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    Abstract: circuit diagram for lg tv LG tv circuit diagram LG tv block diagram
    Text: LG Semicon. Co., LTD. Pin Configuration Description The GMOXOQ is a high speed low powr Xbit 3 c h a n n e l C M O S D,A c o n v e r t e r c o m b i n e d \vith a high stability voltage reference fabricated on a single monolithic chip. IJsing high accuracy current cell. the

    GMO250Q GM0250Q 22OOpF) apml circuit diagram for lg tv LG tv circuit diagram LG tv block diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon E le c tr o n ic s Semiconductor Division TM C 22290 M u ltistan d ard D igital V id e o En cod e r Features • All-digital video encoding • Internal digital subcarrier synthesizer • 8-bit parallel CCIR-601/CCIR-656/ANSI/SM PTE 125M input iormat

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    CCIR-601/CCIR-656/ANSI/SM CCIR-624/SM PTE-170M C2063P7C c173LiG TMC22290 TMC22290R2C 44-Lead 22290R2C 0D104Ã PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2.85 TO 10 VOLT FIXED POSITIVE LOCAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR ZR78L SERIES ISSUE 1 - DECEMBER 1995 DEVICE DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ZR78L Series three term inal fixed positive voltage regulators feature internal circu it current lim it and therm al shutdown making

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    ZR78L ZR78L ZR78L* PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: All components used in this connector conform to RoHS standards. R e v is io n s Tolerances 1- 20= + / - 0.2 D a te M .H . 0 4 /1 5 /9 9 0 4 /1 4 /9 9 M .H . 20-30=+/-0.3 30-40=+/-0.4 D ra w n 40-50=+/-0.5 NO TE S plating thickness 5. P e r M IL-P-19468 9. Nickel pi. 100 m in. over

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    IL-P-19468 ZZ-R-765 QQ-B-626 Q-P-35 Q-S-764 -C-530 Q-B-750 TI-7BSM11N BNC/7BSM11-179 7BSM11-179 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: All components used in this connector conform to RoHS standards. Tolerances 1- 20= + / - 0.2 A p p ro v e d D a te M .H . C hecked D a te M .H . 20-30=+/-0.3 30-40=+/-0.4 D ra w n 40-50=+/-0.5 NOTES plating thickness 5. Per MIL-P-19468 9. Nickel pi. 100 min. over

    OCR Scan
    MIL-P-19468 ZZ-R-765 QQ-B-626 PerWW-T-799 QQ-P-35 QQ-S-764 QQ-C-530 QQ-B-750 TI-7BSF11NT-179 7BSF11NT-179 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: "P -¿U crO lì— 17 FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 47E D • 3 7 4 cJ7b2 Ü 0 n 7 5 2 4 ■ November 1990 Edition 2 .0 " DATA S H E E T - MB81C1501 1 M B I T 3 PO R T CMOS DYNAMIC FIELD M EM OR Y 1,175,040 Bit 3 Port CMOS Dynamic Field Memory The Fujitsu MB81C1501 is a 293,760-word x 4 bit 960 pixels x 306 lines field memoty.

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    MB81C1501 MB81C1501 760-word 37417b2 38-LEAD FPT-38P-M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F U J I TS U M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S 47E » 374T7Li2 D O nD Hf i 7 • F M I October 1989 Edition 1.0 : DATA SHEET FUJITSU '= MB8431/32-90/-90U-90LU-12/-12U-12LL CMOS 16K-BIT DUAL-PORT SRAM 2K x 8 Bits CMOS Dual-Port Static Random Access Memory The Fujitsu M88431 and MB8432 are 2,048 words x 8 bits dual-port static high

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    374T7Li2 MB8431/32-90/-90U-90LU-12/-12U-12LL 16K-BIT M88431 MB8432 MB8431 MB8432provide T-46-23-12 MB8431/32-90/-90L/-90LL MB8431/32-12/-12L/-12LL B84311 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R e visio n s D e scri ptio n /A p p ro v e d /D a te Tolerances A p p ro v e d D ate M .H . 1 1 /0 6 /9 6 1- 20= + / - 0.2 1 1 /0 6 /9 6 M .H . 20-30=+/-0.3 30-40=+/-0.4 D ra w n 40-50=+/-0.5 NOTES plating thickness 5. Per MIL-P-19468 9. Nickel pi. 100 min. over

    OCR Scan
    MIL-P-19468 ZZ-R-765 QQ-B-626 PerWW-T-799 QQ-P-35 QQ-S-764 QQ-C-530 QQ-B-750 TI-7BSF13RNT-59 7BSF13RNT-59 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRON DEVICE jU P D 7 5 2 3 8 4 BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER The /¿PD75238 is a single-chip microcom puter which contains a CPU capable of 1-, 4-, and 8-bit data processing, ROM, RAM, and I/O ports. In addition, it contains a fluorescent display tube FIP controller/

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    PD75238 14-bit /zPD75217, /PD75238 IE-75000-R IE-75001-R RS-232-C PC-9800 MS5A13IE75X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM56 V16160 2-Bank x 524,288-Word x 16-Bit SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The MSM56V16160 is a 2-bank x 524,288-word x 16-bit synchronous dynamic RAM, fabricated in OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology. The device operates at 3.3 V. The inputs and

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    MSM56 V16160 288-Word 16-Bit MSM56V16160 cycles/64 PDF

    Fujitsu MB86900

    Abstract: MB86901 MB86900 CV 203 Ox00000010 A31A
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 47E D • 3 7 M cì7bB 0017Sbô 1 «FflI 7=-^-/7-38 « MB86930 PRELIMINARY FUJITSU SPARCIite 32-BIT RISC EMBEDDED PROCESSOR ADVANCE INFORMATION FEATURES 40 MHz 25ns/cycle operating frequency SPARC* high performance RISC architecture

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    0017Sbô MB86930 32-BIT 25ns/cycle) MB86930-40CR-G Fujitsu MB86900 MB86901 MB86900 CV 203 Ox00000010 A31A PDF


    Abstract: 0B13 DB10 IDT72605 IDT72615
    Text: INTEGRATED DEVICE 47E D B 4SSS771 OOCHbTM S B I D T PARALLEL SyncBiFlFO CLOCKED BIDIRECTIONAL FIFO 256 X 18-BIT AND 512 x 18-BIT _ - FEATURES: • « • • • • • • • • • PRELIMINARY IDT72605 IDT72615 Two independent FIFO memories for fully bidirectional

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    5S771 18-BIT 18-BIT IDT72605 IDT72615 256x18 meab 0B13 DB10 IDT72615 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International IO R Rectifier Data Sheet No. PD-6.035F IR2152 SELF-OSCILLATING HALF-BRIDGE DRIVER Features Product Summary • Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation Fully operational to +600V Tolerant to negative transient voltage dV/dt immune ■ Undervoltage lockout

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    IR2152 A/210 IR2152 5M-1982 M0-047AC. 554S2 PDF