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    ZENER 4148 Search Results

    ZENER 4148 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    ZENER 4148 Datasheets Context Search

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    ph 4148 zener diode

    Abstract: philips zener diode ph 4148 pcf0700p Zener Diode ph 4148 PCA1318P ck2605 pcf0700p/051 philips Pca1318p on4673 Zener Diode 4148

    DN-40 74ABT126 74ABT2240 X3G-BZX84-C7V5 X3G-BZX84-C9V1 ph 4148 zener diode philips zener diode ph 4148 pcf0700p Zener Diode ph 4148 PCA1318P ck2605 pcf0700p/051 philips Pca1318p on4673 Zener Diode 4148 PDF


    Abstract: 1N4937 SMD EF16 TRANSFORMER diode D7 SOD-123 BAT54 on semi IC 2 5/dual transistor 6 pin SMD Z2 NCP1075
    Text: DN05038/D Design Note – DN05038/D Non-Isolated, 8 Watt Dual Output, Off-line Power Supply Device Application NCP1075 NST45011 White Goods, Industrial Equipment Input Voltage 180 to 270 Vac Output Power Topology I/O Isolation 8 Watts Nominal Non-Isolated

    DN05038/D NCP1075 NST45011 NCP1072 SMD ZENER DIODE Z1 1N4937 SMD EF16 TRANSFORMER diode D7 SOD-123 BAT54 on semi IC 2 5/dual transistor 6 pin SMD Z2 NCP1075 PDF

    4148 ZENER DIODE

    Abstract: Zener Diode 4148 zener T 4148 C106L 4148 ZENER TRANSISTOR C-111 eurosil transistor SMD 104 bc 107 colpitts oscillator ZENER DIODE 47
    Text: TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors UHF Remote Control System: Receiver Front End and Complete Receiver Design Hints Issue: 10.95 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Table of contents 1. Introduction. 1

    d1-A0-10X 4148 ZENER DIODE Zener Diode 4148 zener T 4148 C106L 4148 ZENER TRANSISTOR C-111 eurosil transistor SMD 104 bc 107 colpitts oscillator ZENER DIODE 47 PDF

    4148 zener diode

    Abstract: 4148 zener C106L zener T 4148 bc 107 colpitts oscillator Zener Diode 4148 transistor c-111 colpitts oscillator bc 107 Siemens ofw 5B smd transistor data
    Text: TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors UHF Remote Control System: Receiver Front End and Complete Receiver Design Hints Issue: 09.96 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Table of contents 1. Introduction. 1

    d1-A0-10X 4148 zener diode 4148 zener C106L zener T 4148 bc 107 colpitts oscillator Zener Diode 4148 transistor c-111 colpitts oscillator bc 107 Siemens ofw 5B smd transistor data PDF

    Zener Diode ph 4148

    Abstract: ph 4148 zener diode zener PH 4148 ph 4148 diode
    Text: July 09, 2008 IRS2530D S DIM8 DIMMING BALLAST CONTROL IC Product Summary IC Features • • • • • • • • • • • TM Dimming ballast control plus half-bridge driver Closed-loop lamp current dimming control Internal non-ZVS protection Internal crest factor protection

    IRS2530D 180mA 260mA Zener Diode ph 4148 ph 4148 zener diode zener PH 4148 ph 4148 diode PDF

    ph 4148 zener diode

    Abstract: Zener Diode ph 4148 zener PH 4148 ph 4148 diode Diode ph 4148 ph TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE Linear dimming ballast ph 4148 zener diode application MOSFET TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 545 IRS2530D
    Text: July 09, 2008 IRS2530D S DIM8 DIMMING BALLAST CONTROL IC Product Summary IC Features • • • • • • • • • • • TM Dimming ballast control plus half-bridge driver Closed-loop lamp current dimming control Internal non-ZVS protection Internal crest factor protection

    IRS2530D 180mA 260mA ph 4148 zener diode Zener Diode ph 4148 zener PH 4148 ph 4148 diode Diode ph 4148 ph TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE Linear dimming ballast ph 4148 zener diode application MOSFET TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 545 PDF

    vogt IL 050 321 31 01

    Abstract: IRS2541 Zener Diode 4148 VOGT 545 01 MURS160DICT VOGT 503 irs2541 application driver IRS2541 AN1131 zener diode in 4148
    Text: Application Note AN-1131 Universal Input 90 VAC – 265 VAC LED Driver Using IRS2541 Table of Contents Page 1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………….….1 2. Circuit Description .….2

    AN-1131 IRS2541 IRS2541 vogt IL 050 321 31 01 Zener Diode 4148 VOGT 545 01 MURS160DICT VOGT 503 irs2541 application driver IRS2541 AN1131 zener diode in 4148 PDF

    ZPD 5.1 ITT

    Abstract: ZPD ITT diode zener ZD 88 germanium BYY32 germanium transistor CJ 4148 ZENER BAW21 ITT ZPD 11 itt germanium diode
    Text: General Information Germanium Gold Bonded Diodes Silicon Diodes Silicon Capacitance Diodes Silicon Diode Switches PIN Diodes Silicon Zener Diodes and Temperature Compensated Stabilizing Circuits Silicon Stabilizer Diodes Light Emitting Diodes Silicon Rectifiers

    OCR Scan
    F-92223 D-7800 ZPD 5.1 ITT ZPD ITT diode zener ZD 88 germanium BYY32 germanium transistor CJ 4148 ZENER BAW21 ITT ZPD 11 itt germanium diode PDF

    la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt

    Abstract: la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt diode LT 7229 2sd323 YM 7137 3D DA 3807 pdf transistor inverter welder 4 schematic 2N5630 THYRISTOR br 403 1N3492
    Text: Alphanumeric Index Power Transistor Selector Guide Power Transistor Cross Reference Power Transistor Data Sheets Thyristor Selector Guide Thyristor Cross Reference Thyristor Data Sheets Leadforms, Hardware, and Mounting Techniques R ectifier and Zener Diode

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    AN-784A la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt diode LT 7229 2sd323 YM 7137 3D DA 3807 pdf transistor inverter welder 4 schematic 2N5630 THYRISTOR br 403 1N3492 PDF

    SEM 5027A

    Abstract: transistor BD 540 LYS MC710G 131-80 wj 89 MC707G 2n328 LN4005 diode reverse current and voltage mc708g C844P TS36A
    Text: SELECTION GUIDES How To Use The Data Book Numerical Index Alphabetical Index Device Outlines GENERAL INFORMATION SILICON ZENER DIODES Regulator Diodes, Reference Diodes, Precision Reference Diodes and Reference Amplifiers SILICON RECTIFIERS SILICON RECTIFIER ASSEMBLIES

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 1n 4148 zener diode IN5956B diode IN 5342B IN 5342B Zener Diode 4148 zener T 4148 IN5913B in5388b IN5342B
    Text: ZENER DIODES 1 WATT ZENER DIODE-PLASTIC O P E R A T IN G A N D S TO R A G E T E M P E R A T U R E - 6 5 ° C to + 1 75 °C IN 4 7 3 6 THRU IN 4 7 6 4 *E LE C T R IC A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S Ta = 2 5 °C u n le ss o th e rw ise n o te d V f = 1.2 V M ax,

    OCR Scan
    1N4736A 1N4749A 1N4750A 5342B 1n 4148 zener diode IN5956B diode IN 5342B IN 5342B Zener Diode 4148 zener T 4148 IN5913B in5388b IN5342B PDF

    Zener Diode 4148

    Abstract: zener T 4148 ZENER 4148 T 4148 zener ZENER diode t 4148 5 volts zener diode 4148 zener diode in 4148 IN4444 4148 zener diode 4148 ZENER
    Text: B K C INTERNATIONAL □ 3E D | 1 1 7 3 r/HJ 1 W SILICON ZENER DIODES 1N4728 through I > .I Ï Ü Storage Temperature Range Maximum Junction Operating Temperature Lead Temperature Power Dissipation ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DO-41 500mW 3.33 mW/°C ,ii9* mim ait

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    DQQQ271 1N4728 1N4752 500mW DO-41 1N5194 1N5195 1N5196 Zener Diode 4148 zener T 4148 ZENER 4148 T 4148 zener ZENER diode t 4148 5 volts zener diode 4148 zener diode in 4148 IN4444 4148 zener diode 4148 ZENER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor LM136-2.5/LM236-2.5/LM336-2.5V Reference Diode General Description The LM 136-2.5/LM 236-2.5 and LM 336-2.5 integrated cir­ cuits are precision 2.5V shunt regulator diodes. These m onolithic IC voltage references operate as a low -tem perature-coefficient 2.5V zener w ith 0.2i l dynam ic

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    LM136-2 5/LM236-2 5/LM336-2 LM136-2.5 PDF


    Abstract: LM 336 LM136-2.5
    Text: Semiconductor LM136-2.5/LM236-2.5/LM336-2.5V Reference Diode General Description The LM 136-2.5/LM 236-2.5 and LM 336-2.5 integrated cir­ cuits are precision 2.5V shunt regulator diodes. These m onolithic IC voltage references operate as a low -tem perature-coefficient 2.5V zener w ith 0.2Q dynam ic

    OCR Scan
    LM136-2 5/LM236-2 5/LM336-2 336-25 LM 336 LM136-2.5 PDF

    SM 4151

    Abstract: 1N5229B 1N4623 do 213aa SP6316
    Text: Zener Regulator Diodes Part Number Mlcrosemi Division Package Outline Data Power Type; Mil W i Spec Sheet ID Vz (V) SM SM STD SM STD STD STD STD SM SM STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD SM SM STD SM STD SM STD SM STD SM STD SM STD STD STD STD SM SM SM SM STD

    OCR Scan
    DO-213AA DO-35 SM 4151 1N5229B 1N4623 do 213aa SP6316 PDF

    axial zener diodes marking code c3v6

    Abstract: H 48 zener diode ZENER DIODES CODE ID CHART diode zener ph c5v6 74151N HS7030 sescosem SESCOSEM semiconductor diode zener BZX 61 C 10 BZX 460 zener diode
    Text: SESCOSEM Introduction Sescosem, Societe Europeenne de Semiconducteurs et de Microelectronique, is a branch of the Thomson-CSF Group, one of the world’s largest High Technology combines which includes Ducati Microfaro, LCC-CICE, COFELEC and many other companies.

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    BR805A BR81A BR82A BR84A BR86A BR88A BR91A BR92A BR94A BR96A axial zener diodes marking code c3v6 H 48 zener diode ZENER DIODES CODE ID CHART diode zener ph c5v6 74151N HS7030 sescosem SESCOSEM semiconductor diode zener BZX 61 C 10 BZX 460 zener diode PDF

    diac D30

    Abstract: db3 diac bc 9013 marking 4d NPN ZN 5551 diode DIAC DB3 EQUIVALENT BZXS4C24V 8Z-2 9014 sot-23 ZT 5551
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An IS/ISO 9002 & IECQ. certified manufacturer of quality discrete semiconductor components Surface Mount SOT-23 Semiconductors , , Transistors Z ener Diodes Switching and Schottky Diodes Quick Reference Data CONTINENTAL DEVICE INDIA LIMITED

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    OT-23 C-120, conventN1711 2N1893 2N2102 2N2218A 2N2219A 2N3019 2N3503 2N3700 diac D30 db3 diac bc 9013 marking 4d NPN ZN 5551 diode DIAC DB3 EQUIVALENT BZXS4C24V 8Z-2 9014 sot-23 ZT 5551 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IC 5 0 1 2 Dual Power MOSFET Predriver General Description Features The MIC5012 is the dual member of the Micrel MIC501X predriver family. These ICs are designed to drive the gate of an N-channel power MOSFET above the supply rail in high-side power switch applications. The 14-pin MIC5012 is

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    MIC5012 MIC501X 14-pin MIL-STD-883 PDF

    Zener Diode ph 4148

    Abstract: ph 4148 zener diode zener PH 4148 CJ 4148 ZENER PH SMD SAW101 eurosil RF transmitter 433.92 u4314b CJ 4148 zener diode
    Text: Tem ic S e m i c o n d u c t o r s UHF Remote Control System: Receiver Front End and Complete Receiver Design Hints Introduction This report is a description on how to develop a costsaving superhet receiver for radio-frequency-based remote control systems in the UHF range. It should be

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    U431xB LL4148 S852T BC848 U43I3B-FL. U4311B-C-FL Zener Diode ph 4148 ph 4148 zener diode zener PH 4148 CJ 4148 ZENER PH SMD SAW101 eurosil RF transmitter 433.92 u4314b CJ 4148 zener diode PDF


    Abstract: ZENER diode t 4148 5011BN motor driver IRFZ44 5011A SE 5011
    Text: General Description Features The M IC 5011 is the “ minimum parts count” m em ber of the Micrel M IC501X predriver family. These ICs are designed to drive the gate of an N-channel power M OSFET above the supply rail in high-side power switch applications. The 8-pin

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    MIC5011 MIC501X cr2943 ZENER diode t 4148 5011BN motor driver IRFZ44 5011A SE 5011 PDF


    Abstract: ic HP 1003 WA
    Text: General Description Features 7V to 32V operation Less than 1jj.A standby current in the “O FF” state Internal charge pump to drive the gate of an N-channel power FET above supply M IL-STD-883 Method 5004/5005 version available Available in small outline SOIC packages

    OCR Scan
    IL-STD-883 MIC5010 IC501X switch12 IC5010 1RFP250 ic HP 1003 WA PDF


    Abstract: zener diodes 4148
    Text: Features General Description 7V to 32V operation Less than 1 standby current in the “off" state MIL-STD-883 Method 5004/5005 version available Available in small outline SOIC packages Internal charge pump to drive the gate of an N-channel power FET above supply

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    MIC5013 MIC5010 5013bm zener diodes 4148 PDF

    zener diode ST 4148

    Abstract: Zener Diode 4148 zener T 4148 FR-107 diode ZENER diode t 4148 zener diode 4148 circuit diagram 1n 4148 zener diode diode st 4148 diode 4937 T 4148 zener
    Text: KA7524 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT a dip POWER FACTOR CONTROLLER The K A 7 5 2 4 provides the necessary features to im plem ent the E lectronic BALLAST control and S.M.P.S app licatio n for d e s ig ­ n ing on active pow e r fa cto r co rrectio n circuit. FEATURES

    OCR Scan
    KA7524 500mA A7524D 27ohm 330ohm 75ohm 10ohm 4700pF zener diode ST 4148 Zener Diode 4148 zener T 4148 FR-107 diode ZENER diode t 4148 zener diode 4148 circuit diagram 1n 4148 zener diode diode st 4148 diode 4937 T 4148 zener PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Low Cost Analog Multiplier AD633 FEATURES Four-Quadrant Multiplication Low Cost 8-Pin Package Complete—No External Components Required Laser-Trimmed Accuracy and Stability Total Error Within 2% of FS Differential High Impedance X and Y Inputs

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    AD633 PDF