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    BLLB04D Search Results

    BLLB04D Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 1N1752 L0750 1N1148 IN175 1N1109 1N1133 1N1239 1N1746 1N2389
    Text: microsemi corp/ r p 14E D I bllb04D ODGQOHS n J lc RO A MICROS EMI COMPANY T - 01 - a t High Voltage Cartridge Rectifiers Fuse Type Maximum reverse current @ 25° C and rated voltage, 10 pA D.C. LENGTH PART NO. JEOEC PART NO. PRV VOLTS DC FORWARD DROP ' VOLTS

    OCR Scan
    bllb04D IN1108 1N1109 TN1110 1N11U M1t12 1N1t13 1N1133 1N1745 1N1134 1N2637 1N1752 L0750 1N1148 IN175 1N1239 1N1746 1N2389 PDF