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    ADV9606 Search Results

    ADV9606 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: EPM5130 EPM5064 ALTERA MAX 5000 EPM5032 max EPM5192 micron EPM5032 EPM5128
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY MAX 5000 TRANSITION SCHEDULE UPDATE In PCN 9407, Altera announced the transition of its MAX 5000 family from a 0.8-micron process to a 0.65-micron process and provided reliability data at that time. This change improves Alteraƕs ability to support the MAX 5000 family on a long-term basis. No changes

    65-micron EPM5128 EPM5192, EPM5192 EPM5032, EPM5064, adv9606 EPM5130 EPM5064 ALTERA MAX 5000 EPM5032 max micron EPM5032 PDF