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    Cinch Connectivity Solutions RFI55-18

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey RFI55-18 Bulk 10
    • 1 -
    • 10 $32.772
    • 100 $32.772
    • 1000 $32.772
    • 10000 $32.772
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    Mouser Electronics RFI55-18
    • 1 $36.15
    • 10 $34.59
    • 100 $32.06
    • 1000 $32.06
    • 10000 $32.06
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    Cinch Connectivity Solutions RFI55-14

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey RFI55-14 Bulk 10
    • 1 -
    • 10 $32.772
    • 100 $32.772
    • 1000 $32.772
    • 10000 $32.772
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    Mouser Electronics RFI55-14
    • 1 $36.15
    • 10 $34.95
    • 100 $32.36
    • 1000 $32.36
    • 10000 $32.36
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    Bel Fuse RFI55-4-D5

    RFI DUST CAP, TPS PLUG, 3 LUG, 3.0 INCH - Bag (Alt: RFI55-4-D5)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas RFI55-4-D5 Bag 8 Weeks 10
    • 1 -
    • 10 $46.6528
    • 100 $46.6528
    • 1000 $46.6528
    • 10000 $46.6528
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    Bel Fuse RFI55-18

    Connector Accessories RFI Cap with 12-Inch Stainless Steel Lanyard - Bulk (Alt: RFI55-18)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas RFI55-18 Bulk 8 Weeks 10
    • 1 -
    • 10 $29.4264
    • 100 $29.4264
    • 1000 $29.4264
    • 10000 $29.4264
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    Bel Fuse RFI55-14

    Connector Accessories RFI Cap with 6-Inch Stainless Steel Lanyard - Bulk (Alt: RFI55-14)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas RFI55-14 Bulk 8 Weeks 10
    • 1 -
    • 10 $29.4264
    • 100 $29.4264
    • 1000 $29.4264
    • 10000 $29.4264
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    FI55 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: FI55 PH3134-55L lcfb RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR 2.5 GHZ 340 a transistor
    Text: an AMP company Radar Pulsed Power Transistor, SW, 300~s Pulse, 10% Duty 3.1 - 3.4 GHz PH3134-55L Features NPN Silicon Microwave Power Transistor Common Base Configuration Broadband Class C Operation High Effkiency Interdigitated Geometty Diffused Emitter Ballasting Resistors

    PH3134-55L 73050257-1s wacom FI55 PH3134-55L lcfb RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR 2.5 GHZ 340 a transistor PDF

    smd led 5050

    Abstract: chip 8-pin t24 smd 5050 led smd 6 led 5050 datasheet smd led 5050 datasheet LX1431 LX6431 LX6431CLP LX8584 LX8584A
    Text: LIN Doc M i r T h e I n f i n i t e k {> i i P o w e r I k \ i ( I o f P rogrammable n n o v a t i o n P DESCRIPTION The LX1431 is an adjustable shunt voltage regulator featuring 100mA sink capability, a 0.4% initial reference voltage tolerance and a 0.3% typical temperature stability. This

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    LX1431 LX1431 100mA LX1431EB smd led 5050 chip 8-pin t24 smd 5050 led smd 6 led 5050 datasheet smd led 5050 datasheet LX6431 LX6431CLP LX8584 LX8584A PDF


    Abstract: RE LOG 2 TZ 11 090AO 32F81
    Text: éémsitsfm SSI 32F8120 Low-Power Programmable Electronic Filter A TDK G roupfC om pany January 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32F8120 is a continuous time, low pass filter with programmable bandwidth and high frequency boost. The low pass filter is a 2 zero / 7 pole 0.05° phase

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    32F8120 32F8120 accuraF8120-CV 926B0-7022 RE LOG 2 TZ 11 090AO 32F81 PDF

    smd DA RN

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG2000 SERIES 5IUC0N HIGH VOLTAGE MEDIUM CURRENT DRIVER ARRAYS LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG2000 series integrates seven NPN Darlington pairs with internal suppression diodes to drive lamps, relays, and solenoids in many military, aerospace, and industrial applications that require

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    SG2000 500mAcurrent 16-PIN 20-PIN SG2XXXL/883B fi553fi smd DA RN PDF


    Abstract: EL2075 34.513 cd 4083 crt 08 3m EL4083CN EL4083CS EL4084CM EL4084CN current conveyors
    Text: EL4083/EL4084 f lla w t e f W lM II EL4083/EL4084 Current Mode Four Quadrant Multiplier HIGH PERFORMANCE AHAUJ8INTEGRATED CIRCUITS F e a tu r e s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • N ovel current m ode design V irtual ground current sum m ing inputs D ifferential ground referenced

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    EL4083/EL4084 VFI48 VFI47 P50I0DE 312T5S7 EL4083 EL2075 34.513 cd 4083 crt 08 3m EL4083CN EL4083CS EL4084CM EL4084CN current conveyors PDF


    Abstract: 2716K M5L2716K-65 intel 2716
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5L 2716 K, K-65 1 6 3 8 4 -B IT 2 0 4 8 -W 0 R D BY 8 -B IT ERASABLE AND ELECTRICALLY REPROGRAMMABLE ROM DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) These are ultraviolet-light erasable and electrically re­ programmable 16 3 8 4 -b it (20 4 8 -w o rd by 8-bit) EPROMs.

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    16384-BIT 2048-W0RD 384-bit 2048-word 100s/16384 M5L2716K 450ns M5L2716K-65 650ns 525mW M5L2716K 2716K M5L2716K-65 intel 2716 PDF


    Abstract: JSW cpu-8 f-55471gnfqj-lw-acn edge CONNECTOR series CE NTD-26224 china fbt
    Text: LCD Module Technical Specification Frs n3 “ Final Revision UiSaftlT F-55471G N FQJ -LW-AC N Type NO Customer : Customer's Product No OPTREX STANDARD / K . OPTREX CORPORATION Approved: N o b or u Wada D e s i g n G. Checked: n [ r-" Atsushi N agatani

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    F-55471G F-55471GNFQJ-LW-ACN f-55471 JSW cpu-8 edge CONNECTOR series CE NTD-26224 china fbt PDF

    3V motor Coils UTS Motor

    Abstract: spindle and VCM motor controller RC servo motors transfer function AC Motor Speed Controller AL 2425 dv DC SERVO MOTOR CONTROLLER-DRIVER micro dc servo motor RC servo motors 68HC16 80C196
    Text: SSI 32H6812 ¿mmsyskms Servo & Spindle Driver with Shock Detection A TDK G roup/C om pany Advance Information November 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 32H6812 Servo/MSC Driver, a CMOS monolithic integrated circuit housed in a 48-lead TQFP package, operates from a single 5V supply. It provides a fully

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    32H6812 48-lead 10-bit Q010013 1193-rev 3V motor Coils UTS Motor spindle and VCM motor controller RC servo motors transfer function AC Motor Speed Controller AL 2425 dv DC SERVO MOTOR CONTROLLER-DRIVER micro dc servo motor RC servo motors 68HC16 80C196 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 73K302L M M M Bell 212A, 103, 202 Single-Chip Modem lm A TDK G roup/C om pany Preliminary Data January 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 73K302L is a highly integrated single-chip modem IC which provides the functions needed to construct a Bell 202, 212A and 103 compatible

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    73K302L 73K302L 73K212L 73K30ted flS531bS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOT-1 Device SONET STS-1 Overhead Terminator TXC-03001 DATA SH EET Preliminary FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Provides SONET interface to any type of payload The SOT-1 SONET/STS-1 Overhead Terminator per­ forms section, line and path overhead processing for STS-1 SONET signals. This versatile device can be

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    TXC-03001 TXC-03001-MB D5109 PDF


    Abstract: F-55471AD
    Text: LCD Module Technical Specification Frs n3 “ Final Revision UiSaftlT F-55471G NFJ -S LW-AD N Type NO Customer : Customer's Product No OPTREX STANDARD / K . OPTREX CORPORATION Approved: Noboru Wada Design G. n Checked: Atsushi Nagatani China Design] \

    OCR Scan
    -55471G F-55471GNFJ-SLW-ADN NSD-26306 F-55471AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LS Is M 5 M 4 V 4 1 6 J , T P , R T - 6 , - 7 , - 8 , - 6 S , - 7 S , - 8 S FAST PAGE MODE 4194304-BIT 262144-WORD BY 16-BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) This is a family of 262144-word by 16-bit dynamic RAMs, fabricated with the high performance CMOS process, and is

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    4194304-BIT 262144-WORD 16-BIT) 16-bit PDF

    current conveyors

    Abstract: schematic modem advan EL2038 DD97 DD88 transistor RCA 467 35E13 RCA 4084
    Text: EL.4083/EL4084 June 1993 Rev A élantec HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Features • Novel current mode design Virtual ground current summing inputs Differential ground referenced current outputs • High speed both inputs 200 M Hz bandwidth

    OCR Scan
    4083/EL4084 EL4083/EL4084 EL4083/EL4084 current conveyors schematic modem advan EL2038 DD97 DD88 transistor RCA 467 35E13 RCA 4084 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V o CD DO NOT SC ALE DRAWING a DWG. NO. SD-5 128 EC NO. DRWNs CH'Ks APPR: co CO EC NO. DRWN: CH'Ks APPR: EC NO, DRWN; CH'Ks APPR: -vl R E V IS E D EC NO. J 2 0 0 4 - 2 2 9 6 A I N O M I Y A ' 04/ 02/05 KoTO JO '04/02/05 appr; M „S A S A O '04/ 02/05 d r w n s M oN

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    c879 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD- 9.1075 International BagRectifier IRGPC30K INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR Short Circuit Rated UltraFast IGBT Features • Short circuit rated - 10ps @ 125°C, Vqe = 15V • Switching-loss rating includes all "tail" losses • Optimized for high operating frequency over 5kHz

    OCR Scan
    IRGPC30K 2Gb73 O-247AC 2Db74 c879 transistor PDF


    Abstract: RTCO Z511A epoch t14 12D1C-D ET 723 TAIS SOT TA-NWT-000253 s004152 0Q0043
    Text: SOT-1 Device SONET STS-1 Overhead Terminator TXC-03001 DATA SHEET Preliminary FEATURES DESCRIPTION Provides SONET interface to any type of payload = The SOT-1 SONET/STS-1 Overhead Terminator per­ forms section, line and path overhead processing for STS-1 SONET signals. This versatile device can be

    OCR Scan
    TXC-03001 RS-232 TXC-21011, 1DD41SS JD 1801 PIN DIAGRAM RTCO Z511A epoch t14 12D1C-D ET 723 TAIS SOT TA-NWT-000253 s004152 0Q0043 PDF


    Abstract: dg1230
    Text: SSI 32P4730 Read Channel with 1,7 ENDEC, 4-burst Servo S w o iisu sh is A TDK Group/Company December 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32P4730 device is a high performance BiCMOS single chip read channel IC that contains all the functions needed to implement a complete zoned

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    32P4730 32P4730 68-Lead 32P4730-CGT 32P4730-CH DG12301 dg1230 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary information • 5 1 2 re fre s h cycles, 8 m s re fre s h in terv al - RAS-only o r CAS-before-RAS refresh • R e a d -m o d ify -w rite • T T L -co m p atib le, th re e -s ta te I / O • O rg a n iz a tio n : 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 w o r d s x 16 b its

    OCR Scan
    4C256K16E0-25) 4C2S6K16E0-25) 40-pin AS4C256K16E0-25JC AS4C2S6K16E0-3OJC AS4C256KI6 AS4C256K16E0-S0JC AS4C256K16E0-S0TC 256K16E0 l-30001 PDF


    Abstract: NS 8002 32f800 32F8001-CL 32f8011
    Text: SSI 32F8001/8002 Low-Power Programmable Electronic Filter cmmMktns A TDK Group/Company December 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES Ideal for multi-rate systems applications The SSI 32F8001/8002 Programmable Electronic Filter provides an electronically controlled low-pass

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    32F8001/8002 32F8001/8002 atteF8001 32d4661 NS 8002 32f800 32F8001-CL 32f8011 PDF


    Abstract: thermistor 103AT Ishizuka Electronics 103AT tvp ul 137 103AT MSM64162 MSM64162-001 MSM64162-002 1P21 2168
    Text: O K I S e m ic o n d u c to r M S M 6 4 162-001 /002 Dual Thermometer with Clock Function G E N E R A L D ESC R IP T IO N The MSM64162-001 /002 is a clock IC w ith a tem perature m easuring function. FEA TU RES • The IC m easures tw o different tem peratures sim ultaneously using external therm istors.

    OCR Scan
    MSM64162-001/002 MSM64162-001 80-PIN QFP80-P-1420-K QFP84-P-1420-BK QFP64-P-1420-BK thermistor 103AT Ishizuka Electronics 103AT tvp ul 137 103AT MSM64162 MSM64162-002 1P21 2168 PDF

    LM339N comparator pin configuration

    Abstract: pin configuration of ic LM339 139 LM DIODE pin description for lm 339 ic LM339 equivalent ic lm 339 LM339 application note SOT27-1 DIP14 MC3302 pin configuration transistor 2N2222
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors . . * Quad voltage comparator LM139/239/239A/339/339A /LM2901/MC3302 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION The LM139 series consists of four independent precision voltage comparators, with an offset voltage specification as low as 2.0mV

    OCR Scan
    LM139/239/239A/339/339A /LM2901/MC3302 LM139 tMC3302 0581B 14-PIN 853-0581B 7110fl2b LM339N comparator pin configuration pin configuration of ic LM339 139 LM DIODE pin description for lm 339 ic LM339 equivalent ic lm 339 LM339 application note SOT27-1 DIP14 MC3302 pin configuration transistor 2N2222 PDF