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    2N5195 MOTOROLA Search Results

    2N5195 MOTOROLA Result Highlights (2)

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    AS839 Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    AS8397- Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc

    2N5195 MOTOROLA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2n5195 motorola BU108 bd238 equivalent 2SA1046 tip3055 equivalent BU806 Complement BU326 BU100
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N5194 2N5195* Silicon PNP Power Transistors *Motorola Preferred Device . . . for use in power amplifier and switching circuits, — excellent safe area limits. Complement to NPN 2N5191, 2N5192 4 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTORS

    2N5191, 2N5192 2N5194 2N5195* TIP73B TIP74 TIP74A TIP74B TIP75 TIP75A 2SC124 2n5195 motorola BU108 bd238 equivalent 2SA1046 tip3055 equivalent BU806 Complement BU326 BU100 PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1046 driver amplifier tip31 TRANSISTOR BDX54 MJE5190 2SB56 BU326 BU100
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N5191 2N5192* Silicon NPN Power Transistors . . . for use in power amplifier and switching circuits, — excellent safe area limits. Complement to PNP 2N5194, 2N5195. *Motorola Preferred Device 4 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTORS

    2N5194, 2N5195. 2N5191 2N5192* TIP73B TIP74 TIP74A TIP74B TIP75 TIP75A BU108 2SA1046 driver amplifier tip31 TRANSISTOR BDX54 MJE5190 2SB56 BU326 BU100 PDF

    2N5192 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: 2N5194 2N5191 2N5192 2N5193 2N5195 2N5195 MOTOROLA

    2N5194/D* 2N5194/D 2N5192 MOTOROLA 2N5194 2N5191 2N5192 2N5193 2N5195 2N5195 MOTOROLA PDF

    2N5192 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: 2N5190 MOTOROLA 2N5190..92 MJE5190 03 transistor 2N5195 MOTOROLA POWER BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR Motorola Power Transistor Data Book 2N5190 2N5191

    2N5191/D* 2N5191/D 2N5192 MOTOROLA 2N5190 MOTOROLA 2N5190..92 MJE5190 03 transistor 2N5195 MOTOROLA POWER BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR Motorola Power Transistor Data Book 2N5190 2N5191 PDF


    Abstract: 2S8857 045C8 2sa768 sanken 2s87 SU44 2N6021
    Text: POWER SILICON PNP Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 >= 20 25 30 2S8986S 2S8986T 2S8986U 80X14 80X14 NKT4054 2N6049 80440 2N5194 2N6125 80536 80588 045C7 MJE235 2N6025 2N6026 MJ491 2S8566AK 2~I:S'tj2 35 40 2S8930 2S8942 80190 80274 2SA489 2S8509 2SA768 045C8

    80Y83 CX754 MH0870 M0870 2S8566K 2S8857 2S8858 PTC160 045C8 2sa768 sanken 2s87 SU44 2N6021 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6297 Motorola LM3661TL-1.40 2SD526-0 2SB5960 Motorola 2N6297 MJE2481 MJE2483 2SD5260 idb596
    Text: POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS Item Number Part Number Manufacturer Type Ic Max A V PD (BR)CEO Max hFE »T Of) ON) Mln (Hz) ICBO t0N r Max Max (A) (8) Max (Ohms) (CE)sat Tp.r Max (°C) Package Style Devices 20 Watts or More, (Cont'd) . -5 -10 . -15 .20 . .25

    MJE800T 2N6296 MJE2481 MJE2483 2N3054A 2SD1092 2SD777 2SB604 2SD570 BD149 2N6297 Motorola LM3661TL-1.40 2SD526-0 2SB5960 Motorola 2N6297 2SD5260 idb596 PDF

    2N5657 equivalent

    Abstract: 2SA1046 BU326 BU108 BU100 2SC2331 Y tip47 419 2N3792 application notes
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N5655 2N5656 2N5657 Plastic NPN Silicon High-Voltage Power Transistor . . . designed for use in line–operated equipment such as audio output amplifiers; low–current, high–voltage converters; and AC line relays.

    2N5655 2N5656 2N5657 TIP73B TIP74 TIP74A TIP74B TIP75 TIP75A TIP75B 2N5657 equivalent 2SA1046 BU326 BU108 BU100 2SC2331 Y tip47 419 2N3792 application notes PDF


    Abstract: 2SC1419 BD 804 2SD675 MJE104 BD581 BD135 CURVES MJ1000 DTS-4041 2N5037
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA BD157 BD158 BD159 Plastic Medium Power NPN Silicon Transistor . . . designed for power output stages for television, radio, phonograph and other consumer product applications. 0.5 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTORS NPN SILICON 250 – 300 – 350 VOLTS

    BD157 BD158 BD159 TIP73B TIP74 TIP74A TIP74B TIP75 TIP75A TIP75B MJE494 2SC1419 BD 804 2SD675 MJE104 BD581 BD135 CURVES MJ1000 DTS-4041 2N5037 PDF

    2SD669 equivalent

    Abstract: BD801 BDY29 equivalent BU108 2SC2080 2SD436 2N6021 BD345 tip122 D-PAK package 2SD544
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N6609 See 2N3773 Darlington Silicon Power Transistors 2N6667 2N6668 . . . designed for general–purpose amplifier and low speed switching applications. • High DC Current Gain — hFE = 3500 (Typ) @ IC = 4 Adc • Collector–Emitter Sustaining Voltage — @ 200 mAdc

    2N6609 2N3773) 2N6667 2N6668 220AB 2N6387, 2N6388 2SD669 equivalent BD801 BDY29 equivalent BU108 2SC2080 2SD436 2N6021 BD345 tip122 D-PAK package 2SD544 PDF


    Abstract: NSP41A BU108 transistor BD614 MOTOROLA 2SA663 BD4122 BD661 MJ1000 NSP2100 D45VH4 similar
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MJF6107 Power Transistor For Isolated Package Applications PNP SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR 7 AMPERES 70 VOLTS 34 WATTS Designed for general–purpose amplifier and switching applications, where the mounting surface of the device is required to be electrically isolated from the heatsink

    MJF6107 2N6107 E69369, TIP73B TIP74 TIP74A TIP74B TIP75 TIP75A TIP75B 2SC495 NSP41A BU108 transistor BD614 MOTOROLA 2SA663 BD4122 BD661 MJ1000 NSP2100 D45VH4 similar PDF

    mje521 equivalent

    Abstract: BU108 2N3055 plastic 2N6488 MOTOROLA Motorola transistors MJE3055 TO 127 3904 Transistor BDX54 tip122 tip127 audio amp BU326 BU100
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MJE521 Plastic Medium-Power NPN Silicon Transistor 4 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON 40 VOLTS 40 WATTS . . . designed for use in general–purpose amplifier and switching circuits. Recommended for use in 5 to 10 Watt audio amplifiers utilizing complementary symmetry

    MJE521 MJE371 TIP73B TIP74 TIP74A TIP74B TIP75 TIP75A TIP75B TIP75C mje521 equivalent BU108 2N3055 plastic 2N6488 MOTOROLA Motorola transistors MJE3055 TO 127 3904 Transistor BDX54 tip122 tip127 audio amp BU326 BU100 PDF


    Abstract: BU108 AN415A MJE2955T ST BDX54 2n3055 audio amplifier application note BU326 BU100 mje13005 BDV64
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA PNP MJE2955T * NPN MJE3055T * Complementary Silicon Plastic Power Transistors . . . designed for use in general–purpose amplifier and switching applications. *Motorola Preferred Device • DC Current Gain Specified to 10 Amperes

    MJE2955T MJE3055T TIP73B TIP74 TIP74A TIP74B TIP75 TIP75A TIP75B TIP75C 2N3055 BU108 AN415A MJE2955T ST BDX54 2n3055 audio amplifier application note BU326 BU100 mje13005 BDV64 PDF

    2N5631 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N5630 "cross-reference" Chomerics BU108 2SA1046 tip122 tip127 audio amp BU326 BU100 2sd313 equivalent NPN/TIP42C as regulator
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA NPN 2N5630 High-Voltage Ċ High Power Transistors 2N5631 PNP 2N6030 . . . designed for use in high power audio amplifier applications and high voltage switching regulator circuits. • High Collector Emitter Sustaining Voltage —

    2N5630, 2N6030 2N5631, 2N6031 2N5630 2N5631 2N5631 equivalent 2N5630 "cross-reference" Chomerics BU108 2SA1046 tip122 tip127 audio amp BU326 BU100 2sd313 equivalent NPN/TIP42C as regulator PDF

    BD179-10 equivalent

    Abstract: BU108 2SA1046 2SC7 BDX54 BUX98A BU326 BU100 bul1
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA BD179 BD179-10 Plastic Medium Power Silicon NPN Transistor 3.0 AMPERES POWER TRANSISTORS NPN SILICON 80 VOLTS 30 WATTS . . . designed for use in 5.0 to 10 Watt audio amplifiers and drivers utilizing complementary or quasi complementary circuits.

    BD179 BD180 BD179-10 TIP73B TIP74 TIP74A TIP74B TIP75 TIP75A BD179-10 equivalent BU108 2SA1046 2SC7 BDX54 BUX98A BU326 BU100 bul1 PDF

    Motorola transistors 2N5192

    Abstract: 2N5191-D
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by 2N5191/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N5191 2N 5192* Silicon NPN Power Transistors ‘ Motorola Preferred Device . . . for use in power amplifier and switching circuits, — excellent safe area limits. C omplem ent to PNP 2N5194, 2N5195.

    OCR Scan
    2N5191/D 2N5194, 2N5195. 2N5191 2N5191 2N5192 Motorola transistors 2N5192 2N5191-D PDF

    Motorola transistors 2N5192

    Abstract: 2N5191-D 2n5191 Transistor 2n5191
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA by2N5i9i/D Silicon NPN Pow er Transistors 'M o to ro la Preferred Device . . . for use in power am plifier and switching circuits, — excellent safe area limits. Complem ent to PNP 2N5194, 2N5195.

    OCR Scan
    2N5194, 2N5195. 2N5191 2N5192 2N5191/D Motorola transistors 2N5192 2N5191-D 2n5191 Transistor 2n5191 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5190 2NS194 2N5195 2N5190 MOTOROLA to225a 2N5192 2N5194 043-S
    Text: 2N5193 thru 2N5195 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA SILICON PNP POWER TRANSISTORS 4 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTORS SILICON PNP . . . for u s e in power am plifier and switching circuits, — excellent safe area limits. Complem ent to NP N 2 N 5 1 9 0 , 2 N 5 1 9 1 , 2 N 5 1 9 2

    OCR Scan
    2N5193 2N5195 2N5190, 2n5191, 2N5192 2N5193 2NS194 2N5195 2N5190 2N5190 MOTOROLA to225a 2N5192 2N5194 043-S PDF

    transistor S193

    Abstract: 2N5193 E-7706 2N5195 s193 IC LM 393 ST
    Text: MO TO RO LA SC XSTRS/R F 1EE D | b3b7554 000453*4 2 | 7^33"/9 2N5193 MOTOROLA thru SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N5195 S IL IC O N PNP POWER T R A N S IS T O R S 4 A M P ER E POWER T R A N S IS T O R S S IL IC O N PNP . . . fo r u se in p o w e r a m p lifie r a n d s w itc h in g circuits, — e xc e lle n t safe

    OCR Scan
    b3b7554 2N5193 2N5195 transistor S193 2N5193 E-7706 2N5195 s193 IC LM 393 ST PDF


    Abstract: LCU 5195-KNF
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by 2N5194/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N5194 2N 5195* Silicon PNP Power Transistors ‘ Motorola Preferred Device . . . for use in power amplifier and switching circuits, — excellent safe area limits. C omplem ent to NPN 2N5191, 2N5192

    OCR Scan
    2N5194/D 2N5191, 2N5192 2N5194 2N5194 2N5195 2N5195 LCU 5195-KNF PDF


    Abstract: Motorola transistors 2N5192
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA b y 2 N 5 W /D 2N 5194 2N 5195* Silicon PNP Pow er Transistors 'M o t o r o la P r e fe r r e d D e v ic e . . . for use in power am plifier and switching circuits, — excellent safe area limits. Complem ent to NPN 2N 5191, 2N5192

    OCR Scan
    2N5192 2N5194 2N5195 2N5194/D 2n5195 Motorola transistors 2N5192 PDF

    transistor 2n5194

    Abstract: Motorola transistors 2N5192
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N 5194 2N 5 1 95 * Silicon PNP Power Transistors ‘Motorola Prtftrrtd Devio* . . . for use in power amplifier and switching circuits, — excellent safe area limits. Complement to NPN 2N5191, 2N5192 4 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTORS

    OCR Scan
    2N5191, 2N5192 2N5194 2N5195 2N5193 transistor 2n5194 Motorola transistors 2N5192 PDF


    Abstract: transistor mje29 MJE30 2N5190 MOTOROLA MJE31 mje29 MJE4918 Motorola transistors 2N5192 MJE32 2N6122 transistor
    Text: MOTOROLA SC -CDIODES/OPTO]- 6367255 MOTOROLA "Ï4 SC DE | b 3 t . 7 5 S S DIODES/OPTO 34C O D a ? 1^ 37933 SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR DICE (continued) 2C5192 DIE NO. — NPN LINE SOURCE — PL500.E248 NPN 2C5195 DIE NO. — PNP LINE SOURCE — PL500.E249 /

    OCR Scan
    PL500 2C5192 2C5195 2N5190 2N5191 2N5192 2N5869 2NS870 2N6121 MJE2370 transistor mje29 MJE30 2N5190 MOTOROLA MJE31 mje29 MJE4918 Motorola transistors 2N5192 MJE32 2N6122 transistor PDF


    Abstract: B0680 b0775 BD436 MOTOROLA 2N5190 MOTOROLA 2N5192 BD441 B0785 3N6034 B0677 BD185
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS — BIPOLAR PLASTIC continued TO-126 Package (continued) R esistive Sw itching lcCont ^ C E O (sua) Amps Max Volts Min 4 NPN PNP ^FE M in/M ax @ lc Arrip ts t( US @ lc fr MHZ PD (Case) US Max Max Amp Min @ 25°C Watts 20 BD433 BD434 50 min

    OCR Scan
    O-126 BD433 BD434 BD185 BD186 BD435 BD436 2N5190 2N5193 2N6037 BD786 B0680 b0775 BD436 MOTOROLA 2N5190 MOTOROLA 2N5192 BD441 B0785 3N6034 B0677 PDF

    2N5190 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: N5191 2N5190 C 3311 transistor LT 7706 d 317 P 2n transistor Motorola transistors 2N5192
    Text: MOTORCLA SC XSTRS/R F T'3Ò 12E D | b3L72SM Q0ÛMS30 5 I 2N5190 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR thru TECHNICAL DATA 2N5192 SILICON NPN POWER TRANSISTORS 4 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTORS SILICON NPN . . . for use in power amplifier and switching circuits, — excellent safe

    OCR Scan
    b3L72SM 2N5190 2N5192 2N5193, 2N5194, 2N5195 ZN5190 2NS191 2N5192 2N5190 2N5190 MOTOROLA N5191 C 3311 transistor LT 7706 d 317 P 2n transistor Motorola transistors 2N5192 PDF