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    TS 100-12 PUISSANCE Search Results

    TS 100-12 PUISSANCE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: circuit diagram electronic ballast for 32W tube l ELECTRONIC BALLAST DIAGRAM 1000W fluorescent ballast schematic ELECTRONIC BALLAST dual DIAGRAM ballast circuit diagram 75w bq 80300 transistor Electronic ballast transistor ballast 1000W ELECTRONIC BALLAST transistor DIAGRAM
    Text: ARE402/D THE FI FCTRONIC .%? CONTROL &$;’” Reprinted December MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor Products by permission of ELECTRONIQUE 1988 Issue, 01988 SPS, All Rights DE PUISSANCE, Reserved. THE ELECTRONIC CONTROL OF FLUORESCENT TUBES ,., ‘, . Prepared by:

    ARE402/D BALLAST MOTOROLA circuit diagram electronic ballast for 32W tube l ELECTRONIC BALLAST DIAGRAM 1000W fluorescent ballast schematic ELECTRONIC BALLAST dual DIAGRAM ballast circuit diagram 75w bq 80300 transistor Electronic ballast transistor ballast 1000W ELECTRONIC BALLAST transistor DIAGRAM PDF

    electrical welding transformer wiring diagram

    Abstract: welding machine transformer wiring diagram pmd s10 pilz Ts en 60947-4-1 single phase ac motor transfer function ac welding machine circuit diagram dc welding machine circuit diagram pilz block diagram transformer type welding machine EZ-10
    Text: Electronic monitoring relays PMDsigma True power monitoring PMD s10 Unit features ` Relay output: 2 auxiliary changeover contacts C/ O ` Analogue output for current and voltage ` Galvanic isolation of the analogue outputs ` Measuring range set automatically

    NSG-D-2-422-2010-11 electrical welding transformer wiring diagram welding machine transformer wiring diagram pmd s10 pilz Ts en 60947-4-1 single phase ac motor transfer function ac welding machine circuit diagram dc welding machine circuit diagram pilz block diagram transformer type welding machine EZ-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: User's Guide SLUUA08A – March 2013 – Revised April 2013 bq2425xEVM-150, Single-Cell Li-Ion Switch-Mode Charger This user's guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the bq24250EVM-150, bq24251EVM-150, and bq24257EVM-150 evaluation modules EVM . These EVMs enable test and

    SLUUA08A bq2425xEVM-150 bq24250EVM-150 bq24251EVM-150 bq24257EVM-150 bq24250 bq24251 bq24257 bq2425x PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: User's Guide SLUU444A – August 2010 – Revised October 2010 bq24650EVM Synchronous, Switch-Mode, Battery Charge Controller for Solar Power This user's guide describes the features and operation of the bq24650EVM Evaluation Module EVM . The EVM assists users in evaluating the bq24650 synchronous battery charger. The EVM is also called the

    SLUU444A bq24650EVM bq24650 HPA639 PDF

    THOMSON-CSF plastic power transistors

    Abstract: bu bdx 64 bdx 330 BUV37 BDV65 BDV64 CB285 BDV67 BDX33 BDX53
    Text: 1y plastic power transistors transistors de puissance plastiques THOMSON-CSF Type •c v CEO VCEX* cont <V A) Ptot PNP NPN (W) H21E / ■c *VC E = 1 £ V max min (A) V C E(sat)/ >C ! >B max (V) (A) (A) td + tr •max typ fcl») general purpose darlingtons

    OCR Scan
    BDX53 BDX33 O-224 O-22CIAB CB-117 BUV37 CB-244 CB-285 THOMSON-CSF plastic power transistors bu bdx 64 bdx 330 BUV37 BDV65 BDV64 CB285 BDV67 PDF

    transistor BU 184

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BDX pnp transistor 800v darlington NPN 600V 8a transistor transistor BDX 80 NPN Transistor 600V TO-220 pnp transistor 1000v transistor BU 109 transistor ESM NPN Transistor VCEO 1000V
    Text: SUPERSWITCH high power transistor MU 86 selector guide guide de sélection transistors grande puissance MU 86 SUPERSWITCH power transistor and darlington for TV applications selector guide guide de sélection transistors de puissance et darlingtons pour applications TV

    OCR Scan
    130CIV 109DP O-220 104DP O-22CIAB CB-117 BUV37 CB-244 CB-285 transistor BU 184 TRANSISTOR BDX pnp transistor 800v darlington NPN 600V 8a transistor transistor BDX 80 NPN Transistor 600V TO-220 pnp transistor 1000v transistor BU 109 transistor ESM NPN Transistor VCEO 1000V PDF


    Abstract: BDY67 bux c 2N6250 BUX41 BUX43 esm 200 5039
    Text: Power transistors N PN « Triple diffused » Fast switching Transistors de puissance N P N <r Triple diffusés » Commutation rapide Type Case Boîtier Ptot <W *V CEX v CEO V) 'c (A) h2 i E min max I (A) /'C ^case 2.5°C V C E sa t/ lC ( l B (V) / (A ) (A)

    OCR Scan
    TPu76 BUX41 BUX43 2N6250 2N8306 BDY67 bux c esm 200 5039 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M AZDA BELMU PENTODE DE PUISSANCE A m plificateur de so rtie A .P . 3 Q 4 DL95 C A R A C T ER IST IQ U ES G E N E R A L E S C hauffage d irect A lim entation du filam ent en s é rie ou en p a ra llè le B ranchem ent du filam ent .

    OCR Scan

    BU 647

    Abstract: 182T2 185t2 BU143 181T2 BUY69 ESM 182 BU 109 BU104
    Text: CB 19 Power transistors N PN <: Triple diffused » Fast switching Transistors de puissance N P N <r Triple diffusés » Commutation rapide Ptnt *V C E X 'c B o itie r <W| V C EO (V) <A) h21E min max t '<A) ° VCE (V) CO < Case O < Type Tcasc 25 °C max *T

    OCR Scan
    TPu76 BU 647 182T2 185t2 BU143 181T2 BUY69 ESM 182 BU 109 BU104 PDF


    Abstract: 7476 TW11N600 TW7N Dl 747 ITRMSM c4125 TW7N600 FZ 5.1
    Text: Kleine Thyristoren Low power thyristors Thyristors à faible puissance Typ Vdrm Type Vrrm V T 3 „5 J # Itavm^ c V TO It (di/dt)cr (dv/dt)cr Vgt Igt Rthjc 10 ms, 10 ms. tv, max ^vj max 180 °el sin *vj = tvj max t„,= max DIN typ I EC 747-6 DIN IEC 747-6

    OCR Scan
    TW16N TW24N 34D3ET7 TW9N 7476 TW11N600 TW7N Dl 747 ITRMSM c4125 TW7N600 FZ 5.1 PDF

    2N 326 Transistor

    Abstract: transistor ESM 3004 DARLINGTON ESM 30 npn 1000V 100a ESM4016 ESM 3004 transistor BU 184 transistor ESM 3001 transistor ESM 2060T darlington NPN 600V 8a transistor
    Text: SUPERSWITCH high power transistor MU 86 selector guide guide de sélection transistors grande puissance MU 86 SUPERSWITCH power transistor and darlington for TV applications selector guide guide de sélection transistors de puissance et darlingtons pour applications TV

    OCR Scan
    130CIV 109DP O-220 104DP CB-70 2N 326 Transistor transistor ESM 3004 DARLINGTON ESM 30 npn 1000V 100a ESM4016 ESM 3004 transistor BU 184 transistor ESM 3001 transistor ESM 2060T darlington NPN 600V 8a transistor PDF


    Abstract: transistor BDX 62 A transistor BU 184 bdx 330 BU800 transistor BDX 65 transistor BU 109 darlington NPN 1000V 8a transistor ESM855 h21e BU 208
    Text: SUPERSWITCH high power transistor M U 86 selector guide guide de sélection transistors grande puissance MU 86 SUPERSWITCH power transistor and darlington for TV applications selector guide guide de sélection transistors de puissance et darlingtons pour applications TV

    OCR Scan
    130CIV 109DP O-220 104DP BUX37 CB-159) BUV54 CB-19 TRANSISTOR BDX transistor BDX 62 A transistor BU 184 bdx 330 BU800 transistor BDX 65 transistor BU 109 darlington NPN 1000V 8a transistor ESM855 h21e BU 208 PDF

    transistor ESM 3004

    Abstract: CB183 transistor ESM 30 esm3004 ESM 3004 ESM 3005 2N2815 2N1724A ESM 4017 ESM2060T
    Text: o metal power transistors transistors de puissance métalliques THOMSON-CSF Type v CEO •c Ptot cont <V A) VcE(sat) / «C / *B max max <A) (V) (A) 1,5 0,7 (3) 0,7 (3) 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 100 100 100 60 140 30 50 40 30 23 10 10 10 12 28 5* 5* 4*

    OCR Scan
    1000T 2060T CB-70 transistor ESM 3004 CB183 transistor ESM 30 esm3004 ESM 3004 ESM 3005 2N2815 2N1724A ESM 4017 ESM2060T PDF

    BUX 115

    Abstract: 2N2646P bux 42 pnp bux ksp1173 2N5662 2N5663 2N6251 KS6118 KS6121
    Text: TRANSISTORS DE PUISSANCE NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSÉ COMMUTATION RAPIDE power transistors (NPN triplo diffused fast switching) Ui u. JC VcEO lc max. TYPES / lc V c e sat / >c ! 'b Boitier td + tr ts tf Iß s) Case 113= 1£> »13= 113= 1X3= nxy r» x > nxy no r» 0

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: FEE 160 FEE532 FEE160-2 25CC PF500 UL-94-V0 FEE425 FEE509 fee 222-3-2
    Text: PT EuC H lN IsT ReO L *C O MEP A EN Y A FEE 100 - 900 Series Low Cost Pow er Inductors , Inductances de puissance série économique K ey Features Caractéristiques Application schematics for Low Cost Pow er Inductors Schém as d'application pour inductance de puissance

    OCR Scan
    PF500 FEE430 FEE 160 FEE532 FEE160-2 25CC UL-94-V0 FEE425 FEE509 fee 222-3-2 PDF

    tt 2194

    Abstract: LTLS 2n3054 2N5415 2N2243 aa2n BUX54 2N2192 2N2195 2N5416
    Text: metal power transistors O transistors de puissance métalliques Type v CEO •c h21E P to t ! Ic THOMSON-CSF VCE sat 11 / Ib td + tr NPN min PNP (V) (A) max m ax (Al (W) (V) (A) (A) tf ty p * max m ax m ax min M> (us) ip *) (M H z) s w itc llin g tran sisto rs

    OCR Scan
    2N5415 2N5416 tt 2194 LTLS 2n3054 2N2243 aa2n BUX54 2N2192 2N2195 PDF

    fee 222-3-2

    Abstract: FEE430 FEE 160 pf500a
    Text: Pulse F E E A T E C H N I T R O L C O M P A N Y FEE 100 - 900 Series Low Cost Pow er Inductors , Inductances de puissance série économique K ey Features Caractéristiques Application schematics for Low Cost Pow er Inductors Schém as d'application pour inductance de puissance

    OCR Scan
    PF500 fee 222-3-2 FEE430 FEE 160 pf500a PDF

    thomson ms 250

    Abstract: thomson scr 2T312 TS835FA thomson thyristors
    Text: S-THOnSON 7 ÖC D | 7 ^ 2 3 7 0 0 □ 7 7 flB 78C 0 7 7 8 2 TS 035 FA fHOMSON ¡SEMICONDUCTORS -►TS 835 FA FAST SWITCHING THYRISTORS THYRISTORS RAPIDES 7^ aÈàÉe I •T RMS = 35 A / T c a i* = 60 °C “ "SCR designed for high frequency pow er" switching applications

    OCR Scan
    0QD77Ã vRRMuPto800v- CB-267) thomson ms 250 thomson scr 2T312 TS835FA thomson thyristors PDF

    tube 2E30

    Abstract: 2e30 DE1610 amplificateur hf TRIODE itl triode FU 33 Scans-0017385 SELF DE CHOC
    Text: MAZDA 2 E 30 IÉTRODE A FAISCEAUX DIRIGÉS AMPLIFICATEUR DE PUISSANCE - MODULATEUR TYPE MINIATURE C a th o d e à c h a u f f a g e d i r e c t . T e n s io n f i l a m e n t 6 (5. 4 à 6 , 6 ) V o l t s CC ou CA 0 , 6 5 Ampère C o u r a n t f i I am ent

    OCR Scan
    50-9A 60NPAMIE tube 2E30 2e30 DE1610 amplificateur hf TRIODE itl triode FU 33 Scans-0017385 SELF DE CHOC PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BDX 285 pnp transistor 1000v TRANSISTOR BDX 53 transistor BDX 65 transistor BDX 80 bux diode darlington NPN 1000V isotop DARLINGTON ESM 749 transistor BU 184
    Text: SUPERSWITCH transistor TOP-3 selector guide guide de sélection transistors TOP-3 SUPERSWITCH \V C E O sus \ v CEX THOMSON-CSF 60V 80V 90V 125V 150V 400V 450V 120V 160V 180V 250V 200V 850V 1000V Case fC (sat) 40 A BUW 4ff 30 A BUW 49 20 A BUX 69 IS A J/T

    OCR Scan
    BUV48 BUV47 O-22CIAB CB-117 BUV37 CB-244 CB-285 TRANSISTOR BDX TRANSISTOR BDX 285 pnp transistor 1000v TRANSISTOR BDX 53 transistor BDX 65 transistor BDX 80 bux diode darlington NPN 1000V isotop DARLINGTON ESM 749 transistor BU 184 PDF

    transistor ESM 3004

    Abstract: ESM3004 ESM 3004 2060T transistor ESM 2060T transistor WLM transistor ESM 30 transistor ESM 3001 ESM 3005 npn 1000V 100a
    Text: SUPERSWITCH transistor T 0 -2 2 0 AB selector guide guide de sélection transistors TO-220 AB SUPERSWITCH \v c E O s u s \ VCEX 90V 120V 200V 400V 180V 240V 400V 850V Casa 'C(sat) 12 A 8 A 6 A BUV 26 BUV 27 BUV 28 2,5 A BUV 46 1 BUV 36 A w SUPERSWITCH power transistor TO-83 selector guide

    OCR Scan
    O-220 00V-600V 1000T 2060T CB-70 transistor ESM 3004 ESM3004 ESM 3004 2060T transistor ESM 2060T transistor WLM transistor ESM 30 transistor ESM 3001 ESM 3005 npn 1000V 100a PDF

    VK 1760

    Abstract: 7Z00 2000T tube cathodique PHILIPS reactance
    Text: PHILIPS CERAMIC i COAXIAL POSER TETRODE with Integral radiator intended for use as U.H.F. amplifier or oscillator at frequencies up to 1000 Mc/s. The coaxial arrangement of the terminals enables the tube to be used as plug in tube in coaxial circuits TETRODE DE,PUISSANCE'AVEC ENVELOPPE CERAMIQUE, radiateur

    OCR Scan
    1000mA VK 1760 7Z00 2000T tube cathodique PHILIPS reactance PDF


    Abstract: 2N744 IC 744 2N743 L 744 ns 743 ic 181 .743 181 .743 d 2n 744 NS2N
    Text: NPN SILICON TRANSISTORS, EPITAXIAL 2 N 7 4 3 TRANSISTORS NPN SILIC IU M , E P IT A X IA U X 2 IM 7 4 4 - HF small signai amplification A m plification H F p etits signaux - Low current high speed switching Commutation très rapide faible courant 12 V v CEO

    OCR Scan
    2N743 2N744 7432N 2N744 IC 744 L 744 ns 743 ic 181 .743 181 .743 d 2n 744 NS2N PDF


    Abstract: jonction BTA 18 800
    Text: S G S-THOUSON 7ÔC J> I 7 Ei2tî237 0 0 0 7 ^ 0 3 BTA/BTB 25, A T R IA C S This new design o f plastic Insulated power triacs offers maximum efficiency with maximum ease o f mounting. FEATURES : — G lass passivated chip. Fast-on connexions. 'TRMS = 30A/T o = 65°c

    OCR Scan
    7C10b 25700A jonction BTA 18 800 PDF