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    Mitsubishi Electric MGF132301

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    ComSIT USA MGF132301 1,990
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    MGF1323 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MGF1323 Transistors N-Channel UHF/Microwave MESFET V BR DSS (V) V(BR)GSS (V)-6.0 I(D) Max. (A)80m P(D) Max. (W)240m Maximum Operating Temp (øC)175 I(DSS) Min. (A)40m I(DSS) Max. (A)80m @V(DS) (V) (Test Condition)3.0 @Temp (øC) (Test Condition)25 g(fs) Min. (S) Trans. conduct.20

    MGF1323 PDF


    Abstract: small signal GaAs FET L to Ku band amplifiers KU 745 KU 608 ku 202
    Text: MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR <GaAs FET> beMTñST DD17Û3S BAT MGF1323 SMALL SIGNAL GaAs FET DESCRIPTION OUTLINE DRAWING T h e M G F 1 3 2 3 , low -noise G aA s F E T w ith U n it, m illim eters inches an N -channel 4 M IN . 1.85 ± 0 . 2 4 M IN . (0 .1 5 7 M IN .) (0 .0 7 3 + 0 .0 0 8 ) (0 .1 5 7 M \N .)

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    MGF1323 MGF1323, 13dBm 157MIN. h24cia2tà 12GHz MGF1323 small signal GaAs FET L to Ku band amplifiers KU 745 KU 608 ku 202 PDF


    Abstract: MGF4919 mgf1903b MGF0907B 14512H mgf4316g MGFC45V2527 MGF1923 MGFC38V3642 MGF0904A
    Text: lid GaAs FETs •GaAs FET SERIES FOR MICROWAVE-BAND LOW-NOISE AMPLIFIERS <Ta = 25-c> PT If f -6 mA ¡¡m i 100 360 < (GHe) ' (mA) f t 3 10 NFmin max (dB) Qs min (dB! 11 4 1.4 4 1.0 12 2.0 i I MGF1302 Vf l P -6 -6 -6 80 240 3 10 MGF1323 -6 -6 80 240 3 10

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    MGF1302 MGF1303B MGF1323 MGF14 MGF1412B MGF1403B MGF1423B MGF1425B MGF1902B MGF1903B MGF4919G MGF4919 MGF0907B 14512H mgf4316g MGFC45V2527 MGF1923 MGFC38V3642 MGF0904A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR <GaAs FET> ! MGF1323 I SMALL SIGNAL GaAs FET DESCRIPTION OUTLINE DRAWING The MGF1323, low-noise GaAs F E T with an N-channel Schottky gate, is designed for use in S to Ku band ampli­ Umt millimeters inches 4 M IN . 1.85 ± 0.2 4 M l N.

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    MGF1323 MGF1323, 13dBm 30rnA PDF


    Abstract: MGF4310 MGF1100 MGF1412 MGF4301 MGF1304 MGF7003 MGF1102 MGF1302 MGF4305A
    Text: MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR <GaAs FET> SYMBOL ON PACKAGE EXAMPLE OF SYMBOL ON MICRO DISK PACKAGE W ithou t bottom bar w ith b o tto m bar Blue A p r. O o t. Orange M ay N ov. B lack June D ec. Red July Jan . Green A ug. Feb. Brown S ep. M a r. « L e f t side c h a ra c te r in d ic a te s th e type num ber.

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    MGF1102 MGF1302 MGF1303B MGFI323 MGF1402B MGFI412B MGF1403B MGF1423B MGFI425B MGFI902B MGF1200 MGF4310 MGF1100 MGF1412 MGF4301 MGF1304 MGF7003 MGF4305A PDF


    Abstract: MGFC1423 MGF1425-61-16 MGF1423 MGFC1425 mitsubishi application mg series gaas MGF-C MGF1923-01
    Text: A m it s u b is h i ELECTRONIC DEVICE GROUP DESCRIPTION The MGF1423/1425 series devices are low noise GaAs FETs wtih N-channel schottky gates. These devices are suitable for a wide range of amplifier and oscillator applications in S to Ku-band. In die form, the devices are

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    MGF1423/1425 MGF1323 MGF1923 MGFC1423, MGFC1425 MGF1323, MGF1423, MGF1425, MGF1923 MGF1425 MGFC1423 MGF1425-61-16 MGF1423 mitsubishi application mg series gaas MGF-C MGF1923-01 PDF