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    IAPX86 Search Results

    IAPX86 Datasheets (8)

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    iAPX 86 Intel Component Data Catalog 1981 Scan PDF
    iAPX86 Intel Component Data Catalog 1981 Scan PDF
    iAPX 86/10 Intel Component Data Catalog 1981 Scan PDF
    iAPX86/10 Intel Component Data Catalog 1981 Scan PDF
    iAPX 86/20 Intel Component Data Catalog 1981 Scan PDF
    iAPX86/20 Intel Component Data Catalog 1981 Scan PDF
    iAPX86/30 Intel iRMX 86 Operating System Processors Scan PDF

    IAPX86 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: scn68562 Users guide 8085 assembly language SC26C562 SC68C562 SC68C562A8A SC68C562C1A SC68C562C1N SCN26562 6230ah
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Section 1 CDUSCC User’s Guide ICs for Data Communications CONTENTS Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 Table of Contents Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    SC26C562 SC68C562 SCN68562 scn68562 Users guide 8085 assembly language SC26C562 SC68C562 SC68C562A8A SC68C562C1A SC68C562C1N SCN26562 6230ah PDF


    Abstract: XC2000 XC3000 XC3000A XC3100A XC4000 XC5200 xc40036pq100c XC4003-6
    Text: Configuring FPGAs Over a Processor Bus September 8, 1995 Application Note BY GARY LAWMAN Summary This Application Note describes how to configure an FPGA over a processor bus. It also illustrates the source code required to download a configuration bitstream using an IBM PC as a host microprocessor.

    XC5200 XC4000 XC3100A XC3000A XC2000 XC3000 XC4003-6PQ100C xc40036pq100c XC4003-6 PDF


    Abstract: chipset 82c206 CS8220 82C206 datasheet 7682, 8-BIT oscillator 82C206F cs8220 neat 82C206-INTEGRATED 8254 TIMER cascading 74*612
    Text: 82C206 INTEGRATEDPERIPHERAL CONTROLLER 100%Compatibleto IBM’” PC AT 114 bytes of CMOS RAM memory Fully compatible to Intel’% 8237 DMA controller, 8259 Interrupt controller, 8254 Timer/Counter, and Motorolarms146818 Real Time Clock 8 MHz DMA clock with programmable

    82C206 Motorolarms146818 84-pin 82C206 chipset 82c206 CS8220 82C206 datasheet 7682, 8-BIT oscillator 82C206F cs8220 neat 82C206-INTEGRATED 8254 TIMER cascading 74*612 PDF

    YD 8287

    Abstract: we32100
    Text: Data Sheet T7110 Synchronous Protocol Data Formatter with Serial Interface Features Host Interface Features • Compatible with AT&T’s WE 32100 Microprocessor and with Intel’s iAPX86 and Motorola’s MC68000 microprocessor series ■ On-chip 16-channel DMA memory address

    OCR Scan
    T7110 iAPX86 MC68000 16-channel CCITT-16 048-Mb/s 096-Mb/s J32562 DS87-282SM YD 8287 we32100 PDF

    RRU W01

    Abstract: 6066P 7 segmen AX340
    Text: AMD 8088 8-Bit M icroprocessor CPU iAPX86 Family FIN AL D IS T IN C T IV E C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S • • • • • • • • 8 -bit data bus, 16-bit internal architecture Directly addresses 1 Mbyte of memory Software compatible with 8086 CPU Byte, word, and block operations

    OCR Scan
    iAPX86 16-bit 10MHz RRU W01 6066P 7 segmen AX340 PDF

    intel 8086 bus buffering and latching

    Abstract: 8088 instruction set iAPX 86 88 user manual intel 8284 clock generator WF00682 iAPX 88 Book design adc interfaces with 8088 microprocessor c5cr intel 8284 UWTC
    Text: 8088 8-Bit Microprocessor CPU iAPX86 Family DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • -bit data bus, 16-bit internal architecture Directly addresses 1 Mbyte of memory Software compatible with 8086 CPU Byte, word, and block operations 24 operand addressing modes

    OCR Scan
    iAPX86 16-bit 10MHz 16-Blt 02338B intel 8086 bus buffering and latching 8088 instruction set iAPX 86 88 user manual intel 8284 clock generator WF00682 iAPX 88 Book design adc interfaces with 8088 microprocessor c5cr intel 8284 UWTC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8087 8087 Numeric Data Coprocessor iAPX86 Family DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • High performance arithmetic and transcendental func­ tions in hardware Supports 8 -, 16-, 32-, 64-bit integer Performs 32-, 64-, 80-bit floating point calculations conforming to IEEE standard

    OCR Scan
    iAPX86 64-bit 80-bit 32-bit 16-bit 02037B PDF

    je 3055 Motorola

    Abstract: JE 3055 AD10 AD11 AD14 MC68000 we32100
    Text: Data Sheet T7110 Synchronous Protocol Data Formatter with Serial Interface Features Host Interface Features • Compatible with AT&T’s WE 32100 Microprocessor and with Intel's iAPX86 and Motorola’s MC68000 microprocessor series ■ On-chip 16-channel DMA memory address

    OCR Scan
    T7110 iAPX86 MC68000 16-channel CCITT-16 16-bit 20-bit J32562 DS87-282SMOS je 3055 Motorola JE 3055 AD10 AD11 AD14 we32100 PDF

    8251 microprocessor block diagram

    Abstract: 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER operation of 8251 microprocessor 8251 microprocessor applications
    Text: 8251A 8251A Programmable Communication Interface ÌAPX86 Family MILITARY INFORMATION DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS SMD/DESC qualified Synchronous and asynchronous operation Synchronous 5 - 8-bit characters; internal or external character synchronization; automatic sync insertion

    OCR Scan
    APX86 28-pin J-941 16tcY6. 8251 microprocessor block diagram 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER operation of 8251 microprocessor 8251 microprocessor applications PDF


    Abstract: 25LS244 8051 interface 8155 8251 with 8086 9511A 6259A 8155 programmable peripheral interface 9517A AMZ8536 8253 interface with 8086 Peripheral
    Text: MOS Microprocessor MOS Microprocessor Family Selector Guide 8086/88 8085A 8085A-2 8080A Z8001/2t Z8001/2-A Clock Parted 200ns 320ns 200ns Clock Generator 8284A On-Chip On-Chip 8224 8127 8127 Arithmetic Processing Unit 8087 9511A-1 9512-1 9 5Í1A -4 9512-1

    OCR Scan
    200ns 320ns 511A-1 517A-4 085A-2 519A-4 259A-5 517A-5 480ns 25LS2521 25LS244 8051 interface 8155 8251 with 8086 9511A 6259A 8155 programmable peripheral interface 9517A AMZ8536 8253 interface with 8086 Peripheral PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te l M8274 MULTI-PROTOCOL SERIAL CONTROLLER MPSC Military • Asynchronous, Byte Synchronous and Bit Synchronous Operation m Byte Synchronous: — Character Synchronization, Int. or Ext. — One or Two Sync Characters — Automatic CRC Generation and

    OCR Scan
    M8274 CRC-16) M8048, M8051, M8085, M8088, M8086, M80186 M8089 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w t GEC P LESS EY S I M I C O N I I I O K S P1480 LAN CAM 1KX64-BIT CMOS CONTENT-ADDRESSABLE MEMORY (SUPERSEDES SEPTEMBER 1993 EDITIO N The P1480 LAN CAM is a 1K X 64-bit fixed-width CMOS Content-addressable Memory (CAM) aimed at address filtering applications in Local-area Network (LAN) bridges

    OCR Scan
    P1480 1KX64-BIT P1480 64-bit 37bflS22 37b6S22 28-LEAD 52-LEAD 37bfiS22 PDF

    KNC 201 15

    Abstract: K1503 hp 1502 vga knc 201 39 82C452 CD 1517 intergrated circuit KNC 201 82C322 LIM EMS 4.0 82C631
    Text: CHIPS AND TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 3050 ZÄNKER ROAD. SAN JOSE, CA 95134 408-434-0600 PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATION CHIPS/280 MODEL 70/80 COMPATIBLE CHIPSET 16-, 20-, 25-, & 33-Mhz* * 33M h z t im in g w a v e f o r m s & T-NUMBERS ARE AVAILABLE A u g u s t 9 ,1 9 8 9

    OCR Scan
    CHIPS/280 33-MHZ* 33Mhz CPI022 CPIQ22 82C226 100-Pin KNC 201 15 K1503 hp 1502 vga knc 201 39 82C452 CD 1517 intergrated circuit KNC 201 82C322 LIM EMS 4.0 82C631 PDF

    8294 intel

    Abstract: intel 8294A 8257 DMA controller intel MCS4 kpe 353
    Text: in te i 8294A DATA ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION UNIT • Certified by National Bureau of ■ Single 5V ± 10% Power Supply Standards ■ 400 Byte/Sec Data Conversion Rate a Fully Compatible with iAPX-86, 88, MCS-8 5 TM, MCS-80 , MCS-5 1 TM, and ■ 64-Bit Data Encryption Using 56-Bit Key

    OCR Scan
    iAPX-86, MCS-80TM, 64-Bit 56-Bit 8294 intel intel 8294A 8257 DMA controller intel MCS4 kpe 353 PDF


    Abstract: processor Am2900
    Text: Am9568 Data Ciphering Processor DCP 89S6UJV DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Encrypts and decrypts data Implements National Bureau of Standards Data Encryp­ tion Standard (DES) algorithm Throughput over 1.SM bytes per second Operates at data rates fast enough for disk controllers,

    OCR Scan
    Am9568 iAPX86, Am2900 processor Am2900 PDF

    INTEL 8041

    Abstract: 8041AH 8641A 8641 6 pin ic 8041 microprocessor 8048AH-8041AH 8041A 8741 Intel intel 8041A
    Text: 1 1 8041AH/8041AH-2/8641A/8741A UNIVERSAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER |g04lAH-2: 12 MH z 8041 AH: 8 MHz , g-Bit CPU plus ROM, RAM, I/O, Timer and Clock in a Single Package g one 8-Bit Status and Two Data Registers for Asynchronous Slave-toMaster Interface

    OCR Scan
    8041AH/8041AH-2/8641A/8741A MCS-48TM CS-85TM iAPX-86 g04lAH-2: AH/8741 INTEL 8041 8041AH 8641A 8641 6 pin ic 8041 microprocessor 8048AH-8041AH 8041A 8741 Intel intel 8041A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in t e i 80150/ 80150-2 ¡APX 66/50, 66/50, lÖO/'SO, iöo /'öo CP/M-86 OPERATING SYSTEM PROCESSORS • High-Performance Two-Chip Data Processors Containing the Complete CP/M-86 Operating System Memory Disk Makes Possible Diskless CP/M-86 Systems ■ Standard On-Chip BIOS Basic

    OCR Scan
    CP/M-86 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T7130 Multichannel LAPD Controller Features LAPD Protocol • Full implementation of CCITT recommendation Q.921 link-access procedure LAPD for ISDN primary-rate interface ■ Companion to the T7115 Synchronous Protocol Data Formatter (SPYDER-T) ■ Support for devices other than the T7115 device

    OCR Scan
    T7130 T7115 t03-02A DS89-109SMOS PDF


    Abstract: 8035HL F1L 250 V fuse BPK-70 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 i8282 hall marking code A04 Transistor AF 138 DK55 82720 intel
    Text: COMPONENT DATA CATALOG JANUARY 1982 Intel C orporation makes no w arranty fo r the use of its products and assumes no re sponsib ility fo r any e rrors w hich may appear in th is docum ent nor does it make a com m itm ent to update the info rm atio n contained herein.

    OCR Scan
    RMX/80, P80A49H 8035HL F1L 250 V fuse BPK-70 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 i8282 hall marking code A04 Transistor AF 138 DK55 82720 intel PDF


    Abstract: 82530 SCC intel 82350 CRC-16 RR15 WR10 82350 RXDB13
    Text: in t e i, 8 2 5 3 0 / 8 2 5 3 0 - 6 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER SCC • Two Independent Full Duplex Serial Channels ■ On Chip Crystal Oscillator, Baud-Rate Generator and Digital Phase Locked Loop for Each Channel ■ Programmable for NRZ, NRZI or FM

    OCR Scan

    USART 8251

    Abstract: microprocessors interface 8086 to 8251 intel 8251 USART serial port 8251 intel 8251 intel 8251 USART control word format 8251A programmable communication interface INTEL 8251A pin configuration of 8251 usart interface z 80 with 8251a usart
    Text: 8251A PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE • Synchronous and Asynchronous Operation ■ Synchronous 5-8 Bit Characters; Internal or External Character Synchronization; Automatic Sync Insertion ■ Asynchronous 5-8 Bit Characters; Clock Rate—1,16 or 64 Times Baud

    OCR Scan
    28-Pin USART 8251 microprocessors interface 8086 to 8251 intel 8251 USART serial port 8251 intel 8251 intel 8251 USART control word format 8251A programmable communication interface INTEL 8251A pin configuration of 8251 usart interface z 80 with 8251a usart PDF

    intel 8288

    Abstract: 8203 intel dram 2164 8203A
    Text: intei ARTICLE REPRINT AR-197 JANUARY, 1982 e < $ c p < A <F ? * <f/ C opyright b y C om puter D e sig n PubJtshmg Co. C January, 1962 All Righ ts R e se rve d Reprinted b y Perm ission <C - V 3-176 ORDER N UM BER: 210378 BETTER PROCESSOR PERFORMANCE VIA GLOBAL MEMORY

    OCR Scan
    AR-197 intel 8288 8203 intel dram 2164 8203A PDF

    intel 8294A

    Abstract: 8294A
    Text: intei 8294A DATA ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION UNIT Certified by National Bureau of Standards • Single 5V ± 10% Power Supply Fully Compatible with iAPX-86, 88, MCS-85, MCS-80, MCS-51, and MCS-48 Processors 400 Byte/Sec Data Conversion Rate 64-Bit Data Encryption Using 56-Bit Key

    OCR Scan
    64-Bit 56-Bit intel 8294A 8294A PDF

    8089 intel microprocessor Architecture Diagram

    Abstract: intel d 8274 8085 microprocessor serial communication 8086 8257 DMA controller 8085 interrupt intel 8274 WR1 marking code intel 8085 clock 8089 microprocessor architecture MCS-48
    Text: in te i 8274 MULTI-PROTOCOL SERIAL CONTROLLER MPSC Byte Synchronous: — Character Synchronization, Int. or Ext. — One or Two Sync Characters — Automatic CRC Generation and Checking (CRC-16) — IBM Bisync Compatible Asynchronous, Byte Synchronous and

    OCR Scan
    CRC-16) 8089 intel microprocessor Architecture Diagram intel d 8274 8085 microprocessor serial communication 8086 8257 DMA controller 8085 interrupt intel 8274 WR1 marking code intel 8085 clock 8089 microprocessor architecture MCS-48 PDF