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    TIC 131 Search Results

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    TE Connectivity MC612PA 131->140 (x10) Vertica

    Terminal Block Tools & Accessories SNK Pre-Printed
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MC612PA 131->140 (x10) Vertica
    • 1 $9.5
    • 10 $7.34
    • 100 $6.51
    • 1000 $6.19
    • 10000 $6.19
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    TE Connectivity MC512PA 131->140 (x10) Vertica

    Terminal Block Tools & Accessories SNK Pre-Printed
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MC512PA 131->140 (x10) Vertica
    • 1 $10.92
    • 10 $8.59
    • 100 $7.7
    • 1000 $7.37
    • 10000 $7.37
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    TE Connectivity MC812PA 131->140 (x10) Vertica

    Terminal Block Tools & Accessories SNK Pre-Printed
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MC812PA 131->140 (x10) Vertica
    • 1 $11.02
    • 10 $8.68
    • 100 $7.78
    • 1000 $7.45
    • 10000 $7.45
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    TIC 131 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 256K 256K x 1-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM PLASTIC SiP MODULE IDT7MP156 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION • H ig h -de n sity 256K (256K x 1) C M O S sta tic RAM m o du le • C ost-effective p la s tic su rfa ce m o un ted RAM p a cka g e s o n an e p o x y lam in ate (FR4) substrate

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    IDT7MP156 T7187 IDT7MP156 256Kx 7MP156 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ITSU B ISH I LSIs M5M5V108CFP,VP,RV,KV,KR -70H, -10H, -70X, -10X 1048576-B IT 131Q72-WORD BY 8 -B IT C M 0 S STA TIC RAM DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) T h e M 5 M 5 V 1 0 8 C F P ,V P ,R V ,K V ,K R are a 1 0 4857 6-b it C M O S sta tic RAM org a n iz e d as 131072 w o rd by 8-bit w hich are

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    M5M5V108CFP 1048576-B 131Q72-WORD 32P3K-C 32pin PDF

    photo transistor til 78

    Abstract: MAX3667
    Text: 19-1311; R ev 1 ;3 /9 8 A i > i x i y k i +3.3V, 6 2 2 M b p s SD H / SON E T L a s e r D r i v e r w ith A u to m a tic Power Control The M AX3667 is a com plete, + 3.3V laser d rive r with a u to m a tic p ow er co n tro l APC , d e sig n e d for SDH/ SONET applications up to 622M bps. It accepts differ­

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    AX3667 photo transistor til 78 MAX3667 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E 25/13/7 EF 25 Core • • B66317 In accurdarice wilh IEG 1246 E cores are supplied as pieces M a g n e tic c h a ra c te ris tic s (per set) 'Ll/A = 1 ,1 mm-1 /e Ae A min l/e = 57,5 mm = 52,5 m m z = 51,5 m m 2 = 3 020 m m 3 A pprox. w eight 16 g/se1

    OCR Scan
    B66317 B66317-G -X130 -X127 fifi317-R B66317-G100-X1 160-X1* 66317-G k460 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 MEGABIT 128Kx 8-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM MODULE I IDT8M 824S Integrated D evice Technology. Inc FEATURES: • H ig h -d e n sity 1024K (128K x 8) C M O S sta tic RAM m o du le • E quiva len t to JE D E C sta n d ard fo r futu re m o n o lith ic 128K x 8 s ta tic RAMs

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    128Kx 1024K a1024K T71256 MIL-STD-883. 8M824 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD431008 1M-BIT CMOS FAST STATIC RAM 128K-WORD BY 8-BIT Description T h e ¿¡P D 431008 ¡s a h ig h sp e e d , lo w p o w e r, 1 0 4 8 576 b its 131 072 w o rd s b y 8 b its C M O S s ta tic R A M . T h e j i P D 4 3 1 00 8 is p a cke d in 32-p in p la s tic S O J .

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    uPD431008 128K-WORD d431008 PDF


    Abstract: IC-3242
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD431008 1M-BIT CMOS FAST STATIC RAM 128K-WORD BY 8-BIT Description T h e /JP D 431008 is a h ig h s p e e d , lo w p o w e r, 1 04 8 576 b its 131 0 7 2 w o r d s b y 8 b its C M O S s ta tic R A M . T h e /JP D 431008 is p a c k e d in 3 2 -p in p la s tic S O J.

    OCR Scan
    uPD431008 128K-WORD 016tooo5 juPD431008 d431008 IC-3242 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I ntegrator Series FPGAs: 40MX and 42MX Fami Ii es Single-Chip ASIC Alternative Features • 9 5 -1 0 0 % Resource U tiliz a tio n , Using A u to m a tic Place and R o u te T o o ls w ith up to 100% Pin F ixing. • D e te rm in is tic , U s e r-C o n tro lla b le T im in g Via D ire c tT im e

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    PBGA272 PDF

    radiall vfo FR

    Abstract: vfo radiall
    Text: VFO-MP series CONTENTS r SYSTEM OPTABALL VFO General . 5 -6 Performance / c h a ra c te ris tic s . 7 Polishing option id e n tific a tio n .

    OCR Scan

    1712-TYPE erbium

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: group Data Sheet Addendum August 1998 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations 263-Type 0.98 ¡urn Pump Laser Module Optoelectronics Documentation Update T h e T able o f E le c tric a l/O p tic a l C h a ra c te ris tic s in th e 2 6 3 -T y p e L a s e r d a ta s h e e t D S 9 8 -2 0 7 L W P has b ee n

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    263-Type 1712-TYPE erbium PDF


    Abstract: 74as895 1/tic 2250
    Text: SN54AS895, SN74AS895 8 BIT M EM O R Y AD D R ESS G ENERATORS NOVEMBER 1 9 8 5 -R E V IS E D APRIL 1 9 8 6 • • ■ • I I • • • S ig n, C arry O u t, O v e rflo w , and Z e ro -D e te c t and O u tp u ts • E x c es s -3 BCD A rith m e tic 1 3 A rith m e tic and Logic Functions

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    SN54AS895, SN74AS895 da152 74as895 1/tic 2250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alphabetical Index Vishay Dale A lp h a b e tic a l I n d e x .3 IL B B -0 4 0 2 . 74 C o n t e n t s .1

    OCR Scan
    13-Sep-02 PDF


    Abstract: DQ10C
    Text: BENCHMARQ_ bq4024/bq4024Y 128Kx16 Nonvolatile SRAM Features General Description ► D ata retention in th e absence of power The CMOS bq4024 is a nonvolatile 2,097,152-bit sta tic RAM organized as 131,072 w ords by 16 bits. The in te g ral control circu itry an d lith ­

    OCR Scan
    bq4024/bq4024Y 128Kx16 40-pin 10-year bq4024 152-bit DQ10C PDF


    Abstract: hc81
    Text: 7. COMMON E L E C T R IC A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S 7-1 Powtr Dissipation T h e pow er d issip a tio n of CMOS device is com posed of tw o com ponents: one s ta tic , the o th e r d y n am ic. T h e to ta l pow er d issip a tio n is the B u m of sta tic a n d d y n a m ic pow er d issip atio n .

    OCR Scan
    HC-90 HC-88 hc81 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C Integrated DeviceTechnology, Inc IDT 7M656L 256K CMOS STATIC RAM MODULE FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • H ig h -d e n sity 2 5 6 K -b it C M O S s ta tic RAM m o du le • C u sto m e r-co n fig u re d to 16Kx16, 32K x8 o r 64Kx4 • Fast a cce ss tim e s T h e ID T7M 656 Is a 256 K -b it h ig h -s p e e d C M O S sta tic RAM c o n ­

    OCR Scan
    7M656L 16Kx16, 64Kx4 IDT6167S IDT7M656L MIL-STD-883 7M656 S13-16 s-1311 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Catalog 124003 7-96 Table of Contents T h e F ib e r O p tic C o n n e c to rs , C a b le , A s s e m b lie s , W all O u tle ts , T o o ls a n d A c c e s s o rie s d e s c rib e d in this c a ta lo g are o n ly p a rt of th e c o m ­ p le te line o f fib e r o p tic

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: lh511000
    Text: PRELIMINARY LH511000UL C M O S 1M 1 2 8 K x 8 S ta tic R A M FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 131,072 x 8 bit organization The LH511000UL is a 1M bit static RAM organized as 131,072 x 8 bits. It is fabricated using silicon-gate CMOS process technology. • Access times:

    OCR Scan
    LH511000UL 32-pin, 600-mil 525-mil LH511000UL LH5110Q0UL 600-mii lh51100 lh511000 PDF


    Abstract: OA12AO
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD431008 1M-BIT CMOS FAST STATIC RAM 128K-WORD BY 8-BIT Description The /¿PD431008 is a high speed, lo w power, 1 048 576 bits 131 072 w o rds by 8 bits CMOS sta tic RAM. The /JPD431008 is packed in 32-pin plastic SOJ.

    OCR Scan
    128K-WORD uPD431008 32-pin PD431008m /PD431008. JPD431008 iiPD431008LE: d431008 OA12AO PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 131,072 W O R D S x 8 BIT ST A TIC R A M PRELIMINARY D E S C R IP T IO N The TC551001PI / FI is 1,048,576 bits static random access memory organized as 131,072 words by 8 bits using CMOS technology, and operated a single 5V power supply. Advanced circuit techniques

    OCR Scan
    TC551001PI 100ns. TC551001PI/FI TC551001 TC551001FI DIP32 TC551001PI-10L PDF


    Abstract: MBM27128-25 FUJITSU MBM27128 MBM27128-30-X MBM27128
    Text: F U J IT S U MBM27128-25-X, MBM27128-30-X UV Erasable 131,072-Bit Read Only Memory Daeerlptlon The Fujitsu MBM27128-X is a high speed 131,072-bit sta tic N-channel MOS erasable and e lectrically reprogram mable read only mem ory EPROM . It Is especially well suited fo r applica­

    OCR Scan
    MBM27128-25-X, MBM27128-30-X 072-Bit MBM27128-X 28-pin MBM27128-X. toES250Â RABM27128-25-X MBM27128-25-X MBM27128-25 FUJITSU MBM27128 MBM27128-30-X MBM27128 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FASTECH SYSTEMS THROUGH-HOLE, THREE-ROW, PIN & SOCKET CONNECTORS 963M FEATURES • Right-angle interconnection • 24 pinouts per board-inch • Through the board tail • Approved for water-soluble-flux/totalimmersion-cleaning (WSF/TIC) • Available with 75 cavities completely

    OCR Scan
    963M-75 963M-161-150 963M-161-157 963M-161-150* 963M-161-157* PDF


    Abstract: FUJITSU MBM27128 fujitsu uv erasable eprom 27128 MBM27128 MBM27128-25 MBM27128-30 INTEL 27128 Fujitsu Devices
    Text: FU JIT SU MOS M em ories M B M 2712 8 -2 0 , M B M 2712 8 -2 5 , M B M 2712 8 -3 0 UV Erasable 131,072-Bit Read Only Memory D escription The Fujitsu MBM27128 is a high speed 131,072-bit s ta tic N-channel MOS erasable and e lectrically reprogrammable read only

    OCR Scan
    MBM27128-20, MBM27128-25, MBM27128-30 072-Bit MBM27128 28-pin 32-pin) MBM27128. MBM27128-20 FUJITSU MBM27128 fujitsu uv erasable eprom 27128 MBM27128-25 MBM27128-30 INTEL 27128 Fujitsu Devices PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs r e v is io n - 0 1 . ' 9 8 . 1 2 . 0 8 M5M5V216AWG 2097152-B IT 131072-W O R D B Y 16-BIT CM O S STA TIC RAM DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M5M5V216A is a family of low voltage 2-Mbit static RAMs organized as 131,072-words by 16-bit, fabricated by Mitsubishi's

    OCR Scan
    M5M5V216AWG 2097152-B 31072-W 16-BIT) M5M5V216A 072-words 16-bit, M5M5V216AWG 48pin) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM681000ALI/ALI-L CM O S SRAM 131,072 WORD x 8 Bit CMOS Static RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Industrial Temperature Range: - 4 0 to 85°C The KM 681000ALI/ALI-L is a 1,048,576-bit high-speed S ta tic R and o m A c c e s s M em ory o rganized as 131,072

    OCR Scan
    KM681000ALI/ALI-L 100ns 110mW KM681000ALPI/ALPI-L: 32-pin 600mil) KM681000ALGI/ALGI-L: 525mil) 681000ALI/ALI-L cs1g PDF