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    PROCESSOR AM2900 Search Results

    PROCESSOR AM2900 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TMPM4KLF10AFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M4 processor with FPU Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMPM4KLFDAFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M4 processor with FPU Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMPM4KLFDAUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M4 processor with FPU Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMPM4KNFDADFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M4 processor with FPU Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-QFP100-1420-0.65-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMPM475FYFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M4 processor with FPU Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-LQFP100-1414-0.50-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    PROCESSOR AM2900 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    amd 29000

    Abstract: V29BMC 29861 AA10 C1995 NSBMC290 NSBMC290-16 NSBMC290UP NSBMC290VF UP124A
    Text: NSBMC290 TM -16 -20 -25 -33 Burst Mode Memory Controller General Description The NSBMC290 is functionally equivalent to the V29BMCTM The NSBMC290 Burst Mode Memory Controller is a single chip device designed to simplify the implementation of burst mode access in high performance systems using the Am29000TM Streamlined Instruction Processor

    NSBMC290 V29BMCTM Am29000TM amd 29000 V29BMC 29861 AA10 C1995 NSBMC290-16 NSBMC290UP NSBMC290VF UP124A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AmZ8068/Am9518 Data Ciphering Processor GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AmZ8068/Am9518 Data Ciphering Processor is an Nchannel silicon gate LSI product containing the circuitry necessary to encrypt and decrypt data using the National Bureau of Standards encryption algorithm. It is designed to

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    AmZ8068/Am9518 AmZ8068 AM9518 PDF


    Abstract: Am29000 Users Manual opto 101 amd 29000 AM29000 ADAPT29K opvo J-16 "Advanced Micro Devices" AM29027
    Text: Am29000 Preliminary Cl Am29000 Advanced Micro Devices Streamlined Instruction Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Full 32-blt, three-bus architecture Burst-mode access support 23 million Instructions per second MIPS sustained at 33 MHz 192 general-purpose registers

    OCR Scan
    Am29000 32-blt, 16-MHz 512-byte 64-entry IC001040 AM29000-25GC Am29000 Users Manual opto 101 amd 29000 ADAPT29K opvo J-16 "Advanced Micro Devices" AM29027 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29027 Arithmetic Accelerator ADVANCE INFORMATION ¿Z06ZWV DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • • High-speed floating-point accelerator for the Am29000 processor Comprehensive floating-point and integer instruction sets Single-, double-, and mixed-precision operations

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    Am29027 Z06ZWV Am29000 64-bit 169-lead PDF

    AMD 29000

    Abstract: Am29C27 register file
    Text: Am 29027 Arithmetic Accelerator ADVANCE INFO R M ATIO N N CM O a 04 E < DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS High-speed floating-point accelerator for the Am29000 processor Comprehensive floating-point and integer instruction sets Single-, double-, and mixed-precision operations

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    Am29027 Am29000 Am29C27 64-bit 169-lead AMD 29000 register file PDF

    Am29000 Users Manual

    Abstract: ADAPT29K AM29000-25GC SE013 AM29000-16/BYC
    Text: ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES SflE D 0257525 G032727 7 • a Am29000 Advanced Micro Devices Streamlined Instruction Processor This amendment adds advanced information commercial AC specifications for 33-MHz Am29000 . A m 29 000 is a tradem ark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

    OCR Scan
    G032727 Am29000 33-MHz D03272Ã 02S7S2S CGX169 0557S25 00331S1 Am29000 Users Manual ADAPT29K AM29000-25GC SE013 AM29000-16/BYC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES Tb D E I 0257525 00271DS 3 ¿a ^ T-V9-/T'/6 Am29041 Data Transfer Controller for the Am29000 Family ADVANCE INFORMATION DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS DMA and I/O Controller for the Am29000 Micro­ processor Family Four buffered DMA channels

    OCR Scan
    00271DS Am29041 Am29000 32-blt 32-bit 169-lead PDF


    Abstract: Am29000 Users Manual
    Text: Am29000 a Am29000 Advanced Micro Devices Streamlined Instruction Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS B Full 32-blt, three-bus architecture • ■ 23 million Instructions per second MIPS sustained at 33 MHz ■ 192 general-purpose registers ■ 512-byte Branch Target Cache

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    Am29000 32-blt, 512-byte 16-MHz 64-entry ADAPT29K Am29000 Users Manual PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am9518 /AmZ8068 Data Ciphering Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Encrypts and decrypts data Three separate key registers on-chip Implements National Bureau of Standards standard data encryption algorithm. Separate registers for encryption key, decryption key

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    Am9518 /AmZ8068 AmZ8068 CD005111 AF002220 AF002230 00618B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AD VA N C E D MI CRO DEVICES SflE D • 02S7S25 G032727 7 ■ Am29000 Advanced Micro Devices Streamlined Instruction Processor This amendment adds advanced information commercial AC specifications for 3 3 -M H z Am 29000 . Am29000 is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

    OCR Scan
    02S7S25 G032727 Am29000 CGX169 T-90-20 00331S1 CQ164 ADAPT29K PDF


    Abstract: gigabyte
    Text: Am 29000 Streamlined Instruction Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Full 32-bit, three-bus architecture 17 million instructions per second MIPS sustained 25-MHz operating frequency Efficient execution of high-level language programs C M O S technology

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    32-bit, 25-MHz 512-byte 64-entry Am29000 32-bit 169-terminal 0006ZUIV gigabyte PDF


    Abstract: ZL27 AM9568DC processor Am2901
    Text: 89S6UIV Am9568 Data Ciphering Processor DCP DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Three separate key registers on one chip Separate registers for encryption key, decryption key and master key improve system security and throughput by eliminating need to reload keys frequently.

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    Am9568 AM9568 ZL27 AM9568DC processor Am2901 PDF


    Abstract: Am29041
    Text: A D V A N C E D M I C R O D E V I C E S Tb DE OSS7S5S Am29041 CI0E71O5 3 | ' T - V 9 - / T ' / 6 '^ m Data Transfer Controller for the Am29000 Family ADVANCE INFORMATION DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS DMA and I/O Controller for the Am29000 Micro­ processor Family

    OCR Scan
    0ES7555 O0271DS Am29000 32-bit 169-lead Am29041 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am9568 Data Ciphering Processor DCP DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Encrypts and decrypts data • Implements National Bureau of Standards Data Encryp­ tion Standard (DES) algorithm Separate registers for encryption key, decryption key and master key improve system security and throughput

    OCR Scan
    Am9568 Am9566 AM9568 PDF


    Abstract: Am2900
    Text: Am9568 Data Ciphering Processor DCP 89S6UJV DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Encrypts and decrypts data Implements National Bureau of Standards Data Encryp­ tion Standard (DES) algorithm Throughput over 1.SM bytes per second Operates at data rates fast enough for disk controllers,

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    Am9568 iAPX86, iAPX86 Am2900 PDF

    security system block diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am9568 Data Ciphering Processor DCP 89S6UJV DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Encrypts and decrypts data Throughput over 1.SM bytes per second Operates at data rates fast enough for disk controllers, high-speed DMA, telecommunication channels Three separate key registers on one chip

    OCR Scan
    Am9568 89S6UJV iAPX86, 0517ft security system block diagram PDF


    Abstract: processor Am2900
    Text: Am9568 Data Ciphering Processor DCP 89S6UJV DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Encrypts and decrypts data Implements National Bureau of Standards Data Encryp­ tion Standard (DES) algorithm Throughput over 1.SM bytes per second Operates at data rates fast enough for disk controllers,

    OCR Scan
    Am9568 iAPX86, Am2900 processor Am2900 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29501 Am29501 Multi-Port Pipelined Processor Byte-Slice DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Expandable Byte-Slice™ Register-ALU - Sign extend input and output - Carry and P /3 expansion with force/inhibit/normal carry modes e Eight instruction ALU - Four arithmetic operations

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    Am29501 3564A ICR00530 ICR0052G DFR0071 PDF

    processor am2900

    Abstract: CHMCS
    Text: Burst Error Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Three correction algorithms provide flexibility !q i Full-period clock-around method for conforming to current practices. Chinese remainder theorem re­ duces correction time by orders of magnitude. Re­ ciprocal polynomial makes correction possible with

    OCR Scan
    Am9520/Am9521/ AmZ8065 Am9520/ Am9521 /AmZ8065 35-bit 32-bit Am9521. processor am2900 CHMCS PDF


    Abstract: Z8068 AM9518A F001300 AmZ8066
    Text: 8908ZWV/81S6WV Am 9 5 1 8 / A m Z 8 0 6 8 Data Ciphering Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Encrypts and decrypts data Implements National Bureau of Standards standard data encryption algorithm. High-Speed Operation Am9518 and AmZ8068 throughput over 1.3 and 1.7M

    OCR Scan
    Am9518 AmZ8068 F001300 00618B Am9518/AmZ8068 F002250 F002260 Z8068 AM9518A F001300 AmZ8066 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am 9520/Am 9521/Am Z8065 Burst Error Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • Provides for detection and correction of burst errors Detects errors in serial data up to 585K bits long. Allows correction of error bursts of up to 12 bits. High-Speed Operation

    OCR Scan
    9520/Am 9521/Am Z8065 Am9520/ Am9521/AmZ8065 35-bit 32-bit Am9521. AmZ8065 PDF

    amd 29000

    Abstract: 80486 microprocessor pin diagram 80486 pinout diagram
    Text: CY7C270 PRELIMINARY CYPRESS ~ SEMICONDUCTOR • Features • 0.8-micron CMOS for optimum speed/ power • High speed — 28 ns single access time — 14 ns burst access time • • • • Reprogrammable 16Kx 16 Processor-Specific PROM 16-bit-wide words Input Address Registered or Latched

    OCR Scan
    CY7C270 16-bit-wide 44-pin CY7C270 amd 29000 80486 microprocessor pin diagram 80486 pinout diagram PDF


    Abstract: polynomials D-40 AmZ8
    Text: Burst Error Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Provides fo r detection and correction o f burst errors D etects errors in serial data up to 585K bits long. Allows correction o f error bursts of up to 1 2 bits. H igh-Speed Operation Effective data rates up to 20 M b its/se co nd for A m 9520/

    OCR Scan
    Am9520/Am9521/AmZ8065 Am9520/ Am9521/AmZ8065 35-bit 32-bit Am9521. AmZ8065 56-bit 48-bit polynomial polynomials D-40 AmZ8 PDF


    Abstract: AmZ8
    Text: Burst Error Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Provides fo r detection and correction o f burst errors D etects errors in serial data up to 585K bits long. Allows correction o f error bursts of up to 1 2 bits. H igh-Speed Operation Effective data rates up to 20 M b its/se co nd for A m 9520/

    OCR Scan
    Am9520/Am9521/AmZ8065 Am9520/ Am9521/AmZ8065 35-bit 32-bit Am9521. AmZ8065 56-bit 48-bit D-40 AmZ8 PDF