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    KIR 1C

    Abstract: I-1402 ATC1400 atc 1400a maintenance manual KIT-1C/TSEC ATC-1400A Mk10A atc 1400a maintenance manual calibration EN50082-1 specification ATC-1400A
    Text: Avionics I-1402 Mode 4 Accessory Unit The I-1402 provides a friendly test solution for Mk10A and Mk12 IFF transponders and interrogators • NATO codified Operation • Easy to operate The I-1402 can provide a fixed simulation of a KIT/KIR TSEC1A/1C cryptographic computer, utilizing the NATO assigned A, B &

    I-1402 I-1402 Mk10A IEEE-488 ATC-1400A KIR 1C ATC1400 atc 1400a maintenance manual KIT-1C/TSEC ATC-1400A atc 1400a maintenance manual calibration EN50082-1 specification ATC-1400A PDF


    Abstract: KIV-77 OPERATE MANUAL KIV-78 OPERATE MANUAL stanag 4193 kiv 78 kiv-78 kiv 77 kit-1c diode KIV 63 Kir-1c
    Text: Avionics APM-424 V 5 Transponder/Interrogator MK XIIA Mode 5 Test Set (NSN: 6625-01-583-2774) Easily accommodates a variety of aircraft, ground and ship platforms to test Transponder and Interrogator performance • Transponder Test Modes 1, 2, 3/A, C, S (EHS/ELS), 4, Mode 5

    APM-424 KIV-77 KIV-77 OPERATE MANUAL KIV-78 OPERATE MANUAL stanag 4193 kiv 78 kiv-78 kiv 77 kit-1c diode KIV 63 Kir-1c PDF


    Abstract: KIR 1C KIV-6 KIT-1C/TSEC KIT-1c APM-424 KIT-1C/TSEC battery KIR 1A KIr-1c 63 KIT-1A
    Text: Avionics AN/APM-424 V 3 INTERROGATOR/ TRANSPONDER TEST SET Easily accommodates a variety of aircraft, ground and ship platforms to test Transponder and Interrogator performance • Transponder Test Set Modes 1, 2, 3/A, C, 4, S • Interrogator Test Set Modes 1, 2, 3/A, C,

    AN/APM-424 Kir-1c KIR 1C KIV-6 KIT-1C/TSEC KIT-1c APM-424 KIT-1C/TSEC battery KIR 1A KIr-1c 63 KIT-1A PDF


    Abstract: ML marking t41l 1c51 MAXIM COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 3F61 19L4W 0532G
    Text: MIL+-195CU/139B ● SUPE3SED1NG KH,-3-195C@39A 31 M1LIT4RI W% TRAJISISMR, TYPE This the tnr, Ar!Jv. 1. SCOPE 1.1 w. trar,ai. for me 1.3 Absoluta-mximm 1.4 Prim.n for .,. W the Nwv. in chaPPer PNP, SILICON JAN-2N1119 k.=” . mmr.awd k and 1s mda- the and

    -195CU/139B -3-195C JAN-2N1119 Re1iabi11t7 Aforceof80z. 4Ths-19500/139B 30nsec) 2C66 ML marking t41l 1c51 MAXIM COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 3F61 19L4W 0532G PDF


    Abstract: KIR 1C Kir-1c KIT-1C/TSEC TS-4530 KIV6 AC55104513 APM-424 KIT-1C/TSEC battery kiv 6
    Text: Avionics TS-4530/UPM Interrogator/TransponderTest Set NSN: 6625-01-483-7194 Easily accommodates a variety of aircraft, ground and ship platforms to test Transponder and Interrogator performance • Transponder Test Set Modes 1, 2, 3/A, C, 4, S The Mode S Interrogator/TCAS testing can provide as many as 8

    TS-4530/UPM KIV-6 KIR 1C Kir-1c KIT-1C/TSEC TS-4530 KIV6 AC55104513 APM-424 KIT-1C/TSEC battery kiv 6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ICS for TV AN5344FBP Color-Signal Correcting 1C • Overview T h e A N 5 3 4 4 F B P is a chrom a signal processor 1C incor­ porated various video-quality improving techniques. ■ Features • F lesh -to n e correction : A u tom atic tint adju stm ent with

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    AN5344FBP 2155mW D0142Ã PDF

    LQH4N Murata

    Abstract: 0925DC
    Text: Communication ICs Power unit 1C for pagers BH6111FV The BH 6111FV is a pow er unit IC with a driver for VFM sw itching regulator controllers and vibrators, LEDs, speak­ ers, and LCD backlights. It has internal sensors to detect the reset voltage and battery ejection.

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    BH6111FV 6111FV LQH4N Murata 0925DC PDF


    Abstract: V349 AN5344FBP 60mVp-p dgnr 050 9APL
    Text: Panasonic ICs fo r TV AN5344FBP Color-Signal Correcting 1C • Overview T h e A N 5 3 4 4 F B P is a chrom a signal processor 1C incor­ porated various video-quality improving techniques. ■ Features • F le s h -to n e correction : A utom atic tint adju stm ent with

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    AN5344FBP AN5344FBP 2155mW BYV57 V349 60mVp-p dgnr 050 9APL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering num ber:EN4495 _FP202 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor No.4495 Push-Pull Circuit Applications F eatu res • Composite type with 2 transistors PNP and NPN contained in one package facilitating high-density mounting. • The FP202 is formed with a chip being equivalent to the 2SA1338 and a chip being equivalent to the

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    EN4495 FP202 2SA1338 2SC3392 250mm2X PDF


    Abstract: 2N2894 2N3012M
    Text: TYPES ¿«1884 2N3012 P-N-P SILICON TRANSISTORS B U L L E T IN NO. O L S 645051, A U G U S T 1964 DESIGNED FOR HIGH-SPEED SWITCHING APPLICATIONS • Guaranteed VCE|>ot| 0 .5 v Max at 100ma • High f , - 400 Me Min "m echanical d ata T H E COLLECTOR IS IN E L E C T R IC A L

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    2N3012 100ma 2N2894 2N3012M PDF

    spv 9

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S P V - 1 50 1 5 ÜW S in g le Ûutputwith F F C Functio-n • F H h lW sériés : ' U ik v tfsa l Jkc inpul I F u i range • B u i f r i i i c h ^ r F ' J t i n c f c ' i , r r > a .9 f ■ r m t c t c n s . ia iû r t û - b l î O w f c i d ; C h ? « t l i g e .1O v g i l e i n p e f d i i ï

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    SPV-150 spv 9 PDF

    audio multimedia speaker circuit diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * -* < |u ip in M til Multimedia ICs p o r lijijk » Headphone/Speaker Amplifier for BA7785FS The H e m a l ¡near audio circuits of the BA77B5FS include a stereo headphone amplifier, 3TL m onaural speaker a n - /¡tnrj p it er. and a " e ectroroc volum e circuit, m aking this 1C ideal for LCD TVs and notebook computers.

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    BA7785FS BA77B5FS audio multimedia speaker circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC2438 TRIPLE DIFFUSED PLANER TYPE N P HIGH SPEED SW ITCHING : Features H ig h spe ed s w itc h in g L o w sa tu ra tio n v o lta g e ► S ffflS li H ig h re lia b ility : A p p lic a tio n s S w itc h in g re g u la to rs ' U ltra s o n ic g e n e ra to rs

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    2SC2438 2SC2438 PDF


    Abstract: IR8200B IR2110 PWM IR2129 h bridge ir2110 IR2119 IR2130 APPLICATIONS NOTES single phase IR2130 IR2130 APPLICATIONS 3 phase dc control ir2130
    Text: International S R e c tifie r Power Integrated Circuits High Voltage MOS Gate Driver FEATURES • Drives a pair of H E X FE Ts or IGBTs • Tw o Independent Channel Drivers — O ne Floating High Side Driver — O ne Ground R eferenced Low S ide Driver • O perates to 500V

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    IR2110 IR2110/IR2121/IR2125/IR2130) IR2110/IR2121 /IR2125/IR2130 IR8200B IR8400P ir840 IR2110 PWM IR2129 h bridge ir2110 IR2119 IR2130 APPLICATIONS NOTES single phase IR2130 IR2130 APPLICATIONS 3 phase dc control ir2130 PDF


    Abstract: 600PX
    Text: Thi» m o t v r io l p a r* Iha c ip r e ii Ihrrd ind C o .,LU nritUn nor thr in for be k tre in n o ith o r ii th un ol m lh a u l «f copfetf, p ro p p rly p v 'p o » « ! tha r e p r o d u c id , for C f.L U maftuf a t\u* l*| w haU oaver of Fuji Ekelrk

    OCR Scan
    MS5F4405 H04-004-07 H04-004-03 H04-004- MS5F4405 600PX PDF


    Abstract: FM8W8P FCT FL21W1
    Text: Test Report Testbericht wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Test M essung Electrical load derating in accordance with DIN 41640 Part 3. Strombelastbarkeit nach DIN 41640 Teil 3. Test Object tst Ubject M iessobjekt Mated Mixed Layout connectors F M 8 W 8 P and F M 8 W 8 S fully

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    P004P103 FMP004S103 FK20SL18-02V FM8W8P FCT FL21W1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2DI1OOMA-O5O 150 a • Outline Drawings POWER TRANSISTOR MODULE : Features • h F E * '^ ^ ' H igh DC C u rre n t Gain • H igh speed s w itc h in g • 7 'J — K f*3)SE • In c lu d in g Free W h e e lin g D iode Insulated Type ‘ A p p lic a tio n s

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    5-35kfl E82988 I95t/R89) l50A PDF


    Abstract: 17902P HA17902G of IC HA17902P HA17902P
    Text: AUTOMOTIVE VERSION HA17902G, HA17902P, Quad. Operational Amplifier HA17902 is Quad. Operational Amplifier that provide high gain and internal phase compensation, and mono power source operation is possible. They can be widely used to con­ HA17902G trol equipments.

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    HA17902G, HA17902P, HA17902 HA17902G 17902P HA17902G HA17902P HA17902 17902P of IC HA17902P PDF


    Abstract: GU C6U
    Text: -1 1 1 • 1 1 ■ n « 'rvv " ^ S A N Y O , ij; > 'v íM jr 7 £ t t[ 5 is a 0286 W ^ c x : t ’ ’V' ■■ : L A 3 1 8 1 Nü2 3 6 6 1 i l i l i f r ' 2 4 i / i7 ' J ñ 2 í i > í l l > . . < 3 5 " ? ' í ' í < r ? i 7 "V, %,.!x úmi-'A-r-l'*', f - 7 f ' V + ,

    OCR Scan
    LA3181 75//r 5RLs10kà LA3181 GU C6U PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MI T S U B I S H I iDGTL LOGIC} TI DE | bEMTflS? 00 15S 74 '~J^*/Ci,-'ô7’O S - ^ 7 | M ITSUBISHI A L ST T Ls M74ALS563AP „ .••s s -""' OCTAL D -TY P E TR A N SPA R EN T LATCH V» IT H 3 -S T A T E O U TP U T IN V E R T E D W ^oVC „-'3^ •_

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    M74ALS563AP M74ALS563AP 16P2P 16-PIN 150mil T-90-20 20P2V 300mil M74ALS580 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    M74ALS880AP 16P2P 16-PIN 150mil T-90-20 20P2V 20-PIN 300mil E--07 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI <Dig./Ana. INTERFACE M5292P,FP ± 1 2 V TRACKING REGULATOR W IT H RESET CIRCU IT D E S C R IP T IO N PIN CON FIG U R, TOP V IE W ) W 5 2 9 2 is a s e m ic o n d u c to r in te g ra te d c irc u it d e s ig n e d fo r /o lta g e re g u la to r w h ic h

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    M5292P PDF

    CHN 833

    Abstract: 42H33H ic 4060 pin diagram chn 850 AN2140 AN2131 an2t chn 725 LPFH V618
    Text: P A NA S ON IC I NDL. / EL E < í IC > 7 e " D e | b Ì 3 5 fl5 3 D 0 □ fl21 fl 4 ~| IC A N 2 1 30, AN2131, AN2133 A N 2 1 3 0 , A N 2 1 3 1 , A N 2 1 3 3 T ~ n -crz-u A G C l ! ] ^ / V i d e o C am era Gamma C orrection and A G C C ircu its AN2130, AN2131, AN2133I±,' W

    OCR Scan
    350SE AN2130, AN2131, AN2133 AN2133 AN2133IÂ AN2130 AN2131 CHN 833 42H33H ic 4060 pin diagram chn 850 AN2140 an2t chn 725 LPFH V618 PDF

    KIR 1C

    Abstract: M74ALS1642AP
    Text: MITSUBISHI ALSTTLs S1642AP MITSUBISHI iDGTL LOGIC! P E J bS41fiE7 00157 7 Q 7 T ~ OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER W ITH OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUT INVERTED DESCRIPTION The M74ALS1642AP is a semiconductor integrated cir­ cuit consisting of eight bus transm itter/receiver circuits

    OCR Scan
    S1642AP bS41fiE7 M74ALS1642AP M74ALS642AP 16P2P 16-PIN 150mil T-90-20 20P2V 20-PIN KIR 1C PDF