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    2N3053 EQUIVALENT Search Results

    2N3053 EQUIVALENT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TMP89FS60BFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS63BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP52-1010-0.65-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS62BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP44-1010-0.80-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FM82DUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP48-P-0707-0.50D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    2N3053 EQUIVALENT Datasheets Context Search

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    XL1225 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N3053 equivalent BF422 EQUIVALENT bc238 equivalent 2N6397 equivalent 2N5551 equivalent 2SB772 equivalent BC109 BC184 BC549 2sd880 equivalent BT169 equivalent
    Text: Transistors, SCR, IC CROSS REFERENCE / EQUIVALENT TABLE R Cross Reference Table 1 / 13 INDUSTRY TYPE No. DC COMP. TYPE No. Cross Reference Table 2 / 13 PACKAGE INDUSTRY TYPE No. DC COMP. TYPE No. PACKAGE 2N2955 2N2955 TO-3 2SA952 2SA952 TO-92 2N3055 2N3055

    2N2955 2SA952 2N3055 2SB1426 2N3417 XL1225 equivalent 2N3053 equivalent BF422 EQUIVALENT bc238 equivalent 2N6397 equivalent 2N5551 equivalent 2SB772 equivalent BC109 BC184 BC549 2sd880 equivalent BT169 equivalent PDF

    1k trimpot

    Abstract: poppet "am transmitter" the Poppet 500 milliwatt AM transmitter lm386 microphone 2N3819 equivalent ferrite core binocular NTE128 transistor 2n3053 hartley oscillator transistor equivalents for 2n2222a
    Text: the Poppet 500 milliwatt AM transmitter 1 of 1 the Poppet "The Poppet" is a half-watt AM transmitter designed by Mr. Doug Gibson of England. The original design was published in issue 84 of SPRAT, newsletter of the GQRP Club. The version shown here incorporates changes suggested by

    LM386 BC109 NTE123A, 2N2222A) 2N3819 BFY51 NTE128, 2N3053) 1k trimpot poppet "am transmitter" the Poppet 500 milliwatt AM transmitter lm386 microphone 2N3819 equivalent ferrite core binocular NTE128 transistor 2n3053 hartley oscillator transistor equivalents for 2n2222a PDF


    Abstract: 229201 2N3053 transistor 3 pin IR sensor circuit 38khz relay 270r IS471F equivalent RS Components 585-983 IR Sensor receiver pair ir led modulated at 38kHz transistor BC107 pin diagram
    Text: Issued November 1994 F18528 Infra-red devices Basics of photometry This is a brief introduction to the basics of photometry. To be able to understand this subject better a brief review of geometric principles utilised is required. Figure 2 Geometric principles

    F18528 IS471F 229201 2N3053 transistor 3 pin IR sensor circuit 38khz relay 270r IS471F equivalent RS Components 585-983 IR Sensor receiver pair ir led modulated at 38kHz transistor BC107 pin diagram PDF

    2N3053 equivalent

    Abstract: list of n channel power mosfet barcode reader circuit 5490 motorola MICROSEMI 2N2222A transistor motorola 2n3053 2n5179 equivalent rfid passive tag architecture and standards equivalent 2N2907A 2N2102* motorola
    Text: Winter 2000 NOW Products Protecting Transient Protection Product Guide Microsemi has developed a program to communicate its more popular transient suppression products to our customers on a more frequent basis. Starting in late 1999 Microsemi started shipping a quarterly Transient

    LX5241/42/43 2N3053 equivalent list of n channel power mosfet barcode reader circuit 5490 motorola MICROSEMI 2N2222A transistor motorola 2n3053 2n5179 equivalent rfid passive tag architecture and standards equivalent 2N2907A 2N2102* motorola PDF


    Abstract: opto-isolators bidirectional 2n3904 transistor 2n3904 equivalent transistor optocoupler bi-directional HP RF TRANSISTOR GUIDE dual 2N3904 NPN Transistor optoisolator TTL 2N3904 transistor data sheet free download Optoisolator
    Text: Dual Channel Bi-directional High Speed Optoisolators Technical Data HCPL-0560 HCPL-0561 Features Description • Bi-directional Configurations in SOIC-8 Package • Available Configurations: VCC Common: HCPL-0560 Ground Common: HCPL-0561 • High Speed: 1 MBd

    HCPL-0560 HCPL-0561 UL1577 2N3904 DS14C232 RS-232-E HCPL-0561) TIA/EIA-232-E SOIC-8 OPTOCOUPLER 531 opto-isolators bidirectional 2n3904 transistor 2n3904 equivalent transistor optocoupler bi-directional HP RF TRANSISTOR GUIDE dual 2N3904 NPN Transistor optoisolator TTL 2N3904 transistor data sheet free download Optoisolator PDF

    pin configuration 2N3053 transistor

    Abstract: transistor 2N3053 SOIC-8 OPTOCOUPLER 531 2N3053 E55361 HCPL-0560 HCPL0561 HCPL-0561 HCPL-4502 2n3904 equivalent transistor
    Text: Dual Channel Bi-directional High Speed Optoisolators Technical Data HCPL-0560 HCPL-0561 Features Description • Bi-directional Configurations in SOIC-8 Package • Available Configurations: VCC Common: HCPL-0560 Ground Common: HCPL-0561 • High Speed: 1 MBd

    HCPL-0560 HCPL-0561 UL1577 2N3904 DS14C232 RS-232-E HCPL-0561) TIA/EIA-232-E pin configuration 2N3053 transistor transistor 2N3053 SOIC-8 OPTOCOUPLER 531 2N3053 E55361 HCPL-0560 HCPL0561 HCPL-0561 HCPL-4502 2n3904 equivalent transistor PDF


    Abstract: opto-isolators bidirectional transistor 2N3904 2N3053 E55361 HCPL-0560 HCPL0561 HCPL-0561 HCPL-4502 2N3904 equivalent circuit diagram
    Text: Dual Channel Bi-directional High Speed Optoisolators Technical Data HCPL-0560 HCPL-0561 Features Description • Bi-directional Configurations in SOIC-8 Package • Available Configurations: VCC Common: HCPL-0560 Ground Common: HCPL-0561 • High Speed: 1 MBd

    HCPL-0560 HCPL-0561 UL1577 TIA/EIA-232-E RS-232) 2N3904 DS14C232 SOIC-8 OPTOCOUPLER 531 opto-isolators bidirectional transistor 2N3904 2N3053 E55361 HCPL-0560 HCPL0561 HCPL-0561 HCPL-4502 2N3904 equivalent circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: IN3754 driver AM 5766 transistor df1084 AM 5766 coil 2N3053 class B push pull power amplifier class A push pull power amplifier 2N3053 equivalent Stancor output transformer
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN5766.1 Harris Intelligent Power April 1994 APPLICATION OF THE CA3020 AND CA3020A MULTIPURPOSE WIDE-BAND POWER AMPLIFIERS Authors: W.M. Austin and H.M. Kleinman The discussions in this Note are applicable to both integrated circuit types. The CA3020A can operate in all circuits

    AN5766 CA3020 CA3020A CA3020. CA3020, CA3020A, 150mA char3020A DF1084 IN3754 driver AM 5766 transistor df1084 AM 5766 coil 2N3053 class B push pull power amplifier class A push pull power amplifier 2N3053 equivalent Stancor output transformer PDF


    Abstract: driver AM 5766 transistor df1084 transistor intercom circuit in3754 CA3020 2N2869 2N3053 equivalent AM 5766 ca3020 equivalent
    Text: Application Of The CA3020 And CA3020A Multipurpose Wide-band Power Amplifiers Application Note April 1994 AN5766.1 The discussions in this Note are applicable to both integrated circuit types. The CA3020A can operate in all circuits shown for the CA3020. The CA3020, on the other hand, has

    CA3020 CA3020A AN5766 CA3020A CA3020. CA3020, CA3020A, 150mA DF1084 driver AM 5766 transistor df1084 transistor intercom circuit in3754 2N2869 2N3053 equivalent AM 5766 ca3020 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: AM 5766 transistor df1084 driver AM 5766 coil 2N3053 Germanium audio Amplifier diagram 2.5W AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM transistors transistor intercom circuit audio amplifier class A schematic AN5766
    Text: [ /Title AN57 66 /Subject (Application Of The Ca302 0 And Ca302 0a Multipurpose Wideband Power Amplifiers) /Autho r () /Keywords (Intersil Corporation, Semiconductor, wideband power amplifier, wide band power Application Of The CA3020 And CA3020A Multipurpose Wide-band Power Amplifiers

    Ca302 CA3020 CA3020A 1-888Call AN5766 CA3020A CA3020. CA3020, DF1084 AM 5766 transistor df1084 driver AM 5766 coil 2N3053 Germanium audio Amplifier diagram 2.5W AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM transistors transistor intercom circuit audio amplifier class A schematic PDF

    2n3019 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N3053 equivalent BC140 equivalent BC141 equivalent 2n930 equivalent bcy59 equivalent BC107 equivalent transistors 2N328A BC109C NPN bcy31
    Text: Discrete Devices Transistors Cont. General Purpose Amplifiers (Cont.) Electrical Characteristics @ 25° C Maximum Ratings Type Polarity PD Ambient mW 2N2897 NPN 2N2898 NPN NPN 2N2899 2N2900 2N3019 2N3020 2 N 3036 2N3053 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN VCB Volts VCE

    OCR Scan
    2N2897 2N2898 2N2899 2N2900 2N3019 2N3020 2N3036 2N3053 2N329A BCY56 2n3019 equivalent 2N3053 equivalent BC140 equivalent BC141 equivalent 2n930 equivalent bcy59 equivalent BC107 equivalent transistors 2N328A BC109C NPN bcy31 PDF


    Abstract: BZX88 BZX88C20 2N3053 equivalent 2N929 2N930 bcy59 equivalent BAW63A BFS36 BS9302
    Text: MICRO-E MICRO-E PRODUCT LIST Where approval for military use has been obtained the appropriate British Standards number is indicated under B.S. number. Diodes Transistors Type Device marking Nearest metal can or IE-line equivalent B.S. num ber* Page Type Device

    OCR Scan
    BFS36 2N930 BS9365 BAW63 BS9302 BFS36A 2N929 BAW63A BZX88C BZX88 BZX88C20 2N3053 equivalent bcy59 equivalent PDF

    BC107 equivalent transistors

    Abstract: BC140 equivalent BCY71 BS 2N3053 equivalent marking 1801 2N929 2N930 BAW63 BAW63A BFS36
    Text: MICRO-E MICRO-E PRODUCT LIST Where approval for military use has been obtained the appropriate British Standards number is indicated under B.S. number. Diodes Transistors Type Device marking Nearest metal can or IE-line equivalent B.S. number* Page Type Device

    OCR Scan
    BFS36 2N930 BS9365 BAW63 BS9302 BFS36A 2N929 BAW63A BC107 equivalent transistors BC140 equivalent BCY71 BS 2N3053 equivalent marking 1801 PDF

    BC107 equivalent transistors

    Abstract: 2N2475 2N929 2N930 BAW63 BAW63A BFS36 BFS36A BS9302 BS9365
    Text: MICRO-E MICRO-E PRODUCT LIST W here approval for military use has been obtained the appropriate British Standards number is indicated under B .S . number. Diodes Transistors Type Device marking BFS36 BFS36A BFS37 L1 L2 L3 BFS37A BFS38 BFS38A BFS39 BFS40 BFS40A

    OCR Scan
    BFS36 2N930 BS9365 BAW63 BS9302 BFS36A 2N929 BAW63A BC107 equivalent transistors 2N2475 PDF

    bcy79 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N3053 equivalent 2N929 bcy78 equivalent 2N2905a equivalent f025 2N930 BAW63 BAW63A BFS36A
    Text: MICRO-E MICRO-E PRODUCT LIST Where approval for military use has been obtained the appropriate British Standards number is indicated under B.S. number. Diodes Transistors Type Device marking BFS36 BFS36A BFS37 L1 L2 L3 BFS37A BFS38 BFS38A BFS39 BFS40 BFS40A

    OCR Scan
    BFS36 2N930 BS9365 BAW63 BS9302 BFS36A 2N929 BAW63A bcy79 equivalent 2N3053 equivalent bcy78 equivalent 2N2905a equivalent f025 PDF

    2N3053 equivalent

    Abstract: bf258 equivalent 2N2219 2N2905 BC107 equivalent transistors bc109 equivalent BF178 BC107 pnp equivalent BC177 equivalent bc303 f-002
    Text: Metal Can Complementary Pairs Maximum ratin ps BV Case | Device Type Polarity Core Drivers BV BV CBO CEO EBO ICM V V V mA hFE1 Ic mA min. max. Ic mA HFE2 fT min. min. max. MHz VCE sat IC mA V 2N3724A NPN 2N3725A NPN T039 T039 50 80 30 50 6 6 1200 1200 100

    OCR Scan
    2N3724A 2N3725A 2N3244 BF257 BS9365 2N4036 2N4037 BS3365 2N3053 equivalent bf258 equivalent 2N2219 2N2905 BC107 equivalent transistors bc109 equivalent BF178 BC107 pnp equivalent BC177 equivalent bc303 f-002 PDF


    Abstract: F012 BFT29 BFT30 BFT31 BFT39 BFT40 BFT41 BFT53 BFY50
    Text: 7 Metal Can High Current NPN Amplifiers Case Outlines Maximum ratinas Device Type ¡5 o £L BV BV BV Case hFEI CBO CEO EBO ICM mA V V V hFE2 1C Ic mA min. max. mA BFT39 BFT40 BFT41 NPN NPN NPN T039 T039 T039 90 70 60 80 60 50 5 5 5 1000 1000 1000 100 50 100 75

    OCR Scan
    BFT39 BFT40 BFT41 BFT29 BFT30 BFT31 BFY50 BFY51 BFY52 BFT53 2N4260 F012 PDF


    Abstract: bc143 2N3570 2N3571 2N3572 2N4252 2N4253 2N918 BFT79 T018
    Text: Metal Can Device Type 0-76 Case BV CBO V V V 30 25 25 15 15 13 3 3 3 0-48 0 2N3570 2N3571 2N3572 *T t i 4-95JÍ -12-7 h min I—-5 -3 Dimensions in mm NPN NPN NPN T 072 T 072 T 072 Maximum ratin as BV BV CEO EBO hFE1 • mA min. max. f 50 50 50 5 5 5 150 200

    OCR Scan
    4-95J0 2N3570 2N3571 2N3572 2N918 2N4252 2N4253 High59 BS9365 2N290 bc143 BFT79 T018 PDF

    BC107 equivalent transistors

    Abstract: EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc108 bc109 equivalent transistor t05 bc108 equivalent BC107 equivalent equivalent transistor bc107 2N2484 equivalent transistors equivalent of transistor bc108 BC177 equivalent
    Text: Metal Can Metal Can Product Variations Low Level General Purpose Amplifiers TO-5, TO-39 and TO-18 can be supplied with several variations from standard. Device Type Lead Length The standard lead length is 12,7mm 0,5in . Certain types are available with longer leads— 38,1mm (1,5in) at a small extra

    OCR Scan
    BCW35GP. BS9365 2N4036 2N4037 BS3365 2N4030 BC107 equivalent transistors EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc108 bc109 equivalent transistor t05 bc108 equivalent BC107 equivalent equivalent transistor bc107 2N2484 equivalent transistors equivalent of transistor bc108 BC177 equivalent PDF

    BC140 equivalent

    Abstract: 2n4036 equivalent BAW66 Bc161 marking 2N929 2N930 BAW63 BAW63A BFS36 BFS36A
    Text: MICRO-E MICRO-E PRODUCT LIST Where approval for military use has been obtained the appropriate British Standards number is indicated under B.S. number. Diodes Transistors Type Device marking Nearest metal can or IE-line equivalent B.S. number* Page Type Device

    OCR Scan
    BFS36 2N930 BS9365 BAW63 BS9302 BFS36A 2N929 BAW63A BC140 equivalent 2n4036 equivalent BAW66 Bc161 marking PDF

    BC140 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N3053 equivalent 2n4036 equivalent equivalent to BC177 2N929 2N930 BAW63 BAW63A BFS36 BFS36A
    Text: MICRO-E MICRO-E PRODUCT LIST Where approval for military use has been obtained the appropriate British Standards number is indicated under B.S. number. Diodes Transistors Type Device marking BFS36 BFS36A BFS37 L1 L2 L3 BFS37A BFS38 BFS38A BFS39 BFS40 BFS40A

    OCR Scan
    BFS36 2N930 BS9365 BAW63 BS9302 BFS36A 2N929 BAW63A BC140 equivalent 2N3053 equivalent 2n4036 equivalent equivalent to BC177 PDF

    BC239C equivalent

    Abstract: BC550C equivalent bc237a equivalent bc238b equivalent BC548C equivalent bc238a equivalent bc108b equivalent bc549c equivalent bc183 equivalent BC237B equivalent
    Text: MICRO-E MICRO-E PRODUCT LIST Where approval for military use has been obtained the appropriate British Standards number is indicated under B.S. number. Diodes Transistors Type Device marking BFS36 BFS36A BFS37 L1 L2 L3 BFS37A BFS38 BFS38A BFS39 BFS40 BFS40A

    OCR Scan
    BFS36 2N930 BS9365 BAW63 BS9302 BFS36A 2N929 BAW63A BC239C equivalent BC550C equivalent bc237a equivalent bc238b equivalent BC548C equivalent bc238a equivalent bc108b equivalent bc549c equivalent bc183 equivalent BC237B equivalent PDF

    BC142 equivalent

    Abstract: BC302 equivalent BF337 2N3440 8c BF259 2N3440 COMPLEMENTARY 2N3829 bf258 equivalent 2N4260 BFT39
    Text: 7 Metal Can High Current NPN Amplifiers Case Outlines Maximum ratinas Device Type BFT39 BFT40 BFT41 BFY50 BFY51 BFY52 ¡5 o £L NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN BV BV BV Case CBO CEO EBO ICM mA V V V T039 T039 T039 T039 T039 T039 90 70 60 80 60 40 80 60 50 35 30 20

    OCR Scan
    BFT39 BFT40 BFT41 BFT29 BFT30 BFT31 BFY50 BFY51 BFY52 BFT53 BC142 equivalent BC302 equivalent BF337 2N3440 8c BF259 2N3440 COMPLEMENTARY 2N3829 bf258 equivalent 2N4260 PDF

    LM723 application notes

    Abstract: CA723CT LM723 application note SCHEMATIC POWER SUPPLY WITH lm723 schematic diagram 12V to 3V dc voltage regulator TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT FOR 2N3053 CA723CE lm723 application lm723 circuit
    Text: CA723, CA723C Œ M â s Voltage Regulators Adjustable from 2V to 37V at Output Currents Up to 150mA Without External Pass Transistors Apr»1994 Features • • • • • • Description Up to 150mA Output Current Positive and Negative Voltage Regulation

    OCR Scan
    CA723, CA723C CA723 CA723C 150mA. 2N3053 100mA) LM723 application notes CA723CT LM723 application note SCHEMATIC POWER SUPPLY WITH lm723 schematic diagram 12V to 3V dc voltage regulator TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT FOR 2N3053 CA723CE lm723 application lm723 circuit PDF