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    2SK3174 Search Results

    2SK3174 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SK3174A Hitachi Semiconductor Silicon N Channel MOS FET Original PDF
    2SK3174A Renesas Technology Silicon N Channel MOS FET UHF Power Amplifier Original PDF

    2SK3174 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2SK3174A DSA003640
    Text: 2SK3174A Silicon N Channel MOS FET UHF Power Amplifier ADE-208-1451 Z 1st. Edition September 2001 Features • High power output, High gain, High efficiency P1dB = 220 W , PG = 15.3dB , ηD = 61 % (at P1dB) typ. (f = 860MHz) • Compact package Suitable for push - pull circuit

    2SK3174A ADE-208-1451 860MHz) D-85622 D-85619 2sk3174 2SK3174A DSA003640 PDF


    Abstract: 6020v4 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 2SC 8550 transistor 2sc1417 HITACHI 08122B transistor h945 6030v4 2SC 8050 25aaj
    Text: 2004.1 Renesas Transistors/Thyristors/Triacs Status List Topic—High Frequency Silicon Bipolar Transistor "2SC5998" •············································································ 2

    2SC5998" C5139 2SC5247 2SC5907 2SD1504 2SJ361 2SK439 2SK494 2SK3349 BCR5KM-12L 1002ds 6020v4 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 2SC 8550 transistor 2sc1417 HITACHI 08122B transistor h945 6030v4 2SC 8050 25aaj PDF


    Abstract: BC240 2sk3174 CBT1G125 LV2GT14A HC32 Hitachi HA13557A transistor 2SC1162 H8 hitachi programming manual 30204SP
    Text: HITACHI ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS DATABOOK 2003 INDEX General Informations Multi Perpose Products Safety Considerations Hitachi Semiconductor Package Databook HITACHI Sales Locations Diodes Microcontroller Microcontroller General Microcontroller Overview List

    HD49323A HA12134A HA12141N HA12155N HA12163 HA12167F HA12173 HA12179F HA12181F HA12187F lvc16244 BC240 2sk3174 CBT1G125 LV2GT14A HC32 Hitachi HA13557A transistor 2SC1162 H8 hitachi programming manual 30204SP PDF

    2SC 8550

    Abstract: 6020v4 6030v4 HITACHI 08122B 2SC 8050 HITACHI 08123B transistor h945 H945 TRANSISTOR c 6030v4 2sk3545
    Text: Status List HITACHI TRANSISTOR/GaAsIC Vol.16-4 2002.11 Topic - Hitachi High Frequency Bipolar Transistors . 2 Index . 3, 4

    3SK309 3SK317 3SK318 BB101C BB102C BB301C BB302C BB304C BB305C BB501C 2SC 8550 6020v4 6030v4 HITACHI 08122B 2SC 8050 HITACHI 08123B transistor h945 H945 TRANSISTOR c 6030v4 2sk3545 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK3174 2SK3174A
    Text: To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Hitachi Electric and Hitachi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Mitsubishi Electric and Hitachi were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog

    D-85622 D-85619 rfpak 2SK3174 2SK3174A PDF


    Abstract: 4008ZB 2SC 9012 MP 1009 es 2SC 8050 20AAJ-8H 6020v4 2SC1417 2SC 8550 cr3as
    Text: 2004.4 Renesas Transistors/Thyristors/Triacs Status List Topic—CMFPAK-6 Series of Power MOS FETs for Portable Devices •·······················································2 Index ······················································································3 to 5

    24EMP BRC124ETP BRC143ETP BRC144ECM CR3KM-12 FS10KM-6 FS10VS-6 FS16KM-6 FS16VS-6 HAT3017R 1002ds 4008ZB 2SC 9012 MP 1009 es 2SC 8050 20AAJ-8H 6020v4 2SC1417 2SC 8550 cr3as PDF