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    HD404728 Search Results

    HD404728 Datasheets (8)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    HD404728 Hitachi Semiconductor 4-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Databook Original PDF
    HD404728 Hitachi Semiconductor 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER Scan PDF
    HD404728FS Hitachi Semiconductor 4-bit single-chip HMCS400-series microcomputers Scan PDF
    HD404728FS Hitachi Semiconductor Program ROM words: 8,192 V(cc): -0.3 to +7.0V 4-bit single-chip microcomputer which incorporare five timers, two serial interfaces, an A/D converter, an input capture timer and an output compare timer Scan PDF
    HD404728H Hitachi Semiconductor 4-bit single-chip HMCS400-series microcomputers Scan PDF
    HD404728H Hitachi Semiconductor Program ROM words: 8,192 V(cc): -0.3 to +7.0V 4-bit single-chip microcomputer which incorporare five timers, two serial interfaces, an A/D converter, an input capture timer and an output compare timer Scan PDF
    HD404728S Hitachi Semiconductor Program ROM words: 8,192 V(cc): -0.3 to +7.0V 4-bit single-chip microcomputer which incorporare five timers, two serial interfaces, an A/D converter, an input capture timer and an output compare timer Scan PDF
    HD404728S Hitachi Semiconductor 4-bit single-chip HMCS400-series microcomputers Scan PDF

    HD404728 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 407L4818 hd404222 compiler 404316 hitachi 4-bit lcd hitachi 8-bit lcd 4074729 HD404272 404338 407A4359
    Text: H400 SERIES H 400 4-Bit Microcontrollers SHORT FORM Contents Introduction Application Fields ZTAT Evaluation Devices General Purpose Group Compact Group ASSP Group New Products Line-up / Product Codes H400 SERIES INTRODUCTION The selection of a microcontroller for

    DP-/FP-28, FT-30 DP-28, DP-/FP-64 DP-/FP-42 404344 407L4818 hd404222 compiler 404316 hitachi 4-bit lcd hitachi 8-bit lcd 4074729 HD404272 404338 407A4359 PDF

    IBM PC schematics

    Abstract: still r70 16t free ic tester circut in form HD404019RS MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR AVAL DATA PKW 1100 Driver HD404344S DP thermocompression IC Data-book H44 928
    Text: •Index 05.09.1997 10:59 Uhr Page 1 General Purpose Microcomputer Data Sheet HD404019R Series HD404054 Series/HD404094 Series Compact Microcomputer H42x× Family Data Sheet HD404202 Series/HD404222 Series A/D Converter On-Chip H43×× Family Data Sheet HD404304 Series

    HD404019R HD404054 Series/HD404094 HD404202 Series/HD404222 HD404304 HD404318 HD404328 HD404339 HD404358 IBM PC schematics still r70 16t free ic tester circut in form HD404019RS MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR AVAL DATA PKW 1100 Driver HD404344S DP thermocompression IC Data-book H44 928 PDF


    Abstract: lg HD404316 MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR EPROM 27256 programmer schematic INTEL 80,82 80C HDXXXXXX schematic LG lcd power supply unit ADE-207 CMOS 4000 Series family databook DP thermocompression
    Text: •Index 02.09.1997 10:36 Uhr Page 2 DTMF Generator/Receiver On-Chip H46x× Family Data Sheet HD404618 Series HD404629R Series HD404639R Series HD404654 Series HD404678 Series VFD Display Controller/Driver H47×× Family Data Sheet HD404719 Series HD404729 Series

    HD404618 HD404629R HD404639R HD404654 HD404678 HD404719 HD404729 HD404818 HD404829R HD404849 HD404314 lg HD404316 MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR EPROM 27256 programmer schematic INTEL 80,82 80C HDXXXXXX schematic LG lcd power supply unit ADE-207 CMOS 4000 Series family databook DP thermocompression PDF


    Abstract: 404728
    Text: H D H D 4 0 4 7 2 8 / 4 074 7 2 9 H D 4 0 4 7 2 9 Description The HD404728, HD404729, and HD4074729 are 4-bit single-chip HM CS400-series microcomputers enabling high program productivity. Each has highvoltage I/O pins, a vacuum fluorescent display VFD controller/driver, a pulse width modulation

    OCR Scan
    HD404728, HD404729, HD4074729 CS400-series 768-kHz 192-word 10-bit HD404728) 384-word 4074729 404728 PDF

    TIL 729

    Abstract: D4047 HD4074 7812 12,000 MHz Crystal oscillator HD4074729S tdso 1163 tdso 1163 k HD404728 HD404728FS
    Text: H D404728/H D404729/ HD4074729 Description The HD404728, HD404729, and HD4074729 are 4-bit single-chip HMCS400-series microcomputers enabling high program productivity. Each has highvoltage I/O pins, a vacuum fluorescent display VFD controller/driver, a pulse width modulation

    OCR Scan
    D404728/H D404729/ HD4074729 HD404728, HD404729, HD4074729 HMCS400-series 768-kHz 192-word 10-bit TIL 729 D4047 HD4074 7812 12,000 MHz Crystal oscillator HD4074729S tdso 1163 tdso 1163 k HD404728 HD404728FS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Reliability Test Data of Microcomputer 1. Introduction Microcomputers are required to provide higher reliability and quality with increasing functions for an enlarged scale for wide applications. To meet this demand, Hitachi is improving the quality by evaluating its reliability, building up quality in

    OCR Scan

    BTS dimmer

    Abstract: FS12 SCR fs r6a CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MIS-13 AVAL DATA PKW 1100 Driver HD404720S HD404720 PKW-3100 vfd segment HD404728
    Text: H D 4 0 4 7 2 0 S e r i e s Description The HD404720 Series is a 4-bit single-chip microcomputer which incorporate five timers, two serial interfaces, an A/D converter, an input capture timer, and an output compare timer. It also includes a 32.768-kHz oscillator and low-power dissipation

    OCR Scan
    hd404720 768-kHz HD404728 HD404729 HD4074729 16-kword HD4074720 BTS dimmer FS12 SCR fs r6a CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MIS-13 AVAL DATA PKW 1100 Driver HD404720S PKW-3100 vfd segment PDF


    Abstract: hs4224esf01h DP64S
    Text: Program Development Procedure and Support Systems 1. General Description The cross assembler system and the hardware sim­ ulator em ulator can be used on various types of computers, and are prepared by Hitachi as support­ ing systems to develop user’s programs. The user’s

    OCR Scan

    socket adapter dp64s

    Abstract: DP-64S DP64S stores procedure hs-422
    Text: Program Development Procedure and Support Systems 1. General Description The cross assembler system and the hardware sim­ ulator emulator can be used on various types of computers, and are prepared by Hitachi as support­ ing systems to develop user’s programs. The user’s

    OCR Scan
    HMCS400 socket adapter dp64s DP-64S DP64S stores procedure hs-422 PDF

    Infrared Touch Control cooker

    Abstract: HMCS404 HD4074224 hmcs42 HD404449 Series
    Text: R e liab ility Test D a ta of M icro co m p u te r 1. Introduction M icrocomputers are required to provide higher reliability and quality with increasing functions for an enlarged scale for wide applications. To meet this demand, Hitachi is improving the quality by

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 4074729 PAS 32U diagrams hitachi ecu 404728
    Text: H D 4 0 4 7 2 0 S e rie s Description The HD404720 Series is a 4-bit single-chip micro­ computer which incorporare five timers, two serial interfaces, an A/D converter, an input capture timer, and an output compare timer. It also includes a 32.768-kHz oscillator and low-power dissipation

    OCR Scan
    HD404720 768-kHz HD404728 HD404729 HD4074729 16-kword HD4074720 404729S 4074729 PAS 32U diagrams hitachi ecu 404728 PDF


    Abstract: TFP-80
    Text: C ontents • G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t io n • • • • • • • F u n c tio n O v e rv ie w . In tro d u c tio n o f P a c k a g e s .

    OCR Scan
    H48XX FP-80A, FP-80B, TFP-80 FP-100A, FP-100B, TFP-100B TFP-80C HMCS400 PDF


    Abstract: HD404302 H4829 089f0
    Text: Microcomputers 4-bit Single-chip Microcomputers HMCS400 Series HMCS400 Lineup • General: H40XX Series Peripheral function Series H4054 Type No. Supply ROM RAM voltage Min execution x10bits (x4bits) (V) time (us) Mask HD404052 2k R0M HD404054 4k 512 ZTAT HD4074054

    OCR Scan
    HMCS400 H40XX x10bits) DP-42S FP-44A HD404052 HD404054 FP-44A HD404302 H4829 089f0 PDF

    bt 1696

    Abstract: of bt 1696 bt 44a hitachi 8-bit lcd HD404394 FP44A 30D SERIES
    Text: Function Overview 2 Hitachi Function Overview HMCS400 Series Series / // / // I/O port 35 35 Timer 8 bit x3 x3 x1 x 1 Input capture timer Available Available PWM output Available Available Watchdog timer Available Available Comparator Available Available

    OCR Scan
    HMCS400 DP-42S, FP-44A FP-44A DP-42, DC-64S, DP-64S, bt 1696 of bt 1696 bt 44a hitachi 8-bit lcd HD404394 FP44A 30D SERIES PDF