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    Abstract: ST-475 Raytheon Company radar tube
    Text: The Machlett Laboratories, Int. 1063 Hope Street * Stamford, Conn. 06907 Tel. 203-348-7511 • TWX 203-327-2496 D ES C R IP T IO N The M L-5576/200 is a high-vacuum rectifier tube having maximum ratings of 150 PKV inverse voltage and 2.5 am­ peres peak anode current. It has been specially developed

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    ML-5576/200 P-8835. ST-475 Machlett Raytheon Company radar tube PDF


    Abstract: water conductivity meter circuit high power Triode for induction heating ERL 35A transformer ML-5682 induction heating oscillator circuit machlett Raytheon Company tube amplifier power transformers machlett 405
    Text: The Machlett Laboratories, Inc. 1063 Hope Street • Stamford, Conn. 06907 Tel. 203-348-7511 • TW X 203-327-2496 DESCRIPTION The M L-5681 is a compact, general-purpose, high-power electron tube designed for operation at frequencies up to 110 Me. It is a coaxial-terminal, water- and forced-aircooled triode capable of approximately 50 kW output at

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    ML-5681 ML-5681 ML-5682 ST-1030 water conductivity meter circuit high power Triode for induction heating ERL 35A transformer induction heating oscillator circuit machlett Raytheon Company tube amplifier power transformers machlett 405 PDF


    Abstract: machlett ML-5575/100 6-67 Raytheon Company P-8835 ML-5575/100
    Text: The Machlett Laboratories, Inc. 1063 Hope Street • Stamford, Conn. 06907 ISSUED 6-67 Tel. 203-348-7511 • TWX 203-327-2496 H ig h -V o lta g e Rectifier 150 PKV DESCRIPTION T he M L -5 575/10 0 is a high-vacuum rectifier tube having m axim um ratings of 150 PK V inverse voltage and 1 am pere

    OCR Scan
    ML-5575/100 P-8835. ST-476 machlett machlett ML-5575/100 6-67 Raytheon Company P-8835 PDF


    Abstract: machlett x-ray tube Raytheon Company radar modulator ML-8495 radar tube machlett triode
    Text: The Machlett Laboratories, Inc. 1063 Hope Street • Stamford, Conn. 06907 ISSUED 4-68 Tel. 203-348-7511 • TW X 710-474-1744 H ig h - V o lt a g e T rio d e Plate V o lta g e to 160 kV DESCRIPTION The ML-8495 is a high-voltage triode designed for use as

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    ML-8495 machlett machlett x-ray tube Raytheon Company radar modulator radar tube machlett triode PDF


    Abstract: machlett 60 Raytheon Company radar tube ML-DP15
    Text: The Machlett Laboratories, inc. 1063 Hope Street * Stamford, Conn. 06907 ISSU ED 5-64 Tel. 203-348-7511 • TWX 203-327-2496 M □ «m > H ig h -M u Triode Pulse Power ;1 to 20 M w DESCRIPTION The M L-DP15 is a high-mu triode designed prim arily to operate as a switch tube in hard-tube pulse modulators, for

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    ML-DP15 E0-2S379 ML-DP15 EO-28360 machlett machlett 60 Raytheon Company radar tube PDF

    parker valves

    Abstract: 8795 Raytheon Company NATIONAL ELECTRONIC TUBE company thyratron machlett x-ray ML-8795 machlett machlett x-ray tube
    Text: The Machlett Laboratories, Inc. 1063 Hope Street • Stamford, Conn. 06907 Tel. 203-348-7511 • TW X 710-474-1744 IS S U E D 2-71 G e n e r a l P u r p o s e T r io d e s 240 kW CW DESCRIPTION The ML-8795 and ML-8796 are high-power, general-pur­ pose triodes. The ML-8795 is water cooled and the ML-8796

    OCR Scan
    ML-8795 ML-8796 P-25946, ML-8796 ED-538004 ST-2610 parker valves 8795 Raytheon Company NATIONAL ELECTRONIC TUBE company thyratron machlett x-ray machlett machlett x-ray tube PDF


    Abstract: machlett 8741 1626 power Triode
    Text: The Machlett Laboratories, Inc. 1063 Hope Street • Stamford, Conn. 06907 IS S U E D 9-66 Tel. 203-348-7511 • TW X 710-474-1744 M in ia tu re UHF P la n a r Triodes C W , Plate or Grid Pulsed Low Grid-Plate Capacitance Phormat Cathode High Cathode-Current Capability

    OCR Scan
    55MMC ML-8741 ED-28367/R4 ST-2294 machlett 8741 1626 power Triode PDF

    machlett x-ray tube

    Abstract: ML-279A Machlett x-ray 10VOLTS 379a Scans-0017375
    Text: ï ;# ,-v^ !• • ; ftr r ; : - i v ; - : ; . . ML-279A ML-379A ; PAGE ü ISSU ED • t 5 i> - i- .- ;.• i ■-. I J 51 < '^ÎV- <| . ■*5 maCHLETt ML-279A ML-379A D ESC RIP TIO N A N D RAT IN G S H li^ ' <•; D E S C R IP T IO N T h e M L - 2 7 9 A and M L - 3 7 9 A arc threc-elcctrodc tubes d e ­

    OCR Scan
    ML-279A ML-379A ML-379A ML-279A machlett x-ray tube Machlett x-ray 10VOLTS 379a Scans-0017375 PDF

    7333 A

    Abstract: ML-733 machlett machlett triode ML-7333
    Text: IS SU ED 5-64 Shielded Grid Triode Pulse Power to 300 kw ELECTRON TUBI SPECIALIST DESCRIPTION T h e M L -7 3 3 3 is a shielded-grid triode d esign ed p r i­ m arily to operate as a sw itch tube in hard-tube p ulse m odulators, for radar and sim ilar app lication s. In this

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    ML-7333 ML-733 ST-1722 7333 A ML-733 machlett machlett triode PDF


    Abstract: ML-7698 ic la 7698 la 7698 ml 33.76 7211 ic 7698 Raytheon Company 7698 ML-7698R
    Text: The M o c h l e t t L a b o r a t o r i e s , In c . • 1 0 6 3 Hope S tr e e t ISSUED 7-66 Stamford, Conn. 06907 • Tel. 203-348-7511 • TWX 203-327-2496 UHF P la n a r Triodes C W , Plate or Grid Pulsed Phormat Cathode High Cathode-Current Capability

    OCR Scan
    ML-7211 ML-7698 ML-7698 ST-2269 ic la 7698 la 7698 ml 33.76 7211 ic 7698 Raytheon Company 7698 ML-7698R PDF

    varian ion pump

    Abstract: ML-8618 Varian 913-0035 913-0011 parker valves P-511165 electronic tubes 200CFM thyratron 74DD
    Text: ISSUED 7-73 o, M °[0 ï 1 n Lb o, H igh P o w e r-G a in Triodes 200 kW , C W 8 M w Pulse Power D E S C R IP T IO N The ML-8618 and ML-8618V are magnetically beamed,' high-power, general-purpose, water-cooled triodes. Their unique design, using a magnetic field to beam electron flow,

    OCR Scan
    ML-8618 ML-8618V ML-861 V4-20 ED-511469-2/R3 ST-2609 varian ion pump Varian 913-0035 913-0011 parker valves P-511165 electronic tubes 200CFM thyratron 74DD PDF

    machlett x-ray tube

    Abstract: machlett 27319 radar tube cathode ray
    Text: P R O D U C T DATA ML-LPT 60 O R D E R IN G N O T E S R efer to M a c h le tt price list w hen o rdering. S P E C IF IC A T IO N E L E C T R IC A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S F ila m e n t V o lta g e : 12.6 vo lts A P P L IC A T IO N T h e M L-LP T 60 is a high voltag e, high mu trio d e d e ­

    OCR Scan
    010-DIA 031-DIA. 031-DIA 375-MAX. ED-27319/R3 machlett x-ray tube machlett 27319 radar tube cathode ray PDF

    Raytheon Company

    Abstract: industrial tube company Scans-0017481 ML565
    Text: ML-5658 ML-880 PA C E 1 IS SU ED 12 61 ML-5658 ML-880 D ESCRIPTIO N & RATINGS DESCRIPTION T h e M L -5 6 5 8 is a three-electrode tube design ed specifically for radio-frequency heating service, replacin g the type 8 8 0 in industrial app lication s w ithout eq u ip m en t m odification. T h e anode is w ater cooled and is capable o f d issip a tin g

    OCR Scan
    ML-5658 ML-5650 ML-880 ML-880 Raytheon Company industrial tube company Scans-0017481 ML565 PDF

    radar tube

    Abstract: A-26097 Raytheon Company
    Text: ISSUED 5-64 Shielded Grid Triodes Pulse Power to 4.5 Mw <M > U lC T H O « TURC S F E C I * LI S T DESCRIPTION Tlic M L -7 8 4 5 is n shielded-grid triode designed prim arily to op erate as a switch tube in liard-tube pulse m odulators, for radar and sim ilar applications. In this service it can deliver

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    ML-7845 ML-7845 ML-78/i5 ST-1794 radar tube A-26097 Raytheon Company PDF

    radar tube

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DESCRIPTION The M L-6908 is an oil-immersed, high-vacuum rectifier tube having m axim um ratings of 150 P K V inverse voltage and 10 amperes peak anode current. It is especially adaptable to certain pulsing circuits as a hold-ofi diode and to power supplies in high-power radar units, where insensitivity to low

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    ML-6908 ML-6908 ST-1544 radar tube PDF


    Abstract: machlett 5682 high power Triode for induction heating A-8485 5682K 1S20 550C machlett triode triode push-pull circuit tempilaq
    Text: The M achlett Laboratories, Inc. 1063 Hope Street • Stamford, Conn. 06907 Tel. 203-348-7511 • TW X 203-327-2496 DESCRIPTION The M L -5682 is a general-purpose high-pow er triode su it­ able for use in A M , FM and T V broad castin g, dielectric and up to 140 k W w ith a w ater flow o f 60 gp m . T h e m axim um

    OCR Scan
    ML-5682 8485/R3 ML-5682 28II8/R2 EO-273S6/RI ML-5682K machlett 5682 high power Triode for induction heating A-8485 5682K 1S20 550C machlett triode triode push-pull circuit tempilaq PDF

    magnetron modulator design

    Abstract: ML8464 magnetron ns radar magnetron 60 kw ML-8464 ML 1100 dc power radar tube magnetron 65 kw machlett triode
    Text: ISSUED 5-64 m vi Ruggedized Shielded Grid Triode Pulse Power to 5 0 0 kw ELEC TR O N TU B E S P E C IA L IS T DESCRIPTION T he M L -8464 is a shielded-grid triode design ed prim arily to operate as a sw itch tube in hard-tube p u lse m odulators for radar and similar applications. In this service it can deliver

    OCR Scan
    ML-8464 ST-2020 magnetron modulator design ML8464 magnetron ns radar magnetron 60 kw ML 1100 dc power radar tube magnetron 65 kw machlett triode PDF

    EI 33

    Abstract: Raytheon Company High Flow With Cooling Ring UP 8500 W ML-7479A 3,3 kw MHz relay industrial tube company ei-33 d
    Text: The Machiett Laboratories, Inc. 1063 Hope Street • Stamford, Conn. 06907 IS S U E D 4-68 Tel. 203-348-7511 • TW X 710-474-1744 m M <&CHLÈT£> G e n e ra l Purpose Triode 55 kW CW D E S C R IP T IO N The M L-7479A is a general-purpose vapor-cooled triode

    OCR Scan
    ML-7479A P-512126, ST-2261 EI 33 Raytheon Company High Flow With Cooling Ring UP 8500 W 3,3 kw MHz relay industrial tube company ei-33 d PDF

    1413 Raytheon

    Abstract: ML-8741 Raytheon Company machlett raytheon 1413
    Text: The M achlett Laboratories, Inc. 1063 Hope Street • Stamford, Conn. 06907 IS SU ED 9-66 Tel. 203-348-7511 • TWX 710-474-1744 V DESCRIPTION The ML-8741 is a ruggedized, high-mu planar triode of ceramic-and-metal construction, designed for use as a gridpulsed, plate-pulsed or CW oscillator, frequency multiplier,

    OCR Scan
    ML-8741 1413 Raytheon Raytheon Company machlett raytheon 1413 PDF


    Abstract: air cooler 7715 Raytheon Company
    Text: ISSU ED 5-64 Shielded G r i d Triodes Pulse Power to 3.5 Mw cuerno» Tun m e n u s ! DESCRIPTION The M L -7002 and M L-7715 are shielded-grid triodes designed primarily to operate as switch tubes in hard-tube pulse modulators, for radar and similar applications. In this

    OCR Scan
    ML-7002 ML-7715 ML-7002 ML-7715 air cooler 7715 Raytheon Company PDF


    Abstract: machlett x-ray tube thyratrons x-ray tube crowbar machlett Raytheon Company NATIONAL ELECTRONIC TUBE company Directed Energy thyratron
    Text: PRODUCT DATA ML-23431 O R D E R IN G N O T E S R efer to M a c h le tt price list. W h en ordering specify: • tub e type • a cc esso ries — sm all fila m e n t co n n e cto r F-27218 — large fila m e n t co n n e cto r F-27219 — grid c o n n e c to r

    OCR Scan
    ML-23431 F-27218 F-27219 F-27220 F-12527 P-12272 P-13745 ML-23431 machlett x-ray tube thyratrons x-ray tube crowbar machlett Raytheon Company NATIONAL ELECTRONIC TUBE company Directed Energy thyratron PDF

    Raytheon Company

    Abstract: industrial tube company
    Text: ML-6420 ML-6421 ML-6421-F PAGE 1 IS S U E D 1-62 a ML-6420 ML-6421 ML-6421-F DESCRIPTIONS & RATINGS DESCRIPTION T he M L-6420 and M L-6421 are general purpose threeelectrode tubes designed specifically for 7.5-10 k W indus­ trial heating service and for A M broadcasting. These tubes

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    ML-6420 ML-6421 ML-6421-F Raytheon Company industrial tube company PDF


    Abstract: ML-8539 8s38 Machlett mix5 Raytheon Company ML8538 8539
    Text: ISSU ED 5-64 Tubes Show n A c t u a l S iz e m JOL 1°, ° TCI L Z ] Miniature UHF Planar Triodes 35 kw Pulse Power 5 kw RF Pulse Power Phormat C ath ode < Œ î> E LEC TRO N TU B E S P E C IA U IT D E S C R IP T IO N T h e M L - 8 5 3 8 an d M L - 8 5 3 9 are m i n i a tu r i z e d h ig h - m u

    OCR Scan
    ML-8538 ML-8539 8s38 Machlett mix5 Raytheon Company ML8538 8539 PDF


    Abstract: ML102A Raytheon Company Scans-0017249 ML-102A
    Text: M L -1 0 2 A PAGE 1 IS S U E D 12-61 M ML-102A DESCRIPTION AND RATINGS DESCRIPTION The ML-102A is a high-vacuum rectifier tube having max­ imum ratings of 75 PKV inverse voltage and 750 MA peak anode current. It is especially adaptable to electrostatic par­

    OCR Scan
    ML-102A ML-102 ML-102A ED-074/RI ML102A Raytheon Company Scans-0017249 PDF