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    2N2558 Search Results

    2N2558 Datasheets (14)

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    2N2558 Diode Transistor Germanium Power Transistors Scan PDF
    2N2558 Diode Transistor Transistor Selection Guide Scan PDF
    2N2558 Germanium Power Devices Germanium Power Transistors Scan PDF
    2N2558 Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N2558 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N2558 Unknown Basic Transistor and Cross Reference Specification Scan PDF
    2N2558 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N2558 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N2558 Unknown GE Transistor Specifications Scan PDF
    2N2558 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N2558 Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    2N2558 Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    2N2558 Unknown Vintage Transistor Datasheets Scan PDF
    2N2558 Silicon Transistor JAN / Consumer / Military / Industrial / Automotive / Hi-Rel Scan PDF

    2N2558 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MT27 2N2553 2N1041 MT28 2N1043 2n1040 2N1042
    Text: ermanium power transistors 142 PNP ALLOY TRANSISTORS 1 Amp BREAKDOWN VOLTAGES CUTOFF CURRENT hFE' TYPE NUMBER CASE SIZE VCB VCE VEB VCE Ic (A) Min. Max. 2N1038 2N1039 2N1040 2N1041 2N2552 2N2553 2N2554 2N2555 2N2556 2N2557 2N2558 2N2559 TO-5 TO-5 TO-5 TO-5

    2N1038 2N1039 2N1040 2N1041 2N2552 2N2553 2N2554 2N2555 2N2556 2N2557 2N2560 MT27 MT28 2N1043 2N1042 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2537 texas 2N2551 2N2457 2N2429 SGS-ATES c426 2N2425 2n2398 2N2431 BF253
    Text: LOW-POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number 10 15 20 2N1972 2N909 ST6600 ST6601 SA2715 BSX70 2SC562 2SC562 2N479 2N479A BF253 KT215E1 2N2693 KSC2715 2SC2669 2SC2715 2SC380 2S731 2S731 2S731 ~~g~~~~ 25 30 35 40 45 50 2SC941 2SC941 BFR36 BFR36 2N2309 TP4386

    2N1972 2N909 ST6600 ST6601 SA2715 BSX70 2SC562 2N479 2N479A 2N2458 2N2537 texas 2N2551 2N2457 2N2429 SGS-ATES c426 2N2425 2n2398 2N2431 BF253 PDF


    Abstract: TRF648 sgs-ates transistors FBase-F Package 2N2425 2N2455 westcode diode 2n2534 2n2474 2N2431
    Text: POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 45 50 55 Ie Max (A) Westcode Westcode MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec Marcomclec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec



    Abstract: 2N400 2N2140A ad131 MP2144 germanium AD140
    Text: POWER GERMANIUM PNP Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 15 20 >= 2N257G 2N2578 2N1759 NKT450 2N2358 2N2368 2N2553 2N2557 AUY33 2N11838 2N1038 TI367 TI367 TI367A TI367A 2N3159 AD140 AD140 AD140 AD153 ~~~~~ 25 30 2N1359 2N235A 2N399 2N401 2N1184B 2N400 2N236 2N236A


    npn 10 a 50 v to-3 germanium

    Abstract: TO10 package germanium transistors NPN AD163 2N1041 AUY26 npn 10 a 50 v germanium 2n1040 germanium 2SB449
    Text: POWER GERMANIUM TRANSISTORS Item Number «C Part Number Manufacturer Type Max V BR CEO (A) (V) Po Max h re fT ICBO Max k)N Max ON) Min (HZ) (A) (s) r (CE)ut T Oper Max (Ohms) Max (°C) 250m 250m 230m 160m 470m 500m 250m 250m 250m 750m 10 10 10 750m 10 10 10

    2N2554 2N2558 2N1756 2N1760 2N3160 2N3156 2N1039 2N2555 2N2559 CK258 npn 10 a 50 v to-3 germanium TO10 package germanium transistors NPN AD163 2N1041 AUY26 npn 10 a 50 v germanium 2n1040 germanium 2SB449 PDF


    Abstract: 2n2553 2N1040 2N1041 2n1039 2N2552 2N2557 ti 2N2553 2N2556 2N1036
    Text: TYPES 2N1038, 2N1039, 2N1040, 2N1041 2N2552, 2N2553, 2N2554, 2N2555 2N2556, 2N2557, 2N2558, 2N2559 P-N-P ALLOY-JUNCTION GERMANIUM MEDIUM-POWER TRANSISTORS M3 I 5s :0B Zssp Guaranteed 4 0 -, 60 -. 8 0 -, or lOO-VOLT UNITS 20 WATTS AT 259C CASE TEMPERATURE

    OCR Scan
    2N1038, 2N1039, 2N1040, 2N1041 2N2552, 2N2553, 2N2554, 2N2555 2N2556, 2N2557, 2N1038 2n2553 2N1040 2N1041 2n1039 2N2552 2N2557 ti 2N2553 2N2556 2N1036 PDF

    germanium transistors NPN

    Abstract: TO13 MT28 Germanium power 2N1042 2N1043 2N1044 2N1045 2N2556 2N2557
    Text: GERMANIUM POWER DEVICES b3E » • 3^47375 D0DDS7ñ Ôb3 « G P D GERMANIUM POWER TRANSISTORS I Type Num ber Case Type 2N2668 2N2669 2N2670 2N1042 2N1043 2N1044 2N1045 2N2556 2N2557 2N2558 2N2559 2N2282 2N2283 2N2284 2N3212 2N3213 2N3214 2N3215 2N1183 2N1183A

    OCR Scan
    2N2668 MT-27 2N2669 2N2670 2N1042 MT-28 2N1043 germanium transistors NPN TO13 MT28 Germanium power 2N1044 2N1045 2N2556 2N2557 PDF


    Abstract: tfc 5630 2N5161 germanium 2N4193 1N1319 A2023 transistor 2N217 1N5159 transistor bf 175
    Text: The Semiconductor DataBook This is the first supplement to the 4th Edition o f the Semiconductor Data Book originally published in July 1969. It is produced to keep an up-to-date listing o f the most advanced semiconductor products. Devices characterized in this supplement include only the type numbers introduced after the publi­

    OCR Scan
    27TfC 1N5438 tfc 5630 2N5161 germanium 2N4193 1N1319 A2023 transistor 2N217 1N5159 transistor bf 175 PDF


    Abstract: germanium NPN 2N1761 2n1218 2N2067 germanium transistors NPN TO13 MT28 2N1042 2N1044
    Text: GERMANIUM POWER TRANSISTORS h rc I c/ Y Type Number Case Type Y ebo V J'c E O d w l y AíV ce Min-Max ® A /V @ V CE @ /c //fl (V® A/A) (V@A/V) (mA®V) Po® Tc =25°C &JC (watts) r e /W ) CC) / t (KHzi 3 AM P GERM A NIUM PN P (Coni.) 2N2668 2N2669 2N2670

    OCR Scan
    2N2668 MT-27 2N2669 2N2670 2N1042 MT-28 2N1043 2N158A germanium NPN 2N1761 2n1218 2N2067 germanium transistors NPN TO13 MT28 2N1044 PDF


    Abstract: gw 340 diode t03 package transistor pin configuration 32N03 DTG2400 DTG-2400 2N2144A 2N1100 2N126 2n228 transistor
    Text: CY7C1339 128K x 32 Synchronous-Pipelined Cache RAM Features The CY7C1339 I/O pins can operate at either the 2.5V or the 3.3V level; the I/O pins are 3.3V tolerant when V DDq=2.5V. * Supports 100-MHz bus fo r Pentium and PowerPC operations w ith zero w ait states

    OCR Scan
    CY7C1339 100-MHz 166-MHz 133-MHz CY7C1339 Y220a/ T0220AA T0220AB TMW515TDB 2N7805 gw 340 diode t03 package transistor pin configuration 32N03 DTG2400 DTG-2400 2N2144A 2N1100 2N126 2n228 transistor PDF

    aeg diode Si 61 L

    Abstract: aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680
    Text: Semiconductor Data Book Semiconductor Data Book Characteristics of approx. 10 000 Transistors, FETs, UJTs, Diodes, Rectifiers, Optical Semiconductors, Triacs and SCRs, Compiled by A. M. Ball Head of Physics, Teign School Newnes Technical Books Newnes Technical Books

    OCR Scan
    11tA0A12 A025A A0290 U0U55 A0291 A0292 A0305 A0306 A0A56 A0A59 aeg diode Si 61 L aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680 PDF

    transistor 2N4

    Abstract: ST25C transistor 2N407 transistor 2SA114 TFK 808 transistor 2sc124 SF1222 GE2 TRANSISTOR TFK 877 TFK 748
    Text: $ 1.50 2 -H 2 1 $ % Cat. No. SSH-5 ^TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION HANDBOOK by The Howard W. Sams Engineering Staff HOWARD W. SAMS & CO., INC. THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY, INC. Indianapolis • New York i FIFTH EDITION FIRST PRINTING — JANUARY, 1964 FIRST EDITION

    OCR Scan

    germanium transistor

    Abstract: 2N5121 2N5418 2N5539 2N5637 V2205 MM8006
    Text: INTRODUCTION I I N . . . INDEX Numerical index of ElA-registered device types, w ith major electrical specifications 2N . . . & 3N . . . INDEX Numerical index of ElA-registered device types, with major electrical specifications DEVICE INDEX Complete alpha-numeric index of all device types

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MT28 TO13 2n3214 Germanium power
    Text: GERMANIUM POWER DEVICES b3E ]> • 3TM7375 000057Ö Öb3 ■ G P P GERMANIUM POWER TRANSISTORS Case Type Type Number V e to irui V hFE IC/VCE Min-Max & A/V) Vao v VC£iJal) (V@A/A) Vie @Ic/VcE (V@A/V) IcEV @ VcE (mA @ V) P d@ Tc = 25°C 9ir TJimaxi /r

    OCR Scan
    3TM7375 2N2668 2N2669 2N2670 2N1042 2N1043 2N1044 2N1045 2N2556 2N2557 2N3215 MT28 TO13 2n3214 Germanium power PDF

    RCA H 541

    Abstract: 2T312 2N2654 AS218 transistor gex 74a diode germanium 1n283 K3004 TFK diode ac132 TI-483

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CD4003 2N2505 TF408 1N4465 250PA120 2N3017 pt 3570 trw rf pa189 Semicon volume 1
    Text: 1969 o < 00 x ic e uo <r\ *—4 rO O CM u J 'r < o o o CO r aJ. rfrr.~> y -< z X— < P“ -J Sem iconductor Annual At .0008" Dia. . . . there is no second source phire orifice insert. Tempress also created and supplied the tungsten carbide ultrasonic bonding tool and pioneered

    OCR Scan

    transistor c2060

    Abstract: Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor
    Text: Data Book Updating Service I Table of Contents How to Use the Data Book I > INTRODUCTION Complete I N . . . INDEX numerical index o f all ElA-registered device types, with major electrical specifications 2N . . . & 3N . . . INDEX Complete numerical index of all ElA-registered device types,

    OCR Scan
    AN-134 transistor c2060 Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor PDF

    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF


    Abstract: 2N1165 2N1167 2N2553 2N2552 2N2669 2N2556 2N1163A A6540 2N1167A
    Text: germanium power transistors PNP TO-41 = 10 to 50A h fE @ Ic / V c e V c e o s u s V ebo Type# (Volts) (Volts) 2N1163 2N1163A 2N1165 2N1165A 2N1167 2N1167A 25 25 35 40 45 50 20 25 25 40 30 50 (Min-Max @ A/V) 15-65@25/l 15-65 25/l 15-65@25/l 15-65®25/l

    OCR Scan
    2N1163 2N1163A 2N1165 2N1165A 2N1167 2N1167A 2N1042 2N1043 2N1044 2N2553 2N2552 2N2669 2N2556 A6540 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3214 2N158 germanium transistors NPN 2N3215 TO13 MT28 2N1759 2N158A 2N1042
    Text: DI O D E T R A N S I S T O R CO INC ~flM 2 8 4 8 3 5 2 D I O D E T R A N S I S T O R C O INC DE Ja àMfl35E D Q D O i n 84D 0 0 1 1 9 |~ D r- ,5 3 - 0 7 DIODE TRANSISTOR CO.INC. 201 686-0400 • Tela*: 139-385 • O u ts id e N Y & N J «rea c a ll T O L L F R E E 800-526-4581

    OCR Scan
    2N2668 2N2669 2N2670 2N1042 2N1043 MT-27 MT-28 MT-28 2N2067 2N3214 2N158 germanium transistors NPN 2N3215 TO13 MT28 2N1759 2N158A PDF


    Abstract: TO13 MT28 diode e 2060 2n2284 2N1042 2N1043 2N1044 2N1045 2N2556
    Text: DI O D E T R A N S I S T O R CO INC ~flM DE Ja àMfl35E D Q D O i n 2 8 4 8 3 5 2 D I O D E T R A N S I S T O R C O INC 84D 0 0 1 1 9 |~ D r- ,5 3 - 0 7 DIODE TRANSISTOR CO.INC. 201 686-0400 • Tela*: 139-385 • O u ts id e N Y & N J «rea c a ll T O L L F R E E 800-526-4581

    OCR Scan
    2N2668 2N2669 2N2670 2N1042 2N1043 MT-27 MT-28 MT-28 2n3215 TO13 MT28 diode e 2060 2n2284 2N1044 2N1045 2N2556 PDF

    2N1100 Power Transistor

    Abstract: DTG-2400 2n4280 germanium transistor pnp 2n277 2N2912 2n58a DTG2400 2N2567 2n1039 2N5435
    Text: TTTUTFE TTTÆWYrSTTJT^ CO TNC i fi4D D | 2 Û 4 fi3 5 2 □□□□141 7 " - 3 3 - off 3 f DIODE Tfldl\l515TQR CQ.,lf\JC. • “ J ~ 2011686-0400 • Telex: 139-365 * O u ts id e NY & NJ area c a ll t o l l f r e e 8005zs*4aai / g e r m a n iu M p n p h ig h p o w e r t r a n s i s t o r s

    OCR Scan
    DDDD141 2N58A 2N1073 2N2158 2N5325 2N143/13 2N1073A 2N2158A 2N5435 2N174A 2N1100 Power Transistor DTG-2400 2n4280 germanium transistor pnp 2n277 2N2912 DTG2400 2N2567 2n1039 PDF


    Abstract: TO37 2N2283 2N2282 TO13 diode e 2060 MT28 2n1755 2N1043 2N1044
    Text: DIODE TRANSISTOR CO INC "ai 28483 52 DIODE T R A N S I S T O R CO INC DE~|efli|fl35E O O D D i n 0 I " 84D 00119 D T- J 5- o7 D1QDE TPidf\15J5TQPi CO., INC. 201 686-0400 • Telex: 139-385 • Outside NY & NJ area call TOLL FREE 800-526-4581 FAX No. 201*575-5883

    OCR Scan
    afl4fl352 DDD0111 TMI\I515T0R Tc-25Â 2N2668 2N2669 2N2670 2N1042 2N1043 MT-27 2N3214 TO37 2N2283 2N2282 TO13 diode e 2060 MT28 2n1755 2N1044 PDF