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    EPM5032 MAX Search Results

    EPM5032 MAX Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    Z9169-A Coilcraft Inc RF Transformer, 3MHz Min, 1000MHz Max Visit Coilcraft Inc
    TTWB2010SB Coilcraft Inc RF Transformer, 0.0035MHz Min, 125MHz Max Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    TTWB2010SD Coilcraft Inc RF Transformer, 0.0035MHz Min, 125MHz Max Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    TTWB2010-1SD Coilcraft Inc RF Transformer, 0.03MHz Min, 250MHz Max Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    WBC8-1SC Coilcraft Inc RF Transformer, 0.15MHz Min, 600MHz Max Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

    EPM5032 MAX Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: EPM5192 EPM5064 EPM5032 EPM5032-15 EPM5064-1 EPM5128 ALTERA MAX 5000 EPM5064-2 ALTERA MAX 5000 programming
    Text: MAX 5000 Programmable Logic Device Family June 1996, ver. 3 Features. Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Advanced Multiple Array MatriX MAX 5000 architecture combining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices with the density of programmable gate arrays

    28-pin 100-pin 15-ns EPM5192 84-Pin EPM5130 EPM5192 EPM5064 EPM5032 EPM5032-15 EPM5064-1 EPM5128 ALTERA MAX 5000 EPM5064-2 ALTERA MAX 5000 programming PDF


    Abstract: EPM5128GC EPM5128JC EPM5032DC EPM5128GC-1 epm5130qc EPM5130QC-2 EPM5032DC-20 EPM5032DC-15 EPM5130LC
    Text: MAX 5000 Programmable Logic Device Family May 1999, ver. 5 Features. Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Advanced Multiple Array MatriX MAX® 5000 architecture combining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices with the density of programmable gate arrays

    28-pin 100-pin 15-ns EPM5032PC-17 EPM5032SC-15 EPM5032SC-17 EPM5032SC-20 EPM5032SC-25 EPM5032SC-15, EPM5128GM EPM5128GC EPM5128JC EPM5032DC EPM5128GC-1 epm5130qc EPM5130QC-2 EPM5032DC-20 EPM5032DC-15 EPM5130LC PDF


    Abstract: EPM5130 EPM5064 ALTERA MAX 5000 EPM5032 max EPM5192 micron EPM5032 EPM5128
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY MAX 5000 TRANSITION SCHEDULE UPDATE In PCN 9407, Altera announced the transition of its MAX 5000 family from a 0.8-micron process to a 0.65-micron process and provided reliability data at that time. This change improves AlteraÕs ability to support the MAX 5000 family on a long-term basis. No changes

    65-micron EPM5128 EPM5192, EPM5192 EPM5032, EPM5064, adv9606 EPM5130 EPM5064 ALTERA MAX 5000 EPM5032 max micron EPM5032 PDF


    Abstract: max 5000
    Text: MAX 5000 Programmable Logic Device Family May 1999, ver. 5 Features. Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Advanced Multiple Array MatriX MAX® 5000 architecture combining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices with the density of programmable gate arrays

    28-pin 100-pin 15-ns 84-Pin EPM5192 EPM5130 max 5000 PDF


    Abstract: L9116 EPM5064 EPM5032 EPM5032-15 EPM5064-1 EPM5128 EPM5192 epm5130g EPM5032-2
    Text: MAX 5000 Programmable Logic Device Family June 1996, ver. 3 Features. Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Advanced Multiple Array MatriX MAX 5000 architecture combining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices with the density of programmable gate arrays

    28-pin 100-pin 15-ns EPM5192 84-Pin EPM5130 L9116 EPM5064 EPM5032 EPM5032-15 EPM5064-1 EPM5128 EPM5192 epm5130g EPM5032-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAX 5000 Programmable Logic Device Family January 1998, ver. 4 Features. Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Advanced Multiple Array MatriX MAX® 5000 architecture combining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices with the density of programmable gate arrays

    28-pin 100-pin 15-ns EPM5192 84-Pin PDF


    Abstract: 1PD2 EPM5032 max epm5032-15 EPM5032A Q421 MSI MS-5
    Text: EPM5032 EPLD Features B • ■ ■ ■ MAX 5000 ■ High-speed, singie-LAB MAX 5000 EPLD t PD as fast as 10 ns Counter frequencies up to 125 MHz Pipelined data rates up to 83 MHz 32 individually configurable macrocells 64 shareable expander product terms "expanders" allowing 68

    OCR Scan
    EPM5032 28-pin 32-bit 1PD2 EPM5032 max epm5032-15 EPM5032A Q421 MSI MS-5 PDF


    Abstract: epm5128jc MPM5128LC
    Text: MPLDs Mask-Programmed Logic Devices Data Sheet September 1991, ver. 1 □ □ □ Features □ □ □ □ □ □ General Description Masked versions of EPLD designs Reduced cost for large-volume applications Available for EP1810, EPM5032, EPM5064, EPM5128, EPM5130,

    OCR Scan
    EP1810, EPM5032, EPM5064, EPM5128, EPM5130, EPM5192, EPS464 EPM5128LC epm5128jc MPM5128LC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPM5032 EPLD □ Features □ □ □ □ General Description High-speed 28-pin DIP, J-lead, or SOIC single-LAB MAX 5000 EPLD Combinatorial speeds with tPD = 15 ns Counter frequencies up to 76 MHz Pipelined data rates up to 83 MHz 32 individually configurable macrocells

    OCR Scan
    EPM5032 28-pin 300-mil EPM5032-15, EPM5032-17, EPM5032-20, EPM5032-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPM5016 to EPM5032 MAX EPLDs with a Single LAB Data Sheet January 1990 Product Summary □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Single-LAB CMOS EPLDs offering a consistent design solution across a broad range of speed and density requirem ents 15-ns combinatorial delays

    OCR Scan
    EPM5016 EPM5032 15-ns 20-pin 28-pin 32-bit PDF

    program EPM5032

    Abstract: MSI MS-5
    Text: EPM5032 EPLD Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ High-speed, single-LAB MAX 5000 EPLD t PD as fast as 10 ns Counter frequencies up to 125 MHz Pipelined data rates up to 83 MHz 32 individually configurable macrocells 64 shareable expander product terms "expanders" allowing 68

    OCR Scan
    EPM5032 28-pin 32-bit program EPM5032 MSI MS-5 PDF


    Abstract: cmos logic 7400 series 7400 family TTL 7400-series EPM5016
    Text: The Complete Industry-Standard Programm able Logic Family MAX 5000 EPLDs 384 EPM5192 tpp = 25 ns - C/> 0> .c o 3 08 EPM5128 tpp —25 ns 256 CO Q. A EPM5130 tpp —25 ns O / ca> D EPM5064, tPD = 25 ns 128 ▲ EPM5032, tPD = 15 ns 64 ▲ EPM5016, tPD = 15 ns

    OCR Scan
    EPM5192 EPM5128 EPM5130 EPM5064, EPM5032, EPM5016, 20-pin 100-pin 500-gate 7400series cmos logic 7400 series 7400 family TTL 7400-series EPM5016 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPM5032 MPLD Features □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ General Description CM OS, M ask-Program m ed Logic D evice M PLD capable of implementing high-density custom logic functions High-volume replacement for EPM5032 EPLD designs Zero-power operation (typically 8 (iA standby)

    OCR Scan
    MPM5032 EPM5032 71-MHz 28-pin 32-bit MPM5032 PDF


    Abstract: J-Lead, EPM5128 APPLICATION NOTE ALTERA MAX 5000 MAX5000 macrocell Altera EPM5128 EPM5064-1
    Text: MAX 5000 M M M & Programmable Logic Device Family , J a n u a r y 1 9 9 8 . v e r. 4 F e a tu re s . D a ta S h e e t m • ■ ■ Table 1. MAX5000 Device Features EPM5032 EPM5064 EPM5128 EPM5130 EPM5192 Usable gates 600 1,250 2,500 2,500 3,750 Macrocells

    OCR Scan
    5000architecture 28-pin 100-pin 15-ns 84-Pin EPM5192 EPM5130 J-Lead, EPM5128 APPLICATION NOTE ALTERA MAX 5000 MAX5000 macrocell Altera EPM5128 EPM5064-1 PDF

    MSI MS-5

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPM 5032 EPLD Features H • ■ ■ ■ ■ High-speed, single-LAB MAX 5000 EPLD t PD as fast as 10 ns Counter frequencies up to 125 MHz Pipelined data rates up to 83 MHz 32 individually configurable macrocells 64 shareable expander product terms "expanders" allowing 68

    OCR Scan
    EPM5032 28-pin 32-bit 0H22D MSI MS-5 PDF


    Abstract: program EPM5032 ple3-12a PLS-MAX PLDS-MAX altera LP4 74HC
    Text: 32 MACROCELL h igh d e n s it y m ax e p ld P P M c r m u u u c FEATURES G EN E R A L D E SC R IP T IO N • Erasable, User-Configurable, High-Density replacement for TTL and 74HC logic. • Advanced 0.8 micron CMOS EPROM technology. • High speed tpd = 20ns and 83MHz clock

    OCR Scan
    PIVI5032 83MHz EPM5032 PLE3-12A program EPM5032 PLS-MAX PLDS-MAX altera LP4 74HC PDF


    Abstract: MSI MS-5 EPM5032-25 EPM5032 EPM5032-15 EPM5032 max 0H22D ns288
    Text: EPM 5032 EPLD Features 0005 XVIAI High-speed, single-LAB M AX 5000 EPLD t PD as fast as 10 ns Counter frequencies up to 125 MHz Pipelined data rates up to 83 MHz 32 individually configurable macrocells 64 shareable expander product terms "expanders" allowing 68

    OCR Scan
    EPM5032 28-pin 32-bit 0H22D EPM5032A MSI MS-5 EPM5032-25 EPM5032-15 EPM5032 max ns288 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAX 5000 Programmable Logic Device Family January 1998. ver. 4 Features. Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Advanced Multiple Array M atrix MAX® 5000 architecture combining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices with the density of programmable gate arrays

    OCR Scan
    28-pin 100-pin 15-ns EPM5130 PDF

    program EPM5032

    Abstract: ACCEL Technologies epm5032 Valid Logic Systems
    Text: 1 /Â \l u /A ^ September 1991, ver. 3 In tro d u c tio n *-1 “ V Ï\ Third-Party Development & Programming Support Data Sheet Altera re cognizes the im portance of third-party s u p p o rt tools and w orks closely with m any third-party vend ors to ensure high-quality s upp ort for

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: EPM5064 PQFP 176 J-Lead tnand 4536C EPM5032 max ALTERA MAX 5000 programming epm5032 max5000 EPM5128 APPLICATION NOTE
    Text: MAX 5000 Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet Features. • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Advanced Multiple Array MatriX MAX® 5000 architecture combining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices with the density of programmable gate arrays Complete family of high-performance, erasable CMOS EPROM

    OCR Scan
    28-pin 100-pin 15-ns EPM5192 84-Pin 84-Pin epm5130 EPM5064 PQFP 176 J-Lead tnand 4536C EPM5032 max ALTERA MAX 5000 programming epm5032 max5000 EPM5128 APPLICATION NOTE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAX 5000 Programmable Logic Device Family June 1996, ver. 3 F e a tu re s. Data Sheet * • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Advanced Multiple Array Matrix MAX 5000 architecture combining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices with the density of programmable gate arrays

    OCR Scan
    28-pin 100-pin 15-ns 84-Pin 000500b PDF


    Abstract: EPM5130 EPM5128 APPLICATION NOTE CERAMIC CHIP CARRIER LCC 68 socket EPM5130 adapter
    Text: MAX 5000 Programmable Logic Device Family May 1999, ver. 5 F e a tu r e s. Data Sheet * • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Advanced Multiple Array Matrix MAX 5000 architecture combining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices with the density of programmable gate arrays

    OCR Scan
    28-pin 100-pin 15-ns 84-Pin EPM5192 epm5064 EPM5130 EPM5128 APPLICATION NOTE CERAMIC CHIP CARRIER LCC 68 socket EPM5130 adapter PDF


    Abstract: program EPM5032
    Text: MAX 5000 M UM Programmable Logic Device Family May 1999. ver. Features. • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Advanced M ultiple A rray M atriX MAX® 5000 architecture com bining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices w ith the density of program m able gate arrays

    OCR Scan
    28-pin 100-pin 15-ns 84-Pin EPM5192 EPM5130 program EPM5032 PDF

    program EPM5032

    Abstract: EPLD 5032 VC 5032
    Text: EPM 5032 EPLD Features □ H ig h -sp eed , sin gle-L A B M A X 5000 E PL D t PD as fast as 15 ns C ou n ter frequ en cies up to 77 M H z P ip elined d ata rates up to 83 M H z 32 in d iv id u ally con fig u rab le m acrocells 64 sh areab le exp an d er p ro d u ct term s "e x p a n d e rs " allo w in g 68

    OCR Scan
    EPM5032 -883-C -883-com ALTED001 program EPM5032 EPLD 5032 VC 5032 PDF