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    Anatech Electronics Inc AB2441B512

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    DigiKey AB2441B512 Box 1
    • 1 $547
    • 10 $547
    • 100 $547
    • 1000 $547
    • 10000 $547
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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc RN731ETTP3441B50

    RES 3.44K OHM 0.1% 1/16W 0402
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    DigiKey RN731ETTP3441B50 Reel
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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc RN732ATTD3441B50

    RES 3.44K OHM 0.1% 1/10W 0805
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    DigiKey RN732ATTD3441B50 Reel
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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc RN73R2ETTD3441B50

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    DigiKey RN73R2ETTD3441B50 Reel 5,000
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    • 10000 $0.2
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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc RN73H2ETTD3441B50

    RES 3.44K OHM 0.1% 1/4W 1210
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    DigiKey RN73H2ETTD3441B50 Digi-Reel 1
    • 1 $0.76
    • 10 $0.76
    • 100 $0.76
    • 1000 $0.76
    • 10000 $0.76
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    RN73H2ETTD3441B50 Cut Tape 1
    • 1 $0.76
    • 10 $0.76
    • 100 $0.76
    • 1000 $0.76
    • 10000 $0.76
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    RN73H2ETTD3441B50 Reel 5,000
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    • 10000 $0.25
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    441B5 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI/ LO GI C / A R R A Y S/ N E H I S HD7 4 HC182 92D # D T ~ 9 $ '-0 7 10432 Look-A head C a rry G e n e ra to r T h e H D 7 4 H C 1 8 2 is a high-speed C arry Lookahead Genera­ to r . D Ë 1 441b5D3 0010432 a J"~ • PIN ARRANGEMENT It is used w ith th e H D 74H C 181 4 -B it A rith m e tic Logic

    OCR Scan
    HC182 441b5D3 0D1D315 T-90-20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI/ LOGIC/ARRAYS/MEM HD74LS165A SIE I I 441b5Q3 D01SQSÔ 5 • • P arallel-Load 8-bit S h ift R e g iste r The LS165A are 8-bit serial shift registers that shift the data In the direction of Q a toward Q h when clocked. Parailel-in access to each stage is made available by eight individual

    OCR Scan
    441b5Q3 D01SQSÔ HD74LS165A LS165A T-90-10 QQ14C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    G01341Q 4TLS03 0G13411 HD14070B 1407IB HD14556B HD14558B HD14560B HD14562B HD14072B PDF

    YL 38 moisture

    Abstract: D0417 HD4074308P eti MR-41 HD404304A HD404302S ASC ROIC ADE-202-024C HPU* 2nd sem b.a HD404304
    Text: HITACHI/ hcü / h p u bZE d • mm^ lsoh oomb3fl 4 ûz ■ h i t b ADE-202-024C(0) Sep. 1990 P re lim in a ry HD404302,HD404304,HD4074308 4 - B it S in g le -C h ip M icrocom p u ter U n i t 0 HITA CH I Direct or indirect addressing of all RAM areas Subroutine nesting allowed up to 16

    OCR Scan
    ADE-202-024C HD404302 HD404304 HD4074308 HD404302, HD4074308 HMCS400 D0417Q4 HD404302/HD404304/HD4074308 YL 38 moisture D0417 HD4074308P eti MR-41 HD404304A HD404302S ASC ROIC HPU* 2nd sem b.a PDF


    Abstract: HD404829FS HD404829 441L204 06E 906 051 K
    Text: H D 404829 S e r ie s Description The HD404829 Series is an HMCS400-series microcomputer designed to increase program productivity and also incorporate large-capacity memory. Each microcomputer has an LCD controller/driver, A/D converter, input capture circuit, 32-kHz oscillator for clock use, and four

    OCR Scan
    HD404829 HMCS400-series 32-kHz HD404829 HD404828 12-kword 16-kword HD4048212 HD4074829 404829 HD404829FS 441L204 06E 906 051 K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM5164800A Series HM5165800A Series 8388608-word x 8-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI ADE-203-595 Z Preliminary Rev. 0.0 Jun. 3, 1996 Description The Hitachi HM5164800A Series, HM5165800A Series are CMOS dynamic RAMs organized as 8,388,608-word x 8-bit. They employ the most advanced CMOS technology for high performance and

    OCR Scan
    HM5164800A HM5165800A 8388608-word ADE-203-595 608-word 400-mil PDF


    Abstract: HD404272 hitachi pmos microcomputer HD404272FP HD40L4272FP HD40L4272S HMCS400 TMA TDD OSC92
    Text: HD404272 Series D e s c r ip t io n The HD404272 Series of CMOS 4-bit m icrocom­ puters have the same architecture as the HMCS400 Series. These microcomputers incorporate high-voltage I/O pins, ROM , RAM, 2-channel comparator, 2 timer/counters and a serial interface.

    OCR Scan
    HD404272 HMCS400 HD40L4272 HMCS400C 2048-word 10-bit HD404272S hitachi pmos microcomputer HD404272FP HD40L4272FP HD40L4272S TMA TDD OSC92 PDF

    BTS dimmer

    Abstract: FS12 SCR fs r6a CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MIS-13 AVAL DATA PKW 1100 Driver HD404720S HD404720 PKW-3100 vfd segment HD404728
    Text: H D 4 0 4 7 2 0 S e r i e s Description The HD404720 Series is a 4-bit single-chip microcomputer which incorporate five timers, two serial interfaces, an A/D converter, an input capture timer, and an output compare timer. It also includes a 32.768-kHz oscillator and low-power dissipation

    OCR Scan
    hd404720 768-kHz HD404728 HD404729 HD4074729 16-kword HD4074720 BTS dimmer FS12 SCR fs r6a CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MIS-13 AVAL DATA PKW 1100 Driver HD404720S PKW-3100 vfd segment PDF

    transistor hitachi zy

    Abstract: HD6473258P HD6433238P HD6473228P HD6473258CP HD6413258F HD6473258F H8/325 HD6433258P HD6433258
    Text: HITACHI/ HCU/MPU SDE D m MMTbPOM QDS'lbS'ì TTl • H I T 3 Section 1. Overview ■ 1.1 Overview The H8/325 Series is a series of single-chip microcomputers integrating a CPU core together with a variety of peripheral functions needed in control systems.

    OCR Scan
    H8/325 H8/300 16-bit H8/325: 32-kbyteROM; H8/324: 24-kbyteROM; H8/323: 16-kbyMPU) transistor hitachi zy HD6473258P HD6433238P HD6473228P HD6473258CP HD6413258F HD6473258F HD6433258P HD6433258 PDF


    Abstract: HD6473228P HD6473238F aa5rb3b HD6433258C HD6413238 HD6413238F HD6433248CP
    Text: HITACHI/ HCU/MPU SDE D m MMTbPOM QDS'lbS'ì TTl • H I T 3 Section 1. Overview ■ 1.1 Overview The H8/325 Series is a series of single-chip microcomputers integrating a CPU core together with a variety of peripheral functions needed in control systems.

    OCR Scan
    H8/325 H8/300 16-bit H8/325: 32-kbyteROM; H8/324: 24-kbyteROM; H8/323: 16-kbyteROM; IB2D HD6473228P HD6473238F aa5rb3b HD6433258C HD6413238 HD6413238F HD6433248CP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Section 1 Overview 1.1 Overview The H8/300L Series is a series of single-chip microcontrollers MCU: microcomputer unit built around the high-speed H8/300L CPU and equipped with peripheral system functions on-chip. Within the H8/300L Series, the H8/3714 Series microcontrollers are equipped with high-voltage

    OCR Scan
    H8/300L H8/3714 14-bit 44Th2D4 FP-64A DP-64S H8/3712, PDF


    Abstract: 441L204
    Text: Hitachi Single-Chip RISC Microcomputer SH7020, SH7021 HD6437020, HD6437021 Hardware Manual HITACHI 4 4TbE04 0 0 4 4 7 ^ 3 TEÔ ADE-602-074 fl Notice W hen using this document, keep the following in mind: 1. This document may, wholly or partially, be subject to change without notice.

    OCR Scan
    SH7020, SH7021 HD6437020, HD6437021 4TbE04 ADE-602-074 SH7021 TFP-100B) Lmb204 441L204 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LIE D m 4 4 ^ 204 0036253 STA «HIT3 HITACHI/ mcu/ mpu # # # DRAM control signal M emory ROW and COLUMN sw itch in g signals (RAS, CAS, MUX) are outpu t for im age m em ory DRAM on th e im age bus. A host of program m able param eters On-chip program m able registers provide

    OCR Scan
    8-bit/16-bit) 441b2D4 D03fl21E 441bE04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM62A9128/8128 Series 131072-word x 9 8 -blt Synchronous Cache SRAM Features Pin Arrangement • For high speed cache memory applications • Pipeline access capability with on-chip address, strobe and I/O resisters • Organization: 128 kword x 9(8) bit

    OCR Scan
    HM62A9128/8128 131072-word 32-pin 441b5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI/ HCU/MPU SDE D m MMTbPOM QDS'lbS'ì TTl • H I T 3 Section 1. Overview ■ 1.1 Overview The H8/325 Series is a series of single-chip microcomputers integrating a CPU core together with a variety of peripheral functions needed in control systems.

    OCR Scan
    H8/325 H8/300 16-bit II8/325: 32-kbyte H8/324: 24-kbyte DC-64S DP-64S PDF


    Abstract: HM514900ATT7
    Text: HM514900A/AL Series Preliminary 524,288-word x 9-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory T h e H ita c h i H M 5 1 4 9 0 0 A a re C M O S d y n a m ic R A M o r g a n iz e d a s 5 2 4 ,2 8 8 - w o r d x 9 - b i t. H M 514900A have realized h ig h er density, h igher

    OCR Scan
    HM514900A/AL 288-word 14900A 400-m 28-pin HM514900AJ HM514900ATT7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI/ LOGIC/ARRAYS/HEM S1E » • HM624100 Series- 4 4 ^ 0 3 DOlfllOG bTT ■ HITE - Preliminary 1,048,576-Word x 4-Bit High Speed CMOS Static Ram 2 3 - ¡ 0 ■ FEATURES • High Speed: Fast access time 25/30/35/45 ns max. (P-version)

    OCR Scan
    HM624100 576-Word HM624100JP-25 HM624100JP-30 32-pin HM624100JP-35 M6241OOJP-40 CP-32D) HM624100JLP-30 M6241OOJLP-35 IB2D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H I TA C H I / L O G I C / A R R A Y S / M E M S1E » I MMIhEDa HM514410A Series- OOlfl?!? 3 ^0 • H I T 2 Preliminary 1,048,576-Word x 4-Bit Dynamic Random Access Memory ■ DESCRIPTION HM514410AJ Series The Hitachi HM514410A is a CMOS dynamic RAM organized 1,048,576-word x

    OCR Scan
    HM514410A 576-Word HM514410AJ HM514400A 20-pin PDF


    Abstract: LMG6281XNGE lmg62 LMG6281 222V
    Text: HITACHI / OPTOELECTRONICS blE J> LMG628X FAMILY MM'ibSGS 00125^5 337 • HIT‘4 Pin Assignment P IN NO . SY M B O L LEVEL • 540 dot (W) x 200 dot (H) graphic and alphanumeric display 1 2 DO H /L • Controller LSI HD63645 compatible 3 A DI D2 m H /L H /L

    OCR Scan
    LMG628X HD63645 LMG6280XNGR LMG6281XNGE LMG6282XNFR LMG6283XNFR 400Hz 75MHz, 441b505 lmg62 LMG6281 222V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM51W16160 Series HM51W18160 Series 1048576-word x 16-bit Dynamic RAM HITACHI ADE-203-635B Z Rev. 2.0 Dec. 5 ,1 9 9 6 Description The Hitachi HM51W16160 Series, HM51W18160 Series are CMOS dynamic RAMs organized as 1,048,576word x 16-bit. They employ the most advanced CMOS technology for high performance and low power.

    OCR Scan
    HM51W16160 HM51W18160 1048576-word 16-bit ADE-203-635B 576word 16-bit. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI/ LOGIC/ARRAYS/N b7E D • 44^203 0024374 HM514800A/AL, HM51S4800A/AL Series 7 b cl ■ HITE Preliminary 524,286-Word x 8-Bit Dynamic Random Access Memory ■ DESCRIPTION ■ FEATURES The Hitachi HM514800A are CMOS dynamic RAM orga­ nized as 524,288-word x 8-bit. HM514800A have realized

    OCR Scan
    HM514800A/AL, HM51S4800A/AL 286-Word HM514800A 288-word 28-pin PDF


    Abstract: HD6413258 HD6473258F HD6473258P hd6473228 HD6433258CP DP-64S HD6473258C UOM 315 GQ5C
    Text: HITACHI/ HCU/MPU SDE D m MMTbPOM QDS'lbS'ì TTl • H I T 3 Section 1. Overview ■ 1.1 Overview The H8/325 Series is a series of single-chip microcomputers integrating a CPU core together with a variety of peripheral functions needed in control systems.

    OCR Scan
    H8/325 H8/300 16-bit H8/325: 32-kbyteROM; H8/324: 24-kbyteROM; H8/323: 16-kbyteROM; 512-byteRAM HD6413258 HD6473258F HD6473258P hd6473228 HD6433258CP DP-64S HD6473258C UOM 315 GQ5C PDF

    memory cats

    Abstract: HM5118160B HM5118160BJ-6 HM5118160BJ-7 HM5118160BJ-8 HM5118160BLJ-6 HM5118160BLJ-7 HM5118160BLJ-8
    Text: HM5118160B Series 1048576-word x 16-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI ADE-203-476 Z Preliminary Rev. 0.0 Dec. 6, 1995 Description The Hitachi HM5118160B is a CMOS dynamic RAM organized as 1,048,576-word x 16-bit. It employs the most advanced CMOS technology for high performance and low power. The HM5118160B offers Fast Page

    OCR Scan
    HM5118160B 1048576-word 16-bit ADE-203-476 576-word 16-bit. ns/70 ns/80 memory cats HM5118160BJ-6 HM5118160BJ-7 HM5118160BJ-8 HM5118160BLJ-6 HM5118160BLJ-7 HM5118160BLJ-8 PDF


    Abstract: hcd66710 STA341 ga4b
    Text: HD66710 LCD-II/F8 -(Dot Matrix Liquid Crystal Display Controller/Driver) —Preliminary — Description T h e L C D -II/F 8 (H D 66710) d o t-m atrix liq u id crystal display controller and driver LSI displays alphanum erics, num bers, and symbols. It can be

    OCR Scan
    HD66710 Q04b20S HD66710FS hcd66710 STA341 ga4b PDF