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    Carlo Gavazzi Holding AG CA.100 TAŚMA Z WŁÓKNA ACETATOWEGO 9MM50M

    Tape: electrical insulating; W: 9mm; L: 50m; Thk: 0.21mm; white; 10%
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ffiUNITRR G EM ! UL 1200N TJL 1200K jest ukladeffl wznaonlaoza posiada jqoym: - detektor koinoydenoyjny o malyoh znieksztaloenlach, - uklad sterowania wska£nikieoo poziomu sygnatu wej^oio- Uklad wzmacniacza p.oe. wego, - uklad wyciszania pray malym sygn&le wejgciowym*

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    1200N 1200K Warto36 Uj-100 n12-i Oj-100 DSAGER00042 PDF


    Abstract: 1200N ARW 4 T12-1 1200et Uj-100
    Text: U N 1TR FI .C E M I UL 1200N UL 1200K j e s t ukladan w znaonlaoza posiadajqoym : - d e te k to r koinoydenoyjny o malyoh z n ie k sz ta io e n ia c h , - uklad stero w an ia wska£nikiem poziomu sygnsdu w e j^ o io wego, * uklad w yoiszania pray malym sygnale wej^clowym,

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    1200ET 1200N T12-1, Uj-100 WEGO 1200N ARW 4 T12-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o bq4850Y U N I T R O D E - RTC Module with 512Kx8 NVSRAM Features General Description >• I n te g r a t e d SRAM, re a l-tim e clock, crystal, power-fail control circuit, and battery The bq4850Y RTC Module is a non­ volatile 4,194,304-bit SRAM organ­

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    bq4850Y 512Kx8 304-bit 32-pin PDF


    Abstract: PEAK tray drawing VT12T
    Text: SHARP LH5 1 6 A S 5 1 Contents 1. Description 2 2. Pin Configuration 2 3. Truth Table 3 4. Block Diagram 3 5. Absolute Maximum Ratings 4 6. Recommended DC Operating Conditions . 4 7. DC Electrical Characteristics 4 8. AC Electrical Characteristics 5 9. Data Retention Characteristics

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    16AS5 LH5164ASHT TSOP28-P-0813 CV597. LH5164ASHT PEAK tray drawing VT12T PDF

    ENEC SR T85

    Abstract: IP6K7 40T85 ENEC DC2
    Text: Perfection down to the smallest detail CONTENTS For many years, Cherry snap In our experience you need a little advice to get the best out of your switches. This is why we always start by asking users for detailed information on the switches and keyboards have been


    PEAK tray drawing

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP LH52 5AV5 1 Contents . . . . . 2 . 2 1. Description 2. Pin Configuration 3. Truth Table 3 4. Block Diagram 5. Absolute Maximum Ratings * . 3 .

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    01570cà TS0P28â AAI068 CV597 PEAK tray drawing PDF


    Abstract: DSAGER00055
    Text: iM S U N IT R P Ifisl CEM I Ukiady UL 1261 i UL 1262 s4 ukladami o ¿redniej integraoji. Zawlerajs* one: UL UL UL UL skali 1261N 1262N 1261 NA 1262NA - generator linli» - ukiad poröwnanla fazy, - selektor i S e p a r a t o r i m p u l s d w s y n c h r o n i z a c j i ,

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    1261N 1262N 1262NA scans-048 DSAGER00055 PDF


    Abstract: Scans-048 DSAGER0008 Koweg
    Text: • ItU N IT R R C E M I Ukiady UL 1958N i UL 1959N przeznaczone do sterowania elektronicznych giowic zintegrowanych odbiorników telewizyjnych i radiowych* Charakteryzujq sie nast§puj^cymi wiasciwoáciaini: - du¿3 czuíoscíq wejscia, - niskim napi^ciem nasycenia wyjsaiowych ukiadów steruj^cych,

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    1958N 1959N 1959H U13-U11 UL1959N Scans-048 DSAGER0008 Koweg PDF


    Abstract: a4100 valvo RENS1204 Langwelle Valvo Spezial philips rohren gunze rgn354 HF spulen
    Text: Digitalisiert 01/2010 von Thomas Günzel für mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Funkschau-Redaktion Die aktuellen Ausgaben der Funkschau finden sie unter M Ü N C H E N , D E N 14 . 6 . 31 VIERTEL JAHR RM. 1.80 Nr.24 Das ist der



    Abstract: ucy 7741 74ls08n Katalog CEMI 7447n IC ALU IC 74381 MOC 641 AG ucy 7490n UCY 7447 74L502
    Text: NAUKOW O-PRODUKCYJNE CENTRUM PÔtPRZEWODNIKÔW ELEMENTY PÓLPRZEWODNIKOWE Katalog w yrobów C EM I 1983/1984 Czçéé II BIPOLARNE U K tÀ D Y SCALONE Warszawa 1983 r. SPI* TRESél Str. 4 Od Wydawcy . Ogólne zasady oznaczania uktadów scalonych .

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    CB109 CB108 CB180 jCB155 MP181 7447n ucy 7741 74ls08n Katalog CEMI 7447n IC ALU IC 74381 MOC 641 AG ucy 7490n UCY 7447 74L502 PDF


    Abstract: MARKING 2DH intel flash date code marking marking code 82H
    Text: PCMCIA Flash Memory Card FLF1 Series White Electronic Designs High Density FLASH Memory Card 16, 32, 48, 64, 80 MEGABYTE information to be stored in a single cell. This leads to reduced die size and reduced cost per megabyte. FEATURES „ Low cost, high density Linear Flash Card

    28F128J3A 28F640J3 250ns 200ns 32-Byte 128-bit 64-bit M00ns 250ns 4002h MARKING 2DH intel flash date code marking marking code 82H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM684000L/KM684000L-L CMOS SRAM 524,288 WORD x 8 Bit CMOS Static RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Fast Access Time: 55, 70, 85, 100ns Max. • Low Power Dissipation Standby (CMOS): 10/iW (Typ.) L Version 5fiW (Typ.) L-L Version Operating: 110mW/MHz (Max.)

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    KM684000L/KM684000L-L 100ns 10/iW 110mW/MHz KM684000LP/LP-L: 32-pin 600mil) KM684000LG/LG-L: 525mil) PDF

    SHARP 20 WZ 51

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O M M K K LH5 2 C 5 V 1 1 Contents 1. Description 2. Pin Configuration 2 . 3. Truth Table 2 3 4. Block Diagram * . 3 5. Absolute Maximum Ratings 4 6. 4 Recommended DC Operating Conditions 7. DC Electrical Characteristics

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP SHARP LH525CL2 # Handle t h i s document c a r e f u l l y for i t contains mater i aI p r o t e c t ed by i n t e r n a t i o n a l copyright law. Any reproduction, f u l l or in part, of t h i s material is p r o h i b i t e d without the express w r i t t e n permission of the company.

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    LH525CL2 54TYP. AA852 CV651 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LH51V2008HS-85LL 2 M S R A M Model No.: LHSV282S Spec No.: MS-J10706 Issue Date: July 8, 1998 SHARP LHSV282S # Handle this document carefully for it contains material protected by international copyright law. Any reproduction, full or in part, of this material is prohibited

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    LH51V2008HS-85LL LHSV282S) MS-J10706 LHSV282S icz1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP SHARP LH525C7D # Handle t h i s document c a r e f u l l y for i t contains mat erial p r ot ec te d by i n t e r n a t i o n a l copyright law. Any reproduction, f ul l or in par t, of t h i s ma ter ial is p r o h i b i t e d without the express w r i t t e n permission of the company.

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    LH525C7D DIP28-P-3GÜ AA997 CV503 LH52256CD-70LL LH52256CD-70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM6161002 CMOS SRAM ELECTR O NICS 6 4 K x 1 6 B H High-Speed CMOS Static RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Fast Access Time 15,17,20 ns Max • Low Power Dissipation Standby (TTL) : 40 mA(Max.) (CMOS): 10 mA(Max.) Operating KM6161002-15 : 230 mA(Max.)

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    KM6161002 KM6161002-15 KM6161002-17 KM6161002-20 KM6161002 576-bit PDF


    Abstract: MikroC
    Text: EUROSplus User’s Guide ED166W Ausgabe März 1999 Ein Produkt eines Unternehmens der PHYTEC Technologie Holding AG EUROSplus User’s Guide ED166W  Copyright 1999 SYS TEC Computer GmbH, D-07973 Greiz/Thüringen. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil dieses Buches darf in irgendeiner Form ohne

    ED166W D-07973 D-55129 L-436d C16X MikroC PDF


    Abstract: CQM1H-CPU21 CQM1-PA216 Omron CQM1H-CPU21 CQM1-PA203 CQM1H-CPU61 OMRON CQM1H-CPU11 CQM1-OC222 CQM1-ID211 CQM1H-MAB42
    Text: Sterownik programowalny OMRON SY SMAC CQM1H Wy¿szy poziom sterowania OMRON SY SMAC CQM1H Wydanie 2001/2002 SPIS TREŒCI strona Modu³y CPU…………………………….1 Zasilacze ……………………………….2 Karty pamiêci ……………………………3



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S i GEC PLESSEY S I. M I C O N D l C T ü R S DS3585-4.3 MA9167 RADIATION HARD 16384 X 1 BIT STATIC RAM FEATURES The M A 916716k Static RAM is configured as 16384 x 1 bits and manufactured using GPS's CMOS-SOS high performance, radiation hard, 1.5|im technology.

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    DS3585-4 MA9167 916716k 37bfl522 PDF


    Abstract: dwa 108 ip108 dwa 108 a UP-3
    Text: unia opöiniaj§ca 64fis W ejS cie sygnahj FBAS DL 701 Wejäcie sygnalu chrominancji 680Q ^ lOOn /16V - R-Y 330k 680Q -j- — Detektor SECAM U io o p 3,3 L2 2 .2M 100p i5 p : 6800 2,8piH 470p TDA 3521 X T T 47n Jh h J J 3,9k 22k ( a h 12k S J 150p 2% lO u •

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    cd photo diode

    Abstract: optical pickup unit pinout CD pickup laser diode DVD Laser pickup optical pickup unit dvd laser pick-up dvd diode pickup cd laser diode pic atmel AT78C1503
    Text: Features • • • • • • • • • Preprogrammed for All Current DVD and CD Write Strategies Five 10-bit DACs for Controlling a Laser Power Amplifier Separate DVD and CD APC Provided On-board Bandgap Reference Timing Programmable by User Adaptive Pulse Shift

    10-bit AT78C1504 cd photo diode optical pickup unit pinout CD pickup laser diode DVD Laser pickup optical pickup unit dvd laser pick-up dvd diode pickup cd laser diode pic atmel AT78C1503 PDF


    Abstract: TO48 package
    Text: >' " """ SPEC No. ISSUE: E L 0 8 3 1 6 7 Mar. 26. 1996 rc ; SPECI FI CATI ONS Product 64k Type SRAM L H5 1 6 4 ASHT Model No. LH 5 1 6 A S 5 ♦This specifications contains 1 5 pages including the cover and appendix. If you have any objections, please contact us before issuing purchasing order.

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    I5-40TC LH5164ASHT TSQP28-P-- 6AS5 TO48 package PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP SPEC No. ISSUE: To MS —J 0 8 X 3 1 Oct. 24. m • ; PRELIMINARY. SPECIFICATIONS P roduct 2 5 6k Type SRAM LH 5 2 2 5 6 C H N - 7 0 L L Model iVn • T h is s p e c i f i c a t i o n s c o n t a i n s L H 5 2 5 C 1 N 1 1 pages in c lu d in g the co v er and appendix.

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