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    Bristol Electronics 2SD2125 45 1
    • 1 $8.96
    • 10 $4.48
    • 100 $4.1816
    • 1000 $4.1816
    • 10000 $4.1816
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    Quest Components 2SD2125 122
    • 1 $13.455
    • 10 $13.455
    • 100 $5.382
    • 1000 $5.382
    • 10000 $5.382
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    2SD2125 36
    • 1 $12
    • 10 $6
    • 100 $5.6
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    2SD2125 Datasheets (10)

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    2SD2125 Various Russian Datasheets Transistor Original PDF
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification 2SD2125 Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION •With TO-3P H IS package ·Built-in damper diode ·High voltage ,high speed ·Low saturation voltage APPLICATIONS ·Horizontal output applications for color TV

    2SD2125 2SD2125 PDF


    Abstract: TYN612 pin diagram 1n4007 smd, toshiba S0817MH TYN604 scr pin diagram kmz51 compass TRANSISTOR S1A 64 smd toshiba l 300 laptop motherboard circuit diagram JFET TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE j201 replacements for transistor NEC D 587
    Text: 5.2 5.4 5.46 5.124 5.130 5.130 5.140 5.180 Introduction Diodes & Rectifiers Transistors Triacs,Thyristors and Diacs Sensors Cross Reference General Application discretes Cross Reference Power discretes Cross Reference RF discretes Discrete Components 5.1 Introduction

    BAP1321-02 BAP65-05 BAP65-03 BAP65-05W BAP65-02 BAP63-03 BAP63-02 BAP64-03 BAP64-02 BB143 BC548 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT TYN612 pin diagram 1n4007 smd, toshiba S0817MH TYN604 scr pin diagram kmz51 compass TRANSISTOR S1A 64 smd toshiba l 300 laptop motherboard circuit diagram JFET TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE j201 replacements for transistor NEC D 587 PDF


    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
    Text: R Serving The Electronic Industry Since 1982 Ordering at Dalbani is so easy Go to : Search & check stock Busque y revise nuestro inventario A Search Enter your Item number and click GO Entre el numero del producto y haga clicsobre GO The system will take you straight to the Item that you are looking for

    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF


    Abstract: c5411 c5411 transistor 2Sc5858 equivalent MA 8910 2SD2499 equivalent 2SC5446 equivalent 2sc5858 2SD2539 equivalent TV horizontal Deflection Systems
    Text: 2003-9 PRODUCT GUIDE BCE0015A Horizontal-Deflection Output Transistors 2003 1 Outline Toshiba has developed a range of fifth-generation horizontal-deflection-output transistors HV-Trs . Radical redesign of the emitter electrode and the contact pattern has yielded significant improvements, resulting in higher current density

    BCE0015A 3531C-0103 F-93561, 2SC4288A c5411 c5411 transistor 2Sc5858 equivalent MA 8910 2SD2499 equivalent 2SC5446 equivalent 2sc5858 2SD2539 equivalent TV horizontal Deflection Systems PDF


    Abstract: c5411 transistor S2000N equivalent 2SC5570 equivalent S2055N equivalent 2SD1555 equivalent c5411 equivalent S2055AF equivalent 2SD2539 equivalent 2SD2499 equivalent
    Text: Horizontal-Deflection Output Transistors PRODUCT GUIDE Outline Toshiba has developed a range of fifth-generation horizontal-deflection-output transistors HV-Trs . Radical redesign of the emitter electrode and the contact pattern has yielded significant improvements, resulting in higher current density



    Abstract: BSTC1026 BSTD1046 BTB04-600SAP STF6A80 BSTD1040 TO510DH BSTC1040 TO812NJ BTB15-700B
    Text: Cross Reference For the most up to date cross reference, go to the product portal: Manufacturer type number Manufacturer Philips type number Page number Manufacturer type number Manufacturer

    02CZ10 02CZ11 02CZ12 02CZ13 02CZ15 02CZ16 02CZ18 02CZ2 02CZ20 STF12A80 BSTC1026 BSTD1046 BTB04-600SAP STF6A80 BSTD1040 TO510DH BSTC1040 TO812NJ BTB15-700B PDF

    BUT11APX equivalent

    Abstract: BU4508DX equivalent 2SD1876 2Sd1651 equivalent BYS21-45 smd zener diode color band 2SD1878 data sheet 2SC5296 equivalent BT151-600R BUK98150 spice
    Text: Philips Semiconductors – a worldwide company Argentina: see South America Australia: 3 Figtree Drive, HOMEBUSH, NSW 2140, Tel. +61 2 9704 8141, Fax. +61 2 9704 8139 Austria: Computerstr. 6, A-1101 WIEN, P.O. Box 213, Tel. +43 1 60 101 1248, Fax. +43 1 60 101 1210

    BT148-600R BT148-400R BUT11APX equivalent BU4508DX equivalent 2SD1876 2Sd1651 equivalent BYS21-45 smd zener diode color band 2SD1878 data sheet 2SC5296 equivalent BT151-600R BUK98150 spice PDF


    Abstract: d1555 transistor TRANSISTOR D1651 D1555 D1557 D1554 d1651 transistor s1854 transistor d1555 transistor d1878
    Text: 型号 2N109 2N1304 2N1305 2N1307 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2102 2N2148 2N2165 2N2166 2N2219A 2N2222A 2N2223 2N2223A 2N2243A 2N2369A 2N2857 2N2894 2N2905A 2N2906A 2N2907A 2N2917 2N2926 2N2955 2N3019 2N3053 2N3054 2N3055 2N3055 2N3055H 2N3251 2N3375 2N3439 2N3440

    2N109 2N1304 2N1305 2N1307 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2102 2N2148 2N2165 TRANSISTOR DATASHEET D1555 d1555 transistor TRANSISTOR D1651 D1555 D1557 D1554 d1651 transistor s1854 transistor d1555 transistor d1878 PDF


    Abstract: M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717
    Text: C52_pg_337~347 8/16/07 11:47 AM Page 337 Semiconductors/ Components SEMICONDUCTORS MCM has an extensive selection of SMD Surface Mount Devices which are denoted on the following page with an *(asterisk)! COUNT ON MCM TO ALWAYS PROVIDE. section 16 Semiconductors/Components

    100-up) STk442-130 M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717 PDF


    Abstract: 2sC9012 on4409 on4673 ON4843 C9012 S2000A3 bul310xi 2SD5080 MN1016
    Text: ТРАНЗИСТОРЫ БИПОЛЯРНЫЕ ИМПОРТНЫЕ Наименование 2N1112 2N1212 2N1217 2N1711 2N2219A 2N2222 Metal 2N2222A 2N2222Aмет 2N2369 2N2369A 2N2646 2N2905A 2N2905Aпластик 2N2907 2N2907(Metal) 2N3055 2N3055 2N3440 2N3773

    2N1112 2N1212 2N1217 2N1711 2N2219A 2N2222 2N2222A 2N2369 2N2369A FN1016 2sC9012 on4409 on4673 ON4843 C9012 S2000A3 bul310xi 2SD5080 MN1016 PDF

    THINKI transistor catalog

    Abstract: audio amplifier ic bd249c catalog AUDIO HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER 3DD301 2sc3229 2SA747
    Text: THINKI TRANSISTOR CATALOG Power Transistors For Audio Power Amplifier PC IC Vceo W (A) (V) Model Vcbo Vebo (V) (V) Vce(sat) hFE fT (V) VCE(V) IC(A) max IC(A) (MHz) Package Function TYP IB(A) 1 -0.05 -150 2SA914 -150 -5 90-450 -5 -0.01 -1 -0.03 -0.003

    2SA914 O-126 2SA900 2SC2556 2SC2556A LM317K O-220 LM317T THINKI transistor catalog audio amplifier ic bd249c catalog AUDIO HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER 3DD301 2sc3229 2SA747 PDF


    Abstract: STR5412 2N3055 TO-220 S2000A3 STRS6309 S2000a2 BDW36 2SC3883 strs6308 STR6020
    Text: 2N3054 TO-66 2N32741 TO-66 2N4240 TO-66 2N4908 TO-3 2N3054A TO-66 2N3766 TO-66 2N4273 TO-66 2N4909 TO-3 2N3055 TO-3 2N3767 TO-66 2N4298 TO-66 2N4910 TO-66 2N3171 TO-3 2N3771 TO-3 2N4347 TO-3 2N4911 TO-66 2N3172 TO-3 2N3772 TO-3 2N4348 TO-3 2N4912 TO-66 2N3173

    2N3054 2N32741 2N4240 2N4908 2N3054A 2N3766 2N4273 2N4909 2N3055 2N3767 STRS6307 STR5412 2N3055 TO-220 S2000A3 STRS6309 S2000a2 BDW36 2SC3883 strs6308 STR6020 PDF

    BT136-600E equivalent

    Abstract: D2499 equivalent D1878 equivalent BT139-600 equivalent C4927 d1577 d1554 C5386 c5129 e13005 equivalent
    Text: “Philips Type” refers to closest Philips alternative or equivalent if available. Always consider the application and compare data specifications before recommending the suitable Philips type. Notes: 1 - dual device. 2 - competitor RDS on falls between two Philips types, hence either stated device may be suitable.

    10TQ045S 11DQ03 11DQ04 11EQ03 11EQ04 11EQS 15DF4 1N3645 BT136-600E equivalent D2499 equivalent D1878 equivalent BT139-600 equivalent C4927 d1577 d1554 C5386 c5129 e13005 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSED MESA TYPE 2SD2125 HORIAONTAL OUTPUT APPLICATIONS FOR COLOR TV & Unit in mm MEDIUM RESOLUTION DISPLAY. 1 5 .5 ± 0 .5 . High Voltage gf 3 .6 ± 0 .3 3 .0 ± 0 .3 :V CBO=1500V . Low Saturation Voltage :VcE sat =5V(Max.) (Ic=5A,I b =1A)

    OCR Scan
    2SD2125 95MAX 200mA, 2SD2125 PDF


    Abstract: VCB-500V 2SD2125 1c1a 3U99
    Text: s/uoyNPN=amm*v&h?yss7>? O D 9-T U t'*¥til*]m • MHET-to : v C B 0 5î 15 00 V • : Vc g , , , = 5 V ( * * ) ( rC-5A. • 2SD2125 I d- 1A) * 4 v-fyÿ'lfM : i r =l.0»> ( * * . * ) ( Icp »5 A . b 1( en<l ) “ 1 A ) K n *« _ z, u ? 9 . . I 5 x .,< - /• > - < - -> a V U T f t 0

    OCR Scan
    2SD2125 2-16E3A CTc-25 VCB-500V, 200mA. VCE-10V. 05Uoy 2-16E3A VCB-500V 2SD2125 1c1a 3U99 PDF


    Abstract: 2sd2125 3U99
    Text: s/uoyNPN=amm*v&h?yss7>? 2SD2125 O D 9 -T U t'*¥ til* ]m • MHET-to : v C B 0 5î 15 00 V • : Vc g , , , = 5 V ( * * ) ( rC-5A. • I d- 1A) * 4 v-fyÿ'lfM : i r =l.0»> ( * * . ) ( Icp »5 A . I b 1( en<l ) “ 1 A ) * _ K n * « z, u ? 9 . . 5 x .,< - /• > - < - -> a V U T f t 0

    OCR Scan
    2SD2125 2-16E3A CTc-25 2-16E3A 2sd2125 3U99 PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: S-AU27M S2000A inverter P4005 S-AV21H S-AU27 3182N 2sb 834 transistor Transistor 2SC4288A Drive IC 2SC3346
    Text: TO-126 IS , PO W ER MOLD PACKAGE TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDE • TO-126 (IS) ▲ PW MOLD Darlington A PW MOLD • POWER MOLD TO-126 (IS) Darlington TO-126 OS) H A T0-220AB, TO-220 (IS) PACKAGE TRANSISTOR S E L ECTION G UIDE r— " ~ '''- Y C E O ( V ) lc (A)

    OCR Scan
    O-126 O-126 T0-220AB, O-220 2SC4544 2SC4448 2SC3612 2BC4201 Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD S-AU27M S2000A inverter P4005 S-AV21H S-AU27 3182N 2sb 834 transistor Transistor 2SC4288A Drive IC 2SC3346 PDF


    Abstract: Transistor 2SC4288A Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD Drive IC 2SC3346 2sa 102 transistor transistor 2SA 101 50J301 02SC5030 T15J103 Driver IC 2SC3346
    Text: L -S T M T 0 -9 2 M 0 D T Y P E POWER TRANSISTOR V ’CEO \(V> 10 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 180 2SA949U50VI 2AC2229(150V) 0.05 200 250 2SA1321 2SC3334 300 2SC5122I400V) 2SA1145U50V) 2SC2705(!50V) 2SC2230(160V) 0.1 2SC2482 2SC2230A 2SA817A 0.4 2SC1627A 2SA1811

    OCR Scan
    2SA949U50VI 2AC2229 2SA1145U50V) 2SC2705( 2SC2230 2SA817A 2SC1627A 2SA1811 2SC4707 2SA965 15J102 Transistor 2SC4288A Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD Drive IC 2SC3346 2sa 102 transistor transistor 2SA 101 50J301 02SC5030 T15J103 Driver IC 2SC3346 PDF

    2sC5200, 2SA1943, 2sc5198

    Abstract: GTI5Q101 2sc5039 2SC4532 2SD2088 2SC3303 2sC5200, 2SA1943 2SA1803 2sc4408 GT10G102
    Text: • ALPHNUMERICAL INDEX Type No. Page Type No. Page Type No. Page 2SA817A 121 2SA1387 202 2SA1892 278 2SA940 123 2SA1388 206 2SA1893 280 2SA949 125 2SA1408 209 2SA1899 281 2SA965 127 2SA1425 212 2SA1905 282 2SA966 129 2SA1426 214 2SA1923 284 2SA1012 131 2SA1428

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    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

    OCR Scan
    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF

    j2y transistor

    Abstract: T15J10 MP4704 MG100M2CK1 2sb834 MP3103 MG50J6ES91 MP3002 mp4505 2sc497
    Text: As you well know, semiconductors are today essential for use in a very wide range of applications— from consumer to industrial use. In any application, your choice of Toshiba semiconductors will always be correct. To help you choose which semi­ conductor is correct for your application, this brochure outlines maximum ratings,

    OCR Scan
    O220AB O-126 j2y transistor T15J10 MP4704 MG100M2CK1 2sb834 MP3103 MG50J6ES91 MP3002 mp4505 2sc497 PDF


    Abstract: s1854 a mp4002 MP3009 2SC3303 2SC520A 2SC519A MP4004 S2055 mp4001
    Text: •A L P H A N U M E R IC A L IN D E X # Page Type No. Type No. 2SA473 121 2SB553 2SA656A 2SB554 2SA657A 123 2SB595 2SA658A 2SB596 2SA739 127 2SB673 2SA940 130 2SB674 2SA1012 132 2SB675 2SA1195 135 2SB676 2SA1225 136 2SB677 2SA1241 138 2SB679 2SA1242 142 2SB686

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    Abstract: TB 1226 BN TA8859P mg75n2ys40 t6961A TA8242AK ta8644n 7378P ta8310 7628P
    Text: Index of Type Number Type Number 015Z10 015Z11 015Z12 015Z2.0 015Z2.0-12 015Z2.2 015Z2.4 015Z2.7 015Z3.0 015Z3.3 015Z3.6 015Z3.9 015Z4.3 015Z4.7 015Z5.1 015Z5.6 015Z6.2 015Z6.8 015Z7.5 015Z8.2 015Z9.1 02CZ10 02CZ11 0 2 C Z 12 0 2 C Z 13 0 2 C Z 15 0 2 C Z 16

    OCR Scan
    015Z10 015Z11 015Z12 015Z2 015Z3 TA8172AF TB 1226 BN TA8859P mg75n2ys40 t6961A TA8242AK ta8644n 7378P ta8310 7628P PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

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