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    GA FET MARKING K Search Results

    GA FET MARKING K Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    RJF0411JPD-00#J3 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thermal FETs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    RJF0411JPD-01#J3 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thermal FETs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    RJF0605JPV-00#Q7 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thermal FETs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL95901IRZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation Integrated FET Regulators Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL6146DFRZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Voltage ORing FET Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    GA FET MARKING K Datasheets Context Search

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    NEC Ga FET marking L

    Abstract: Ga FET marking 1D 2SJ209 TF101-D NEC Ga FET marking A NEC Ga FET marking z NEC Ga FET "marking M" NEC Ga FET
    Text: AdLib OCR Evaluation MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR 2SJ209 P-CHANNEL MOS FET FOR SWITCHING PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Unit : mm 2.8±0.2 00 + 1.5 1~t, c'! +1 0~ C14 U T 0~ 0.65 _+0015 Ll 2 FEATURES Lo I 3 d+ csI Marking M 6 + t L C5 1 . Sourco 2 . Ga . 3 . Drain " Directly driven by lCs; having a 5 V power supply .

    2SJ209 2SJ209, NEC Ga FET marking L Ga FET marking 1D 2SJ209 TF101-D NEC Ga FET marking A NEC Ga FET marking z NEC Ga FET "marking M" NEC Ga FET PDF

    gs 069 0605

    Abstract: NE76084 marking code t1a nec 2571 NE76084-T1 C10535E NE76084-SL NE76084-T1A 6-18GHz NEC Ga FET marking V
    Text: DATA SHEET GaAs MES FET NE76084 C to Ku BAND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL GaAs MES FET FEATURES PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Unit: mm • Low noise figure & High associated gain NF = 1.6 dB TYP., Ga = 9.0 dB TYP. at f = 12 GHz 1.78 ± 0.2 • Gate length: L g = 0.3 µ m

    NE76084 NE76084-T1 NE76084-T1A gs 069 0605 NE76084 marking code t1a nec 2571 NE76084-T1 C10535E NE76084-SL NE76084-T1A 6-18GHz NEC Ga FET marking V PDF

    negative voltage regulator, 48V

    Abstract: IRF3710 LTC4354 LTC4354CDDB LTC4354CS8 LTC4354IDDB LTC4354IS8 MBR10100 irf3710 1A marking GB SOT 23
    Text: LTC4354 Negative Voltage Diode-OR Controller and Monitor U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LTC 4354 is a negative voltage diode-OR controller that drives two external N-channel MOSFETs. It replaces two Schottky diodes and the associated heatsink, saving power and area. The power dissipation is greatly reduced

    LTC4354 LTC4253 LT4351 LTC4412 4354fa negative voltage regulator, 48V IRF3710 LTC4354 LTC4354CDDB LTC4354CS8 LTC4354IDDB LTC4354IS8 MBR10100 irf3710 1A marking GB SOT 23 PDF


    Abstract: IRF3710 MOSFET mosfet irf3710 3F smd transistor LTC4354 LTC4354CDDB LTC4354CS8 LTC4354IDDB LTC4354IS8 MBR10100
    Text: LTC4354 Negative Voltage Diode-OR Controller and Monitor U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LTC 4354 is a negative voltage diode-OR controller that drives two external N-channel MOSFETs. It replaces two Schottky diodes and the associated heatsink, saving power and area. The power dissipation is greatly reduced

    LTC4354 LTC4253 LT4351 LTC4412 4354fb IRF3710 IRF3710 MOSFET mosfet irf3710 3F smd transistor LTC4354 LTC4354CDDB LTC4354CS8 LTC4354IDDB LTC4354IS8 MBR10100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC4354 Negative Voltage Diode-OR Controller and Monitor DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n Controls N-Channel MOSFETs Replaces Power Schottky Diodes Less Than 1µs Turn-off Time Limits Peak Fault Current 80V Operation Smooth Switchover without Oscillation

    LTC4354 MS8/MS10 LTC4253 LT4351 LTC4412 4354fc PDF


    Abstract: mosfet irf3710
    Text: LTC4354 Negative Voltage Diode-OR Controller and Monitor Description Features Controls N-Channel MOSFETs n Replaces Power Schottky Diodes n Less Than 1µs Turn-off Time Limits Peak Fault Current n 80V Operation n Smooth Switchover without Oscillation n No Reverse DC Current

    LTC4354 LT4250 LTC4251/LTC4251-1/ LTC4251-1 LTC4252-1/LTC4252-2/ LTC4252-1A/LTC4252-2A LTC4253 LT4351 LTC4412 4354fc Si4466DY mosfet irf3710 PDF

    Zener Diode 10.5V, 0.5W

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC4354 Negative Voltage Diode-OR Controller and Monitor U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LTC 4354 is a negative voltage diode-OR controller that drives two external N-channel MOSFETs. It replaces two Schottky diodes and the associated heatsink, saving power and area. The power dissipation is greatly reduced

    LTC4354 sn4354 4354fs Zener Diode 10.5V, 0.5W PDF

    mosfet irf3710

    Abstract: IRF3710 GA49 irf3710 1A LTC4354IS8 LTC4354 LTC4354CDDB LTC4354CS8 LTC4354IDDB MBR10100
    Text: LTC4354 Negative Voltage Diode-OR Controller and Monitor U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LTC 4354 is a negative voltage diode-OR controller that drives two external N-channel MOSFETs. It replaces two Schottky diodes and the associated heatsink, saving power and area. The power dissipation is greatly reduced

    LTC4354 LTC4253 LT4351 LTC4412 4354f mosfet irf3710 IRF3710 GA49 irf3710 1A LTC4354IS8 LTC4354 LTC4354CDDB LTC4354CS8 LTC4354IDDB MBR10100 PDF


    Abstract: gaas fet marking a GaAs FET cfy 19 CFY 35-20 F1393 f1394 marking code 5 Q62702-F1393 Q62702-F1394 siemens gaas fet
    Text: CFY 35 GaAs FET Datasheet * Low noise * High gain * For low-noise front end amplifiers * For DBS down converters ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device,

    Q62702-F1393 Q62702-F1394 d-10 gaas fet marking a GaAs FET cfy 19 CFY 35-20 F1393 f1394 marking code 5 Q62702-F1393 Q62702-F1394 siemens gaas fet PDF

    D2504 transistor

    Abstract: d636 transistor transistor D450 transistor d525 d1944 d1405 transistor transistor d412 transistor D454 NF 817 NE329S01
    Text: DATA SHEET HETERO JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR NE329S01 X to Ku BAND SUPER LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL HJ-FET DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS The NE329S01 is a Hetero Junction FET that utilizes the Unit: mm hetero junction to create high mobility electrons. Its excellent low

    NE329S01 NE329S01 NE329S01-T1 D2504 transistor d636 transistor transistor D450 transistor d525 d1944 d1405 transistor transistor d412 transistor D454 NF 817 PDF

    GaAs FET cfy 14

    Abstract: GaAs FET cfy 19 CFY 10 marking K gaas fet Ga FET marking k F1393 Q62702-F1393 Q62702-F1394 f5035 cfy 19
    Text: CFY 35 GaAs FET Datasheet * Low noise * High gain * For low-noise front end amplifiers * For DBS down converters ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device,

    Q62702-F1393 Q62702-F1394 GaAs FET cfy 14 GaAs FET cfy 19 CFY 10 marking K gaas fet Ga FET marking k F1393 Q62702-F1393 Q62702-F1394 f5035 cfy 19 PDF


    Abstract: siemens gaas fet 76 marking code SIEMENS gaas fet marking a CFY30 HL 050 118 31 04 FET marking code FET marking codes FET transistors with s-parameters Q62703-F97
    Text: CFY 30 GaAs FET Datasheet * Low noise Fmin = 1.4 dB @ 4 GHz * High gain ( 11.5 dB typ. @ 4 GHz ) * For oscillators up to 12 GHz * For amplifiers up to 6 GHz

    Q62703-F97 OT-143 F5049 siemens gaas fet 76 marking code SIEMENS gaas fet marking a CFY30 HL 050 118 31 04 FET marking code FET marking codes FET transistors with s-parameters PDF

    transistor ne425s01

    Abstract: NEC Ga FET marking L C10535E NE425S01 NE425S01-T1 NE425S01-T1B NEC Ga FET marking C
    Text: DATA SHEET HETERO JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR NE425S01 C to Ku BAND SUPER LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL HJ-FET DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS The NE425S01 is a Hetero Junction FET that utilizes the Unit: mm hetero junction to create high mobility electrons. Its excellent

    NE425S01 NE425S01 NE425S01-T1B NE425S01-T1 transistor ne425s01 NEC Ga FET marking L C10535E NE425S01-T1 NE425S01-T1B NEC Ga FET marking C PDF

    low noise, hetero junction fet

    Abstract: NE325S01 NEC Ga FET marking L C10535E NE325S01-T1 NE325S01-T1B TRANSISTOR 318 NEC Ga FET marking A ne325
    Text: DATA SHEET HETERO JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR NE325S01 C to Ku BAND SUPER LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL HJ-FET DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS The NE325S01 is a Hetero Junction FET that utilizes the Unit: mm hetero junction to create high mobility electrons. Its excellent

    NE325S01 NE325S01 NE325S01-T1B NE325S01-T1 low noise, hetero junction fet NEC Ga FET marking L C10535E NE325S01-T1 NE325S01-T1B TRANSISTOR 318 NEC Ga FET marking A ne325 PDF

    24V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 5 phase

    Abstract: stepper motor ID 35 stepper motor sla sanken hybrid 5V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 6 pin unipolar stepper motor step motor driver sla sanken 15pin toshiba 3A stepper drive 2 phase stepper motor VR unipolar
    Text: 2-Phase Unipolar Stepper Motor Driver SLA7050M/7051M/7052M •General Description October 2005 ■Package-SLA18Pin Combining low-power CMOS logic with high-current, high-voltage power FET outputs, the Series SLA705xM translator/driver provides complete control and drive for a two-phase unipolar stepper motor

    SLA7050M/7051M/7052M SLA705xM I03-002EA-051006 24V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 5 phase stepper motor ID 35 stepper motor sla sanken hybrid 5V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 6 pin unipolar stepper motor step motor driver sla sanken 15pin toshiba 3A stepper drive 2 phase stepper motor VR unipolar PDF


    Abstract: 2608 surface mount transistor NE42484C-T1 Ga FET marking k C band FET transistor s-parameters L to Ku BAND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER NEC Ga FET marking C 1S1220 THE TRANSISTOR MANUAL (JAPANESE) 1993 nec gaas fet marking
    Text: DATA SHEET HETERO JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR NE42484C C to Ku BAND SUPER LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL HJ-FET DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Unit : mm The NE42484C is a Hetero Junction FET that utilizes the hetero junction to create high mobility electrons. Its excellent

    NE42484C NE42484C NE42484C-SL 2608 surface mount transistor NE42484C-T1 Ga FET marking k C band FET transistor s-parameters L to Ku BAND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER NEC Ga FET marking C 1S1220 THE TRANSISTOR MANUAL (JAPANESE) 1993 nec gaas fet marking PDF

    The Japanese Transistor Manual 1981

    Abstract: japanese transistor manual 1981 NEC Ga FET marking L K 2645 transistor NE32484A NE32484A-SL NE32484A-T1 NE32484A-T1A NEC 3552 nec gaas fet marking
    Text: DATA SHEET HETERO JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR NE32484A C to Ku BAND SUPER LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL HJ-FET DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Unit: mm The NE32484A is a Hetero Junction FET that utilizes the hetero junction to create high mobility electrons. Its excellent

    NE32484A NE32484A NE32484A-SL The Japanese Transistor Manual 1981 japanese transistor manual 1981 NEC Ga FET marking L K 2645 transistor NE32484A-SL NE32484A-T1 NE32484A-T1A NEC 3552 nec gaas fet marking PDF

    nec 4164

    Abstract: NE4210S01
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET HETERO JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR NE4210S01 X to Ku BAND SUPER LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL HJ-FET DESCRIPTION The NE4210S01 is a Hetero Junction FET that utilizes the hetero junction to create high mobility electrons. Its excellent low noise and associated gain make it suitable for DBS and another commercial systems.

    NE4210S01 NE4210S01 NE4210S01-T1 NE4210S01-T1B nec 4164 PDF


    Abstract: NE329S01-T1 NE329S01-T1B

    NE329S01 NE329S01 NE329S01-T1 NE329S01-T1B 24-Hour NE329S01-T1 NE329S01-T1B PDF

    NEC Ga FET marking L

    Abstract: tamagawa gaas fet marking B mmic amplifier marking code N5 NE272 FET marking code .N5 ne29200 NE23383B NE292 gaas fet marking a
    Text: GET-30749, Revision C NEC NEC Corporation Tamagawa Plant 1753,Shimonumabe, Nakahara-lcu, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, 211-8666 Specification Control Drawing o f Grade L GaAs Devices fo r Satellite Applications Prepared on: September 28,2000 Prepared by: Masahito Kushima

    OCR Scan
    GET-30749, GET-30749 NE29200 NE674 uPG501B uPG501P uPG503B uPG503P uPG506B NEC Ga FET marking L tamagawa gaas fet marking B mmic amplifier marking code N5 NE272 FET marking code .N5 ne29200 NE23383B NE292 gaas fet marking a PDF


    Abstract: fujitsu gaas marking code Fujitsu K022 FLL300-2 FLL55 FSX52WF FUJITSU L101 fujitsu x51 FLL200-2 FLL300-1
    Text: APPLICATION NOTES I. PACKAGED FETS and MODULES A. HANDLING PREECAUTIONS GaAs FETS are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Fujitsu ships all GaAs FETs in electrostatic protection packaging. User must pay careful attention to the following precautions when taking

    OCR Scan

    Sony 104A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SGM2014M] SONY. GaAs N-channel Dual Gate MES FET Description Package Outline The SGM2014M is an N-channel dual gate GaAs MES FET for UHF band low-noise amplification. This FET is suitable lor a wide range of applications including TV tuners, cellular radios, and DBS IF amplifiers.

    OCR Scan
    SGM2014M] SGM2014M 900MHz at900MHz OT-143 M-254 Sony 104A PDF

    GaAs FET cfy 19

    Abstract: S11 SIEMENS z0 607 MA 7a
    Text: SIEMENS CFY 35 GaAs FET Datasheet * Low noise * High gain * For low-noise front end amplifiers * For DBS down converters 4 ^ ESD: V5005553 Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions! Type Marking Ordering code tape and reel CFY 35-20

    OCR Scan
    V5005553 Q62702-F1393 Q62702-F1394 GaAs FET cfy 19 S11 SIEMENS z0 607 MA 7a PDF

    fet dual gate sot143

    Abstract: SGM2014M
    Text: SGM2014M SONY, GaAs N-channel Dual Gate MES FET_ hor the availability of this product, please contact the sales officir] Description Package Outline Unit : mm The SGM2014M is an N-channel dual gate GaAs MES FET for UHF band low-noise amplification. This FET is

    OCR Scan
    SGM2014M SGM2014M 900MHz Ga-18dB OT-143 -64l0Â fet dual gate sot143 PDF