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    knitter-switch TSS-32-N

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey TSS-32-N Digi-Reel 1,599 1
    • 1 $0.44
    • 10 $0.359
    • 100 $0.2877
    • 1000 $0.24488
    • 10000 $0.24488
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    TSS-32-N Cut Tape 1,599 1
    • 1 $0.44
    • 10 $0.359
    • 100 $0.2877
    • 1000 $0.24488
    • 10000 $0.24488
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    knitter-switch TSS-32-S

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    DigiKey TSS-32-S Cut Tape 1,599 1
    • 1 $0.44
    • 10 $0.359
    • 100 $0.2877
    • 1000 $0.24488
    • 10000 $0.24488
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    TSS-32-S Digi-Reel 1,599 1
    • 1 $0.44
    • 10 $0.359
    • 100 $0.2877
    • 1000 $0.24488
    • 10000 $0.24488
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    knitter-switch TSS32N

    Switch Tactile N.O. Rectangular Button J-Bend 0.05A 12VDC 1.6N SMD T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: TSS32N)
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    Avnet Americas TSS32N Reel 1,600
    • 1 $0.14
    • 10 $0.14
    • 100 $0.14
    • 1000 $0.14
    • 10000 $0.14
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    Chip One Stop TSS32N Cut Tape 100
    • 1 -
    • 10 $0.111
    • 100 $0.101
    • 1000 $0.101
    • 10000 $0.101
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    knitter-switch TSS32S

    Switch Tactile N.O. Rectangular Button J-Bend 0.05A 12VDC 3.2N SMD T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: TSS32S)
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    Avnet Americas TSS32S Reel 1,600
    • 1 $0.14
    • 10 $0.14
    • 100 $0.14
    • 1000 $0.14
    • 10000 $0.14
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    Verical TSS32S 1,600 202
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.148
    • 10000 $0.148
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    Chip One Stop TSS32S Bulk 1,600
    • 1 -
    • 10 $0.2
    • 100 $0.166
    • 1000 $0.148
    • 10000 $0.148
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    knitter-switch TSS 3222 NP-RA

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    Bristol Electronics TSS 3222 NP-RA 3,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    TSS32 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN SA EM9201 Fully integrated, low power 2.4 GHz Transceiver Description EM9201 is a low-voltage 2.4GHz transceiver IC with built-in link-layer logic suitable for proprietary wireless links in the 2.400 … 2.4835 GHz ISM band. EM9201 features a radio core with a low-IF architecture

    EM9201 EM9201 9201-DS 13-Sep-12 PDF


    Abstract: d143 crystal ECL 100111 11010 ANM050 CY7B923 TSS323 hamming encoder decoder
    Text: ANM050 Take the Advantage with HSDLink TSS923/933 1. Introduction A natural way to exchange data between systems is the serial link. Systems become more and more powerful asking a very high speed link. HSDLink provides a simple and low–cost solution to high speed data transmission.

    ANM050 TSS923/933) 8B/10B K284 d143 crystal ECL 100111 11010 ANM050 CY7B923 TSS323 hamming encoder decoder PDF


    Abstract: sis302 SA48B PEB 2256 H V1.2 SIS 9237 dcf 2052 FRS1 relay RFT r 4100 msu 305 PEB 2256 E
    Text: Y R A IN LI M E ICs for Communications R E1/T1/J1 Framer and Line Interface Component for Long and Short Haul Applications FALC 56 P PEB 2256 Version 1.2 Preliminary Data Sheet 2000-02 DS 2 • PEB 2256 PRELIMINARY Revision History: Current Version: 2000-02; DS 2

    XTS16RA I-486 TSB36 sis302 SA48B PEB 2256 H V1.2 SIS 9237 dcf 2052 FRS1 relay RFT r 4100 msu 305 PEB 2256 E PDF


    Abstract: TSS3225 3225A 14.7456
    Text: TSS-3225A 小型表面実装タイプ水晶振動子 •特長 業界標準の 3225 サイズ水晶振動子で,通常シーム封止工 法を採用した汎用モデルです。通常シーム封止製品の為, Now printing パッケージ強度が強く,特に耐機械的衝撃性能・耐環境的

    TSS-3225A TSS-3225A TSS3225 3225A 14.7456 PDF

    transformer "fibre channel"

    Abstract: 11010 ANM050 CY7B923 40MHz Crystal d40 d143 crystal hamming encoder decoder D112 quartz crystal
    Text: ANM050 Take the Advantage with HDSLink TSS923/933 Introduction A natural way to exchange data between systems is the serial link. Systems become more and more powerful asking a very high speed link. HDSLink provides a simple and low-cost solution to high speed

    ANM050 TSS923/933) 8B/10B 8B/16B communicati00101011001001 transformer "fibre channel" 11010 ANM050 CY7B923 40MHz Crystal d40 d143 crystal hamming encoder decoder D112 quartz crystal PDF

    PEF 2256 H

    Abstract: PEF 2256 H V2.2 pef 22554, B12 and pin diagram of IC 7476 smd fuse marking code K E1 HDB3 RPC32 ts3110 FALC56 FALC56 SYPX RFM
    Text: D at a S h e e t , R e v . 1 . 1, J u n e 20 0 5 FALC 5 6 E 1 / T 1 /J 1 F r a m e r a n d L i n e I n t e r f a c e C o m p o n e n t f o r L o n g - a n d S h o r t - H au l Applications PEF 2256 H, Version 2.2 PEF 2256 E, Version 2.2 Wireline Communications

    10BaseV® 10BaseVX® 10BaseSTM, XTS16RA PEF 2256 H PEF 2256 H V2.2 pef 22554, B12 and pin diagram of IC 7476 smd fuse marking code K E1 HDB3 RPC32 ts3110 FALC56 FALC56 SYPX RFM PDF


    Abstract: tS16A TS16LFA 2256 errata rme2
    Text: Y R A IN LI M E ICs for Communications R E1/T1/J1 Framer and Line Interface Component for Long and Short Haul Applications FALC 56 P PEB 2256 Version 1.2 Delta Sheet 04.99 DS 1 • PEB 2256 PRELIMINARY Revision History: Current Version: 04.99 Previous Version:

    TSS34 TSS33 TSS32 TSS31 TSS30 TSB34. RBC26 tS16A TS16LFA 2256 errata rme2 PDF

    cyrix 6x86

    Abstract: 6x86mx-pr200 6x86mxpr200 cyrix M 2 Processor Cyrix 6x86mx Cyrix 486 6X86MX
    Text: July 15, 1997 3:24, Updated 5/13/98 Addendums and other updates for this manual can be obtained from Cyrix Web site: 1997 Copyright Cyrix Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Trademark Acknowledgments:

    6x86MX 94xxx-xx cyrix 6x86 6x86mx-pr200 6x86mxpr200 cyrix M 2 Processor Cyrix 6x86mx Cyrix 486 PDF

    power transformer 430-2002

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 9f infineon marking RFs esm 310 bp bim 433 f PEB 2256 H V1.2 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE sn rs-12 relay FALC56 application note
    Text: D at a S hee t, DS 3, A ug . 2 00 2 FALC56 E1/T1/J1 Framer and Line Interface Component for Longand Short-Haul Applications PEB 2256 HT Version 1.2 PEB 2256 E Version 1.2 W i r ed Communications N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Data Sheet Revision History:

    FALC56 P-LBGA-81-1 XTS16RA power transformer 430-2002 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 9f infineon marking RFs esm 310 bp bim 433 f PEB 2256 H V1.2 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE sn rs-12 relay FALC56 application note PDF

    TE 2395 motorola

    Abstract: MCL T1-1 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg 334 te 2395 FALC56 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 9f smd diode marking code TO3 smd marking code zcs equivalent msu 305 MARKING SMD TRANSISTOR 6c
    Text: D at a S he et , DS 1 , Se pt em be r 20 00 F A LC 5 6 E 1/ T1 /J 1 Fr a m er a nd L i n e In te r fa c e C om p on e nt f or L on g an d S h or t - Ha u l A pp l i c at i on s P EB 22 5 6 V er s i o n 1 .2 Da ta c o m N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g .

    D-81541 TE 2395 motorola MCL T1-1 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg 334 te 2395 FALC56 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 9f smd diode marking code TO3 smd marking code zcs equivalent msu 305 MARKING SMD TRANSISTOR 6c PDF

    PEB 2256 H V1.2

    Abstract: RBC31 mds30 2256 errata rme2 MARKING CODE vn1 FALC56 XP33 TSB-12 FALC56 errata
    Text: Y R A IN LI M E ICs for Communications R E1/T1/J1 Framer and Line Interface Component for Long and Short Haul Applications FALC 56 P PEB 2256 Version 1.2 Delta Sheet 2000-01 DS 3 • PEB 2256 PRELIMINARY Revision History: Current Version: DS 3, 2000-01 Previous Version:


    cyrix 486

    Abstract: ibm 6X86 8086 opcode of mov ax,bx CHIPset for 80286
    Text:  IBM 6X86MX Microprocessor Databook Introduction NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS: Some of the information contained in this document was obtained through a third party and IBM has not conducted independent tests of all product characteristics contained herein. The product described in this document is sold under IBM’s standard warranty.

    6X86MXTM 6x86MX cyrix 486 ibm 6X86 8086 opcode of mov ax,bx CHIPset for 80286 PDF


    Abstract: tss-3225 TSS-3225A crystal 24.000
    Text: TSS-3225A Miniature Surface Mount Type Crystal Units •Feature Standardized 3.2x2.5mm package. Hermetic sealing by seam welding. Superior mechanical shock and vibration resistance. Now printing Well Suited for all Cellular Phones, NFC, Bluetooth, WLAN and

    TSS-3225A TSS3225 tss-3225 TSS-3225A crystal 24.000 PDF

    cat c15 ecm

    Abstract: rsn 311 transistor smd code marking 561 E1 HDB3 PEB 2256 H V1.2 F0126 FALC56 msu 305 SmD TRANSISTOR a7 2001-10 cec1302
    Text: D at a S he et , DS 2 , Oc to be r 20 01 F A LC 5 6 E 1/ T1 /J 1 Fr a m er a nd L i n e In te r fa c e C om p on e nt f or L on g an d S h or t - Ha u l A pp l i c at i on s P EB 22 5 6 V er s i o n 1 .2 Da ta c o m N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-10

    D-81541 cat c15 ecm rsn 311 transistor smd code marking 561 E1 HDB3 PEB 2256 H V1.2 F0126 FALC56 msu 305 SmD TRANSISTOR a7 2001-10 cec1302 PDF

    ESM 310 BP

    Abstract: SOCRATES FALC56 gcm3 capacitor smd transistor 7e xpa intel VR12 VR12 INTEL TSB36 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 9f MDS21
    Text: U s e r ’ s Ma n u al , D S 1 .1 , O c t . 20 0 3 FALC 5 6 E 1 / T 1 /J 1 F r a m e r a n d L i n e I n t e r f a c e C o m p o n e n t f o r L o n g - a n d S h o r t - H au l Applications PEF 2256 H/E, Version 2.1 Hardware Description W i r e d C o m m u n i c a t i o ns

    XTS16RA ESM 310 BP SOCRATES FALC56 gcm3 capacitor smd transistor 7e xpa intel VR12 VR12 INTEL TSB36 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 9f MDS21 PDF

    cyrix 6x86 cpu p133

    Abstract: 174170 P100 P120 P133 P150 P54C d9fc ST6X86P150 80286 microprocessor paging mechanism
    Text: ST6x86 P90+, P100+, P120+, P133+, P150+, P166+ 80 to 150 MHz 3.52 Volt ST6x86 CPU PRELIMINARY DATA Sixth-Generation Superscalar Superpipelined Architecture - Dual 7-stage integer pipelines - High performance on-chip FPU with 64-bit interface - Operating frequencies of 80 MHz and above

    ST6x86 ST6x86 64-bit 16-KByte 64-Bit ST6x86TM cyrix 6x86 cpu p133 174170 P100 P120 P133 P150 P54C d9fc ST6X86P150 80286 microprocessor paging mechanism PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN SA EM9201 Fully integrated, low power 2.4 GHz Transceiver Description EM9201 is a low-voltage 2.4GHz transceiver IC with built-in link-layer logic suitable for proprietary wireless links in the 2.400 … 2.4835 GHz ISM band. EM9201 features a radio core with a low-IF architecture

    EM9201 EM9201 9201-DS 13-Sep-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASP-18354-02 .165 REF CONTACT AREA - 3 .3 5 0 R E F -( j3 2 POSITIONS x .100} + .150) - 3 .2 5 0 REF 1.130 REF .350 REF N-PROCESS NOTES: 1. ADD ITEM - 4 ( F E R R I T E S ) TO FIRST 60 POS , .493 REF ' (TYP 12 PLCS) T EM - 5 FO R R E M A I N I N G P O S 6 1 - 6 4 .

    OCR Scan
    ASP-18354-02 TP-03 4715Q TSS-32-D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IBM11M1640BA 1M x 64 DRAM MODULE Features • 168 Pin JEDEC Standard, 8 Byte Dual In-line Memory Module • Au contacts • Optimized for byte-write non-parity applications • 1Mx64 Fast Page Mode DIMM • System Performance Benefits: • Performance: - Buffered inputs except RAS, Data

    OCR Scan
    IBM11M1640BA 1Mx64 110ns 130ns PDF