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    QPROX Datasheets (3)

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    QPro XC4000E-EX High-Reliability FPGAs Xilinx QPro XC4000E-EX High-Reliability FPGAs Original PDF
    QPro XC4000XL Radiation Hardened FPGAs Xilinx QPro XC4000XL Radiation Hardened FPGAs Original PDF
    QPro XQ-XQR18V04 QML Programmable Configuration PROMs Xilinx QPro XQ-XQR18V04 QML Programmable Configuration PROMs Original PDF

    QPROX Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: QT113-DG qt113g QT113-IG 8051 elevator control interfacing qt113 g proximity sensor interfacing with 8051 74AC series traffic light controller using 8051 heartbeat sensor with LED
    Text: QProx QT113 lQ CHARGE-TRANSFER TOUCH SENSOR Projects a proximity field through air or any insulator Less expensive than many mechanical switches Sensitivity easily adjusted 1 8 Vss Out 2 7 Sns2 Toggle mode for on/off control strap option Opt1 3 6 Sns1

    QT113 QT113-G QT113-DG qt113g QT113-IG 8051 elevator control interfacing qt113 g proximity sensor interfacing with 8051 74AC series traffic light controller using 8051 heartbeat sensor with LED PDF

    maxon RE 50

    Abstract: QT320 850C QT320-D QT320-IS QTM300CA thr1
    Text: QPROX QT320 2-CHANNEL PROGAMMABLE ADVANCED SENSOR IC LQ Two channel digital advanced capacitive sensor IC Projects two ‘touch buttons’ through any dielectric Cloning for user-defined sensing behavior 100% autocal - no adjustments required Only one external capacitor per channel

    QT320 QT320 QT320/R1 maxon RE 50 850C QT320-D QT320-IS QTM300CA thr1 PDF

    heartbeat sensor

    Abstract: soil moisture sensor capacitive sensor soil moisture soil moisture sensors datasheet QT110 QT114 relay 24 volt 1N4150 850C QT114-D
    Text: QProx QT114 CHARGE-TRANSFER QLEVEL™ SENSOR IC Limit sensing of almost any fluid or powder 2-Tier level sensor - Hi / Low limits with one probe Only one external part required - a 5¢ capacitor Uses internal probes or external electrodes Active high or active low outputs

    QT114 heartbeat sensor soil moisture sensor capacitive sensor soil moisture soil moisture sensors datasheet QT110 QT114 relay 24 volt 1N4150 850C QT114-D PDF

    heartbeat sensor piezo

    Abstract: heartbeat sensor piezo sensor 78l05 so8 QT112 heartbeat sensor QT115H QT110 QT111 QT111-I QT115
    Text: QT11x VARIATIONS QT111 QT112 QT115 Longer recalibration timeouts Faster response time Variable gain, daisy-chaining 4 August 2004 Copyright QRG Ltd. UK 4 August 2004 Quantum Research Group Ltd. QT111-I / QT111H-I QProx 8-pin Sensor See QT110 datasheet for primary information. This sheet only lists differences with the QT110.

    QT11x QT111 QT112 QT115 QT111-I QT111H-I QT110 QT110. QT111 QT115H heartbeat sensor piezo heartbeat sensor piezo sensor 78l05 so8 QT112 heartbeat sensor QT115 PDF


    Abstract: Quantum Research Group pcb connector 2 pin push button Qtouch QUANTUM QTOUCH CAPACITIVE QPROX QT310 QT320 QTM300CA
    Text: E3B USER'S GUIDE for QT310 / QT320 QProx IC evaluation and development Overview The E3B board works with Quantum’s QT310 and QT320 QProx™ ICs. Either device can be inserted into the 8-pin DIP socket. QT310 - single-channel device that uses only the QTouch-1 sense pad.

    QT310 QT320 QUANTUM CAPACITIVE Quantum Research Group pcb connector 2 pin push button Qtouch QUANTUM QTOUCH CAPACITIVE QPROX QTM300CA PDF


    Abstract: DIP-28 E160 QT160 QT160-AS QT160-D QT161 SSOP-28 SN1B
    Text: lQ QProx QT160 / QT161 6 KEY CHARGE-TRANSFER QTOUCH™ SENSOR IC 6 completely independent touch circuits Individual logic outputs per channel active high Projects prox fields through any dielectric Only one external capacitor required per channel Sensitivity easily adjusted on a per-channel basis

    QT160 QT161 QT160) 1050C DIP-28 E160 QT160-AS QT160-D QT161 SSOP-28 SN1B PDF

    ELEVATOR LOGIC CONTROL complete projects

    Abstract: ULTRASONIC CLEANING Free Projects heartbeat sensor with LED piezo "charge amp" Piezo sounder QPROX QUANTUM QTOUCH CAPACITIVE heartbeat sensor piezo Qtouch Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer
    Text: QProx QT118H lQ CHARGE-TRANSFER TOUCH SENSOR Vdd 1 Out 2 Opt1 3 Opt2 4 QT118H Less expensive than many mechanical switches Projects a ‘touch button’ through any dielectric 100% autocal for life - no adjustments required No active external components

    QT118H ELEVATOR LOGIC CONTROL complete projects ULTRASONIC CLEANING Free Projects heartbeat sensor with LED piezo "charge amp" Piezo sounder QPROX QUANTUM QTOUCH CAPACITIVE heartbeat sensor piezo Qtouch Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer PDF

    QPROX qt300

    Abstract: DB9-connector DB9 Sensor connector QPROX serial db9 connector QMT300CA QTM300CA 9v battery pin details RS232 ic SPI to RS232
    Text: QTM300CA USER'S GUIDE Cloning Adapter for the QT300 family QProx ICs Overview The QTM300CA is a cloning adapter designed to interface between QT3xx family 8-pin QProx sensor ICs QT300, QT310, QT320 and a PC or other host device. This adapter permits the

    QTM300CA QT300 QT300, QT310, QT320) RS232 QPROX qt300 DB9-connector DB9 Sensor connector QPROX serial db9 connector QMT300CA 9v battery pin details RS232 ic SPI to RS232 PDF


    Abstract: basic principle of ups system inductive sensor oscillator circuit 11 pin relay ring COUNTER 6v 5 pin relay capacitive touch sensor carbon composition resistors microcontroller based traffic light control inductive sensor IC
    Text: lQ QProx QT160 / QT161 6 KEY CHARGE-TRANSFER QTOUCH™ SENSOR IC 6 completely independent touch circuits Individual logic outputs per channel active high Projects prox fields through any dielectric Only one external capacitor required per channel Sensitivity easily adjusted on a per-channel basis

    QT160 QT161 QT160) PDIP-28 SSOP-28 QT160 QT160-I QT160-IS basic principle of ups system inductive sensor oscillator circuit 11 pin relay ring COUNTER 6v 5 pin relay capacitive touch sensor carbon composition resistors microcontroller based traffic light control inductive sensor IC PDF


    Abstract: QT60248-ASG QT60326 DC Power supply FMEA QT60168 1050C QT60168-ASG QT60168-AS qt60248-ag QUANTUM QTOUCH CAPACITIVE
    Text: QProx QT60168, QT60248 lQ 16, 24 KEY QMATRIX™ ICs Y2B Y0A Y1A 1 Y2A X3 /RST X0 X1 X2 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Y1B 23 Y0B 22 n/c 21 VSS 20 VDD 19 SYNC X4 2 VSS 3 VDD 4 VSS 5 VDD 6 X5 7 18 VDD X6 8 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SCK QT60248 QT60168 TQFP-32

    QT60168, QT60248 QT60168 TQFP-32 QT60248 QT60248-ASG QT60326 DC Power supply FMEA QT60168 1050C QT60168-ASG QT60168-AS qt60248-ag QUANTUM QTOUCH CAPACITIVE PDF


    Abstract: DIGITAL IC 7493 1050C DIP-28 E160 QT140 QT140-AS QT150 QT150-AS SSOP-28
    Text: QProx QT140 / QT150 lQ 4 AND 5 KEY QTOUCH™ SENSOR ICs Completely independent QT touch circuits Individual logic outputs per channel open drain Projects prox fields through any dielectric Only one external capacitor required per channel Sensitivity easily adjusted on a per-channel basis

    QT140 QT150 QT150-A DIGITAL IC 7493 1050C DIP-28 E160 QT140-AS QT150 QT150-AS SSOP-28 PDF

    heartbeat sensor

    Abstract: ELEVATOR LOGIC CONTROL complete projects QT113 QT113-S QT113-D heartbeat sensor using fingertip QT113H 850C QT113H-IS QT113H-S
    Text: QProxQT113 / QT113H CHARGE-TRANSFER TOUCH SENSOR Projects a proximity field through air Less expensive than many mechanical switches Sensitivity easily adjusted via capacitor value Turns small objects into intrinsic touch sensors 100% autocal for life - no adjustments required

    QT113 QT113H QT113) QT113H) 2001QRG heartbeat sensor ELEVATOR LOGIC CONTROL complete projects QT113-S QT113-D heartbeat sensor using fingertip QT113H 850C QT113H-IS QT113H-S PDF


    Abstract: QT160-AG QT160-ASG qt160 asg QT160 SNS1A inductive sensor oscillator circuit 1050C DIP-28 E160
    Text: lQ QProx QT160 / QT161 6 KEY CHARGE-TRANSFER QTOUCH™ SENSOR IC 6 completely independent touch circuits Individual logic outputs per channel active high Projects prox fields through any dielectric Only one external capacitor required per channel Sensitivity easily adjusted on a per-channel basis

    QT160 QT161 QT160) QT160-ASG) QT160-D QT160-AG QT160-ASG qt160 asg SNS1A inductive sensor oscillator circuit 1050C DIP-28 E160 PDF

    sck 104 capacitor

    Abstract: 0.1uF/Ceramic Capacitors 104 QPROX qt300 QT300 1-wire humidity sensor QPROX moisture detection SENSORS SCK 104 ceramic capacitor 100nF 104 MICRO USA Pressure Sensor
    Text: QT300 LQ PRELIMINARY QPROX CDC SENSOR IC Capacitance to Digital Converter CDC IC Direct-to-digital conversion, 16 bits Log response: Wide dynamic range 1 SCK 2 SNS1 3 Vss 4 Outputs raw data to a host device 1-Wire UART interface Master or Slave mode SPI interface

    QT300 QT300 sck 104 capacitor 0.1uF/Ceramic Capacitors 104 QPROX qt300 1-wire humidity sensor QPROX moisture detection SENSORS SCK 104 ceramic capacitor 100nF 104 MICRO USA Pressure Sensor PDF

    schematic diagram lcd monitor

    Abstract: QPROX qt300 bargraph LCD "Display Controller" Microcontroller AT89s52 connections with lcd pwm schematic Different types of PWM QPROX Quanta Display QUANTUM CAPACITIVE
    Text: E3A EVAL BOARD USER'S GUIDE for use with QT300 and QT301 QProx sensor ICs Overview The E3A board works with Quantum's QT300 and QT301 16-Bit Capacitance to Digital Converter CDC sensor ICs. Either device can be inserted into the 8-pin DIP socket at the front of the

    QT300 QT301 16-Bit QT301 schematic diagram lcd monitor QPROX qt300 bargraph LCD "Display Controller" Microcontroller AT89s52 connections with lcd pwm schematic Different types of PWM QPROX Quanta Display QUANTUM CAPACITIVE PDF


    Abstract: QT60168 QT60168-ASG QT60248 QT60248-ASG T6672 Qtouch DIODE S61 marking 3M Touch Systems
    Text: QProx QT60168, QT60248 lQ 16, 24 KEY QMATRIX™ ICs X3 1 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Y1B 23 Y0B 22 n/c 21 VSS 20 VDD 19 SYNC X4 2 VSS 3 VDD 4 VSS 5 VDD 6 X5 7 18 VDD X6 8 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SCK QT60248 QT60168 TQFP-32 MISO MOSI DRDY /SS SMP _ SYNC

    QT60168, QT60248 QT60168 TQFP-32 1050C QT60168 QT60168-ASG QT60248 QT60248-ASG T6672 Qtouch DIODE S61 marking 3M Touch Systems PDF

    8 pin ic on lcd power board schematic

    Abstract: QPROX lcd power board schematic BRUNET lcd 16bits QT300 QT301 QTM300CA Finger Sensor CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FOR 16 pin diagram of lcd display
    Text: E3A EVALUATION BOARD USER'S GUIDE for use with QT300 QProx sensor IC Overview The E3A board works with Quantum's QT300 16-bit Capacitance to Digital Converter CDC sensor IC. The device can be inserted into the 8-pin DIP socket at the front of the board.

    QT300 16-bit QT301 8 pin ic on lcd power board schematic QPROX lcd power board schematic BRUNET lcd 16bits QTM300CA Finger Sensor CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FOR 16 pin diagram of lcd display PDF

    Different types of PWM ICs

    Abstract: QPROX lcd power board schematic QT300 Qmatrix QT301 QTM300CA QPROX qt300 PWM CONNECTOR QUANTUM QTOUCH CAPACITIVE
    Text: E3A EVAL BOARD USER'S GUIDE for use with QT300 and QT301 QProx sensor ICs Overview The E3A board works with Quantum's QT300 and QT301 16-Bit Capacitance to Digital Converter CDC sensor ICs. Either device can be inserted into the 8-pin DIP socket at the front of the

    QT300 QT301 16-Bit QT301 Different types of PWM ICs QPROX lcd power board schematic Qmatrix QTM300CA QPROX qt300 PWM CONNECTOR QUANTUM QTOUCH CAPACITIVE PDF

    transistor manual substitution FREE DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION DATA BOOK transistor manual substitution METAL DETECTOR circuit for make metal detector sensor metal detector transistor substitution chart metal detector schematic metal detectors IC raw material control log sheet
    Text: 43UR[Œ 65 Charge Transfer (‘QT’ Development Sensor The QProx E2SR is designed specifically for development and experimentation; accordingly it incorporates a large variety of user-definable QT modes and processing options. In addition, the unit can be employed as a programming device for


    microcontroller based traffic light control

    Abstract: automatic change over switch circuit diagram circuit diagram water level sensor water level sensor circuit diagram resistor* 10k ohm project on water level control human detection sensors circuit water level control circuit diagram 16MHz quartz RESONATOR WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER
    Text: QProx QT60XX6 lQ ADVANCE INFORMATION 16, 24, 32, 48 KEY QMATRIX™ ICs Vss XT2 XT1 RX TX WS Y4A Y4B Y5AB Y5B MOSI MISO SCK /RST Vdd Vdd Vss LED DRDY VREF S_SYNC /SS 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 1 33 32 2 3 31 QT60166 4 30 QT60246 5 29 Y3B Y2B Y1B Y0B

    QT60XX6 QT60166 QT60246 QT60326 QT60486 TQFP-44 microcontroller based traffic light control automatic change over switch circuit diagram circuit diagram water level sensor water level sensor circuit diagram resistor* 10k ohm project on water level control human detection sensors circuit water level control circuit diagram 16MHz quartz RESONATOR WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER PDF


    Abstract: microswitch 4 pins relay 6v 5 pin 74HC14 application note "Touch Sensor IC" IC 74HC14 internal structure function of IC 2822 FAST RECOVERY DIODE 200ns 10nF capacitor metal poly 10nF metal poly
    Text: QPROX QT310 USER PROGRAMMABLE ADVANCED SENSOR IC LQ PRELIMINARY Single channel digital advanced capacitive sensor IC Full autocal capability User programmable via cloning process Internal eeprom storage of user setups, cal data Variable drift compensation

    QT310 CHARGE-TRANSFER TOUCH SENSOR microswitch 4 pins relay 6v 5 pin 74HC14 application note "Touch Sensor IC" IC 74HC14 internal structure function of IC 2822 FAST RECOVERY DIODE 200ns 10nF capacitor metal poly 10nF metal poly PDF

    IR LED SENSOR to detect heartbeat rate

    Abstract: IR SENSOR to detect heartbeat rate QT110 heartbeat sensor piezo sensor 850C QT110-D QT110H QT110H-IS QT110H-S QT110-IS
    Text: QProxQT110 / QT110H CHARGE-TRANSFER TOUCH SENSOR Less expensive than many mechanical switches Projects a ‘touch button’ through any dielectric Turns small objects into intrinsic touch sensors 100% autocal for life - no adjustments required Only one external part required - a 1¢ capacitor

    QT110 QT110H QT110) QT110H) QT110-D QT110-S QT110-IS QT110H-D QT110H-S QT110H-IS IR LED SENSOR to detect heartbeat rate IR SENSOR to detect heartbeat rate heartbeat sensor piezo sensor 850C QT110-D QT110H QT110H-IS QT110H-S QT110-IS PDF


    Abstract: QPROX
    Text: A@b_h AD=! ˜ !1C EcUb7eYTU AUANTUM B5C51B387B?E@<D4 Copyright 1997-1998 Quantum Research Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Duplication or distribution without authorization expressly prohibited. Firmware Copyright ©1997. QProx is a trademark of Quantum Research Group Ltd. QProx technology is patented.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QProx QT60168, QT60248 lQ 16, 24 KEY QMATRIX™ ICs Y2B Y0A Y1A 1 Y2A X3 /RST X0 X1 X2 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Y1B 23 Y0B 22 n/c 21 VSS 20 VDD 19 SYNC X4 2 VSS 3 VDD 4 VSS 5 VDD 6 X5 7 18 VDD X6 8 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SCK QT60248 QT60168 TQFP-32

    QT60168, QT60248 QT60168 TQFP-32 PDF