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    ATLAS QL16X24BL-0PF144C

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    Quest Components QL16X24BL-0PF144C 8
    • 1 $97.5
    • 10 $93.75
    • 100 $93.75
    • 1000 $93.75
    • 10000 $93.75
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    QL16X24BL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ql16x24bl PF100 PF144
    Text: QL16x24BL pASIC 1 Family Low Power 3.3 Volt Operation FPGA pASIC HIGHLIGHTS High Speed – ViaLink metal-to-metal programmable–via antifuse technology, allows counter speeds over 80 MHz at 3.3 Volt operation. 5V Tolerant I/Os – Support interface to 5 Volt CMOS, NMOS and

    QL16x24BL 16-by-24 84-pin 100-pin 144-pin QL16x24B QL16x24 16x24BL PF144 84-pin PL84 ql16x24bl PF100 PDF


    Abstract: 4000 CMOS 4000L PF100 PF144
    Text: QL16x24BL Wild Cat 4000L Low Power 3.3 Volt Operation, 4K Gate FPGA 2 High Speed – ViaLinkTM metal-to-metal programmable–via antifuse technology, allows counter speeds over 80 MHz at 3.3 Volt operation. 5V Tolerant I/Os – Support interface to 5 Volt CMOS, NMOS and

    QL16x24BL 4000L 16-by-24 84pin 100-pin 144-pin QL16x24B 16x24BL PF144 84-pin PL84 4000 CMOS 4000L PF100 PDF


    Abstract: CF100 PF100 PF144 PL84 QL12X16B ABEL-HDL Reference Manual
    Text: pASIC Device Kit Manual pASIC Device Kit Manual 981-0333-002 May 1995 090-0560-002 Data I/O has made every attempt to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete. Data I/O assumes no liability for errors, or for any incidental, consequential, indirect or


    vhdl code dds

    Abstract: PL84 chip dmd ti dlp vhdl code direct digital synthesizer QAN19 QL16x24BL QD-PQ208 dlp dmd chip sequential multiplier Vhdl 8 bit sequential multiplier VERILOG
    Text: ‘s 'HVN,- 3URJUDPPHU [SDQGV 3URJUDPPLQJ &DSDELOLW\ With the introduction of the first DeskFabTM Multisite Programming Adapter, QuickLogic has expanded the programming capability of its DeskFab Programmer to support volume programming of pASIC 2 devices. Multisite adapters allow

    208-pin QL2005 PB256 QL2003 QL2005 QP-PL44 QP-PL68 QP-CG68 QP-PF100 vhdl code dds PL84 chip dmd ti dlp vhdl code direct digital synthesizer QAN19 QL16x24BL QD-PQ208 dlp dmd chip sequential multiplier Vhdl 8 bit sequential multiplier VERILOG PDF


    Abstract: QL8X12B-2pl68c TQFP 100 pin Socket CQFJ 84 socket 68 pin plcc socket view bottom PL84 QL12X16B QL8X12B pASIC 1 Family QL12x16B "pin compatible"
    Text: pASIC Designer Programmer User's Guide May 1997 Copyright Information Copyright 1991-1997 QuickLogic Corporation. All rights reserved. The information contained in this manual and the accompanying software program are protected by copyright; all rights are reserved by QuickLogic Corporation.

    Win32s, QP-PL84G QL8X12B-2pl68c TQFP 100 pin Socket CQFJ 84 socket 68 pin plcc socket view bottom PL84 QL12X16B QL8X12B pASIC 1 Family QL12x16B "pin compatible" PDF

    cpu Intel 4040

    Abstract: intel 4040 3com 226 QAN19 Modulating Direct Digital Synthesizer in a QuickLogic FPGA QL3025 pASIC 1 Family 4040 cmos 4040 intel cmos 4040 datasheet
    Text: LEADING THE REVOLUTION IN FPGAs The Vialink Antifuse in 0.35µm CMOS QuickLogic Corporation 1277 Orleans Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1138 General Information: Applications Hotline FAX: EMAIL: WEB SITE: 408 990-4000 (408) 990-4100 (408) 990-4040


    verilog code pipeline ripple carry adder

    Abstract: vhdl code for half adder using behavioral modeling 8 bit adder circuit turbo encoder circuit, VHDL code verilog code for half adder using behavioral modeling QL8x12B-0PL68C verilog code for implementation of eeprom Verilog code of 1-bit full subtractor structural vhdl code for ripple counter vhdl code of carry save multiplier
    Text: Chapter 1 - Device Architecture Device Architecture This section of the Design Guide deals with the architectural issues surrounding the pASIC 1, pASIC 2, and pASIC 3 families of QuickLogic devices. First, an overall introduction to the QuickLogic architectural features will be presented. This will be followed by a breakdown of


    8 bit booth multiplier vhdl code

    Abstract: verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm vhdl code for Booth multiplier Modified Booth Multipliers QL2003 vhdl code for 8bit booth multiplier booth multiplier code in vhdl MTSAM64GZ vhdl code of floating point adder QL16X24BL
    Text: Q U I C K L O G I C ’ S QUICKNEWS CONTENTS VOLUME Tech Talk • pages 2-3 Product Update ■ page 4 Technical Q&A ■ page 5 Software Spotlight ■ page 8 Program Update ■ page 9 New Service ■ page 10 Military Products ■ page 11 Trade Event Schedule

    QL907-2 8 bit booth multiplier vhdl code verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm vhdl code for Booth multiplier Modified Booth Multipliers QL2003 vhdl code for 8bit booth multiplier booth multiplier code in vhdl MTSAM64GZ vhdl code of floating point adder QL16X24BL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QL16X24BL pASIC 1 Family Low Power 3.3 Volt Operation FPGA pASIC HIGHLIGHTS .4,000 usable ASIC gates, 122 I/O pins S 5V Tolerant I/Os - Support interface to 5 Volt CMOS, NMOS and bipolar devices by sinking up to 12 mA see IIH specification . S High Usable Density - A 16-by-24 array of 384 logic cells

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    QL16X24BL 16-by-24 84-pin 100-pin 144-pin QL16x24B 16X24BL PF144 PF100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QL16x24BL pASIC 1 Family Low Power 3.3 Volt Operation FPGA pASIC HIGHLIGHTS High Speed - ViaLink" metal-to-metal programmable-via antifuse technology, allows counter speeds over 80 MHz at 3.3 Volt operation. 5Y Tolerant I/Os - Support interface to 5 Volt CMOS, NMOS and

    OCR Scan
    QL16x24BL 16-by-24 84-pin 100-pin 144-pin QL16x24B QL16X2VO 16X24BL F144C 84-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QL16X24BL W ildCaì 4000L Low Power 3.3 Volt Operation, 4K Gate FPGA High Speed - V ia L in k m etal-to-m etal p ro g ram m a b le -v ia antifuse tech n o lo g y , allow s co u n ter speeds o v er 80 M H z at 3.3 V olt operation. Cl 5V Tolerant I/Os - S u p p o rt in te rfa c e to 5 V o lt C M O S , N M O S and

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    QL16X24BL 4000L 16-by-24 84pin 100-pin 144-pin X24BL-1 84-pin PF144 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QL16x24B Wildcat 4000 Very-High-Speed 4K 12K Gate CMOS FPGA Rev A pASIC HIGHLIGHTS Very High Speed - ViaLink metal-to-metal programmable-via antifuse technology, allows counter speeds over 150 MHz and logic cell delays of under 2 ns. B High Usable Density - A 16-by-24 array of384 logic cells provides 12,000

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    QL16x24B 16-by-24 of384 84pin 100-pin 144-pin 160pin 16-bit PDF

    QuickLogic ql16x24b-1pl84c

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QL16X24B WildCat 4000 Very-High-Speed 4K 12K Gate CMOS FPGA pASIC HIGHLIGHTS B Very High Speed - ViaLink metal-to-metal programmable-via anti­ fuse technology, allows counter speeds over 150 MHz and logic cell delays of under 2 ns. H High Usable Density - A 16-by-24 array of 384 logic cells provides

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    QL16X24B 16-by-24 84-pin 144-pin 169-pin 16-bit QL16x24B 16x24B QuickLogic ql16x24b-1pl84c PDF