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    Abstract: PCL6025B as15 G CU4R as15 h PCL6045B PLC6025B CP5X as15 fa sd pcl6045
    Text: User's Manual For PCL6025B Pulse Control LSI Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. [Preface] Thank you for considering our pulse control LSI, the "PCL6025B." To learn how to use the PCL6025B, read this manual to become familiar with the product. The handling precautions for installing this LSI are described at the end of this manual. Make sure to read

    PCL6025B PCL6025B. PCL6025B, l0026 PCL-6025B-1 1B-5205-0 PCL6025 PCL6025B as15 G CU4R as15 h PCL6045B PLC6025B CP5X as15 fa sd pcl6045 PDF

    as15 G

    Abstract: pcl6045 as15 h PCL6045B CU4R AD0-AD15 PLC6045B ltcy
    Text: 8VHU V 0DQXDO RU 3&/% 3XOVH &RQWURO /6, Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. [Preface] Thank you for considering our pulse control LSI, the "PCL6045B." To learn how to use the PCL6045B, read this manual to become familiar with the product. The handling precautions for installing this LSI are described at the end of this manual. Make sure to read them

    PCL6045B. PCL6045B, PLC6045B PCL-6045B-1 1B-5205-0 as15 G pcl6045 as15 h PCL6045B CU4R AD0-AD15 ltcy PDF


    Abstract: ST EZ 728 eb 102H stepper motor oki 001-EA diode controlling heater with ph4 G900 G9001 diode EZD NPM motor
    Text: Motionnet G9003 PCL device User's Manual Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. [Preface] Thank you for considering our super high-speed serial communicator LSI, the "G9000." To learn how to use the G9000, read this manual to become familiar with the product. The handling precautions for installing this LSI are described at the end of this manual. Make sure to

    G9003 G9000. G9000, DA70102-1 G9003 A-5203-0 ST EZ 728 eb 102H stepper motor oki 001-EA diode controlling heater with ph4 G900 G9001 diode EZD NPM motor PDF


    Abstract: CU4R as15 G stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram pcl6045 as15 h diode EZD PCL6045B as15 transistor PDTC
    Text: 8VHU V 0DQXDO RU 3&/% 3XOVH &RQWURO /6, Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. [Preface] Thank you for considering our pulse control LSI, the "PCL6045B." To learn how to use the PCL6045B, read this manual to become familiar with the product. The handling precautions for installing this LSI are described at the end of this manual. Make sure to read them

    PCL6045B. PCL6045B, PLC6045B PCL-6045B-1 1B-5205-0 CU4R as15 G stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram pcl6045 as15 h diode EZD PCL6045B as15 transistor PDTC PDF


    Abstract: pcl6045 CU4R stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram crt horizontal deflection circuit PCL6045B as15 h PRMG 951 ezd 171 PLC6045B
    Text: User's Manual For PCL6045BL Pulse Control LSI Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. [Preface] Thank you for considering our pulse control LSI, the "PCL6045B." To learn how to use the PCL6045B, read this manual to become familiar with the product. The handling precautions for installing this LSI are described at the end of this manual. Make sure to

    PCL6045BL PCL6045B. PCL6045B, PLC6045B PCL6045BL pcl6045 CU4R stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram crt horizontal deflection circuit PCL6045B as15 h PRMG 951 ezd 171 PDF

    smd Schottky diode sod-123 marking code 220

    Abstract: transistor BC557 base collector emitter SOD-123H JC0-024 BC856 BC857 3E DIODE bc556 SMD TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 3G TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE PK 14
    Text: WILLAS Low VF Chip Schottky Barrier Diodes BC856A/BWT1 BC857A/B/CWT1 1.0A Surface Mount Schottky Barrier Rectifiers - 20V-40V General Purpose TransistorsPackage outline BC858A/B/CWT1 SL12-N THRU SL14-N Features • Batch process design, excellent power dissipation offers

    SL12-N SL14-N BC856A/BWT1 BC857A/B/CWT1 0V-40V BC858A/B/CWT1 OD-323-L FM120-MH FM130-MH FM140-MH smd Schottky diode sod-123 marking code 220 transistor BC557 base collector emitter SOD-123H JC0-024 BC856 BC857 3E DIODE bc556 SMD TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 3G TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE PK 14 PDF


    Abstract: CU4R pcl6045 as15 G as15 h PCL6045B CP5X AD0-AD15 stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram rrmv
    Text: 1. Outline and Features 1-1. Outline The PCL6045B is a CMOS LSI designed to provide the oscillating, high-speed pulses needed to drive stepper motors and servomotors pulse string input types . It can offer various types of control over the pulse strings and therefore the motor performance. These

    PCL6045B PLC6045B FC-70 CU4R pcl6045 as15 G as15 h CP5X AD0-AD15 stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram rrmv PDF


    Abstract: PCL6123 PCL6113 PCL6113 6143 prmg 951 stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram PLC based fire alarm system block diagram q1205
    Text: User's Manual For PCL6113/6123/6143 Pulse Control LSI Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. [Preface] Thank you for considering our pulse control LSI, the "PCL6100 series." Before using the product, read this manual to become familiar with the product. Please note that the section "Precautions for handling," which include details about installing this IC,

    PCL6113/6123/6143 PCL6100 PCL-61XX-1 1B-5205-0 PCL6143 PCL6123 PCL6113 PCL6113 6143 prmg 951 stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram PLC based fire alarm system block diagram q1205 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: rrmvj~«n S G S-THOMSÔN rrtr ~a finrt -r 42E 3> 7^2^237 0 D 3 3 2 C10.C} B S 6 T H T -t/ 3 -1 5 SGS-THOMSON T74LS55 iL O 2-WIDE 4-INPUT AND-OR-INVERT GATE D E S C R IP T IO N The T74LS55 is a high speed 2-W IDË 4-INPUT A N D -O R -IN V E R T G A T E fabricated in LO W

    OCR Scan
    0D332C T74LS55 T74LS55 PDF

    asea contactors

    Abstract: rrmj rrmvb2 ASEA EG 20 rrmv IC 4 pins relay relay busbar 92-1E 2190 relay 14 pins relay base wiring
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 12-1 E Edition 2 December 1965 File R, Part 2 Throw-over relays RRMVB 2 and RRMVB 4 • With 8 and 16 contacts respectively, arranged in two groups • 2 contacts are used to cut off the sup­ ply as soon as throw -over is complete • An RRMVB relay does not draw any

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S^E 405 5 4 5 2 GG13373 SOM » International S R ectifier I INR SERIES IRK.170, .230, .250 SCR I SCR and SCR / DIODE NEW MAGN-A-pak Power Modules INTERNATIONAL R E CT IF IE R Features • High voltage. ■ Electrically isolated base plate ■ 3 000 V RMS isolating voltage

    OCR Scan
    GG13373 34-Thermal PDF


    Abstract: SPCHV-10 SPCHV-15 SPCHV-20 SPCHV-25 SPCHV-30 SPCHV-35 SPCHV-40 SPCHV-45 SPCHV-50
    Text: cococococowcococncnwwcocowcocococococo cocococococowcncncocococococoüïwcocococo T 3 “0 “ D ‘ D * U T 3 X ' D T 3 ’ D “Ü n D * D T 3 “Ü T 3 - D T - D - D “D OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X <<<<<<<<<<<5<<<<<<<<<

    OCR Scan

    E78996 rectifier module

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I I BB 4 8 5 5 4 5 2 International international rectifier [ S Rectifier s e r ie s TR IA C B25AC/A2C 25A Glass passivated junctions for greater reliability Electrically isolated base plate 35 0 0 V RM S Available up to 120 0 V RRM, V QRM High surge capability

    OCR Scan
    b25ac/a2C E78996 B25AC. E78996 rectifier module PDF

    irkv 300

    Abstract: d337 diode current source inverter D345 irkt 350 IRKH 180 base triggering circuit of 3 phase inverters
    Text: S IE 4Ô5SMS2 D 0Ü13373 International S Rectifier I INR SERIES IRK.170, .230, .250 SCR / SCR and SCR / DIODE INTERNATIONAL 504 NEW MAGN-A-pak Power Modules R EC TIFIER Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ High v o lta g e . E le c tric a lly is o la te d ba se p la te

    OCR Scan
    5S452 0D133Ã 10ohm: 20ahms; 34-Thermal irkv 300 d337 diode current source inverter D345 irkt 350 IRKH 180 base triggering circuit of 3 phase inverters PDF


    Abstract: BU-61582X1 BU-61582 HLP-6001 1553B BU-61580 HLP-6002 DDC 61580 DDC 61582 1553 bus controller
    Text: d Td j c BU-61582 ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION _ SPACE LEVEL MIL-STD-1553 BC/RT/MT ADVANCED COMMUNICATION ENGINE SP’ACE TERMINAL ACE User’s Guide Also Available FEATURES D E S C R IP T IO N DDC’s BU-61582 Space Advanced Communication Engine (SP’ACE) is

    OCR Scan
    BU-61582 MIL-STD-1553 BU-61580 MIL-STD-1773 BU-61582X1 HLP-6001 1553B HLP-6002 DDC 61580 DDC 61582 1553 bus controller PDF


    Abstract: asea rydsa 20-3 asea transformer RRMH ASEA RYDSA20 rydsa rrmvb2 asea RRME RRME calculation of transformer earthing resistor
    Text: ^•■r-vz ¡*L<: ‘ :.ÍS March 1968 Edition 1 ASEA Transformer differential protection RYDSA 20 C o n te n ts Outstanding features 3 Introduction 4 Operation S,7 ThTCygh-laiil; restraint 8,9 Three'ptiase Connection diagrams 10 ,1 1 Current transformers

    OCR Scan
    HSFEDC54 5IW19SI RRMH asea rydsa 20-3 asea transformer RRMH ASEA RYDSA20 rydsa rrmvb2 asea RRME RRME calculation of transformer earthing resistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VITELIC CORP A3 'ÌSDS310 00ODI11 □ i ~ 9502310 VITELIC CORP V IT E L IC 83P 00111 0 7 - V51C64 FAMILY HIGH PERFO RM AN CE LOW POWER 65,536x1 BIT CMOS DYNAMIC RAM V51C64-10 V51C64L-10 V51C64-12 V51C64L-12 V51C64-15 V51C64L-15 100 160 35 100 160 35 120 190

    OCR Scan
    SDS310 00ODI11 V51C64 536x1 V51C64-10 V51C64L-10 V51C64-12 V51C64L-12 V51C64-15 V51C64L-15 PDF


    Abstract: IRKH135-16D25
    Text: I 4Ô55452 0Glb7S5 157 M I N R SERIES IRK.135, .136, .141, .142, .161, .162 International S Rectifier SCR I SCR and SCR / DIODE Features NEW INT-A-pak Power Modules INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER • High voltage ■ Electrically isolated base plate ■ 3000 V RMS isolating voltage

    OCR Scan
    10ohri 36-Thermal IRKH162-14D20 IRKH135-16D25 PDF

    SIMPLE 40w inverter circuit

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: iited M er - , 35, ,se, , J ^ | SCR I SCR and SCR / DIODE NEW INT-A-pak Power Modules Features 135A • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 140A 160A High voltage Electrically isolated base plate 3000 V RMS isolating voltage Industrial standard package Sim plified m echanical designs,

    OCR Scan
    itc136, SIMPLE 40w inverter circuit PDF

    irkv 300

    Abstract: k142 IRKH135-16 SCR 40 RIA 120 25 RIA 120 SCR irkt 40 T 705 scr IRKT AN TBT 136 IRKH141-20
    Text: 5*îE I INR 4Û554SE □OlBB'îO 705 assae irk’35' i R I SCR / SCR and SCR / DIODE NEW INT-A-pak Power Modules INTERNATIONAL RE CT IF IE R Features • H igh v o lta g e ■ E le c tric a lly is o la te d ba se p late ■ 3000 V RMS is o la tin g v o lta g e

    OCR Scan
    554S2 10ohms-tr< irkv 300 k142 IRKH135-16 SCR 40 RIA 120 25 RIA 120 SCR irkt 40 T 705 scr IRKT AN TBT 136 IRKH141-20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: £ VII 1WY XC4000, XC4000A, XC4000H Logic Celi Array Families Product Description Features Description • Third Generation Field-Programmable Gate Arrays - Abundant flip-flops - Flexible function generators - On-chip ultra-fast RAM - Dedicated high-speed carry-propagation circuit

    OCR Scan
    XC4000, XC4000A, XC4000H XC4000 XC4000H XC4010-5PG191C PDF


    Abstract: 1N1752 L0750 1N1148 IN175 1N1109 1N1133 1N1239 1N1746 1N2389
    Text: microsemi corp/ r p 14E D I bllb04D ODGQOHS n J lc RO A MICROS EMI COMPANY T - 01 - a t High Voltage Cartridge Rectifiers Fuse Type Maximum reverse current @ 25° C and rated voltage, 10 pA D.C. LENGTH PART NO. JEOEC PART NO. PRV VOLTS DC FORWARD DROP ' VOLTS

    OCR Scan
    bllb04D IN1108 1N1109 TN1110 1N11U M1t12 1N1t13 1N1133 1N1745 1N1134 1N2637 1N1752 L0750 1N1148 IN175 1N1239 1N1746 1N2389 PDF