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    T2A TRANSISTOR Search Results

    T2A TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    T2A TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    ST C732

    Abstract: SE370C758B induction cooker circuit diagram diode c722 st u c756 TMS 370 BP-1148TI turpro 840 manual TMS370 Microcontroller Family Users Guide SE370C712A
    Text: TMS370 Microcontroller Family Extract Data Book 1997 8-Bit Microcontroller Family Printed in U.S.A., March 1997 SPND005 General Information 1 Quality and Reliability 2 Electrostatic Discharge Guidelines 3 Mechanical Data 4 TMS370 Microcontroller Family Data Book

    TMS370 SPND005 64-pin R-PDIP-T64) ST C732 SE370C758B induction cooker circuit diagram diode c722 st u c756 TMS 370 BP-1148TI turpro 840 manual TMS370 Microcontroller Family Users Guide SE370C712A PDF

    half-bridge power supply

    Abstract: SEM-800 Application Note U-97 balancing switching transformer winding spice TRANSFORMER simulation t1b diode 81CH1652-7 SEM-400 transformer winding datasheet
    Text: November 2002 Application Note 7531 Implementing A Primary Side Peak-Current-Mode Half-Bridge Converter Alain Laprade Jon Gladish Fairchild Semiconductor Corp 125 Crestwood Rd Mountain Top, PA US 18707 Ian Edward Victor Reginato EMS Technologies 21025 Trans Canada Highway



    Abstract: transistor B1202 transistor c2785 c2785 transistor transistor a1175 a1175 transistor M9-1-473J M9-1-332J MD910 printer mechanism TC74HC14P
    Text: Service Manual DOT MATRIX PRINTER MODEL iDP3110 Rev. 1.00 Newly issued on Oct, 1994 iDP3110 Service Manual REVISION Rev.No. Rev.1.00 Date Oct 1994 Comment Newly issued CITIZEN iDP3110 Service Manual Contents 1. How to remove the Upper Cover. 1

    iDP3110 iDP3110 PST520E PST600E 1S1588 47K-8 74HC373 CBM-909PC-2D C-0608 C2785 transistor B1202 transistor c2785 c2785 transistor transistor a1175 a1175 transistor M9-1-473J M9-1-332J MD910 printer mechanism TC74HC14P PDF

    IFt SC-74

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: h7 > V UMT2N/IMT2A $ / T ransistors ~p V is — t "j i “ \/ K t / W ^ Isolated Mini-Mold Device —f i x / G e n e r a l Small Signal Amp. • fl-fl^SsEI/Dimensions Unit : mm) 1) UMT (SC-70), SMT (SC-59) ¿11 — ftfllC IM T2A UM T2N 2 f l l t f ) h 7 > v ' X i i A'* A -3 T

    OCR Scan
    SC-70) SC-59) SC-74 IFt SC-74 PDF

    transistor t2a

    Abstract: NPN transistor 2n2222A st 2n 2907a ZTX310 ZDT- 5V BSV27 J 2N2369 ZTX312 DATA ZTX313 DATA BSV23
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS Planar Epitaxial High Speed Switching n-p-n Characteristics Maximum Ratings Type No. v CBO VCER Vebo Ptot 25°C smb. fT min. Storajje Time ts (i nax.) at lc mA MHz nS 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 150 150 10 200 200

    OCR Scan
    BSY95A ZTX310, BSV23 ZTX311 BSV24 ZTX312, BSV25 ZTX313, BSV26 ZTX314, transistor t2a NPN transistor 2n2222A st 2n 2907a ZTX310 ZDT- 5V BSV27 J 2N2369 ZTX312 DATA ZTX313 DATA PDF

    transistor t2a

    Abstract: 2n2206 TRANSISTOR ztx312 transistor 2N2475 N706A BSX12 2N2206 J 2N2369 BSV24 BSV25
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS Planar Epitaxial High Speed Switching n-p-n Characteristics M axim um Ratings Type No. v CBO VCER Vebo P to t 25°C smb. fT min. Storajje Time t s ( i nax.) at l c mA MHz nS 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 150 150 10 200

    OCR Scan
    BSY95A ZTX310, BSV23 ZTX311 BSV24 ZTX312, BSV25 ZTX313, BSV26 ZTX314, transistor t2a 2n2206 TRANSISTOR ztx312 transistor 2N2475 N706A BSX12 2N2206 J 2N2369 PDF


    Abstract: CV7644 ZTX326 2n3600 CV7371 CV7373 ZT80 ZT83 ZT1481 ZT86
    Text: ZT80-ZT180 Series— Truly general purpose complementary n-p-n and D-n-p transistors featuring nigh performance, high reliability and low cost 10mA The diagram shows the wide range of applications for which the TO-18 encapsulated ZT80 Series-ZT180 Series vCE SAT 0.3

    OCR Scan
    ZT80-ZT180 100mA Series-ZT180 ZT110-ZT280 CV7373) CV7644) CV7371) CV7372) ZT183. ZT184 2n222a CV7644 ZTX326 2n3600 CV7371 CV7373 ZT80 ZT83 ZT1481 ZT86 PDF


    Abstract: ZT43 ZT1702 100-C ZT1479 ZT1480 ZT1481 ZT1482 ZT1483 ZT1484
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS Power n-p-n Maximum Ratings Type No. v CBO v CEO(sus) Characteristics Dissipation Watts Ic fa Typical R (sat> (max.) hFE Jedec Outline volts volts amps •ZT1479 ZT1480 ZT1481 ZT1482 ZT1483 ZT1484 ZT1485 ZT1486 ZT1487

    OCR Scan
    100-C ZT1479 ZT1480 ZT1481 ZT1482 ZT1483 ZT1484 ZT110 ZT119 2N929 ZT2120 ZT43 ZT1702 PDF

    2n3866 sos

    Abstract: 2n4041 2N4127 BFS98 2n3733 BFS96 BFS97 BSV33 ZT180 ZT181
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS Planar Medium Power and Switching p-n-p Maximum Ratings Type No. v CBO v CEO(sus) Ve b o Characteristics ^tot at 25°C amb. mW VCE(sat) max. volts volts volts volts BFS96 BFS97 B FS98 -6 0 -6 0 -8 0 -3 0 -4 0 -6 0 -5 -5 -5 500 500 500

    OCR Scan
    BFS96 BFS97 BFS98 -150t BFS59-61 ZTX510 BSV33 2n3866 sos 2n4041 2N4127 2n3733 ZT180 ZT181 PDF

    2N3866 pin diagram

    Abstract: CV7753 2N4429 BFS98 CV7644 ferranti 2N4041 ZT280 CV7371 CV7373
    Text: ZT80-ZT180 Series—Truly general purpose complementary n-p-n and D-n-p transistors featuring nigh performance, high reliability and low cost 10mA 100mA T h e diagram show s th e w id e range o f applications for w h ic h th e T O -1 8 encapsulated Z T 8 0 S e rie s -Z T 1 8 0 Series

    OCR Scan
    ZT80-ZT180 100mA Series-ZT180 ZT110-ZT280 CV7373) CV7644) CV7371) CV7372) ZT183. ZT184 2N3866 pin diagram CV7753 2N4429 BFS98 CV7644 ferranti 2N4041 ZT280 CV7371 CV7373 PDF


    Abstract: ZT1701 CV7644 ZT1483 ZT187 CV7371 CV7373 ZT80 ZT83 ZT84
    Text: ZT80-ZT180 Series— Truly general purpose complementary n-p-n and D-n-p transistors featuring nigh performance, high reliability and low cost 10mA The diagram shows the wide range of applications for which the TO-18 encapsulated ZT80 Series-ZT180 Series vCE SAT 0.3

    OCR Scan
    ZT80-ZT180 100mA Series-ZT180 ZT110-ZT280 CV7373) CV7644) CV7371) CV7372) ZT183. ZT184 CV7753 ZT1701 CV7644 ZT1483 ZT187 CV7371 CV7373 ZT80 ZT83 ZT84 PDF


    Abstract: ZT1702 N2222 ZT1483 ZT1701 2N2270 equivalent 2n3600 ZT280 ZT1482 CV7373
    Text: ZT80-ZT180 Series—Truly general purpose complementary n-p-n and D-n-p transistors featuring nigh performance, high reliability and low cost 10mA 100mA T h e diagram show s th e w id e range o f applications for w h ic h th e T O -1 8 encapsulated Z T 8 0 S e rie s -Z T 1 8 0 Series

    OCR Scan
    ZT80-ZT180 100mA Series-ZT180 ZT110-ZT280 CV7373) CV7644) CV7371) CV7372) ZT183. ZT184 2N222A ZT1702 N2222 ZT1483 ZT1701 2N2270 equivalent 2n3600 ZT280 ZT1482 CV7373 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2475 100-C ZT1479 ZT1480 ZT1481 ZT1482 ZT1483 ZT1484 ZT1485
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS Power n-p-n Maximum Ratings Type No. v CBO v CEO(sus) Characteristics Dissipation Watts Ic fa Typical R(sat> (max.) hFE Jedec Outline volts volts amps •ZT1479 ZT1480 ZT1481 ZT1482 ZT1483 ZT1484 ZT1485 ZT1486 ZT1487

    OCR Scan
    100-C ZT1479 ZT1480 ZT1481 ZT1482 ZT1483 ZT1484 BFS36 2N930 BFS37 ZT2120 2N2475 ZT1485 PDF


    Abstract: BFS98 ZTX107 2N3866 pin diagram 2N4127 2N3707 2N929 BC107 BC108 BCW20
    Text: E-Line Transistors Applications C h a rt SILICON TRANSISTORS 10uA 100mA 1mA 10mA 100mA 1A The wide diversity of applications for which E-Une plastic encapsulated transistors are suitable is shown on the diagram. Additional types designed for more specialized purposes are listed

    OCR Scan
    ZTX330, ZTX331, BCW20 BCW22 2N3707 2N929 ZTX107 ZTX108 ZTX1I09 BC107 BCW23 BFS98 2N3866 pin diagram 2N4127 BC108 PDF


    Abstract: ZT1701 BCW23 2N929 ZT2120 2N2475 BCW21 2N3707 BC107 BC108
    Text: E-Line Transistors Applications C h a rt SILICON TRANSISTORS 10uA 100mA 1mA 10mA 100mA 1A The wide diversity of applications for which E-Une plastic encapsulated transistors are suitable is shown on the diagram. Additional types designed for more specialized purposes are listed

    OCR Scan
    ZTX330, ZTX331, BCW20 BCW22 2N3707 2N929 ZTX107 ZTX108 ZTX1I09 BC107 ZT1483 ZT1701 BCW23 ZT2120 2N2475 BCW21 BC108 PDF


    Abstract: BSV33 2N2475 2N4127 BFS96 BFS97 ZT180 ZT181 ZT182 ZT183
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS Planar Medium Power and Switching p-n-p Maximum Ratings Type No. v CBO v CEO(sus) Ve b o Characteristics ^tot at 2 5°C amb. mW VCE(sat) ^FE Ic BO at max. volts h min. at >0 mA Outline Draw­ ing •c mA ■ b mA min. max. -1 5 0 -1 5 0

    OCR Scan
    BFS96 BFS97 BFS98 -150t BFS59-61 ZTX510 BSV33 BFS36 2N930 BFS37 2N2475 2N4127 ZT180 ZT181 ZT182 ZT183 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4429 BFS98 2N3632 2N4127 CV7644 J 2N2222A CV7371 CV7373 ZT80
    Text: ZT80-ZT180 Series—Truly general purpose complementary n-p-n and D-n-p transistors featuring nigh performance, high reliability and low cost 10mA 100mA T h e diagram show s th e w id e range o f applications for w h ic h th e T O -1 8 encapsulated Z T 8 0 S e rie s -Z T 1 8 0 Series

    OCR Scan
    ZT80-ZT180 100mA Series-ZT180 ZT110-ZT280 CV7373) CV7644) CV7371) CV7372) ZT183. ZT184 2N4041 2N4429 BFS98 2N3632 2N4127 CV7644 J 2N2222A CV7371 CV7373 ZT80 PDF


    Abstract: 2N222A 2N222 2N222-A 2N2708 2n3600 N222 BFS59 BFS60 BFS61
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS Planar Medium Power and Switching n-p-n M axim u m Ratings Type No. Characteristics VcBO v CEO Vebo •c (pk) volts volts volts A B F S 59 B F S 60 BFS61 B FX84 BFX8S B F Y 50 BFY51 B FY52 ZT80 ZT81 ZT82 ZT83 ZT84 ZT 8 6 ZT 8 7 ZT88 ZT89

    OCR Scan
    BFS59 BFS60 BFS61 BFS96-98 BFX84 2N3571 2N3572 2N3600 at60MHz tat200 N2222 2N222A 2N222 2N222-A 2N2708 N222 PDF


    Abstract: N2222 zs90 2N222 BFS61 ZS150 2n3600 BFS59 2N222-A BFX84
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS Planar Medium Power and Switching n-p-n Maximum Ratings Type No. Characteristics VcBO v CEO Vebo •c (pk) volts volts volts A BFS59 BFS60 BFS61 BFX84 BFX8S BFY50 BFY51 BFY52 ZT80 ZT81 ZT82 ZT83 ZT84 ZT86 ZT87 ZT88 ZT89 ZT90 ZT91 ZT92

    OCR Scan
    BFS59 BFS60 BFS61 BFS96-98 BFX84 KS77B KS78B 2N222A N2222 zs90 2N222 ZS150 2n3600 2N222-A PDF


    Abstract: 2n222 2n222a ZTX326 BFS59 BFS60 BFS61 BFX84 BFY50 BFY51
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS Planar Medium Power and Switching n-p-n M axim u m Ratings Type No. Characteristics VcBO v CEO Vebo •c (pk) volts volts volts A B F S 59 B F S 60 BFS61 B FX84 BFX8S B F Y 50 BFY51 B FY52 ZT80 ZT81 ZT82 ZT83 ZT84 ZT 8 6 ZT 8 7 ZT88 ZT89

    OCR Scan
    BFS59 BFS60 BFS61 BFS96-98 BFX84 BFS36 2N930 BFS37 2N2605 BFS36A N2222 2n222 2n222a ZTX326 BFY50 BFY51 PDF

    2n222 TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: N2222 2n222a transistor 2n222a 2n222A TRANSISTOR n3055 2n222a npn transistor 2N222-A 2N222 ZT1482
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS High Voltage n-p-n T h e transistors listed in the table b elo w have m axim um coliecto r-em itter voltage ratings o f 1 0 0 volts or higher and m ay therefore be used in applications w here high voltages are encountered. Further inform ation on these transistors can be found on the page indicated in the last colum n of the table, or on request fro m Ferranti Ltd.

    OCR Scan
    ZT1480 ZT1482 ZT1484 ZT1486 ZT1488 ZT1490 2N3055 2N3439 2N3440 2N3441 2n222 TRANSISTOR N2222 2n222a transistor 2n222a 2n222A TRANSISTOR n3055 2n222a npn transistor 2N222-A 2N222 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UMS2N / UMT2N / FMS2A / IMT2A / IMT3A Transistors UMW2N / UMX2N / UMX3N / FMW2 / IMX2 / IMX3 I General Purpose Dual Transistors UMS2N / UMT2N / FMS2A / IMT2A / IMT3A •Features 1 ) Two 2SA1037AK chips are housed in a UMT or SMT package •A b s o lu te maximum ratings (Ta=25’C )

    OCR Scan
    2SA1037AK 96-427-C 2SC2412AK PDF


    Abstract: ZS106 2n222a npn transistor ZS90 N2222 2N2223 transistor 2n222a n3055 ZS132 ZT1482
    Text: SILICON TRANSISTORS High Voltage n-p-n T h e transistors listed in the table b elo w have m axim um coliecto r-em itter voltage ratings o f 1 0 0 volts or higher and m ay therefore be used in applications w here high voltages are encountered. Further inform ation on these transistors can be found on the page indicated in the last colum n of the table, or on request fro m Ferranti Ltd.

    OCR Scan
    ZT1480 ZT1482 ZT1484 ZT1486 ZT1488 ZT1490 2N3055 2N3439 2N3440 2N3441 2n222a ZS106 2n222a npn transistor ZS90 N2222 2N2223 transistor 2n222a n3055 ZS132 PDF


    Abstract: intel 24022
    Text: intei lntel387TM SX MATH COPROCESSOR The ambient temperature 0 a is guaranteed as long as Tc is not violated. The ambient temperature can be calculated from the 0 jc thermal resistance con­ stant from the transistor junction to the case) and 0 j a (thermal resistance from junction to ambient)

    OCR Scan
    Intel387 68-pin lntel387TM Intel387TM T17B intel 24022 PDF