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    Abstract: 2N5460 DS46
    Text: MFQ5460P o QUAD DUAL-IN-LINE P-CHANNEL JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECTTRANSISTORS . . . depletion mode Type A junction field-effect transistors signed for use in general-purpose amplifier applications. . de- High Gate-Source Breakdown Voltage — V(BR)GSS = 40 Vdc (Min)

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    Abstract: ft960 Field Effect Transistors C847 P-Channel Depletion Mosfets P-Channel Depletion Mode FET p-channel jfet rf JFET with Yos MTP75N06HD BS17
    Text: ON Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors and Power TMOS MOSFETs ¨ Field Effect Transistors Field Effect Transistors JFETs TMOS MOSFETs JFETs operate in the depletion mode. They are available in both P- and N-channel and are offered in both Through-hole and Surface Mount Packages. Applications include generalpurpose amplified, switches and choppers, and RF amplifiers and mixers. These devices are

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    Abstract: matched pair JFET N CHANNEL jfet Low Noise Audio Amplifier jfet transistor for VCR "voltage controlled resistor" JFET APPLICATIONS igfet jfet differential transistor jfet p channel switch FET differential amplifier circuit
    Text: Databook.fxp 1/13/99 2:09 PM Page H-2 H-2 01/99 Junction Field Effect Transistors InterFET Application Notes Introduction T he field effect transistor was actually conceived before the more familiar bipolar transistor. Due to limited technology and later the



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    Text: Order this document by AN211A/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN211A FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE INTRODUCTION There are two types of field-effect transistors, the Junction Field-Effect Transistor JFET and the “Metal-Oxide

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    Text: Order this document by AN211A/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN211A FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE INTRODUCTION There are two types of field-effect transistors, the Junction Field-Effect Transistor JFET and the “Metal-Oxide

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    Abstract: MPF102 JFET AN211A 2N3797 mpf102 fet 2N4351 MPF102 Transistor 2N3797 equivalent mpf102 application note P-Channel Depletion Mode FET
    Text: AN211A/D Field Effect Transistors in Theory and Practice APPLICATION NOTE INTRODUCTION There are two types of field-effect transistors, the Junction Field-Effect Transistor JFET and the “Metal-Oxide Semiconductor” Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET), or

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    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by AN211A/D SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN211A NOTE: The theory in this application note is still applicable, but some of the products referenced may be discontinued. Field Effect Transistors in Theory

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    Text: AN101 An Introduction to FETs The family tree of FET devices Figure 1 may be divided into two main branches, Junction FETs (JFETs) and Insulated Gate FETs (or MOSFETs, metal-oxide- semiconductor field-effect transistors). Junction FETs are inherently depletion-mode devices, and are available in

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    Text: AN101 An Introduction to FETs Introduction The basic principle of the field-effect transistor FET has been known since J. E. Lilienfeld’s patent of 1925. The theoretical description of a FET made by Shockley in 1952 paved the way for development of a classic electronic device which provides the designer the means to accomplish nearly every circuit function. At one time, the

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    Text: AN101 Siliconix An Introduction to FETs Introduction The basic principle of the fieldĆeffect transistor FET has been known since J. E. Lilienfeld's patent of 1925. The theoretical description of a FET made by Shockley in 1952 paved the way for development of a classic electronic

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    Abstract: P-Channel Depletion Mosfets P-Channel Depletion Mode Field Effect Transistor P-Channel Depletion mosFET n channel depletion MOSFET N-Channel JFET FETs Siliconix JFET application note list of n channel fet shockley diode p channel depletion mosfet
    Text: AN101 An Introduction to FETs The family tree of FET devices Figure 1 may be divided into two main branches, Junction FETs (JFETs) and Insulated Gate FETs (or MOSFETs, metal-oxidesemiconductor field-effect transistors). Junction FETs are inherently depletion-mode devices, and are available in

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    Text: High-Frequency Transistor Primer Part IV GaAs FET Characteristics Table of Contents I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Basic Terminology . Transistor Structure .

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    Abstract: mfe 4010 MFE4010 3 DG 1008 MFE4008 MFE4009 MFE4011 MFE4012
    Text: MFE4007 silicon MFE4012 thru P-CHANNEL JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS . . . depletion mode (Type A) Field-Effect Transistors designed for general-purpose amplifier applications. P-CHANNEL JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS • Tightly Specified loss Ranges — 2:1 for All Types

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    P-Channel Depletion Mosfets

    Abstract: mosfet 2N3796 2N3797 2N3796 MFE825 MFE3002 P-Channel Depletion Mosfet depletion mode mosfet 100 MHz MFE3003 N5484
    Text: MOSFETs Single Gate FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS continued P-CHANNEL Enhancement MOSFETs MOSFETs are available in either depletion/enhancement or enhancement mode (in general, depletion/enhancement devices are operated in the depletion mode and are referred to as depletion devices). They are available in both N- and P-channel,

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    Abstract: MPF971 MPF910
    Text: MPF970 silicon MPF971 SILICON P-CHANNEL JUNCTION FIELD—EFFECT TRANSISTORS P-CHANNEL Depletion Mode (Type A ) Junction Field-Effect Transistors designed for chopper and high-speed switching applications. JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS M A XIM U M RATINGS

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    Abstract: switching transistor 331 b771D n channel depletion MOSFET N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET BSD12 free transistor gbs transistor convertor 5 V to -5 V Depletion
    Text: 711Gä2t> Q0b770ö 217 • P H I N BSD12 MOSFET N-CHANNEL DEPLETION SWITCHING TRANSISTOR Symmetrical insulated-gate silicon M OS field-effect transistor o f the n-channel depletion mode type. The transistor is sealed in a TO-72 envelope and features a low ON-resistance and low capacitances.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bbS3=i31 002544=1 =105 * A P X BSD22 b7E D N AMER PHI LIP S/DISCRETE MOSFET N-CHANNEL DEPLETION SWITCHING TRANSISTOR Symmetrical insulated-gate silicon MOS field-effect transistor of the n-channel depletion mode type. The transistor is sealed in a SOT-143 envelope and features a low ON-resistance and low capacitances.

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    Abstract: MMT3823 BH Rf transistor
    Text: M OT OR OL A SC 6367255 34 {DIODES/OPTO} MOTOROLA SC MICRO-T continued Lj3b7255 0 0 3 0 2 2 5 4 34C <D I O D E S / O P T O ) 38225 7-" 31-O MMT3823 — N-CHANNEL JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR • depletion mode (Type A) Field-Effect Transistor designed for

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 34 MOTORO LA SC {DIO DES/ OPT O} 6 3 6 7 2 5 5 M O T O R O L A SC MICRO-T continued D F |b 3b 72 55 0033225 34C 3 8 2 2 5 <D I O D E S / O P T O ) 4 j~ r-3/-/7 MMT3823 — N-CHANNEL JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR • depletion mode (Type A) Field-Effect Transistor designed for

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    Abstract: MPF-161 MPF161/B
    Text: MPF161 SILICON P-channel junction field-effect transistors depletion mode (Type A) designed for general-purpose amplifier applications. M A X IM U M R A T IN G S Rating Symbol D rain -S o u rce Voltage VDS D rain -G ate Voltage VDG R ev e rse G ate-S o u rce Voltage

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    Abstract: MFE2007 MFE2009
    Text: MFE2007 SILICON MFE2008 MFE2009 Silicon N-channel depletion mode (Type A) junction field-effect transistors designed for chopper applications. , CASE 22 <TniKS (T U - 1 B ) f H ° V ° \ J ° ) 3 STYLE 4: p i n i . so u rc e 2. ORAIN 3. GATE &CASE M A X IM U M R A T IN G S

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    TIS69 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N3575 Germanium itt TIS59 TIS58 2N2386 TIS26
    Text: IN T R O D U C T IO N This booklet is designed to simplify your selection of field effect transistors, which best meet your requirement. It is a comprehensive pocket size reference to your widest choice of field effect transistors. This broad selection is your best assurance of pin-pomting the

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