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    SIEMENS CIB Search Results

    SIEMENS CIB Datasheets Context Search

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    isl 6251 schematic

    Abstract: smd transistor A4S Siemens OFW 361 smd marking b4h 6Bs smd transistor NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG Transistors Diodes smd A7H a4s smd transistor npn transistor ss100 smd transistor 6Bs
    Text: SIEMENS Halbleiter-Datenblätter Im Produktbereich „Halbleiter“ konnten uns leider von SIEMENS nicht alle Daten rechtzeitig zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Wir werden uns bemühen, die Auswahl an Datenblättern dieses Bereichs für die nächste Ausgabe dieser CD zu vervollständigen.

    Q62702-A772 Q62702-A731 Q62702-A773 OT-23 isl 6251 schematic smd transistor A4S Siemens OFW 361 smd marking b4h 6Bs smd transistor NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG Transistors Diodes smd A7H a4s smd transistor npn transistor ss100 smd transistor 6Bs PDF


    Abstract: PM 7540 pin sieg BCX76 Q62702-C637 f4 MARKING CODE TO92
    Text: SIE D SIEMENS • 3535bOS Q0mfiD3 TOT « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLS CHA F PNP Silicon AF Transistors • • • • High current gain High collector current Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: BCX 73, BCX 74 NPN Type BCX 75

    OCR Scan
    fl53SbOS BCX76 Q62702-C636 Q62702-C636-S1 Q62702-C636-S2 Q62702-C636-S3 Q62702-C637 Q62702-C637-S1 Q62702-C637-S2 Q62702-C637-S3 BCX75 PM 7540 pin sieg BCX76 f4 MARKING CODE TO92 PDF

    bc237 siemens

    Abstract: BC238 BC239 BC237 237B C307B C238C C237B marking CODE 50G TO92 C-239
    Text: SIE » • SIEMENS flS35bQS G041540 134 « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF BC 237 . BC 239 NPN Silicon AF Transistors • High current gain • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: B C 307, B C 308, BC 309 PNP Type BC BC

    OCR Scan
    flS35bQS G041540 Q62702-C697 Q62702-C276 Q62702-C277 Q62702-C698 Q62702-C278 Q62702-C279 Q62702-C280 Q62702-C699 bc237 siemens BC238 BC239 BC237 237B C307B C238C C237B marking CODE 50G TO92 C-239 PDF


    Abstract: bc307 siemens BC307 bc307a BC 309 BC307B Q62702-C285 BC 307 BC309C bc 374
    Text: SIEMENS 51E D • flE35bD5 004155b 5T1 « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF " p 2 -*n -z i PNP Silicon AF Transistors BC 307 . BC 309 • High current gain • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: BC 237, BC 238, BC 239 NPN

    OCR Scan
    flE35bD5 004155b Q62702-C703 Q62702-C283 Q62702-C324 Q62702-C704 Q62702-C285 Q62702-C286 Q62702-C393 Q62702-C705 BC308 bc307 siemens BC307 bc307a BC 309 BC307B BC 307 BC309C bc 374 PDF

    EM 257

    Abstract: BC257 bc257 siemens BC257B BC258 A235L TR BC BC258A BC258B siemens 1q
    Text: SIE D SIEMENS • öE3SbGS GDMlSHfi 425 H S I E 6 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF T - 2 S \- Z \ PNP Silicon AF Transistors BC 257 . BC 259 • High current gain • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: BC 167, BC 168, BC 1 6 9 NPN

    OCR Scan
    853SbDS Q62702-C700 Q62702-C184 Q62702-C206 Q62702-C701 Q62702-C187 Q62702-C188 Q62702-C438 Q62702-C702 Q62702-C192 EM 257 BC257 bc257 siemens BC257B BC258 A235L TR BC BC258A BC258B siemens 1q PDF

    siemens GR 90 rectifier

    Abstract: SCR51 siemens master trip relay siemens GR 40 rectifier Deutsche Post 3268 J2/siemens GR 90 rectifier
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications Signal Processing Subscriber Line Interface Codec Filter C-SLICOFI PEB 3268 Data Sheet Version 1.1 01.98 DS 1 PEB 3268 Revision History: Current Version: 01.98 Previous Version: 03.95 Version 1.0 Page (in previous Version)

    OCR Scan
    P-LCC-44 siemens GR 90 rectifier SCR51 siemens master trip relay siemens GR 40 rectifier Deutsche Post 3268 J2/siemens GR 90 rectifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BFR 96S NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low-noise, low-distortion broadband amplifiers in antenna and telecommunications systems up to 2 GHz at collector currents from 10 mA to 70 mA. ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

    OCR Scan
    Q68000-A5689 bfr96s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS PNP Silicon RF Transistor BFQ 76 • For broadband amplifiers up to 2 GHz at collector currents up to 20 mA. • Complementary type: BFQ 71 NPN . ESO: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions! Type Marking Ordering Code

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F804 ft235bD5 BFQ76 fl235bQ5 PDF

    6CW 73

    Abstract: 6CW pNP 6CW NPN marking 6cw sot-23
    Text: SIEMENS PNP Silicon AF Transistors • • • • BCW 67 BCW 68 For general AF applications High current gain Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: BCW 65, BCW 66 NPN Type Marking Ordering Code (tape and reel) PinC¡onfiguration

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-C1560 Q62702-C1480 Q62702-C1681 Q62702-C1893 Q62702-C1322 Q62702-C1555 OT-23 D12GT72 Co/68 53Sb05 6CW 73 6CW pNP 6CW NPN marking 6cw sot-23 PDF


    Abstract: c33740 Bc337
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon AF Transistors BC 337 BC 338 • High current gain • High collector current • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: BC 327, BC 328 PNP Type Marking Ordering Code Q62702-C313 Q62702-C313-V3 Q62702-C313-V1

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-C313 Q62702-C313-V3 Q62702-C313-V1 Q62702-C313-V2 Q62702-C314 Q62702-C314-V1 Q62702-C314-V2 Q62702-C314-V3 BC337 A235b05 c33725 c33740 Bc337 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8535bOS QQIbblS SÔT SIEMENS 5-V Low-Drop Fixed Voltage Regulator TLE 4279 Features Output voltage tolerance < ± 2 % Very low current consumption Early warning Reset output low down to VQ= 1 V Overtemperature protection Reverse polarity proof Settable reset threshold

    OCR Scan
    8535bOS Q67006-A9225 Q67006-A9307 Q67006-A9306 P-DSO-14-4 P-DSO-20-6 flS35bOS 35x45Â Ml20x PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS PNP Silicon Switching Transistor SMBT 3906 • High DC current gain: 0.1 mA to 100 mA • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary type: SMBT 3904 NPN Type Marking Ordering Code (tape and reel) PinCtonfigu ration 1 2 3 Package1)

    OCR Scan
    Q68000-A4417 OT-23 EHP00770 EHP00772 S35bOÂ 01EES4S A235b05 012254b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BFQ 75 PNP Silicon RF Transistor • For broadband amplifiers up to 2 GHz at collector currents from 5 mA to 30 mA. • Complementary type: BFQ 72 NPN . ESD. Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions! Type Marking Ordering Code

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F803 023SbDS DDb717fl BFQ75 fl23Sb05 PDF


    Abstract: VPS05162 MARKING 7A SOT89
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon RF Transistor BFQ 64 • For low-distortion broadband amplifiers in antenna and telecommunications systems at collector currents from 70 mA to 150 mA. Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BFQ 64 FC Q62702-F1061 Pin Configuration 1

    OCR Scan
    vps05162 Q62702-F1061 OT-89 B35bOS BFQ64 fl235Li05 b71DQ BFQ64 VPS05162 MARKING 7A SOT89 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon Transistors SMBT 6428 SMBT 6429 • For AF input stages and driver applications • High current gain • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel Pin Configuration 1 2 3 Package1) SMBT 6428 SMBT 6429

    OCR Scan
    Q68000-A8321 Q68000-A8322 OT-23 Tslg35bà D12ES7b P006I2 Q155577 fi235b05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon Darlington Transistor SMBT 6427 • For general amplifier applications • High collector current • High current gain Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel PinCContigui ation 1 2 3 Package1) SMBT 6427 s1V Q68000-A8320 B SOT-23 E

    OCR Scan
    Q68000-A8320 OT-23 aE35bD5 D1EE571 235bD5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon Switching Transistors SMBT 2222 SMBT 2222 A • High DC current gain: 0.1 mA to 500 mA • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: SMBT 2907, SMBT 2907 A PNP Type Marking Ordering Code (tape and reel) PinC Contigui ation

    OCR Scan
    Q68000-A6481 Q68000-A6473 OT-23 2222/A fi235bD5 0155S2S a235b05 012552b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS PNP Silicon Switching Transistor PZT 3906 • High DC current gain 0.1 mA to 100 mA • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary type: PZT 3904 NPN Type Marking Ordering Code (tape and reel) Pin Configuration 1 2 3 4 Package1) PZT 3906

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-Z2030 OT-223 EHN00057 A235bG5 122M7C PDF


    Abstract: BFQ71 VCE05181 bfq 85 Q62702-F775 siemens Pm 90 87 transistor zo 103 MA 7S 714
    Text: SIEMENS BFQ71 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For broadband amplifiers up to 2 GHz and fast non-saturated switches at collector currents from 1 mA to 20 mA. • Hermetically sealed ceramic package. • HiRel/Mil screening available. B CECC-type available: CECC 50002/260.

    OCR Scan
    BFQ71 Q62702-F775 0235bG5 DGb713S 5N521 VCE05181 bfq 85 siemens Pm 90 87 transistor zo 103 MA 7S 714 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SMBT 2907 SMBT 2907 A PNP Silicon Switching Transistors • High DC current gain: 0.1 mA to 500 mA • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: SMBT 2222, SMBT 2222 A NPN Type Marking Ordering Code (tape and reel) Pin Configuration

    OCR Scan
    Q68000-A6501 Q68000-A6474 OT-23 0535bQ5 012S531 235bQ5 D122532 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS PNP Silicon Switching Transistor PZT 3906 • High DC current gain 0.1 mA to 100 mA • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary type: PZT 3904 NPN Type Marking Ordering Code (tape and reel) Pin Conf igural ion 1 2 4 3 Package1*

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-Z2030 OT-223 PZT3906 EHP0071J PDF


    Abstract: 2907 A2907 a 2907 BT2907A NPN transistors sot-23 26
    Text: SIEMENS PNP Silicon Switching Transistors SMBT 2907 SMBT 2907 A • High DC current gain: 0.1 mA to 500 mA • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: SMBT 2222, SMBT 2222 A NPN Type Marking Ordering Code (tape and reel) Pin Configuration

    OCR Scan
    Q68000-A6501 Q68000-A6474 OT-23 EHP0075I 2907a 2907 A2907 a 2907 BT2907A NPN transistors sot-23 26 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32E D • â23b320 0017103 7 H S IP NPN Silicon Switching Transistors PZT 2222;PZT 2222A SIEMENS/ SPCLi SEMICONDS _ • High DC current gain: 0.1 to 500 mA • Low collector -emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: PZT 2907 PNP PZT 2907A (PNP)

    OCR Scan
    23b320 12-mm Q62702-Z2026 OT-223 PZT2222A Q62702-Z2027 150Hz 200ns 10Mfi PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BFR 93P NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low-distortion broadband amplifiers up to 1 GHz at collector currents from 2 mA to 30 mA. £ CECC-type available: C E C C 50002/256. ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F1051 OT-23 a23SbQS PDF