000w amplifier inverter welder 4 schematic thyristor zo 402
    Text: Theory and Applications Chapters 1 thru 9 Selector Guide Data Sheets Outline Dimensions and Leadform Options Index and Cross Reference E (g ) M OTOROLA THYRISTOR DATA Prepared by Technical Information Center This second edition of the Thyristor Data Manual has been revised extensively to reflect

    OCR Scan
    Semi260 TY510 TY6004 TY6008 TY6010 TY8008 TY8010 2N6394 MCR218-8 UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS speed control of dc motor using ujt scr c107m TRANSISTOR equivalent UJT pin diagram 2N2646 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram TY6008 triac ot 239 class d 1000w amplifier inverter welder 4 schematic thyristor zo 402 PDF


    Abstract: motorola transistor cross IEC204
    Text: GlobalOptoisolator Motorola’s optolsolators satisfy the broad range of regulatory requirements Imposed throughout the world. “Global" optolsolators are y o u r “ passport" to the world marketplace. Motorola 6-PIN DIP Optolsolators Feature: • “Global" Safety Regulatory Approvals: VDE 1 , UL, CSA, SETI, SEMKO, DEMKO, NEMKO,

    OCR Scan
    IEC950/VDE0806 VDFE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110b, IEC204/VDE0113, VDE0160, VDE0832, VDE0833. MOC8104S) MOC8104SR2) IEC-204 motorola transistor cross IEC204 PDF


    Abstract: IEC204 Optoisolators VDE-0860 MOC8104F
    Text: GLOBAL OPTOISOLATORS •<j VTT y There Is no need to worry about meeting the broad range of requirements Imposed throughout the world. With Motorola optolsolators, your marketplace is indeed global. Motorola 6-PIN DIP Optoisolators Feature: • "Global” Safety Regulatory Approvals: VDE 1 , UL, CSA, SETI, SEMKO, DEMKO, NEMKO,

    OCR Scan
    IEC950/VDE0806 VDFE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110b, IEC204/VDE0113, VDE0160, VDE0832, VDE0833. MOC8104S MOC8104F) IEC-204 IEC204 Optoisolators VDE-0860 MOC8104F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICO NDUCTO R TECHNICAL DATA 4N25 4N25A 4N26 4N27 4N28 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to rs Transistor Output These devices co n sist o f a g a lliu m arsenide infrare d e m ittin g d io d e o p tic a lly co up le d to a m o n o lith ic silico n p h o to tra n s is to r detector.

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110b, 30A-02 PDF


    Abstract: IEC435 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0805 VDE0832 VDE0833 VDE0883 OPTO-ISOLATOR optoisolator MCT2E
    Text: MOTOROLA • i S E M IC O N D U C TO R TECHNICAL DATA M C T2 M CT2E 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to rs Transistor Output These device s co n s is t o f a g a lliu m arsen id e in fra re d e m ittin g d io d e o p tic a lly c o u p le d to a m o n o lith ic s ilic o n p h o to tra n s is to r dete cto r.

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435 VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110b, IEC204//^ VDE0113, VDE0160, VDE0832, VDE0860 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0805 VDE0832 VDE0833 VDE0883 OPTO-ISOLATOR optoisolator MCT2E PDF


    Abstract: MOC1006 VQE 24 led VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 transistor J5X
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC1005 M O C 1006 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to rs Transistor O utput These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon phototransistor detector. • • •

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110b, IEC204/ VDE0113, VDE0160, VDE0832, VDE0833, MOC1005 MOC1006 VQE 24 led VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 transistor J5X PDF


    Abstract: H11D3 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 VDE0883
    Text: MOTOROLA SE M IC O N D U C TO R TECHNICAL DATA H11D 1 H 11 D 2 H 11 D 3 H 11D 4 6 -P in D IP O p to is o la to rs Transistor Output . . . co n s is t o f g a lliu m -a rs e n id e in fra re d e m ittin g d io d e s o p tic a lly c o u p le d to h ig h v o lta g e ,

    OCR Scan
    H11D1 H11D3 E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110b, 30A-02 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 VDE0883 PDF


    Abstract: GE H11G1 H11G2 H11G1 IEC204 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832
    Text: MOTOROLA •i SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA H11G1 H11G2 H11G3 6-Pin DIP O ptoisolators Darlington Output . . . consists of gallium -arsenide IREDs optically coupled to silicon photodarlington detec­ tors which have integral base-emitter resistors. The on-chip resistors improve higher

    OCR Scan
    H11G1 H11G2 H11G1, H11G2, H11G3 50-VOLT, H11Gx H11Gx GE H11G1 H11G2 H11G1 IEC204 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 PDF

    transistor KJJ

    Abstract: H11A41 VDE0860 H11A1 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA H11A1 thru H11A5 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to rs Transistor Output These device s co n s is t o f a g a lliu m a rsen id e in fra re d e m ittin g d io d e o p tic a lly c o up le d to a m o n o lith ic s ilic o n p h o to tra n s is to r detector.

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110b, IEC204/, VDE0113, VDE0160, VDE0832, VDE0833, transistor KJJ H11A41 VDE0860 H11A1 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 PDF


    Abstract: VDE110b MOTOROLA SCR driver 4N39 MOTOROLA 4n40
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4N39 4N40 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators S C R Output These devices consist of a gallium-arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a photo sensitive silicon controlled rectifier SCR . They are designed for applications

    OCR Scan
    IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, 30A-02 MDM-200 VDE110b MOTOROLA SCR driver 4N39 MOTOROLA 4n40 PDF

    Motorola Application Note AN-780A

    Abstract: motorola an780a motorola AN-780A MOC3Q12 AN-780A MOC3011 MQC3011 parallel triac MOC3011 MQC3010 Application Note AN-780A
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators Triac Driver Output These devices consist of gallium-arsenide infrared emitting diodes, optically coupled to silicon bilateral switch and are designed for applications requiring isolated triac trig­

    OCR Scan
    IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110b, IEC204/Vvx VDE0113, VDE0160, VDE0832, VDE0833, MOC3Q12 Motorola Application Note AN-780A motorola an780a motorola AN-780A MOC3Q12 AN-780A MOC3011 MQC3011 parallel triac MOC3011 MQC3010 Application Note AN-780A PDF

    4 pin scr optoisolator

    Abstract: scr optoisolator mr5060 H11C4 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 B 647 AC transistor
    Text: MOTOROLA • I SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA H11C4 H11C5 H11C6 6 -P in D IP O p to is o la to rs SCR O utput These devices consist o f gallium -arsenide infrared em itting diodes optically coupled to photo sensitive silicon controlled rectifiers SCR . They are designed fo r applications

    OCR Scan
    E54915S^ IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110ti, 30A-02 4 pin scr optoisolator scr optoisolator mr5060 H11C4 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 B 647 AC transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA • i S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to r MOC8100 Transistor O utpu t T h is device co nsists o f a g a lliu m arsen id e in fra re d e m ittin g d io d e o p tic a lly c o u p le d to a m o n o lith ic silico n p h o to tra n s is to r detector. It is desig n ed fo r a p p lic a tio n s re q u irin g lo w

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC43n 30A-02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA H11C1 H11C2 H11C3 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to rs SCR Output These devices co n s is t o f g a lliu m -a rs e n id e infrare d e m ittin g d io d e s o p tic a lly c o u p le d to p h o to se n sitive s ilic o n c o n tro lle d re ctifie rs SCR . T hey are d e s ig n e d fo r a pp licatio n s

    OCR Scan
    E54915 30A-02 verin PDF