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    Abstract: BGY145B vHF amplifier module VHF Amplifier Chip rf amplifier module 100 VTB 307 vhf amplifier MCB415
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification VHF amplifier module DESCRIPTION BGY145B PINNING - SOT183A The BGY145B is a RF amplifier module, designed for use in transmitters of mobile communications equipment powered by vehicles with 12.5 V battery supplies.

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    BGY145B BGY145B outp40 OT183A. FX1115 vHF amplifier module VHF Amplifier Chip rf amplifier module 100 VTB 307 vhf amplifier MCB415 PDF


    Abstract: vHF amplifier module RF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN vhf rf amplifier module VHF Amplifier Chip power rf
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification VHF amplifier module DESCRIPTION BGY145A PINNING -SOT183A The BGV145Aisa RF amplifier module, designed for use in transminers of mobile communications equipment powered by vehicles with 12.5 V battery supplies.

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    BGY145A BGV145Aisa -SOT183A OT183A. fx1115 vHF amplifier module RF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN vhf rf amplifier module VHF Amplifier Chip power rf PDF

    capacitor polyester philips

    Abstract: PHILIPS VHF AMPLIFIER MODULE LIST vhf amplifier NPN RF Amplifier vHF amplifier module BGY145C philips 5b capacitor 47 nf MLA362
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 41E D Bi ?llDaSb QOSflMT? 7 • P H I N P hilips S em iconductors P roduct specification VHF amplifier module BGY145C T-7V-<ff-Ol PINNING - SOT183A DESCRIPTION The module is a two stage transistor amplifier and consists of two RF npn

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    711002b BGY145C PINNING-SOT183A MSB044 7110fl2b BGY145C MLA362 71JQA2b 0DEflS03 capacitor polyester philips PHILIPS VHF AMPLIFIER MODULE LIST vhf amplifier NPN RF Amplifier vHF amplifier module philips 5b capacitor 47 nf MLA362 PDF


    Abstract: S-40W vHF amplifier module
    Text: Proctac^^eçtfjcrtion Philips Semiconductors_ VHF amplifier module DESCRIPTION BGY145C PINNING -SOT183A An RF amplifier module designed for use in transmitters of mobile communications equipment powered by a 12.5 V battery supply. The module is a two stage transistor

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    BGY145C -SOT183A OT183A. BGY145C S-40W vHF amplifier module PDF


    Abstract: vHF amplifier module BGV145C BGY145C capacitor 47 nf Philips capacitor 044
    Text: Phiiip^gnTiçontjuctor^^^^ B i bb53T31 0 030300 S b 2 HIAPX^Pü2iî£^P ®2*22Ü2!l VHF amplifier module — BGY145C N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E DESCRIPTION PINNING - SOT183A An RF amplifier module designed for use in transmitters of mobile communications equipment

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 GG3G300 BGY145C OT183A vie30305 MLA362 bb53131 00303G4 A359 vHF amplifier module BGV145C BGY145C capacitor 47 nf Philips capacitor 044 PDF


    Abstract: FX1115 GG30E philips rf power amplifier module vHF amplifier module 3b2 229
    Text: Philip8_Semiconductore^_ bbSB^Bl QQ3Q2fiti 3 b 2 HIAPX Preliminary specification VHF amplifier module BGY145A N AMER PH I LIPS/DISCRETE DESCRIPTION b*iE 1> PINNING - SOT183A The BGY145A is a RF amplifier module, designed for use in transmitters of mobile communications equipment

    OCR Scan
    302flb BGY145A BGY145A DD30ET2 OT183A. FX1115 GG30E philips rf power amplifier module vHF amplifier module 3b2 229 PDF

    PL 431 transistor

    Abstract: BGY145B pl 431 FX1115 vHF amplifier module vhf power module module rf vhf
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors • bhSBTBl 003D2T3 STS BB A P X Preliminary specification VHF amplifier module BGY145B N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE DESCRIPTION b'îE D ^ PINNING-SOT183A The BGY145B Is a RF amplifier module, designed for use in transmitters of mobile communications equipment

    OCR Scan
    bb53131 003DST3 BGY145B BGY145B bhS3T31 DQ302TÃ OT183A. PL 431 transistor pl 431 FX1115 vHF amplifier module vhf power module module rf vhf PDF


    Abstract: vhf amplifier a50t sot183 power rf
    Text: Philips Semiconductor» Preliminary specification VHF amplifier module DESCRIPTION BGY145B PINNING - SOT183A The BGV145B is a RF amplifier module, designed for use in transmitters of mobile communications equipment powered by vehicles with 12.5 V battery supplies.

    OCR Scan
    BGY145B BGV145B OT183A MSB044 OT183A. FX1115 vhf amplifier a50t sot183 power rf PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P h ilip s Sem ico n d u cto rs • bhSBTBl 003D2T3 STS BBAPX _ P re lim in ary sp e cifica tio n VHF amplifier module BGY145B N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE DESCRIPTIO N b'lE D _ _ PIN N IN G-SOT183A The BGY145B is a R F amplifier module, designed for use in

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    003D2T3 BGY145B G-SOT183A BGY145B Y145B bhS3T31 OT183A. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b b 53T Philips Semiconductors 31 0 0 3 D 300 Sb2 1 APX VHF amplifier module N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE DESCRIPTION PINNING - SOT183A An RF amplifier module designed for use in transmitters of mobile communications equipment powered by a 12.5 V battery supply.

    OCR Scan
    OT183A BGY145C bbS3T31 0D30305 OT183A. VS1M PDF


    Abstract: VHF Amplifier Chip BGY145A philips rf power amplifier module
    Text: Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors VHF amplifier module DESCRIPTION BGY145A PINNING - SOT183A The module is a two-stage transistor amplifier and consists of two R F npn transistors mounted on a ceramic substrate, together with surface mounted components that make up

    OCR Scan
    BGY145A BGY145A OT183A 7110fl2fej 00742flfc> 7110fl2b OT183A. FX1115 VHF Amplifier Chip philips rf power amplifier module PDF

    vHF amplifier module

    Abstract: BGY145B FX1115 245 VHF AMplifier mc8421 module rf vhf NPN RF Amplifier M40040
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification VHF amplifier module DESCRIPTION BGY145B PINNING - SOT183A The BGY145B is a RF amplifier module, designed for use in transmitters of mobile communications equipment powered by vehicles with 12.5 V battery supplies.

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    BGY145B BGY145B 0074ECJM OT183A. 711002b vHF amplifier module FX1115 245 VHF AMplifier mc8421 module rf vhf NPN RF Amplifier M40040 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors M bbSBTSl ODBOSAb 3b 2 M APX Preliminary specification V H F am p lifie r m odu le B G Y 145A N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E DESCRIPTION b ^ E 1> PINNING -S O T183A The BGY145A is a RF amplifier module, designed for use in transmitters of mobile

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    T183A BGY145A BGY145A MCB441 Y145A OT183A. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF Power Modules INDEX SELECTION GUIDE GENERAL CONTENTS Page 5 8 12 DEFINITIONS Data Sheet Status Objective specification This data sheet contains target or goal specifications for product development. Preliminary specification This data sheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published later.

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    C4382. PDF

    RF Power Modules

    Abstract: BGY47 Philips Semiconductors RF Power Modules BGY145B BGY110E SOT-246 BGY110F "RF Power Modules" GP 132
    Text: Philips Semiconductors RF power modules Type number survey INTRODUCTION In this alphanumeric list we present all RF power modules mentioned in this handbook, together with the most important data. TYPE NUMBER ENVELOPE Vs V f Pl (MHz) (W) Gp (dB) PAGE BGY32

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    BGY32 BGY33 BGY35 BGY36 BGY43 BGY46A BGY46B BGY47A BGY95A BGY95B RF Power Modules BGY47 Philips Semiconductors RF Power Modules BGY145B BGY110E SOT-246 BGY110F "RF Power Modules" GP 132 PDF


    Abstract: broadband power module vHF amplifier module
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS /D IS CR E TE ObE DEVELOPMENT DATA*' 8 b 01030 Liki53li3 1 ì> 0Q132t,fl D T'7Y't>9 -0/ BGY45A T htt d a u th e« t contain« advance inform ation and *pecificatlon$ are ju b jact to change w ithout notice. J l V.H.F. BROADBAND POWER MODULE

    OCR Scan
    tbS3T31 OD132t BGY45A 88MHz BGY45A broadband power module vHF amplifier module PDF


    Abstract: power amplifier blf278 BLF378 BGY47 321 SOT BGY145 sot183 BGY43 SOT246
    Text: 66 RF/Microwave Devices RF Power MOS Transistors Package Outline Type No. cont. Output Power Sync (W) VDS (V) f (MHz) Power Gain (dB) ^im (dB) >D (mA) 13 r -52 -52 3000 2 x 4600 50 TV TRANSPOSERS (band 3, f = 174-230 MHz, Class A Operation) BLF346 BLF348

    OCR Scan
    BLF346 BLF348 OT-119, OT-262, BLF276 BLF278 BLF248 BLF368 BLF378 OT-119D3, SOT262 power amplifier blf278 BGY47 321 SOT BGY145 sot183 BGY43 SOT246 PDF


    Abstract: broadband amplifier module M2941 am29 Scans-002933
    Text: BGY45C _ VHF BROADBAND POWER MODULE VHF broadband power am plifier module prim arily designed fo r mobile communications equipment, operating directly from 12.5 V systems. The module w ill produce a m inim um output o f 18 W in to a 50 SI load over the frequency range 170 to 210 MHz.

    OCR Scan
    BGY45C BGY45C broadband amplifier module M2941 am29 Scans-002933 PDF


    Abstract: broadband power module sot183
    Text: JV BGY45B VHF BROADBAND POWER MODULE VHF broadband power am plifier module prim arily designed fo r mobile communications equipment, operating directly from 12.5 V systems. The module w ill produce a m inim um o u tp u t o f 28 W into a 50 £2 load over the frequency range o f 148 to 174 MHz.

    OCR Scan
    BGY45B BGY45B broadband power module sot183 PDF

    Philips Semiconductors RF Power Modules

    Abstract: RF Power Modules Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide BGY110E "RF Power Modules"
    Text: Philips Semiconductors RF power modules Selection guide INTRODUCTION The following tables represent our complete range of RF power modules. VHF modules for mobile transminers f MHz Pl (W) Vs (V) 18 12.5 68 to 88 18 12.5 80 to 108 18 12.5 132 to 156 18 12.5

    OCR Scan
    OT132B OT288C OT183A Philips Semiconductors RF Power Modules RF Power Modules Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide BGY110E "RF Power Modules" PDF