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    Abstract: Fuse600 90CJB 15CJB 30CJB 35CJB 60CJB IEC269 6CJB
    Text: Bussmann HRCI-J Fast-Acting CJB Ceramic Body, Class J Dimensional Data A B B C 1CJB TO 60CJB E A K J C CATALOG SYMBOL: CJB CERAMIC BODY FUSE 600 A.C. OR LESS 250 D.C. FAST-ACTING 200,000A I.R. CSA C22.2 NO. 106 M92 BS88:2, IEC269:2 F H D B G 70CJB TO 600CJB

    60CJB IEC269 70CJB 600CJB SB98107 IEC269-2 Fuse600 90CJB 15CJB 30CJB 35CJB 60CJB 6CJB PDF


    Abstract: bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bussmann Fuse 40a bussmann hrc fuse IEC269 bussmann BD03 BD40 BD63 bd039
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 Industrial HRC Fuse Links BD Centre Bolted Tags 550V ac 250V dc Time-Current Characteristic Curves Non Motor Rated 40A 50A 63A Centre Bolted Tag Dimensional Data Catalog' Number I2t Amps2 Seconds Nom. Rated Amp PreTotal at Watts Voltage

    IEC269 BD50 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bussmann Fuse 40a bussmann hrc fuse IEC269 bussmann BD03 BD40 BD63 bd039 PDF

    bussmann LE12 5TH

    Abstract: IEC269 bussmann bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bussmann hrc fuse 710a GH1000 GH1250 GH710 GH800
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 Industrial HRC Fuse Links GH Centre Bolted Tags 4 hole 550V ac 250V dc 710 to 1250 Amps Time-Current Characteristic Curves Non Motor Rated 710A 800A 1000A 1250A Centre Bolted Tag Dimensional Data Catalog' Number GH710 GH800 I2t Amps2 Seconds x 103

    IEC269 GH710 GH800 GH1000 GH1250 bussmann LE12 5TH IEC269 bussmann bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bussmann hrc fuse 710a GH1000 GH1250 GH710 GH800 PDF

    GSG fuse

    Abstract: GSG1000 SFE9000004 GSG 1000 GSMJ1000 GS1000 gsmk1200 ge power controls GSMJ680 IEC269
    Text: GS Semiconductor Fuselinks GE Power Controls GS Semiconductor fuselinks GS Semiconductor Fuselinks TYPE ‘GS’ Semiconductor Fuselinks Technical information 3 Full GS range of fuselinks are designed to the requirements of IEC269 -IV 1986 Precise Pre-determined performance

    IEC269 GSG fuse GSG1000 SFE9000004 GSG 1000 GSMJ1000 GS1000 gsmk1200 ge power controls GSMJ680 PDF

    20A BS88 fuse curve

    Abstract: 16a 240v bs88 BS88 fuse curve 20A BS88 fuse bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bussmann hrc fuse 25A IEC269 STD20 bussmann fuse 160 bolted
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 STD Industrial HRC Fuse Links Offset Bolted Tags 240V ac Time-Current Characteristic Curve 10A 16A 20A 25A 32A Offset Bolted Tag Dimensional Data 2A 4A 6A Catalog' Number STD2 I2t Ampere2 Seconds Amp Pre- Total at Ratings Arcing 240V

    IEC269 STD10 STD16 STD20 STD25 20A BS88 fuse curve 16a 240v bs88 BS88 fuse curve 20A BS88 fuse bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bussmann hrc fuse 25A IEC269 STD20 bussmann fuse 160 bolted PDF

    Bussmann AD32

    Abstract: bs88 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bussmann hrc fuse 25A bs88 fuse BS88 32A fuse AD32 BUSSMANN AD10 IEC269
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 AD Industrial HRC Fuse Links Centre Bolted Tags 550V ac 250V dc 2 - 32 Amps Time-Current Characteristic Curves Non Motor Rated 16A 20A 25A 32A Centre Bolted Tag 2A 4A 6A 10A Dimensional Data Catalog' Number AD2 I2t Amps2 Seconds

    IEC269 Bussmann AD32 bs88 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bussmann hrc fuse 25A bs88 fuse BS88 32A fuse AD32 BUSSMANN AD10 IEC269 PDF

    bussmann fuse 160 bolted

    Abstract: EFS315 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 BS88 fuse curve EFS250 fuse bs88 mini project using microcontroller 8051 EFS125 EFS160 EFS200
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 Industrial HRC Fuse Links EFS Centre Bolted Tags 415V ac 125-315 Amps Time-Current Characteristic Curves Non Motor Rated Dimensional Data Centre Bolted Tag 2 hole 125-250A Catalog' Number EFS125 I2t Amps2 Seconds Nom. Rated Amp PreTotal at Watts Voltage

    IEC269 25-250A EFS125 EFS160 EFS200 EFS250 EFS315 bussmann fuse 160 bolted EFS315 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 BS88 fuse curve EFS250 fuse bs88 mini project using microcontroller 8051 EFS125 EFS160 EFS200 PDF

    bussmann hrc fuse bs88

    Abstract: bussmann hrc fuse GF800 bussmann 800a hrc fuse bs88 bussmann hrc fuse GF800 710a BS88 GF710 IEC269 bussmann hrc 800a fuse
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 Industrial HRC Fuse Links GF Centre Bolted Tags 4 holes 550V ac 250V dc 710 and 800 Amps Time-Current Characteristic Curves Non Motor Rated 710A 800A Centre Bolted Tag 4 hole Dimensional Data Catalog' Number GF710 GF800 I2t Amps2 Seconds x 103

    IEC269 GF710 GF800 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bussmann hrc fuse GF800 bussmann 800a hrc fuse bs88 bussmann hrc fuse GF800 710a BS88 GF710 IEC269 bussmann hrc 800a fuse PDF

    BS88 fuse curve

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 M14-660 Industrial HRC Fuse Links 660V Range Offset Bolted Tags Time-Current Characteristic Curve 125A 160A 200A Offset Bolted Tag Dimensional Data Carton Quantities: All the M14 range are packed in 5's Ordering Code: Rating followed by M14-660

    IEC269 M14-660 M14-660 BS88 fuse curve PDF

    bussmann 350

    Abstract: BS88 400 amp fuse curve BS88 fuse curve
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 P09-660 Industrial HRC Fuse Links 660V Range Centre Bolted Tags Time-Current Characteristic Curve 355A 415A Centre Bolted Tag Dimensional Data Carton Quanitities: 1 per carton all ratings Ordering Code: Rating followed by P09-660 2

    IEC269 P09-660 P09-660 bussmann 350 BS88 400 amp fuse curve BS88 fuse curve PDF

    BS88 fuse curve

    Abstract: 660V BS88
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 R11-660 R12-660 R40 Industrial HRC Fuse Links 660V Offset Bolted Tags Time-Current Characteristic Curve 450A 500A 560A 630A Centre Bolted Tag Dimensional Data Carton Quantities: 1 per carton all ratings Ordering Codes: Rating followed by Catalogue Number

    IEC269 R11-660 R12-660 BS88 fuse curve 660V BS88 PDF


    Abstract: bussmann hrc fuse 25A bs88 HRC FUSE 20A iec269 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 BS88 32A fuse data sheet k 4110 AC10 AC16
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 AC Industrial HRC Fuse Links Centre Bolted Tags 550V ac 250V dc 2 - 32 Amps Time-Current Characteristic Curves Non Motor Rated 16A 20A 25A 32A Centre Bolted Tag 2A 4A 6A 10A Dimensional Data Catalog' Number AC2 AC4 I2t Amps2 Seconds

    IEC269 AC32 bussmann hrc fuse 25A bs88 HRC FUSE 20A iec269 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 BS88 32A fuse data sheet k 4110 AC10 AC16 PDF

    bussmann fuse 160

    Abstract: bussmann hrc fuse BS88 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 DD200M315 DD200 Bussmann DD160 I2 bs88 314 527 DD160.0
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 Industrial HRC Fuse Links DD Centre Bolted Tags 415V ac 125-200 Amps Time-Current Characteristic Curves Non Motor Rated Motor Rated 200M250 200M315 Dimensional Data Centre Bolted Tag Catalog' Number DD125 DD160 DD200 I2t Amps2 Seconds x 103

    IEC269 200M250 200M315 DD125 DD160 DD200 DD200M250 DD200M315 bussmann fuse 160 bussmann hrc fuse BS88 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 DD200M315 DD200 Bussmann DD160 I2 bs88 314 527 DD160.0 PDF

    bussmann hrc fuse 25A

    Abstract: IEC269 FUSE HRC 32A 240V bussmann hrc fuse 10a BS88 fuse curve 20A BS88 fuse curve bussmann hrc fuse 10A characteristic curve bussmann hrc fuse 2A BS88 2a fuse curve 2500DF
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 SSD Industrial HRC Fuse Links Offset Blade Tags 240V ac Time-Current Characteristic Curve 10A 16A 20A 25A 32A Offset Blade Tag Dimensional Data 2A 4A 6A 2 Catalog' Number SSD2 I t Ampere2 Seconds Amp Pre- Total at Ratings Arcing 240V

    IEC269 SSD16 SSD20 SSD32 SSD25 SSD10 bussmann hrc fuse 25A IEC269 FUSE HRC 32A 240V bussmann hrc fuse 10a BS88 fuse curve 20A BS88 fuse curve bussmann hrc fuse 10A characteristic curve bussmann hrc fuse 2A BS88 2a fuse curve 2500DF PDF


    Abstract: 32M50 20A BS88 fuse curve 20M25 BS88 400 amp fuse curve 32M40 32M63 BS88 fuse curve 400 amp hrc fuse bussmann hrc fuse 2A
    Text: BS88, IEC269 Bussmann NITD Industrial HRC Fuse Links Offset Bolted Tags 550V ac Time-Current Characteristic Curve Motor Rated Non Motor Rated 16A 20A 25A 32A The Motor Rated NITD Fuse Links are suitable for use in our CAMASTER Fuse Holders 20M25 20M32 32M40

    IEC269 20M25 20M32 32M40 32M50 32M63 NITD10 NITD16 20M32 32M50 20A BS88 fuse curve 20M25 BS88 400 amp fuse curve 32M40 32M63 BS88 fuse curve 400 amp hrc fuse bussmann hrc fuse 2A PDF


    Abstract: 63M100 BC631 bussmann hrc motor rated 16 amp BC50 BC63M80 BC40 BC63 IEC269 bussmann hrc fuse bs88
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 Industrial HRC Fuse Links BC Centre Bolted Tags 550V ac 250V dc Time-Current Characteristic Curves Motor Rated Non Motor Rated 63M80 63M100 Dimensional Data Centre Bolted Tag Catalog' Number BC40 BC50 BC63 I2t Amps2 Seconds Nom.

    IEC269 63M80 63M100 BC63M80 BC63100 63M80 63M100 BC631 bussmann hrc motor rated 16 amp BC50 BC63M80 BC40 BC63 IEC269 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 PDF


    Abstract: BAO63 BS88 BAO63M80 BUSSMANN BAO40 BAO50 BAO63M100 IEC269 bussmann hrc fuse bs88
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 Industrial HRC Fuse Links BAO Offset Bolted Tags 550V ac Time-Current Characteristic Curves Motor Rated Non Motor Rated 40A 50A 63A 63M80 63M100 Dimensional Data Offset Bolted Tag Catalog' Number BAO40 I2t Amps2 Seconds Nom. Rated

    IEC269 63M80 63M100 BAO40 BAO50 BAO63M80 63M80 63M100 BAO63M100 BAO63 BAO63 BS88 BAO63M80 BUSSMANN BAO40 BAO50 BAO63M100 IEC269 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 PDF

    bs88 60 amp

    Abstract: bussmann LE12 5TH BS88 fuse curve
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 L14-660 Industrial HRC Fuse Links 660V Range Offset Bolted Tags Time-Current Characteristic Curve Offset Bolted Tag Dimensional Data Carton Quanitities: All L14 range are packed in 10's Ordering Code: Rating followed by L14-660 2 Catalog

    IEC269 L14-660 L14-660 bs88 60 amp bussmann LE12 5TH BS88 fuse curve PDF


    Abstract: BS88 fuse curve
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 M09-660 Industrial HRC Fuse Links 660V Range Centre Bolted Tags Time-Current Characteristic Curve 125A 160A 200A Centre Bolted Tag Dimensional Data Carton Quantities: All of the M09 range are packed in 5's Ordering Code: Rating followed by M09-660

    IEC269 M09-660 M09-660 BS88 fuse curve PDF

    BS88 fuse curve

    Abstract: 400 amp hrc fuse
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 P20 Industrial HRC Fuse Links 660V Special Slotted Tag Arrangement Time-Current Characteristic Curve 355A 415A Dimensional Data Carton Quantities: 1 per carton all ratings. Ordering Code: Rating followed by P20 2 Catalog Number 2 I t Ampere Seconds

    IEC269 BS88 fuse curve 400 amp hrc fuse PDF

    660V BS88

    Abstract: tag 655 800 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bs88 60 amp BS88 fuse curve
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 L09-660 Industrial HRC Fuse Links 660V Range Centre Bolted Tags Time-Current Characteristic Curve Centre Bolted Tag Dimensional Data Carton quantities: All of the L09 range are packed in 10's Ordering Code: Rating followed by L09-660

    IEC269 L09-660 L09-660 660V BS88 tag 655 800 bussmann hrc fuse bs88 bs88 60 amp BS88 fuse curve PDF

    bussmann hrc fuse holders

    Abstract: ESD63M80 esd63 IEC269 gG 63M100 bussmann Fuse 40a HRC FUSE 20A bussmann hrc fuse 25A the t.amp 1500 ESD10
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 Industrial HRC Fuse Links ESD Offset Blade Tags 550V ac and 415V ac Time-Current Characteristic Curves Non Motor Rated Motor Rated 16A 20A 25A 32A 40A 50A 63A 63M80 63M100 2A 4A 6A 10A Dimensional Data The ESD range of Fuse Links comply with general purpose

    IEC269 63M80 63M100 bussmann hrc fuse holders ESD63M80 esd63 IEC269 gG 63M100 bussmann Fuse 40a HRC FUSE 20A bussmann hrc fuse 25A the t.amp 1500 ESD10 PDF

    fuse n15

    Abstract: HRC fuse 250A D49E BS88 fuse curve
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 N15 Industrial HRC Fuse Links 660V Offset Bolted Tags Time-Current Characteristic Curve 250A 315A Offset Bolted Tag Dimensional Data Carton Quantities: 1 per carton all ratings. Ordering Code: Rating followed by N15 e.g. 250N15 2 I t Ampere2 Seconds

    IEC269 250N15 fuse n15 HRC fuse 250A D49E BS88 fuse curve PDF


    Abstract: BS88 fuse curve
    Text: Bussmann BS88, IEC269 K07-660 Industrial HRC Fuse Links 660V Range Offset Bolted Tags Time-Current Characteristic Curve 40A 50A 63A Offset Bolted Tag Dimensional Data Carton Quanities: All K07 range are packed in 20's Ordering Code: Rating followed by K07-660

    IEC269 K07-660 K07-660 BS88 fuse curve PDF