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    FSL110D Search Results

    FSL110D Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    FSL110D Harris Semiconductor Radiation Hardened, SEGR Resistant N-Channel Power MOSFETs Original PDF
    FSL110D Intersil 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 ?, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs Original PDF
    FSL110D1 Fairchild Semiconductor 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFET Original PDF
    FSL110D1 Intersil 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 ?, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs Original PDF
    FSL110D1 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    FSL110D3 Fairchild Semiconductor 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFET Original PDF
    FSL110D3 Intersil 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 ?, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs Original PDF

    FSL110D Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2E12 FSL110D FSL110D3 FSL110R FSL110R1 FSL110R3
    Text: FSL110D, FSL110R Data Sheet October 1998 File Number 4224.3 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs Features The Discrete Products Operation of Intersil has developed a series of Radiation Hardened MOSFETs specifically designed for commercial and military space applications.

    FSL110D, FSL110R FSL110D1 2E12 FSL110D FSL110D3 FSL110R FSL110R1 FSL110R3 PDF


    Abstract: FSL110D FSL110R
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R FSL110D, FSL110R Radiation Hardened, SEGR Resistant N-Channel Power MOSFETs June 1997 Features Description • 3.5A, 100V, rDS ON = 0.600Ω The Discrete Products Operation of Harris Semiconductor has developed a series of Radiation Hardened MOSFETs

    FSL110D, FSL110R 1-800-4-HARRIS 2E12 FSL110D FSL110R PDF


    Abstract: FSL110D FSL110D1 FSL110D3 FSL110R FSL110R1 FSL110R3
    Text: FSL110D, FSL110R Data Sheet October 1998 File Number 4224.3 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs Features The Discrete Products Operation of Intersil has developed a series of Radiation Hardened MOSFETs specifically designed for commercial and military space applications.

    FSL110D, FSL110R 2E12 FSL110D FSL110D1 FSL110D3 FSL110R FSL110R1 FSL110R3 PDF

    integrated circuits equivalents list

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FSL110D, FSL110R Data Sheet 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs The Discrete Products Operation of Fairchild has developed a series of Radiation Hardened MOSFETs specifically designed for commercial and military space applications.

    FSL110D, FSL110R integrated circuits equivalents list PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a a h a r r i s S E M I C O N D U C T O R FSL110D, FSL110R W " M M W • ■ 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs Features Description • 3.5A, 100V, rQs oN “ 0.600Q The Discrete Products Operation of Harris Semiconductor

    OCR Scan
    FSL110D, FSL110R 36MeV/mgfcm2 MIL-STD-750, MIL-S-19500, 500ms; PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FSL110D, FSL110R Semiconductor Data Sheet 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs T h e D iscrete Products O pe ra tio n of Harris Sem ico n du cto r has d evelo ped a s e ries of R adiation H a rd e n e d M O S F E T s October 1998

    OCR Scan
    FSL110D, FSL110R 1-800-4-HARR traveler PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: h a r r is S E M I C O N D U C T O R FSL110D, FSL110R " J " • Radiation Hardened, SEGR Resistant N-Channel Power MOSFETs Features Description • 3.5A, 100V, Tqs ^o N = 0.600£2 The Discrete Products Operation of Harris Semiconductor has developed a series of Radiation Hardened MOSFETs

    OCR Scan
    FSL110D, FSL110R 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FSL110D, FSL110R Radiation Hardened, SEGR Resistant N-Channel Power MOSFETs june1997 Description Features • The Discrete Products Operation of Harris Semiconductor has developed a series of Radiation Hardened M O S F E T s specifically designed for commercial and military space

    OCR Scan
    FSL110D, FSL110R june1997 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF

    MOSFET Selection Guide

    Abstract: TO257AA t0-205af TO254AA FSj264
    Text: Rad Hard Power MOSFET Selection Guide N-Channel PACKAGE BV d s s V rDS(ON) (£!) ' d (A) FSL110D, FSL110R PART NUMBER T0-205AF 100 0.600 3.5 FSL13AOD, FSL13AOR TO-205AF 100 0.180 9 FSL23AOD, FSL23AOR TO-205AF 200 0.350 6 FSL23A4D, FSL23A4R T0-205AF 250 0.480

    OCR Scan
    FSL110D, FSL110R FSL13AOD, FSL13AOR FSL23AOD, FSL23AOR FSL23A4D, FSL23A4R FSL130D, FSL130R MOSFET Selection Guide TO257AA t0-205af TO254AA FSj264 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡a s H a r r i s S E M I C O N D U C T O R F m S L 1 1 U U D , } F m S L 1 1 U U R “ Radiation Hardened, SEGR Resistant N-Channel Power MOSFETs Features • Description The Discrete Products Operation of Harris Semiconductor has developed a series of Radiation Hardened MOSFETs

    OCR Scan
    1-800-4-HARRIS PDF


    Abstract: Power MOSFETs

    OCR Scan
    FSL110D, FSL110R FSL130D, FSL130R FSL230D, FSL230R FSL234D, FSL234R FSL430D, FSL430R MOSFETS Power MOSFETs PDF

    Power MOSFET Selection Guide

    Abstract: TO-205AF Package
    Text: Rad Hard Power MOSFET Selection Guide N-Channel PACKAGE BV0SS V rDS(ON) (fi) T0-205AF 100 0.600 id (A) 3.5 FSL13AOD, FSL13AOR TO-205AF 100 0.180 9 FSL23AOD, FSL23AOR TO-2Û5AF 200 0.350 6 FSL23A4D, FSL23A4R T0-205AF 250 0,480 5 FSL130D, FSL130R TO-205AF

    OCR Scan
    FSL110D, FSL110R FSL13AOD, FSL13AOR FSL23AOD, FSL23AOR FSL23A4D, FSL23A4R FSL130D, FSL130R Power MOSFET Selection Guide TO-205AF Package PDF

    3203 MOSFET

    Abstract: Mosfets mosfet .5a 100v n-channel 250V power mosfet 100V 8A N-Channel MOSFET FSj264
    Text: RAD HARD MOSFETs RAD HARD SEGR MOSFETs PAGE Rad Hard Power MOSFET Selection G u id e . 3-3 Rad Hard Data Packages - Harris Power T ra n s is to re .

    OCR Scan
    FSL110D, FSL110R FSL13AOD, FSL13AOR FSL23AOD, FSL23AOR FSL23A4D, FSL23A4R FSL130D, FSL130R 3203 MOSFET Mosfets mosfet .5a 100v n-channel 250V power mosfet 100V 8A N-Channel MOSFET FSj264 PDF