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    THX276 Search Results

    THX276 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type THX • MallorY Wet Tantalum Capacitors GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS E x te n d e d R ang e T a n ta lu m C a s e T e c h n o lo g y H e rm e tic a lly S e a le d R u g g e d C o n s tru c tio n S ta b le in H o s tile E n v iro n m e n ts U p to 3 V o lts R e v e rs e

    OCR Scan
    THX276â 060P6A THX107 060P6B THX227â 060P6C THX277 060P6F THX106 100P6A PDF


    Abstract: 125P6A THX227 X-826 030p
    Text: I Type THX Wet Tantalum Capacitors M allo r Y C a p a c ito rs Extended Range Tantalum C ase Technology Hermetically S ealed T h e maximum ripple current carrying capability at 4 0 kHz and 85°C is shown in the Standard Rating Table. Maxim um ripple capability at other

    OCR Scan
    100P6A 100P6B 100P6C 100P6F THX276 060P6A 060P6B THX227 060P6C THX277 X827 125P6A X-826 030p PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I Type THX M allorY Wet Tantalum Capacitors GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS C apacitors Extended Range Tantalum C ase Technology Herm etically Sealed Rugged Construction Stable in H ostile Environm ents Wet Tantalum Up to 3 Volts Reverse Capability The m axim um ripple current carrying

    OCR Scan
    THX226 075P6A THX686 075P6B THX826 THX187 075P6C THX227 Q75P6F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type THX • MallorY Wet Tantalum Capacitors GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Extended Range Tantalum Case Technology Operating Temperature: -55°C to +175°C with proper derating Hermetically Sealed Rugged Construction Stable in Hostile Environments Up to 3 Volts Reverse

    OCR Scan
    THX106 100P6A THX396 100P6B THX686 100P6C THX127 100P6F THX685 125P6A MALLORY CAPACITORS THX PDF