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    THYRATRON Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ME1502 Mullard i-089
    Text: T R IO D E T H Y R A T R O N ANI T riode inert-gas-filled thyratron with negative control ch a racteristic. P rim a rily d esigne d for in d u strial control applications. " • IO N S A N D , preceding This data sheet should be read in conjunction wi

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    ME1502) 200mA Thyratron ME1502 Mullard i-089 PDF


    Abstract: Ignition Transformer
    Text: Ref.: 3V/500A Hot-Cathode MercuryVapour Thyratron Code: 4049GD CATH O DE O xid e -co ate d , shielded filam ent Filam ent voltage 4 V N o m in a l cu rre n t 11 A M in im u m cathode heating tim e 1 m in-i- D IR E C T I N T E R E L E C T R O D E C A P A C IT A N C E S

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    V/500A 4049GD 4009C V/500Aâ Thyratron Ignition Transformer PDF

    thyratron tube technical specifications, FG-95

    Abstract: Thyratron FG-95 thyratron tube Mercury Electronics
    Text: FG -95 D ESC R IP TIO N A N D R A T IN G E T I-1 2 5 PAGE 1 THYRATRON DESCRIPTION The FG-95 is a double-grid mercury-vapor thyra- the grid from a high-impedance source. It may be tron for use in applications where the available grid used in applications where the tube temperature

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    FG-95 ETI-125 FG-95 K-8639318 thyratron tube technical specifications, FG-95 Thyratron thyratron tube Mercury Electronics PDF


    Abstract: thyratron tube technical specifications thyratron tube general electric
    Text: THYRATRON DESCRIPTION T h e F G -57 is a n e g a tiv e -c o n tro l m e rc u ry -v a p o r tu b e for use w here it is d esired to a c tu a te th e tu b e w ith a change in n e g a tiv e grid v o ltag e. I t req u ires re la tiv e ly little grid pow er a n d is su ita b le for use

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    FG-57 ETI-122 FG-57 K-8639304 K-4373343 Thyratron thyratron tube technical specifications thyratron tube general electric PDF

    Thyratron 5949

    Abstract: thyratrons 5949 thyratron 1951 ioniser thyratron tube operation thyratron radar tube 55A75
    Text: PHILIPS 5949 HYDROGEN THYRATRON w ith p o s it iv e c o n tro l c h a r a c t e r is t i c THYRATRON A HYDROGENE a vec c a r a c t é r i s t i q u e de commande p o s it iv e THYRATRON m it p o s i t i v e r S t e u e r k e n n lin ie A n-pllcatlon: S e r v ic e in pulse modulator c ir c u it s o f micro­

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    Abstract: victor 885 thyratron RCA tube ST-12 rca 30 tube RCA tube 885
    Text: THYRATRONS TRIOD E TYPES F or new e q u i p m e nt d e s i g n , RCA -8 84 i s recommended. GENERAL Type E le c trica l: DATA 884 j Type 885 H e a t e r . C o ated Un ¡ p o t e n t i a l Cathod e 2 . 5 ± 10 % a - c 0 r d -c v o l t s

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    RCA-884 ST-12 92CM-4883RI victor 885 thyratron RCA tube rca 30 tube RCA tube 885 PDF


    Abstract: GL393 393a thyratron tube GL393A Gl-393-A GL-393
    Text: GL-393-A DESCRIPTION A N D R A TIN G E T I-1 3 2 PAGE 1 4-45 IHYRATRON DESCRIPTIO N T he GL-393-A thyratron is designed for regulated-rectifier circuits. The use o f a gas m ixture o f argon and mercury vapor provides constancy of RECOMMENDED FOR characteristics w ithin wide tem perature lim its. The

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    GL-393-A GL-393-A K-8277054 ETI-132 Thyratron GL393 393a thyratron tube GL393A GL-393 PDF


    Abstract: 104pf TRIODE itl AFX203 marconi company marconi
    Text: AFX 203/JULY 1954 I Thyratron TypeAFX203 General. The AFX 203 is a directly-heated triode thyratron mounted in a glass envelope and fitted with a UX4 base. It is filled with Xenon and has, in con­ sequence, characteristics which are little affected by changes in ambient temperature. It is, therefore,

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    203/JULY TypeAFX203 Thyratron 104pf TRIODE itl AFX203 marconi company marconi PDF

    Thyratron 5727

    Abstract: gl 317 5727 GL572 0tk1 CL-5727 thyratron tube thyratron D004 general electric
    Text: ★★ ★ ★★ G L-57 27 DESC R IP T IO N A N D R A T IN G ETI-317 PAGE 1 THYRATRON DESCRIPTION The GL-5727 is a miniature, four-electrode, inertgas-filled thyratron w ith negative control characteristics which is suitable for use in relay and gridcontrolled-rectifier applications. Operating characteristics of the tube include a high-control ratio

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    CL-5727 ETI-317 GL-5727 K-69087-72A1 GL-5727 K-69087-72A481 Thyratron 5727 gl 317 5727 GL572 0tk1 CL-5727 thyratron tube thyratron D004 general electric PDF

    thyratron tube

    Abstract: Thyratron 6014 Thyratron 6014 6014 national
    Text: THYRATRON TUBE N L-6014/CIK THYRATRON TUBE 1.0 Am pere de — 8.0 Am peres Peak N A T IO N A L POWER TUBE N L -6014/C IK is a compact, quick heating thyratron designed for timing and control applications. It is xenon filled for quick starting and the ability to operate within very wide temper­

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    NL-6014/CIK A4-10 thyratron tube Thyratron 6014 Thyratron 6014 6014 national PDF


    Abstract: thyratron tube operation FX219 thyratron tube marconi company marconi tube company marconi
    Text: FX 219/JAN. 1956 Thyratron Type FX219 General. The FX219 is a hydrogen filled thyratron primarily designed for pulse operation at high repe­ tition frequencies. APPROXIMATE DATA 6-3 ±0-5 V 10-6 A 5 Minutes 16-0 kV 160 kV Vh Ih thk V a (pk) (max) P I V a (m ax)

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    219/JAN. FX219 Thyratron thyratron tube operation FX219 thyratron tube marconi company marconi tube company marconi PDF


    Abstract: Thyratron NL-5557 technical Data Thyratron 5557 National Electronics nl-5557 Thyratron NL-5557 TUBE 714 thyratron NL 714 thyratron tube NL-714
    Text: THYRATRON TUBES NL-714 & NL-5557/715 THYRATRON TUBES 1 Am pere de — 3 Am peres Peak NATIONAL POWER TUBE NL-714 is a quick heating industrial thyratron designed especially for tim­ ing control and regulated rectifier applications. It is gas and mercury filled for quick starting and cons­

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    NL-714 NL-5557/715 NL-714 nl-5557 Thyratron NL-5557 technical Data Thyratron 5557 National Electronics nl-5557 Thyratron NL-5557 TUBE 714 thyratron NL 714 thyratron tube PDF

    "Rectifier Tube"

    Abstract: NL-653 thyratron National Electronics
    Text: RECTIFIER TUBE NL-653 RECTIFIER TUBE 3 A m peres de NATIO N AL POWER TUBE NL-653 is a sturdy, single-ended, rectifier tube designed especially for indus­ trial power rectifier applications and for "back-rectifier” applications in conjunction with a thyratron tube.

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    NL-653 "Rectifier Tube" thyratron National Electronics PDF


    Abstract: NL-3C23 thyratron tube Thyratron 323b tube 393A NL-323B nl323 thyratron tube operation NL-393A
    Text: THYRATRON TUBES NL-3C23, NL-323B and NL-393A THYRATRON TUBES 1.5 A m peres de — 6 A m peres Peak NATIONAL POWER TUBE NL-3C23 is a quick heating thyratron designed especially for industrial grid controlled rectifier applications. It is gas and mercury filled for quick starting and constancy of

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    NL-3C23, NL-323B NL-393A NL-3C23 NL-3C23 3c23 thyratron tube Thyratron 323b tube 393A nl323 thyratron tube operation PDF

    thyratron tube 2D21

    Abstract: Thyratron 5727 Thyratron 2D21 2D21 thyratron 5727 thyratron tube 2d21 tube
    Text: 5727 THYRATRON "Prem ium " G a s - T e tro d e , M in ia t u r e Type TE NTATIVE DATA The 5727 is a s e n s i t i v e , ratron of th e signed for fier, indirectly u se a nd in relay, four-eIectrode thy- ap p lica tio n s. to give Con­ and vib ra tio n , the

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    30-second thyratron tube 2D21 Thyratron 5727 Thyratron 2D21 2D21 thyratron 5727 thyratron tube 2d21 tube PDF


    Abstract: thyratron tube 2D21 Thyratron 2D21 Thyratron 2D21 xenon 2D21 thyratron 2d21 tube Scans-0017384 Thyratron+2D21+xenon

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    2D21W thyratron tube 2D21 Thyratron 2D21 Thyratron 2D21 xenon 2D21 thyratron 2d21 tube Scans-0017384 Thyratron+2D21+xenon PDF


    Abstract: arc welder circuit 760l NL-760P NL-760L ARC WELDER thyratron tube Thyratron NL-761L 761l
    Text: NL-760 & NL-761 THYRATRON TUBES 6.4 A m peres dc — 77 A m peres P eak N ational Pow er Tube NL-760 is a quick heating industrial thyratron designed especially for welding con­ trol, m otor speed control, and regulated rectifier appli­ cations. It is gas and mercury filled for quick starting,

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    NL-760 NL-761 NL-760 NL-761 NL-760P NL-761P, NL-760L NL-761L. arc welder circuit 760l ARC WELDER thyratron tube Thyratron NL-761L 761l PDF


    Abstract: Thyratron FX215 marconi company marconi
    Text: FX 215/JULY 1945 Thyratron TypeFX215 General. The FX215 is a hydrogen-filled thyratron designed for pulse applications, where high peak emission and high peak forward and inverse anode voltages are required. Due to the absence of con­ densable vapour, it is not necessary to provide thermo­

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    215/JULY FX215 A5090 Thyratron FX215 marconi company marconi PDF


    Abstract: E2V Technologies tag 725 thyratrons thyratron
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1151 Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled tetrode thyratron, featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. Suitable for use at high pulse repetition

    CX1151 CX1151, CX1151 E2V Technologies tag 725 thyratrons thyratron PDF

    schematic diagram heater

    Abstract: CX1594 schematic diagram pulse with modulator thyratron tube schematic diagram Storage heater thyratron
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1594 Deuterium Filled, Hollow Anode, Five-Gap Ceramic Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hollow anode, deuterium filled, five-gap thyratron with ceramic envelope, featuring high peak current, high rate of rise of

    CX1594 CX1594, schematic diagram heater schematic diagram pulse with modulator thyratron tube schematic diagram Storage heater thyratron PDF


    Abstract: ScansU9X25 welding mercury
    Text: EDISWAN 21N 15 MERCURY VAPOUR THYRATRON Indirectly heated GfcNERAL The 21N15 is a Mercury Vapour Thyratron suitable for welding and m otor control. It has an indirectly heated oxide coated cathode. RATING Heater Voltage Heater Current Maximum Peak Forward Anode

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    21N15 25c/s A4-10) Thyratron ScansU9X25 welding mercury PDF


    Abstract: welding mercury
    Text: Mercury Vapour Thyratron 21 NI 3 G EN ER AL The 21N 13 is a m ercury vapour thyratron suitable for welding and m otor control. It has an indirectly heated oxide coated cathode. RATI NGS Heater voltage Heater current Maxim um peak forward anode voltage Maxim um peak inverse anode voltage

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    25c/s ScansU9X25 welding mercury PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ENGAGE. ENABLE. EXCEL. HY-32 Deuterium Triode Thyratron Description The HY-32 is a deuterium-illed, triode thyratron. The deuterium ill gas facilitates reliable operation at higher voltages and low to moderate repetition rates compared to similar

    HY-32 HY-32 PDF

    English Electric Valve

    Abstract: CX1180 CX118 thyratron tube english electric valve tetrode thyratron "english electric"
    Text: CX1180 0 0 C * l &çt HYDROGEN-FILLED CERAMIC THYRATRON The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED D A TA Hydrogen-filled tetrode thyratron w ith ceramic/metal envelope, featuring low jitte r, firing tim e and d rift. Suitable fo r switching high power at high pulse

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    CX1180 vo180, CX1180, English Electric Valve CX1180 CX118 thyratron tube english electric valve tetrode thyratron "english electric" PDF