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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Fujitsu, years of experience Relays Product guide Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. – Relays Content ABOUT FUJITSU COMPONENTS Fujitsu, years of experience Page 2 PRODUCT LINE-UP Automotive relays Page 3 Power relays Page 9 Signal relays Page 18 High frequency relays


    Engineering reference

    Abstract: Relays engineering ref FUJITSU frl-230 takamisawa ra relay transistor TT 2146 japanese transistor manual substitution TAKAMISAWA LZ takamisawa sn relay takamisawa RELAYS jy 110
    Text: Fujitsu Components Engineering Reference Relays Fujitsu Components International Headquarter Offices Japan Fujitsu Component Limited Gotanda-Chuo Building 3-5, Higashigotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141, Japan Tel: 81-3 5449-7010 Fax: (81-3) 5449-2626


    video scaler lcd

    Abstract: MB87P2020 SAA7111A colour tv power supply system ic CX71 MB87J2120 MB91360 MB91F361 VPX3220A Dual Port V-RAM
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR HARDWARE MANUAL MB87P2020 Jasmine Color LCD/CRT/TV Controller Short specification Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH European MCU Design Centre EMDC Am Siebenstein 6-10 D-63303 Dreieich-Buchschlag Germany Version: 2.1 File:

    MB87P2020 D-63303 MB87P2020 video scaler lcd SAA7111A colour tv power supply system ic CX71 MB87J2120 MB91360 MB91F361 VPX3220A Dual Port V-RAM PDF


    Abstract: A4W14 rgb 8 bit to lvds SCALER
    Text: MB86276 'LIME' Graphics Display Controller Specifications Revision 1.20 19th July, 2011 Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED 2004-2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FUJITSU CONFIDENTIAL Notes The specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice. Contact our Sales Department

    MB86276 Fujits54 DISP/CAP92 MB86276 A4W14 rgb 8 bit to lvds SCALER PDF


    Abstract: MB8627 MB86833 MD10 V832 YUV422 XC9572XL-TQ100 cid wok
    Text: MB86276 <LIME> Graphics Display Controller Specifications Revision 1.0 18th October, 2006 Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED 2004-2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FUJITSU CONFIDENTIAL <Notes> The specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice. Contact our Sales Department

    MB86276 MB8627 MB86833 MD10 V832 YUV422 XC9572XL-TQ100 cid wok PDF


    Abstract: lcd 480x360 display XC9572XL-TQ100 fujitsu LVDS vga ARM7 16bit DATASHEET lw 293 MB86833 MD10 V832 YUV422
    Text: MB86276 'LIME' Graphics Display Controller Specifications Revision 1.1a 17th May, 2010 Copyright FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED 2005-2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONFIDENTIAL Notes The specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice. Contact our Sales Department

    MB86276 MB86276 lcd 480x360 display XC9572XL-TQ100 fujitsu LVDS vga ARM7 16bit DATASHEET lw 293 MB86833 MD10 V832 YUV422 PDF

    BLH alpha

    Abstract: Black and wite TV HQFP256 MB86290A MB86292 MB86833 V832 MRC D19 MB3516A 64-MBIT
    Text: MB86292< <ORCHID> > Graphics Controller Specifications Revision 0.10 Oct2003 Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED 1998, 1999 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED All Rights Reserved The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable. However, Fujitsu Limited assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies.

    Oct2003 BLH alpha Black and wite TV HQFP256 MB86290A MB86292 MB86833 V832 MRC D19 MB3516A 64-MBIT PDF


    Abstract: mb8623 EPD14 sico 25JOO fujitsu MB86232 PGA-208c-a02
    Text: September 1989 Edition 1.0 FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB86232 32-BIT GENERAL PURPOSE DSP DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR The Fujitsu MB86232 32-bit General Purpose Digital Signal Processor is a flagship of the Fujitsu next generation DSP series. It supports 32-bit floating point, 32-bit

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    MB86232 32-BIT MB86232 24-bit mb8623 EPD14 sico 25JOO fujitsu MB86232 PGA-208c-a02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU LTD S3E D • 374=17Sb DGQEÔ43 flOl HIFCAJ 7 ^ October 1990 Edition 2.0 DATASHEET : 7 5 - 3 7 FUJITSU MB87069 SERIAL INTERFACE ADAPTER FOR DSP SIA SERIAL INTERFACE ADAPTER FOR DSP (SIA) The Fujitsu MB 87069 is a dedicated Serial Interface Adapter (SIA) that

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    MB87069 0002flb4 64-LEAD PGA-64C-A02) PDF

    up down counter using IC 7476

    Abstract: full adder using Multiplexer IC 74151 74154 shift register IC sk 7443 full adder circuit using ic 74153 multiplexer DN 74352 full adder using ic 74138 74183 adder pin function of ic 74390 7478 J-K Flip-Flop
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS FUJITSU 37417bH 0010SÔ3 23E D MB65XXXX MB66XXXX MB67XXXX AV CMOS SERÍES GATE ARRAYS ~ June 1986 Edition 2.0 : T - 4 2 - n - o °i DESCRIPTION S The Fujitsu MB65xxxx/MB66xxxx/MB67xxxx family are a series of high performance CMOS gate arrays designed to provide high

    OCR Scan
    37417bH 0010S MB65XXXX MB66XXXX MB67XXXX MB65xxxx/MB66xxxx/MB67xxxx MB65xxxx) MB67xxxx) 350AVB S40AVB up down counter using IC 7476 full adder using Multiplexer IC 74151 74154 shift register IC sk 7443 full adder circuit using ic 74153 multiplexer DN 74352 full adder using ic 74138 74183 adder pin function of ic 74390 7478 J-K Flip-Flop PDF

    fujitsu 42pin

    Abstract: fujitsu 42-pin fujitsu DIP-42 fujitsu DIP-42 microcomputer
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 23E II • 374171,5 0015531 a ■ FUJITSU ID III I I I II I I I I I I II IO I I II CMOS SINGLE-CHlP 4-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH D/A CONVERTER TM346-A872: February 1987 MB88535-P/HB88536-P The Fujitsu MB88530 Series CMOS single-chip 4-bit

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    MB88530 MB8850 MB68301A-equivalent MB88535 MB88536. MB8851-based MB88536 13-bit fujitsu 42pin fujitsu 42-pin fujitsu DIP-42 fujitsu DIP-42 microcomputer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 53E D 374T7b2 0007^31 T FUJITSU MB81C78A-45-W ACCESSI MEMORW September 1988 E d ition 1.0 64K-BIT 8192x8 HIGH SPEED CMOS STATIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY WITH AUTOMATIC POWER DOWN T h e Fujitsu M B 81C 78A -W is 8 1 9 2 w ords x 8 bits static random access m em ory

    OCR Scan
    374T7b2 MB81C78A-45-W 64K-BIT 8192x8) 32-PAD LCC-32C-A02) 14ITYP 38ITYP 300I7 62ITY PDF


    Abstract: ITT taa 775 MBB421-90 MB8421 d480 7777tV A8LC 860I
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 47E ]> 374^2 D0nü34 7 «Fili cP July 1990 Edition 3.0 FUJITSU DATA SHEET : MB8421/8422-90/-90U-90LU-12/-12U-12LL CMOS 16K-BIT DUAL-PORT SRAM 2K x 8 Bits CMOS Dual-Port Static Random Access Memory The Fujitsu MB8421 and MB8422 are 2,048 words x 8 bits dual-poit high-performance

    OCR Scan
    MB8421/8422 90/-90U-90LU-i2/-i2L/-i2LL 16K-BIT MB8421 MB8422 FB4013S-2C T-46-23-12 mbl8086 ITT taa 775 MBB421-90 d480 7777tV A8LC 860I PDF


    Abstract: MB88625B-PF MBM27C256A-25CZ D64001S-3C P Channel Equivalent to buz 350 MBM27C256A-25CV MB88625B-PSH pa2al MB886 GD03
    Text: FUJITSU LTD S3E D m 3 7 4 cì75fc. GD03131 bOQ * F C A J cP June 1992 E m h n 1 -° T _ DATA SHEET = = = - FUJITSU / F2MCB-4L FAMILY MB88620B SERIES SINGLE CHIP MICROCONTROLLER WITH ADC AND VFD DRIVER DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB88620B Seríes is a member of the F2M C -4L Family, and features a 26

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    GD03131 MB88620B Vco-40V 12K/16K MQP-64C-P01) 4g-T9-44 M64004S-1C mb88625b MB88625B-PF MBM27C256A-25CZ D64001S-3C P Channel Equivalent to buz 350 MBM27C256A-25CV MB88625B-PSH pa2al MB886 GD03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 374*^2 31E D 0013331 S May 1990 I FMI T"~44-'23-/V- FUJITSU PRODUCT p r o f i l e : MB85402-30/40 CMOS STATIC RAM MODULE 16384 W ords X 16-Bit The Fujitsu MB85402 is a fully decoded, CMOS static random access O memory module SRAM with four MB81C75 devices mountedon a 36-pin 1

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    23-/V- MB85402-30/40 16-Bit MB85402 MB81C75 36-pin 16-Bit B85402-30 B85402-40 PDF


    Abstract: fujitsu mb8464a MB8464A MB8464 fujitsu 1988 777T7
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 47E D 37^7^2 DDlöRHS T • F U I cP April 1990 Edition 3.0 FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB8464A-80/-80U-80LL/-10/-10U-1OLL/-15/- 15U-15LL CMOS 64K BIT LOW POWER SRAM 8K Words x 8 Bits CMOS Static RAM with Low Power and Data Retention The Fujitsu MB8464A is a 8,192 words x 8 bits static random access memory

    OCR Scan
    MB8464A-80/-80U-80LU-10/- 10U-10LU-15/- MB8464A D2I01IS-2C 374T7b2 MB8464A-80/80L/80LL MB8464A-10/10L/10LL MB8464A-15/15L/15LL t-46-23-12 MB8464A-10 fujitsu mb8464a MB8464 fujitsu 1988 777T7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 37W b2 31E » 0013343 1 Q F P I I May 1990 P R O D U C T P R O F IL E — FUJITSU MB85410-30/40 CMOS STATIC RAM MODULE 65536 Words x 8-Bit The Fujitsu MB85410 is a fully decoded, CMOS static random accessO ^ V memory module SRAM with eight MB81C71A devices mounted on a

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    MB85410-30/40 MB85410 MB81C71A 60-pin 60-Lead MZP-60P-P02) 01IREF. 0501t PDF

    at1 rt6 hex nv

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET • DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB86604L is a single-ended transmission type SCSI-II Protocol Controller SPC with a single-ended driver/receiver. The MB86604L facilitates interface control between small/medium host computer and peripheral

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    MB86604L P9506 at1 rt6 hex nv PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1990 Edition 1.0 FUJITSU PRODUCT PROFILE MB3769A Regulating Pulse-Width-Modulation Control Circuit DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB3769A is a pulse-width-modulation controller fo rfixe d frequency pulse modulation application. The MB3769A contains a wide band w idth operational

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    MB3769A MB3769A 700kHz. 700kHz) 13-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 374=171=2 G D G 7 ci53 Q E3E D 'T - H i- Z b - O Z October 1989 Edition 1.0 FUJITSU DATASHEET- M B 8 1 C 6 8 A - 45-W CMOS 16K-BIT HIGH SPEED SRAM 4096 WORDS X 4 BITS SRAM WITH HIGH SPEED AND AUTOMATIC POWER DOWN The Fujitsu MB81C68A-W is 4096 words x 4 bits static random access memory fabricated

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    16K-BIT MB81C68A-W 374T7b5 MB81C68Aâ 500mV MB81C68 20-LEAD DIP-20C-C03) D20006S-4C PDF


    Abstract: MB87032PF dg s23 MB87032
    Text: June 1992 Edition 2.0A FUJITSU : DATASHEET MB87032 Two-Channel Electronic Volume Controller The Fujitsu MB87032 is a highly efficient 2-channel electronic volume controller. It has been fabricated with the CMOS silicon gate process and is available in a 16-pin plastic DIP

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    MB87032 MB87032 16-pin 24-pin MB87032P MB87032PF dg s23 PDF


    Abstract: PCMCIA Flash Memory Card 512K a1a17 20H-1T Fujitsu MBM28F010
    Text: March 1994 Edition 2.0 FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB98A8601/8602-17 FLASH MEMORY CARD 256K/512K-BYTE FLASH ERASABLE AND PROGRAMMABLE MEMORY CARD The Fujitsu MB98A8601 and MB98A8602 are Flash electrically erasable and programmable Flash memory cards capable of storing and retrieving large

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    MB98A8601/8602-17 256K/512K-BYTE MB98A8601 MB98A8602 68-pin 16-bit 0000H Gb234 MB98A8601-17 MB98A8602-17 4C40H PCMCIA Flash Memory Card 512K a1a17 20H-1T Fujitsu MBM28F010 PDF


    Abstract: fujitsu 1988 M8M27C1001 27C1001-25 MBM27C1001-15
    Text: FUJITSU CMOS 1,048,576 BIT UV ERASABLE READ ONLY MEMORY EPROM MBM27C1001-15 MBM27C1001 -20 MBM27C1001-25 April 1988 Edition 2.0 CMOS 1,048,576 BIT UV ERASABLE READ ONLY MEMORY (EPROM) The Fujitsu MBM27C1001 EPROM is a high speed read-only static memory that

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    MBM27C1001-15 MBM27C1001 MBM27C1001-25 072-byte/8-bit 32-pin 36-pad 15-to-21 fujitsu 1988 M8M27C1001 27C1001-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS04-21323-2aE DATA SHEET FUJITSU : MB1516A ASSP 1.1 GHz High-Speed Tuning PLL Frequency Synthesizer DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB1516A is a serial input phase-locked loop PLL frequency synthesizer with a pulse-swallow function. MB1516A achieves the low noise performance as well as the

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    DS04-21323-2aE MB1516A supp10dB/ 10dB/ MB1516A 16-LEAD FPT-16P-M05) PDF