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    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: Product type marking code 039 CE-kx
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Surface Mount Type RoHS compliance CE-KXSeries Low Impedance •This series has 10 to 20% less impedance with same package than CE-AX series. •105°C, 1000 to 2000hrs. Solvent proof within 2 minutes . Specifications Items

    2000hrs. 120Hz/20 100kHz, CE-AX Product type marking code 039 CE-kx PDF


    Abstract: BF5030
    Text: BF5030. Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode • Low noise gain controlled input stages of UHF-and 3 VHF - tuners with 3V up to 5V supply voltage 2 4 • Integrated gate protection diodes 1 • Low noise figure • High gain, high forward transadmittance • Improved cross modulation at gain reduction

    BF5030. EHA07461 BF5030* BF5030R* BF5030W OT143 OT143R OT343 BF5030R BF5030 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BF5030. Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode • Designed for input stages of UHF- and 3 VHF-tuners with AGC function 2 4 • Supporting 5 V operations and 1 power saving 3 V operations • Integrated ESD gate protection diodes • Very low noise figure • High gain, high forward transadmittance

    BF5030. EHA07461 BF5030 OT143 BF5030R OT143R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BF5030. Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode • Designed for input stages of UHF- and 3 VHF-tuners with AGC function 4 • Supporting 5 V operations and 1 2 power saving 3 V operations • Integrated ESD gate protection diodes • Very low noise figure • High gain, high forward transadmittance

    BF5030. EHA07461 BF5030 OT143 BF5030R OT143R PDF

    marking kxs

    Abstract: BF5030R BF5030 BF5030W BFP181 BFP181R BGA420
    Text: BF5030. Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode • Designed for input stages of UHF- and 3 VHF-tuners with AGC function 2 4 • Supporting 5 V operations and 1 power saving 3 V operations • Integrated ESD gate protection diodes • Very low noise figure • High gain, high forward transadmittance

    BF5030. EHA07461 BF5030 OT143 BF5030R OT143R marking kxs BF5030R BF5030 BF5030W BFP181 BFP181R BGA420 PDF


    Abstract: ZB6-Y009 4458D XB4BA31 XB4BD xb4bw3 XB4BD25 XB4BS542 xeng1191 ZB4BZ1905
    Text: Push Buttons and Operator Interface 16 mm XB6 22 mm XB4 22 and 30 mm Most Common Complete Operators Class 9001 Type K, SK—30 mm and XB4-XB5 22 mm most common complete operators assembled with contact blocks and suggested legend plates. Start-Stop and Hand-Of-Auto are just a few of the configurations

    SK--30 9001CT0001. ZB4BZ62 ZB6-Y009 4458D XB4BA31 XB4BD xb4bw3 XB4BD25 XB4BS542 xeng1191 ZB4BZ1905 PDF


    Abstract: 9001CT0001 ZB6-Y009 ZBVBG5 ZB4BS84430 XB5 220 VAC schneider XB5AS542 KA32 KS11B XAP-A2108
    Text: Push Buttons and Operator Interface 16 mm XB6 22 mm XB4 22 and 30 mm Most Common Complete Operators Class 9001 Type K, SK—30 mm and XB4-XB5 22 mm most common complete operators assembled with contact blocks and suggested legend plates. Start-Stop and Hand-Of-Auto are just a few of the configurations

    SK--30 9001CT0001. KS49BH2 9001CT0001 ZB6-Y009 ZBVBG5 ZB4BS84430 XB5 220 VAC schneider XB5AS542 KA32 KS11B XAP-A2108 PDF

    telemecanique cam switch XBC-D

    Abstract: push button switch 4 pin telemecanique XACA rotary switch xbc-d telemecanique cam switch XBC telemecanique xb2 telemecanique 22mm XB4 / ZB4 TELEMECANIQUE xbcd telemecanique pushbutton emergency stop telemecanique pushbutton
    Text: Push Buttons and Operator Interface Specifier’s Guide Catalog File 9001 2005 CONTENTS Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Type XB6 16 mm Push Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    ZBZ34 ZBZ35 ZBZ41 ZENL1111 ZENL1121 1-888-SquareD 9001CT0001R4/05 9001CT0001, telemecanique cam switch XBC-D push button switch 4 pin telemecanique XACA rotary switch xbc-d telemecanique cam switch XBC telemecanique xb2 telemecanique 22mm XB4 / ZB4 TELEMECANIQUE xbcd telemecanique pushbutton emergency stop telemecanique pushbutton PDF


    Abstract: BF5030W BGA420
    Text: BF5030. Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode • Low noise gain controlled input stages of UHF-and 3 VHF - tuners with 3V up to 5V supply voltage 2 4 • Integrated gate protection diodes 1 • Low noise figure • High gain, high forward transadmittance • Improved cross modulation at gain reduction

    BF5030. EHA07461 BF5030W OT343 BF5030 BF5030W BGA420 PDF

    marking KXs

    Abstract: BF5030W
    Text: BF5030. Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode • Low noise gain controlled input stages of UHF-and 3 VHF - tuners with 3V up to 5V supply voltage 2 4 • Integrated gate protection diodes 1 • Low noise figure • High gain, high forward transadmittance • Improved cross modulation at gain reduction

    BF5030. EHA07461 BF5030W OT343 marking KXs BF5030W PDF

    Telemecanique ZBV-M4

    Abstract: Telemecanique zbv-B3 XBTF024510 XBTF034510 Telemecanique zbv-m1 Telemecanique zbv-B1 ZB6-Y009 XBT F011310 Telemecanique catalog allen bradley IEC 60947-5-1
    Text: Operator dialog A wide range of Human/Machine interfaces to meet your needs! Harmony Telemecanique, the world leader for control and signalling components, offers you its ranges of: push b uttons, switches and pilot lights, beacons and indicator banks including audible

    TSXETZ510 TSXETY110WS TSXETY5103 TSXWMY100 140NOE77111 140NWM10000 TSXETG1000 TSXETG1010 Telemecanique ZBV-M4 Telemecanique zbv-B3 XBTF024510 XBTF034510 Telemecanique zbv-m1 Telemecanique zbv-B1 ZB6-Y009 XBT F011310 Telemecanique catalog allen bradley IEC 60947-5-1 PDF


    Abstract: KCBH-11 PC-GF10 R1102 K2SSK1-101 IEC 947-5-5 KCBH-001 KB1-4010 IEC 947-5-1 abb KB1-4040
    Text: Pilot devices, 22 mm Short Form Catalogue 1SFC151002C0201, December 2003, Supersedes 1SFC261009-en of June 2001 Pilot devices ABB has a complete range of pushbuttons, selector switches and pilot lights, suitable to meet every customer's specific need. The

    1SFC151002C0201, 1SFC261009-en 1SFC151002C0201 SE-721 151002C0201, 1SFA616 KCBH-11 PC-GF10 R1102 K2SSK1-101 IEC 947-5-5 KCBH-001 KB1-4010 IEC 947-5-1 abb KB1-4040 PDF

    DIN EN 60352-2

    Abstract: solar inverters circuit diagram CEI EN 60352-2 solar inverter circuit 30 kw solar PV for three phase DIN EN 60352-2 exact crimping ISPD14275 photovoltaic module IS0601206 KXDS102
    Text: Cabur Solar Page 1 Cabur. Always attentive As from today also to photovoltaic technology. In many countries photovoltaic technology has recently been strongly upgraded as an alternative to the use of fossil fuels. Penalised by chronic delays, the consequence of various

    ISB06FXCB06 ISFIX08 CGY180 IS41410 ISB06FXCB08 ISFIX08P CGY240 IS42320 ISB06FXCB10 ISFIX09 DIN EN 60352-2 solar inverters circuit diagram CEI EN 60352-2 solar inverter circuit 30 kw solar PV for three phase DIN EN 60352-2 exact crimping ISPD14275 photovoltaic module IS0601206 KXDS102 PDF

    msc 1900 2900

    Abstract: ic f 4558 7558 tube AY 3 8600 2x58 V31924
    Text: PRODUCT NUMBER S E E CHART LENGTH •DIM B ± .046 1.17 SQUARE CONTACT OPENING TYP WIDTH 8.4 r . 100 [2.54] ! HEIGHT .240 6.10 I- .069 [1.75] f ±.010 ±.25 Vh -OPTIONAL INSULATION PLUG SEE TABLE il LL y i 90"±5‘ TYP I _ .310 I , h 7.87 REF AT BOTTOM OF HOUSING

    OCR Scan
    V31924 V70465 OOOt-051 SZ22Z2Ì msc 1900 2900 ic f 4558 7558 tube AY 3 8600 2x58 PDF


    Abstract: ma14i 2636i 12-CE 519 marking WMM 32-PIN
    Text: tt.0- % fl* PRELIMINARY MT45CB128 MICRON I n i i —li rw i T 128K X 8 PSDRAM PSEUDO STATIC DRAM ÜE7CS PSEUDO STATIC DRAM FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Top View • Industry standard pin-out, timing, functions and package (pin compatible with 1MEG SRAM JEDEC pin-out)

    OCR Scan
    MT45CB128 175mW 200uA 100ns 120ns psdram ma14i 2636i 12-CE 519 marking WMM 32-PIN PDF

    nec hf 324

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT jiPD42S16800L, 4216800L, 42S178Q0L, 4217800L 3.3 V OPERATION 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 2 M-WORD BY 8-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE Description The /iPD42S16800L, 4216800L, 42S17800L, 4217800L are 2,097,152 words by 8 bits CMOS dynamic RAMs. The

    OCR Scan
    uPD42S16800L uPD4216800L uPD42S178Q0L uPD4217800L /iPD42S16800L, 4216800L, 42S17800L, 4217800L iPD42S16800L, 42S17800L nec hf 324 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE M IC R O N • MT42C8255 FICMNOlOC» MC 2 MEG VRAM 256K X 8 DRAM WITH 512x8 SAM FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • Industry standard pinout, timing, and functions High-performance, CMOS silicon-gate process Single +5V ±10% power supply

    OCR Scan
    MT42C8255 512x8 512-cycle 300mW 40-Pin PDF

    str 765 RT

    Abstract: IVC2 toshiba Wiring Diagram SAMSUNG tv REMOTE CONTROL it27
    Text: F A I R C H I L D s e m ic o n d u c t o r w w w .fa irc h ild se m i.c o m tm TMC2376 PC- t o- TV V i d e o S t a n d a r d s C o n v e r t e r Features Description • Programmable to V E S A and Industry Standard tim ing modes. • Fram e rate Conversion

    OCR Scan
    TMC2376 640x480 800x600, 1024x768 24-bit str 765 RT IVC2 toshiba Wiring Diagram SAMSUNG tv REMOTE CONTROL it27 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AMD£I ADVANCE INFORMATION Am29LV033C 32 Megabit 4 M x 8-Bit CMOS 3.0 Volt-only Uniform Sector Flash Memory DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS A R C H IT E C T U R A L A D V A N T A G E S SOFTWARE FEATURES • Zero Pow er Operation ■ Supports C om m on Flash M em ory Interface (CFI)

    OCR Scan
    Am29LV033C 29LV033C PDF


    Abstract: MT48LC16M16A2 MT48LC32M8A2 MT48LC64M4A2 PC133 registered reference design MT48LC16M16A2TG-8E
    Text: ADVANCE SYNCHRONOUS DRAM MT48LC64M4A2 - 16 Meg x 4 x 4 banks MT48LC32M8A2 - 8 Meg x 8 x 4 banks MT48LC16M16A2 - 4 Meg x 16 x 4 banks For the latest data sheet, please refer to the Micron Web site: www. m icro n. co m/m ti/msolh tm i/da tash e e th tmi FEATURES

    OCR Scan
    MT48LC64M4A2 MT48LC32M8A2 MT48LC16M16A2 PC66-, PC100- PC133-compliant 192-cycle 256Mb: 256MSDRAM MT48LC16M16A2TG8E PC133 registered reference design MT48LC16M16A2TG-8E PDF