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    SILICON BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR Q6 Result Highlights (5)

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    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1213 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-2 A / hFE=70~240 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPCP8515 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PS-8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    SILICON BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR Q6 Datasheets Context Search

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    Dielectric Resonator Oscillator DRO

    Abstract: resonator B69500-A9107 siemens B69500-A9107 dielectric resonator oscillator B69500 design dielectric resonator oscillator x-band dro design DRO microwave transistor siemens BFP405
    Text: A p p l i c a t i o n N o t e , R e v . 2 . 1 , J u l y 2 00 7 A p p li c a t i o n N o t e N o . 0 0 2 Silicon Bipolar - Dielectric Resonator Oscillator D R O a t 1 0 G H z us i n g B F P 4 0 5 R F & P r o t e c ti o n D e v i c e s Edition 2007-07-12

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    Abstract: tip122 tip127 audio amp schematic transistor equivalent book 2sc2238 IR640 transistor motorola 40411 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE ir431 motorola AN485 C2688 2SA1046
    Text: Index and Cross Reference 1 Selector Guide 2 Data Sheets 3 Surface Mount Package Information and Tape and Reel Specifications 4 Outline Dimensions and Leadform Options 5 Applications Information 6 Thermal Clad is a trademark of the Bergquist Company. Chipscretes, Designers’, Duowatt, EpiBase, PowerBase, PowerTap, SUPERBRIDGES, Surmetric, Switchmode, Thermopad,

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    Abstract: gilbert cell differential pair GILBERT CELL HFA3101 an-9744 Silicon Bipolar Transistor Q6 sot36 9744 pnp 8 transistor array HFA3046
    Text: RF Up/Down Conversion Is Simplified By Linear Arrays Application Note July 1997 AN9744 Linear Arrays Have Advantages Over Discrete Transistors RF RS RL - VS RE FIGURE 1. DISCRETE TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER The multistage transistor amplifier design shown in Figure 2

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    Abstract: sot36 transistor arrays 5v AN9744 Transistor Arrays NPN General Purpose Transistor gilbert cell differential pair
    Text: RF Up/Down Conversion Is Simplified By Linear Arrays Application Note July 1997 AN9744 Linear Arrays Have Advantages Over Discrete Transistors [ RF RS RL - VS RE FIGURE 1. DISCRETE TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER The multistage transistor amplifier design shown in Figure 2

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    Abstract: 974-4 AN9744 gilbert cell 5.1 transistor amplifier circuit diagram HFA3127 PNP Transistor Arrays Intersil gilbert cell differential pair HFA3046 HFA3102
    Text: RF Up/Down Conversion Is Simplified By Linear Arrays TM Application Note July 1997 Linear Arrays Have Advantages Over Discrete Transistors Q5 C1 1nF 5V - L1 1µH VO Q2 C3 1nF RL 50Ω RE 5.1Ω - + VS + FIGURE 2. MULTISTAGE TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER The advantages of linear arrays over discrete transistors are


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    Abstract: HFA3101 pnp 8 transistor array 5.1 transistor amplifier circuit diagram AN9744 974-4 Transistor Array differential amplifier NPN PNP Transistor Arrays HFA3046 HFA3096
    Text: RF Up/Down Conversion Is Simplified By Linear Arrays Application Note June 2004 Linear Arrays Have Advantages Over Discrete Transistors R4 100Ω R1 2kΩ Q4 Q5 R2 15kΩ RF 240Ω R3 1kΩ C1 1nF RS 50Ω VS 5V - L1 1µH VO Q2 C2 1nF + C3 1nF RL 50Ω

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    Abstract: rf amplifier siemens 10 ghz SIEMENS MICROWAVE RADIO 8 GHz BGA310 BGA312 BGA318 Siemens MMIC Polytechnic diagram radar circuit SMX-1
    Text: APPLICATIONS MMICs Gerhard Lohninger ● Knut Brenndörfer Jakob Huber ● Thomas Pollakowski Monolithic broadband amplifiers go mobile In wireless communications, there is a distinct trend toward more compact and lighter terminals. This means that the components used


    Dual Long-Tailed Pair Transistor Array

    Abstract: gilbert cell differential pair pnp 8 transistor array pnp array AN9744 HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3101 HFA3102 HFA3127
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9744 Harris Linear July 1997 RF Up/Down Conversion Is Simplified By Linear Arrays Author: Ronald Mancini Linear Arrays Have Advantages Over Discrete Transistors tional transistors cost little because they take little space on the same piece of silicon. This multistage circuit configurations can be employed with linear arrays at a small additional

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    Abstract: SN74ALS138 SN74BCT2414 SN74HCT138 TIP32 TL7705A
    Text: EB181E Data protection EB181E Data Protection in Battery-buffered Memories using the SN74BCT2414 Decoder Author: Eilhard Haseloff Date: 02-09-1989 Rev.: A Revised 10-13-1995 1 Applikationslabor EB181E Data protection The following report describes functions and applications of the decoder

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    Abstract: germanium rectifier diode SN74BCT2414
    Text: EB181E Data protection EB181E Data Protection in Battery-buffered Memories using the SN74BCT2414 Decoder Author: Eilhard Haseloff Date: 02-09-1989 Rev.: A Revised 10-13-1995 1 Application Lab EB181E Data protection The following report describes functions and applications of the decoder

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    Abstract: schematic diagram on line UPS 10kva sith thyristor "static induction thyristor" "Power Semiconductor Applications" Philips Power Semiconductor Applications Philips Semiconductors ups schematic 10kva static induction Thyristor CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Power Semiconductors SIT Static Induction Transistor
    Text: Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications Philips Semiconductors CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Power Semiconductors 1.1 General 1.2 Power MOSFETS 1.3 High Voltage Bipolar Transistors 1 Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications Philips Semiconductors General



    Abstract: Si321x AN47 ac proslic max 32Q1 0X0012 I321
    Text: AN47 S i321 X L I N E F E E D P O W E R M O N I T O R I N G A N D P R O T E C T I O N Introduction The Silicon Laboratories’ ProSLIC products are designed to continuously monitor the power dissipated in each of the six external bipolar transistors in the


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    Abstract: npn bjt 2N2222 BJT 2N2222 datasheet bjt 2n2222 SDCL bjt 2n2222 driver circuit transistor BJT 2N2222 W6 13A Diode IRLL014N SMALL low frequency transformer
    Text: AN45 D E S I G N G U ID E Si3210/15/16 DC-DC CONVERTER FOR THE 1. Introduction The ProSLIC from Silicon Laboratories integrates a complete analog telephone interface into one low-voltage CMOS device and offers extensive software programmability to meet many global telephony

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    Text: AN45 DESIGN GUIDE Si3210/15/16 DC-DC CONVERTER FOR THE Introduction The ProSLIC from Silicon Laboratories integrates a complete analog telephone interface into one low-voltage CMOS device and offers extensive software programmability to meet many global telephony

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    Abstract: Si321x Si3201 ProSLIC i321
    Text: AN47 S i321 X L INEFEED P OWER M ONITORING AND P ROTECTION The Silicon Laboratories’ ProSLIC products are designed to continuously monitor the power dissipated in each of the six external bipolar transistors in the linefeed circuit. These power measurement results are



    Abstract: lm2973 GBM STEP MOTOR lm297 12V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 42BYG205 stepper motor 12v connection 12V BIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR transistors using moving message leds step down votage regulator schematic
    Text: AN155 S TEPPER M OTOR R E F E R E N C E D E S I G N 1. Introduction Stepper motors are used in a wide variety of applications. They are prevalent in consumer office equipment such as printers, plotters, copiers, and scanners. Stepper motors are also used in automotive

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    Transistor C G 774 6-1

    Abstract: C G 774 6-1 a/Transistor C G 774 6-1 RLF100-11/12/Transistor C G 774 6-1
    Text: 5SE D • A23StiGS dG04hlt. 7 ■ S IE G .* 7-^ Low Noise NPN Silicon Microwave Transistor BFQ 28 up to 4 GHz SIEMENS AKTIEN GESELLSCH AF _ BFQ 28 is a bipolar silicon NPN microwave transistor in hermetically sealed metal ceramic 100 mil package similar to TO 120. State-of-the-art manufacturing methods

    OCR Scan
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    Abstract: BI10-M30T-AP6X Q62702-F655 bfq 85 Siemens Microwave S12PS2
    Text: 2SC D m fl23Sb05 QQQ4b43 T H S I E G — *- — — • » « * w r i u u _ Low Noise NPN Silicon Microwave Transistor BFQ 60 up to 2 GHz_T ?sr. D '7 ^ 3 / - < 3 3 _ SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF BFQ 60 is a bipolar silicon NPN microwave transistor in hermetically sealed metal

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    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 2SC 2026 642p 2sc 643
    Text: 2SC D m fl23Sb05 QQQ4b43 T « S I E G — *- — — •» «* w n u u Low Noise NPN Silicon Microwave Transistor UJ? t 0 2 G H z ~ ?<5r. n^643 _ BFQ 60 D '7 ^ '3 l ~ £ 3 _ SIEMENS A K T IE NGES EL LS CH AF BFQ 60 is a bipolar silicon NPN microwave transistor in hermetically sealed metal

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    Abstract: Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Data Double Die IC 566 function generator HCA62A17 CMOS 4032 1987 Micron Technology Micron NAND bca 1st motorola ECL motorola mca
    Text: BR334/D Rev 3 Motorola Semicustom gives the designer the same process-technology choices available for discrete-logic designs, and the option of Macrocell array or cell-based func­ tions for commercial and military applications. • For very high speeds — state-of-the-art ECL arrays.

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    BR334/D 2500ECL Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Data Double Die IC 566 function generator HCA62A17 CMOS 4032 1987 Micron Technology Micron NAND bca 1st motorola ECL motorola mca PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BR334/D Rev 3 Motorola Semicustom gives the designer the same process-technology choices available for discrete-logic designs, and the option of Macrocell array or cell-based func­ tions for commercial and military applications. • For very high speeds — state-of-the-art ECL arrays.

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    transistor schottky model spice

    Abstract: SPICE thyristor model 7 segment SPICE Device Model
    Text: V T ID E C IN C 3 D 11386151 O M lfllD VJ900 ANALOG MASTER CHIP FAMILY T .i/2 -2 1 USER'S G UIDE Release 2.0 CONTENTS 1. INTRO DUC TIO N 1.1 Preface. 3-5 1.2 Bipolar-CMOS Comparison. 3-5

    OCR Scan
    VJ900 VJ900 D0011L3 T-42-21 transistor schottky model spice SPICE thyristor model 7 segment SPICE Device Model PDF

    transistor schottky model spice

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V T C INC IDE D l^ a a ^ S T O VJ800 “ 0001Ö0S 0 T-H2-21 ANALOG MASTER CHIP FAMILY USER S G U ID E Release 2.2 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preface. 2-5 1.2 Bipolar-CMOS Comparison. 2-5

    OCR Scan
    VJ800 T-H2-21 transistor schottky model spice PDF

    7 amps pnp transistor

    Abstract: 7S1 zener diode transistor C 4231 EM-83 ic for hearing aid operational amplifier discrete schematic pnp darlington array EM-21 DARLINGTON ARRAYS Darlington Independent Power Module
    Text: E C I SEMICONDUCTOR MAE D • 305fl7b7 0 0 0 0 D7 4 Oôb « E C I S -jy DESCRIPTION The ECI Semiconductor EM series has been generated to provide cost and space effective high performance analog system solutions in silicon for your specific application. The EM family of low-cost 30v Bipolar Gridded Semicustom Arrays is

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    302A7L7 0D00074 302fl7b7 7 amps pnp transistor 7S1 zener diode transistor C 4231 EM-83 ic for hearing aid operational amplifier discrete schematic pnp darlington array EM-21 DARLINGTON ARRAYS Darlington Independent Power Module PDF