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    Rochester Electronics LLC 74HCT620N

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    DigiKey 74HCT620N Bulk 12
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    • 100 $26.55
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    Rochester Electronics 74HCT620N 2,311 1
    • 1 $25.53
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    • 100 $24
    • 1000 $21.7
    • 10000 $21.7
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    HCT620 Datasheets (1)

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    Abstract: IN74ACT620N
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA IN74ACT620 Octal 3-State Inverting Bus Transceiver High-Speed Silicon-Gate CMOS The IN74ACT620 is identical in pinout to the LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. The IN74ACT620 may be used as a level converter for interfacing TTL or NMOS outputs to High Speed CMOS inputs.

    IN74ACT620 IN74ACT620 LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. IN74ACT620N IN74ACT620DW PDF


    Abstract: IN74ACT620N
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA IN74ACT620 Octal 3-State Inverting Bus Transceiver High-Speed Silicon-Gate CMOS The IN74ACT620 is identical in pinout to the LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. The IN74ACT620 may be used as a level converter for interfacing TTL or NMOS outputs to High Speed CMOS inputs.

    IN74ACT620 IN74ACT620 LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. IN74ACT620N IN74ACT620DW PDF


    Abstract: IN74AC620N
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA IN74AC620 Octal 3-State Inverting Bus Transceiver High-Speed Silicon-Gate CMOS The IN74AC620 is identical in pinout to the LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible with LS/ALS outputs.

    IN74AC620 IN74AC620 LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. 013AC) IN74AC620DW IN74AC620N PDF


    Abstract: IN74ACT620N
    Text: IN74ACT620 OCTAL 3-STATE INVERTING BUS TRANSCEIVER High-Speed Silicon-Gate CMOS • • • • The IN74ACT620 is identical in pinout to the LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. The IN74ACT620 may be used as a level converter for interfacing TTL or NMOS outputs to High Speed CMOS

    IN74ACT620 IN74ACT620 LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. IN74ACT620N IN74ACT6o IN74ACT620DW PDF


    Abstract: KK74ACT620DW KK74ACT620N
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA KK74ACT620 Octal 3-State Inverting Bus Transceiver High-Speed Silicon-Gate CMOS The KK74ACT620 is identical in pinout to the LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. The KK74ACT620 may be used as a level converter for interfacing TTL or NMOS outputs to High Speed CMOS inputs.

    KK74ACT620 KK74ACT620 LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. KK74ACT620N Plasti25 013AC) KK74ACT620DW PDF


    Abstract: KK74AC620DW KK74AC620N
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA KK74AC620 Octal 3-State Inverting Bus Transceiver High-Speed Silicon-Gate CMOS The KK74AC620 is identical in pinout to the LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible with LS/ALS outputs.

    KK74AC620 KK74AC620 LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. 013AC) KK74AC620DW KK74AC620N PDF


    Abstract: IN74ACT620N IN74AC* or
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA IN74ACT620 Octal 3-State Inverting Bus Transceiver High-Speed Silicon-Gate CMOS The IN74ACT620 is identical in pinout to the LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. The IN74ACT620 may be used as a level converter for interfacing TTL or NMOS outputs to High Speed CMOS inputs.

    IN74ACT620 IN74ACT620 LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. IN74ACT620N 013AC) IN74ACT620DW IN74AC* or PDF


    Abstract: IN74AC620N als620
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA IN74AC620 Octal 3-State Inverting Bus Transceiver High-Speed Silicon-Gate CMOS The IN74AC620 is identical in pinout to the LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible with LS/ALS

    IN74AC620 IN74AC620 LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. IN74AC620DW IN74AC620N als620 PDF


    Abstract: IN74AC620N
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA IN74AC620 Octal 3-State Inverting Bus Transceiver High-Speed Silicon-Gate CMOS The IN74AC620 is identical in pinout to the LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible with LS/ALS

    IN74AC620 IN74AC620 LS/ALS620, HC/HCT620. IN74AC620DW IN74AC620N PDF


    Abstract: BC564A HA13563 AC123A HITACHI microcontroller H8 534 manual IC 74LS47 AC538 BC245A 2SK3235 HA13557
    Text: INDEX General General Information Semiconductor Packages Sales Locations Microcontroller Microcontroller General MultiChipModules Smart Card Micro. Overview Micro. Shortform Micro. Hardware Manual Micro. Program. Manual Micro. Application Notes LCD Controller / Driver

    2sc4537 2sc454. 2sc4591 2sc4592 2sc4593 2sc460. 2sc4628 2sc4629 2sc4643 2sc4680 7054F BC564A HA13563 AC123A HITACHI microcontroller H8 534 manual IC 74LS47 AC538 BC245A 2SK3235 HA13557 PDF


    Abstract: BC240 2sk3174 CBT1G125 LV2GT14A HC32 Hitachi HA13557A transistor 2SC1162 H8 hitachi programming manual 30204SP
    Text: HITACHI ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS DATABOOK 2003 INDEX General Informations Multi Perpose Products Safety Considerations Hitachi Semiconductor Package Databook HITACHI Sales Locations Diodes Microcontroller Microcontroller General Microcontroller Overview List

    HD49323A HA12134A HA12141N HA12155N HA12163 HA12167F HA12173 HA12179F HA12181F HA12187F lvc16244 BC240 2sk3174 CBT1G125 LV2GT14A HC32 Hitachi HA13557A transistor 2SC1162 H8 hitachi programming manual 30204SP PDF


    Abstract: 2SA872 spice 74LS122 spice model hitachi mosfet power amplifier audio application BC240 hitachi mosfet audio application note 74ls221 Spice 74LS123 spice 2sk2685 spice spice 74ls00
    Text: INDEX GENERAL General Information Sales Locations Semiconductor Packages FLAT PANEL CONTROLLER / DRIVER Liquid Crystal Display Controller MICROCONTROLLER Microcontroller General Micro. Shortform Micro. Overview Micro. Hardware Manual Micro. Program. Manual

    Switchin2SC3512 2SC3513 2SC3793 2SC3867 2SC4126 2SC4196 2SC4197 2SC4260 2SC4261 2SC4262 74ls111 2SA872 spice 74LS122 spice model hitachi mosfet power amplifier audio application BC240 hitachi mosfet audio application note 74ls221 Spice 74LS123 spice 2sk2685 spice spice 74ls00 PDF


    Abstract: AL S86 HCT620 MC74HCT
    Text: MOTOROLA • i SE M IC O N D U C TO R TECHNICAL DATA MC54/HCT620 Product Preview J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 732-03 O c ta l 3 -S ta te In v e rtin g Bus T ra n s c e iv e r w ith L S T T L C o m p a tib le In p u ts N SUFFIX PLASTIC CASE 738-03 High-Performance Silicon-Gate C M O S

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HCT620 HCT620 LS620. MC54/74HCT620 74HCT620 AL S86 MC74HCT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HCT620, SN54HCT623, HCT620. SN74HCT623 OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS D 28 04, M A R C H 1 9 8 4 -R E V IS E D SEP T EM B ER 1987 SN 5 4H C T ' . . . J PACKAG E S N 7 4 H C T ' . . . D W or N P A C K A G E Inputs are TTL-Voltage Compatible

    OCR Scan
    SN54HCT620, SN54HCT623, SIU74HCT620. SN74HCT623 300-mil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/HCT620 Product Preview J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 732-03 O ctal 3 -S ta te Inverting Bus Transceiver w ith LSTTLC om patible Inputs High-Performance Silicon-Gate CMOS The MC54/HCT620 may be used as a level converter for interfacing TTL or

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HCT620 MC54/74HCT620 HCT620 LS620. 74HCT620 PDF