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    J177 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    J177 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    J177 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: j175 j177 Philips TO-92 MARKING CODE J176 j177 model J174 AMO J176 AMO 43 marking
    Text: Philips Semiconductors; J174; J175; J176; J177; P-channel silicon field-effect transistors Select your country Consumer Products Professional products Search Philips Semiconductors Home Product Information Information as of 2001-11-13 J174; J175; J176; J177; P-channel

    rework/j174 J174 j175 j177 Philips TO-92 MARKING CODE J176 j177 model J174 AMO J176 AMO 43 marking PDF


    Abstract: J175 EQUIVALENT FOR J174 J177 J176. P-CHANNEL. TO-92 J177 equivalent J174 equivalent J176 J174 EQUIVALENT FOR J176
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET J174; J175; J176; J177 P-channel silicon field-effect transistors Product specification File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC07 April 1995 Philips Semiconductors Product specification J174; J175; J176; J177 P-channel silicon field-effect transistors

    MAM388 EQUIVALENT FOR J175 J175 EQUIVALENT FOR J174 J177 J176. P-CHANNEL. TO-92 J177 equivalent J174 equivalent J176 J174 EQUIVALENT FOR J176 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J174 / J175 / J176 / J177 / MMBFJ175 / 176 / 177 MMBFJ175 MMBFJ176 MMBFJ177 J174 J175 J176 J177 G S S G TO-92 D SOT-23 D Mark: 6W / 6X / 6Y NOTE: Source & Drain are interchangeable P-Channel Switch This device is designed for low level analog switching sample and hold


    j174 transistor

    Abstract: J175 J174 J176 J177 MMBFJ175 MMBFJ176 MMBFJ177 J175 transistor transistor j175
    Text: J174 / J175 / J176 / J177 / MMBFJ175 / 176 / 177 MMBFJ175 MMBFJ176 MMBFJ177 J174 J175 J176 J177 G S S G TO-92 D SOT-23 D Mark: 6W / 6X / 6Y NOTE: Source & Drain are interchangeable P-Channel Switch This device is designed for low level analog switching sample and hold

    MMBFJ175 MMBFJ175 MMBFJ176 MMBFJ177 OT-23 j174 transistor J175 J174 J176 J177 MMBFJ176 MMBFJ177 J175 transistor transistor j175 PDF


    Abstract: J176 J176. P-CHANNEL. TO-92 J174 J175 J177 MMBFJ175 MMBFJ176 MMBFJ177 J177 TO-92
    Text: J174 / J175 / J176 / J177 / MMBFJ175 / 176 / 177 MMBFJ175 MMBFJ176 MMBFJ177 J174 J175 J176 J177 G S S G TO-92 D SOT-23 D Mark: 6W / 6X / 6Y NOTE: Source & Drain are interchangeable P-Channel Switch This device is designed for low level analog switching sample and hold

    MMBFJ175 MMBFJ175 MMBFJ176 MMBFJ177 OT-23 j177 TRANSISTOR J176 J176. P-CHANNEL. TO-92 J174 J175 J177 MMBFJ176 MMBFJ177 J177 TO-92 PDF

    B53 transistor

    Abstract: j177 TRANSISTOR J176 J177 equivalent SMPJ177 J177 PJ99 SMPJ176
    Text: Databook.fxp 1/13/99 2:09 PM Page B-53 B-53 01/99 J176, J177 P-Channel Silicon Junction Field-Effect Transistor Absolute maximum ratings at TA = 25¡C ¥ Choppers ¥ Commutators ¥ Analog Switches Reverse Gate Source & Reverse Gate Drain Voltage Continuous Forward Gate Current

    226AA SMPJ176, SMPJ177 B53 transistor j177 TRANSISTOR J176 J177 equivalent SMPJ177 J177 PJ99 SMPJ176 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J177-18 Transistors P-Channel JFET Military/High-RelN V BR DSS (V)30 V(BR)GSS (V)30 I(D) Max. (A)1.0n I(G) Max. (A) Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)360m Maximum Operating Temp (øC)135õ I(GSS) Max. (A)1.0n @V(GS) (V) (Test Condition) V(GS)off Min. (V) I(DSS) Max. (A)

    J177-18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J177 Transistors P-Channel JFET Military/High-RelN V BR DSS (V)30 V(BR)GSS (V)30 I(D) Max. (A) I(G) Max. (A)50m Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)400m Maximum Operating Temp (øC)150õ I(GSS) Max. (A)1.0n @V(GS) (V) (Test Condition)20 V(GS)off Min. (V).8 I(DSS) Max. (A)20m



    Abstract: SST177 Amplifier k thermocouple texas j177 TRANSISTOR SD5400-2 ALD4201 74HC137 CS5525 CS5526 AN75
    Text: AN75 Application Note Using the CS5525/CS5526 in Multiplexed Applications By Jerome Johnston The CS5525/CS5526 A/D converter is optimized for the measurement of thermocouples. It is designed with a single analog input, but includes four digital output pins to control analog switches and

    CS5525/CS5526 74HC137 74HC237 CS5525/CS5526 74HC237s. ALD4201 AN75REV2 J177/SST177 SD5200 SST177 Amplifier k thermocouple texas j177 TRANSISTOR SD5400-2 CS5525 CS5526 AN75 PDF


    Abstract: J177 equivalent PJ99 j177 equivalent transistor
    Text: Databook.fxp 1/13/99 2:09 PM Page F-30 F-30 01/99 PJ99 Process Silicon Junction Field-Effect Transistor ¥ General Purpose Amplifier ¥ Analog Switch G Absolute maximum ratings at TA = 25¡C Gate Current, Ig Operating Junction Temperature, Tj Storage Temperature, Ts

    2N3993, 2N3993A 2N3994, 2N3994A 2N5114, 2N5115 2N5116 2SJ44 IFN5114, IFN5115 J177 equivalent PJ99 j177 equivalent transistor PDF


    Abstract: J174 J176 J177
    Text: Philips Components J174;J175 J176;J177 y v. P-CHANNEL SILICON FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS Silicon symmetrical P-channel junction FETs in a plastic TO-92 envelope and intended for application w ith analog switches, choppers, commutators etc. A special feature is the interchangeability of the drain and source connections.

    OCR Scan
    M89-1045/RC J175 J174 J176 J177 PDF

    "P-Channel JFETs"

    Abstract: 2N5116
    Text: This JFET Transistors Material f P-Channel JFETs National Semiconductor Copyrighted A m Switches BV qss Type No. Case Style By Its 2N5018 TO-18 2N5019 TO-18 2N5114 TO-18 2N5115 TO-18 2N5116 TO-18 Respective J174 J175 J176 J177 P1086 P1087 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92

    OCR Scan
    tSD113D T-39-01 "P-Channel JFETs" 2N5116 PDF

    S75 J175

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FM M J174 to FMMJ177 SOT23 P-CHANNEL SILICON JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS PARTMARKING DETAILS: FM M J174 FM M J175 FMMJ1 76 FM M J177 - S74 S75 S76 S77 ABSOLUTE M A X IM U M RATINGS at Tamb = 2 5 °C Gate Drain or Gate-Source Voltage 30V Continous Forward Gate Current

    OCR Scan
    FMMJ177 225mW S75 J175 PDF


    Abstract: J176 MPF970 j177 J175 j175 motorola
    Text: J174 thru J177* C A SE 29-04, STYLE 30 TO-92 TO-226AA f MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Sym bol Value Unit Drain-Source Voltage Vd S 30 Vdc Drain-Gate Voltage Vdg 30 Vdc Gate-Source Voltage VGS 30 Vdc Gate Current Total Device Dissip ation Derate above 2 5 ’C <a

    OCR Scan
    O-226AA) MPF970 J174 J176 j177 J175 j175 motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bb53T31 DQ240CH 70S « A P X N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE J174 TO 177 b?E D J V P-CHANNEL SILICON FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS Silicon symmetrical p-channel junction FETs in a plastic TO-92 envelope and intended fo r application with analog switches, choppers, commutators etc.

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 DQ240CH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J174 TO 177 _/ V _ P-CHANNEL SILICON FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS Silicon symmetrical p-channel junction FETs in a plastic TO-92 envelope and intended fo r application w ith analog switches, choppers, commutators etc. A special feature is the interchangeability of the drain and source connections.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B 53 9 -9 7 J1 7 6 J1 7 7 P-CHANNEL SILICON JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR • CHOPPERS • COMMUTATORS • ANALOG SWITCHES A bsolute m axim um ratin gs at T* = 25°C Reverse Gate Source & Reverse Gate Drain Voltage - 30 V Continuous Forward Gate Current

    OCR Scan
    T0-226AA Q0G0773 PDF


    Abstract: MJ176
    Text: FMM J174 to FMMJ177 SOT23 P-CHAMNEL SILICON JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS PARTMARKING DETAILS: FM MJ174 FM MJ175 FM MJ176 FM MJ177 - S74 S75 S76 S77 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS at Tamb = 25°C Gate Drain or Gate-Source Voltage 30 V Continous Forward Gate Current

    OCR Scan
    MJ174 MJ175 MJ176 MJ177 FMMJ177 DS167 FMMJ174 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4092 2N4392 Philips J176 PMBF PMBFJ111 PMBFJ174
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Concise Catalogue 1996 SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS & DIODES & MEDIUM-POWER RECTIFIERS Small-signal FETs JUNCTION FETS FOR SWITCHING OVERVIEW PRODUCT DATA: PAGES 39-40 leaded N/P TO-18 surface-mount TO-72 TO-92 SOT23 SOT 143 SOT223 N BSV78

    OCR Scan
    BSV78 BSV79 BSV80 BSR56 BSR57 BSR58 PMBFJ108 PMBFJ109 PMBFJ110 PMBFJ111 Bsv80 2N4092 2N4392 Philips J176 PMBF PMBFJ174 PDF


    Abstract: BF545 BFT46 PMBFJ310 PMBFJ177 PMBFJ211 BF908R BF98 PMBFJ111 PMBFJ174
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Small-signal Field-effect Transistors Index Types added to the range since the last issue of Handbook SC07 1996 issue are shown in bold print. TYPE NUMBER PAGE TYPE NUMBER PAGE TYPE NUMBER PAGE 2N5484 80 BF909R 165 J174 288 2N5485

    OCR Scan
    2N5484 2N5485 2N5486 BF245A BF245B BF245C BF410A BF410B BF410C BF410D BF991 BF545 BFT46 PMBFJ310 PMBFJ177 PMBFJ211 BF908R BF98 PMBFJ111 PMBFJ174 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Concise Catalogue 1996 Philips Semiconductors SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS & DIODES & MEDIUM-POWER RECTIFIERS Small-signal FETs P-CHANNEL JUNCTION FETS FOR SWITCHING ratings type number characteristics - RD S o n ^ max. (Q) ± V DS -IG max. max. (mA) min. (mA)

    OCR Scan
    2N5116 2N5460 2N5461 2N5462 PMBFJ174 PMBFJ175 PMBFJ176 PDF

    bfw11 jfet

    Abstract: jfet bfw10 Field Effect Transistors BFW12 BFW10 JFET BF256B BF964S BF96 BF964 BF960
    Text: Small Signal Leaded Devices Field Effect Transistors J-FET cont. ±V DS •d s s -vh{P) GS Pkg (V) (mA) (V) T O -18 T O -18 T O -18 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72

    OCR Scan
    2N4859 2N4860 2N4861 BF245A/0 BF245A BF245B BF245C BF247A BF247B BF247C bfw11 jfet jfet bfw10 Field Effect Transistors BFW12 BFW10 JFET BF256B BF964S BF96 BF964 BF960 PDF


    Abstract: IFP44 PJ99 j174 transistor
    Text: G 30 9-97 PJ99 Process SILICON JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR • GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIER • ANALOG SWITCH Absolute maximum ratings at T* = 25°C Gate Current, Ig Operating Junction Temperature, T j Storage Temperature, Ts 10 mA +150°C -65°C to +175°C

    OCR Scan
    2N3993, 2N3993A 2N3994, 2N3994A 2N5114, 2N5115 2N5116 2SJ44 IFN5114, IFN5115 IFP44 PJ99 j174 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JFET Transistors National J2fl Semiconductor P-Channel JFETs in m Switches BVgsS BVgdo V @ Ig Min (juA) Igss (nA) @VDG Max (V) >D(off) (nA) @ Vds Max (V) 2N5018 TO-18 2N5019 TO-18 2N5114 TO-18 2N5115 TO-18 2N5116 TO-18 30 30 30 30 30 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 0.5 0.5

    OCR Scan
    2N5018 2N5019 2N5114 2N5115 2N5116 P1086 P1087 PDF